1943, a
of ministers in the United States noticed a new ministerial
need among the congregants and their children; fatherlessness and
single parent homes. They designed a camp system to help
address the need. Some young people around 16 years old did not know
how to appreciate a member of the opposite gender. They wanted a
Superman for a husband but he was just a cartoon character. So, some
wives of
pastors suggested
that the pastor or pastors should try to instill their own mind or
ancestry into the hearts of these young people. The wives
suggested copulating with such young girls. They really gravitated
toward the steely character of these pastors anyway who had to have a
lot of discipline as husbands of one wife. Many of these young women
though were already victims of some kind as they did not have the
covering of a father. It might have been some grandparent or milk man
who thought he was helping some how. So, to suggest that a pastor
should copulate with such young women was a mistake since it only
wounded what was the evident and pre-existing wound. These
girls looked wild and promiscuous and would wear fur in the summer
time and big dark glasses quite a lot. Who knows? But, the only right
answer in that war time was to find them a good husband either
returning from war or working in a munitions factory and simply warn
the husband to watch Jackie Gleason every night since she is likely
to expect him to be a superman or a Jackie Gleason but never resort
to violence although she might think of it as affection strangely as
she challenges your manhood. It's just that she does not know how to
be a woman so a man must be the perfect specimen of God's creation
while she indirectly expresses her anger about her missing father.
But, the whole entire society should not die simply because her
father died in the war while she needs so much attention in her
waistband. The only right answer after her experiences and before she
really meets a husband who is willing to enjoy her pretty face, her
venomous anger and her tricky and deceitful "orphan-like"
survival tactics is John 4. She already had a husband. She is the daughter of the Artful dodger until you
can convince her she is a joint heir of Christ.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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