The temptation of Christ can be summed up in the Psalms 23. Ultimately, the temptations were a test of readiness for public work. The ultimate question in all three temptations involved the level of faith and who is your master? You had to at least know by the end of Judeo-Christian and Muslim (based on the Koran and Torah-"followers of the people of the book") school or the W.A.S.P( wise, anglo, specially, prospered person regardless of nationality) free( no fee) high school in Missouri or somewhere who is, in fact, speaking and that he( the entity) is not authorized to tell you anything that you should follow. The Lord will never tell you to kill, steal and destroy unless the target( the actual enemy) has declared war on the ten commandments of communal living( the ten commandments as written in Exodus). By answering all three questions correctly, the Lord confirmed that he was living on the one and only true( or final) frontier of faith; that is peace in service of Jehovah. The other point to recognize is that Ramses I and Herod are probably related ( related to Cain and maybe Ishmael ( abandonment issues and anger but Read Isaiah 61; ok?) )since they did not like people who seemed to want simple peace with their creator. They took great pains to kill any such person off; killing first born children-(
Exodus 13:2)
"Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether human or animal." See also Numbers 18:15 : The first offspring of every womb, both human and animal, that is offered to the LORD is yours. But you must redeem every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals.
There is a whole entire organisation based on exacerbating and vitiating this apparently that is called Masonry. But, I can't really tell since I can read Psalms 23 and Psalms 82. But, according to ex members, it happens to be quite so. I don't know why or the reason really. There is more than enough to go around and the Lord was happy to have Cain try again. Come now man?
Read about Jabez and Joseph. Joseph at least is not the first born. Read Isaiah 61. Also, notice that David( the King) who wrote all the Psalms was the last child in the Lot. Don't forget that there were a bunch of Arab Herodians( hired by Herod) in the Sanhedrin and among the scribes and pharisees. There is nothing wrong with the address of their birth but they were sort of like Republican friendly Judges on the Supreme Court at the critical moment in Florida; sort of.
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