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Monday, 7 April 2014

A sexually abused southern bombing victim, Amtrak employee and golf club owner lived in a horrible fear and lack of trust all of her life. This occasioned a fear of men and a latent homosexuality. She did not understand the purpose of male-female interpersonal relationships and would shadow the lives of young intellectually inclined athletes from the age of 17 in her growing country. She would search for them in newspaper articles housed in national microfiche databases.  She said her greatest mistake in life was to have had relations with an old uncle divorcing his wife who begged for some attention. Her daughter grew up and she was afraid she would have a better life without having suffered the same mistake so she encouraged her to say "yes" if the old uncle ever asked. She lived in a painful curiosity, always wondering if any other older relative would ask. They did not but she would certainly have casual encounters with the younger ones. She did not see herself. She developed her own casual way of asking the younger ones out of a feigned need for  sympathy.  She was also quite angry about getting a C in Colorado in her day but it was a big achievement. She was quite angry about it though. The C reflected her fear of failure( she wrote very little in that there would be less with which to judge her and she was very defensive while she only hoped to be understood and never abandoned while she was an OCD perfectionist and very judgmental. It was just to see through it, to know and to stay. Who would figure that out?; after all!) and too much time mastering the art of Cosmopolitan. She seemed to have forgotten the other hymns on graduation day.  It happens when you fail to realize that the more you know, the more you should realize what you actually do not know. Her Russian sounded like Chinese and, in fact, it was. But, no one really asked for her input except in English.

The truth is that they have not designed hug machines yet that will be as personable as a shoe shine stand operator or hair dresser but they are working on it. The truth is that you can date and enjoy some man's affection and simply refuse to sign on the pregnant line until you are really sure that a child is what you want. If he leaves, then just agree with your self and your extended family about the child. After three years of dating, he will be around to help no matter what or else his friends and his church will ostracize him unless you cheated with your cousin again(it's everybody else's fault; not yours since no one knows how hard it is). Make sure you tell him so he can wrestle with God and hear the angel's instructions. Mary was sure to tell Joseph. This made Joseph a father and the Lord was able to watch Joseph's soul and intervene after he had decided to respect himself and leave a situation where he knew he had honoured her and it had to be another father. Mary had honoured herself. Jesus was the Lord's child and Joseph was the earthly father and servant to provide shelter, bread, fish, carpenter tools and sandals.    The Southern bombing victim had to pick up her cross though, trust the Lord with all her heart and deny herself, leaving the result to the Lord. You are called, chosen and predestined to be conformed unto the image of His son and the bombing was like a death and resurrection if one trusts the second chance to the Lord. Read Proverbs 3:5-6.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.

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