Gravity(the movie)
was quite well researched and disclosed several hazards that are not
incumbent upon space flight but that are presently inherent to space
flight. The questions about such hazards will provide
solutions. Maybe a giant electromagnet in the New Mexico desert might help to collect space debris. Until meaningful and evident solutions or answers are
provided, we are left with a greater appreciation for earth as man's
only habitat. While it is obvious that you cannot surf anywhere else
except but on earth, the movie discloses the obvious need for a
greater appreciation for earth, man's ingenuity to preserve it in its
most pristine beauty and man's need to employ every available
technology to achieve such goals. At the present time, there may be
too much space debris traveling at 12000 miles an hour that will
smash through the hull of the world's best space craft even if there
was a Noah's ark(space craft) available to pacify, medicate and
neuter our guilt for the treatment of the earth(father earth).
The truth is that the assets on the LED computer screens are as
secure as the grid or the bank holding them in a civil society with
hot and cold running water. The anger that would bring about the end
to such a global civil society is one that will have no six flags
theme park to enjoy in the aftermath. The civil society will not be, in the end, secure and nor will it be so civil. The water may not be hot and cold. It might just be uh luke warm. Also, you may not have any LED
screens with which to comfort yourself and no cash registers or
cards to effect the purchase of more Skol(tm) tobacco. Your gut
is full in your anger but you won't be soo well satiated if your
anger gets the better of you. Your greatest enemy is within. Try the
low salt and mayo burgers at Carl Juniors. Just enjoy something
since you only have 100 years approximately to live and why should
everybody have to endure your misery in the success of your
ignorance. Try Carl Junior's. Just buy more burgers when your team
looses next time and forget any big conflicts.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Wilberforce? Where art thou?
A young man just out of the military decided to apply for a Supermarket manager's job and was quite the attendee of the popular camp meetings as promoted by the Southern Evangelists. He would pray and read his bible. His new boss liked his demeanor and went to get some grain from the older solider(grain salesman) with the European charm. The supermarket boss returned to his wife that night, kissed her after dinner that evening and then woke up with a divorce application. The boss' wife contracted something that made her stranger( what does not kill will make you stranger; maybe?) than she had ever been and was confident that her husband had cheated; just for a discount although he had hoped to buy his wife a new fur coat. The boss returned to the supermarket somewhat disgruntled and found the young man a bother now. He was just a bit too happy and it was only his bible study and one wife to whom he was faithful that might have caused this self-contentedness that might have been evident to someone like his boss who seemed to have a new problem with it. The young man could only wonder if it was his Irish Spring cologne that he bought on a 2 for 1 deal from the same supermarket at which he was employed. That was the only noted change in the young man's decorum since his first day.
The boss decided to ask if the young man thought he was some how superior or something about the way he was acting or feeling. Being unsure of what to say or what the boss meant since he only hummed "How Great Thou Art” most of the day, the young man said that he believes in Wood Chucks and funds and Hedge hogs and funds as equal entities; nothing more. He did not think he was better than anyone. There was no need to stand on the coffee grounds; that is stand your ground. The boss was not satisfied and said that he( the young man) should go and see his grain supplier and tell the supplier the boss says “...he needs some class”. Unsure of what his boss meant, he followed the instructions and told the grain supplier that the boss needs some class. The grain supplier said “... I think I know what you mean. You mean European charm. Go through there; the swinging doors.” The young man nodded with gullibility. When the young man met the grain supplier's wife, she asked him to turn around for a second while she fixed her bra. He did not peak like the others and was quite respectful. Also, she saw the red new testament sticking out of the back of his dungarees. She shook his hand and said “...Have a nice day. Take 2 for 1.” The boss, upon his return, was impressed with the result and said “...just don't boast.” The young man had no idea what he was talking about and returned home to his one wife to whom he was faithful. They enjoyed a bible study and looked at the cans they had tied previously to the back of their Volkswagen on wedding day. Cans; get it?
The boss' ex wife decided to write a book called the Huntress about a family that not only prays together but stays together with mutual long suffering. Her disease never left but she made sure that any man who would stay with her for a night as she contemplated her anger and sorrow would be equal to her and not feel superior in any gambit of her personal feelings or her sense of self estimation, comparison or self-censure. She looked at her bits quite a lot in the long mirror by herself as well. She was also the first person to design a mouth condom for women like her who became quite popular and also well known in the town. Her husbands never left and one or two were targeted by her personally as she hunted them, following them everywhere and borrowed the house keys from their hired domestics who allowed her to spit in the whiskey, sauces and milk as owned by the man of the house his dear victimized family as kept the usual store goods in the kitchen cupboard. She was an infamous and well known lady in the town. The book, as written, was found recently in an Atlanta Library and entitled Malachi 2 As Understood with Proverbs 2,5,6,7,9, and 11.
