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Sunday, 13 April 2014

Are you ok? Did you read Psalms 27.10 maybe once?

In a new movie plot, The Ten commandments are quite the code for civilization and the building blocks of community. You don't need them as much in the desert if you are a nomad walking all alone but you will need them once you have any association, wife, children or family.  There are some who are so profoundly determined to misunderstand Jehovah and His word that they cannot digest Psalms 27.10 or Romans 8.  They believe that their role as a parent in relation to children is to receive honor from their offspring and that offspring exist for their honor to be treated in any way that a parent sees fit.  Usually any parent who holds this attitude is someone who was abused quite horribly and he has decided to not only refuse to forgive his abuser, he has decided to emulate them. He may also talk about his abusive parents or uncles with disdain and may have also carried out acts of retribution. But, he has decided to pass on his anger and wants to ensure that he is hated by as many children as possible. He will take money from them. He will also make promises but will not keep them. He is a proverbial genetic failure and more than likely, he was a cuckold with no actual children since his wives were afraid of his controlling and abusive ways but appreciated the fact that he was self-rejecting and had no mind of his own. He was easily manipulable.  All he desired was appreciation for his pretty nose, his apparatus and his big feet. He is honored by his children for the oatmeal and the odd coca cola that he provided heftily but he is too ashamed of himself to enjoy being a father without trying to hold on to them abusively, damaging property and maintaining a shameful ignorance that is evidently an inherited emotional dyslexia from the fires of his evident ancestral bondage.

The Ten commandments command that you shall honor your mother and father. They also command that you should honor and love your neighbour. So, what does a parent do when his child becomes his neighbour?  Your neighbour is any other human being with whom you have any contact.  Ultimately, a parent's right to honor is not the parent's right to abuse a child.  There is no such right to abuse a child that is implied in the command to honor.  In fact, you would be dishonoring your own parents if you abuse your children since your parents intend to leave an inheritance for their children's children. In addition, every human being is a child of God according to Psalms 82. How can a parent not understand that he has no right to take advantage of or abuse his children according to the ten commandments? If God is caring for the children pursuant to Matthew 5 and 6, why is any parent abusing his own children and claiming the right to do so under the command that says parents have a right to honor?  If you honor your children as God's creation, are you not honoring herself?  The right to honor is not unconditional.  Read Psalms 27.10.  Call the CAS. They will tell you and if you commit any acts of criminal damage on your adult children's property, the Army and the local police ( peace keepers) will tell you that you are bad bad, dirty old man. You have no right to abuse your children and in spite of your emotionally impoverished upbringing that you wish to communicate as if you have a branding iron for a brain, your children will, by the power of the Holy Spirit, pray to honor your shameful twice-divorced self. You have no children you massively big and  gay man.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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