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Wednesday, 16 April 2014

The free and bravely approved with it...

When you shop by catalog in a duty free shop, on a flight or online, you do not require much translation in the simple process of buying what you can see in a photo.  In the very old days, learning more than one language was a matter of personal survival when one journeyed and traveled in the humble service of his family and also his community quite possibly.  It may have been a matter of default or of natural course that a school, whether specially funded or impoverished and regular, should teach more than one language as part of its standard requirement for graduation. The hope was that the student, as he continued to prosper, would be able to explain his pains and ailments to a foreign nurse or doctor or ask for a glass of agua or cerveza. You can teach anything you want eight hours a day and the attendees are likely to pick up something more than a common cold from a drinking fountain these days. It's a matter of simple arithmetic. The question is assessment although it must be taught. All the labels are bilingual but most people can't successfully translate the polite bilingual writing on a loaf of Target(TM) bread. You can learn how to say "...the boy ran" and also write it quite fluently in three languages by first year college. You could probably learn how to read and translate a paragraph from a highly revered international newspaper in two languages by third year college.  It should help to add an additional unlimited ether to free trade and to social interaction in society with a smart-phone "feel" in everyone's emotions so as to reduce any potential for a nuclear nonsense since the last language in the entire universe as spoken by all sentient beings is logic. The smart phone works regardless of its colour (Black, White, Amerindian rouge) so long as it follows the program. Follow the mandatory syllabus( the program) as provided and you'll be bilingual in French and English  by third year college in some countries with some Spanish understanding by first year college. In some other countries, you will be bilingual in Spanish and English by third year college with some francais so you can understand your favorite French football star. There are soo many French and Spanish stars these days who play in the Premier League and the language they speak professionally on the green pitch is rather quite logical actually. It is rather quite logical in that you should always pass to the open man closest to the net regardless of his old age of 24 since he is likely to score 80% of the time. So, here is to good shopping and smart feelings on a free but really helpful education by third year college because your mother needs to resent your humility in school while she is complimented for your attainment. She thought it was all about her but your father will remind you that it was all about you and you can still apply for that job or scholarship. Do not forget that you are entitled to a break after every 55 minutes of study and its best that you listen to the classical album your father purchased for such purposes. He might have bought "Riheena?" and she is also hoping that you graduate fluently so that you can buy your own cds with your own fluent and logical cash.  It's your education and its free for now so you might as well get all the free education while you can and don't forget that church on Sunday only takes one hour unless you are the worship leader and you'll feel even better with your bilingual skills on graduation day. Study to show your self as approved evidently and don't forget its entirely and totally free. Sing those unities formerly known as rifts.

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