By Warren A. Lyon.
Monday, 28 April 2014
Bread for .99 pence/euros and fair, equanimous civil administration of the Chiropractic profession and all professions. This is the abundant life in civil society.
-April 21st, 2014-
If you could buy a fridge and stove at $100.00 off shipped to your home through an airline/Target deal while being decompressed after your two hour yF-12 SUPERSONIC( THE "ON THE EDGE" OF SPACE FLIGHTS WILL COST AN ADDITIONAL $1000.00)Tokyo to New York flight, wouldn't you buy it through the airline? I would. The expenditure saved on reduced flight cost( reduced man hours per flight) and time opens up new marketing opportunities for the airline that has all of your time and attention. Amazing! How did they think of that? It's amazing as to what you can do 69 years after Kitty Hawk( Wright brothers-they were two mixed race Jamaicans allegedly who were told to work twice as hard on the standard syllabus to survive Scotch-Irish/Salem racism and they got twice the result. Their brains were kept alive with arterial heart wells and now they are housed in forerunners of the Assimo android). Faith is the substance of things unseen and the evidence of things hoped for and now that you can fly and buy 144 cookies anywhere for $5.99, you see more, pay less and maybe hope less, so have a greater vision as all of your ancestors' faith has given you soo much abundance( the abundant life) and you are not sure if God exists because you are not praying for rain as you pursue happiness( now just pleasure as seen on the Beach( movie) so save the beach) and have a greater vision so that you can hope again and see something unseen and achieve the evidence of something hoped for lest you resort to beating your neighbour out of shear emotional listlessness with a Gazelle's Jaw bone while you exercise your faith for nothing more than the hope that your team will have a spot in the play offs.
If you could buy a fridge and stove at $100.00 off shipped to your home through an airline/Target deal while being decompressed after your two hour yF-12 SUPERSONIC( THE "ON THE EDGE" OF SPACE FLIGHTS WILL COST AN ADDITIONAL $1000.00)Tokyo to New York flight, wouldn't you buy it through the airline? I would. The expenditure saved on reduced flight cost( reduced man hours per flight) and time opens up new marketing opportunities for the airline that has all of your time and attention. Amazing! How did they think of that? It's amazing as to what you can do 69 years after Kitty Hawk( Wright brothers-they were two mixed race Jamaicans allegedly who were told to work twice as hard on the standard syllabus to survive Scotch-Irish/Salem racism and they got twice the result. Their brains were kept alive with arterial heart wells and now they are housed in forerunners of the Assimo android). Faith is the substance of things unseen and the evidence of things hoped for and now that you can fly and buy 144 cookies anywhere for $5.99, you see more, pay less and maybe hope less, so have a greater vision as all of your ancestors' faith has given you soo much abundance( the abundant life) and you are not sure if God exists because you are not praying for rain as you pursue happiness( now just pleasure as seen on the Beach( movie) so save the beach) and have a greater vision so that you can hope again and see something unseen and achieve the evidence of something hoped for lest you resort to beating your neighbour out of shear emotional listlessness with a Gazelle's Jaw bone while you exercise your faith for nothing more than the hope that your team will have a spot in the play offs.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
At Gattaca College, the answer is always the same in the end. Your personal feelings should never be more important than the communal and balanced legislation that respects human equality. That requires a D-day to solve in the end. You need a community so love your neighbour as you love yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you! That's it! You graduated. Otherwise, you will be reading the Book of Eli.
Hinduism: This is the sun of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you" (Mahabharata 5:1517)
Judaism: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire law; all the rest is commentary" (Hillel, in the Talmud for the Sabbath 31a)
Zoroastrianism: " that nature alone is good which refrains from dong another whatsoever is not good for itself" (Dadisten-I-Dinik 94:5)
Buddhism: " Since others too care for their own selves, those who care for themselves should no hurt others" (Udanavarga 5:20)
Jainism: " A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated"(Sutrakritanga 1.11:33)
Daoism: Regard your neighbour's gain as your gain, and your neighbour's loss as your own loss" ( Tai-shang Kan-ying P'ien)
Confucianism: "Do not do to others what you would not like your-self. Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state" (Analects 12:2)
Christianity: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets"
Matt 7:12)
Islam: No one of you is a believer until he desires for this brother that which he desires for himself'( Hadith of al-nawawi 13)
The key consideration underlying the ethics of restraint in all of the world's religions is the avoidance of doing harm to others. In that sense, at this basic level, the fundamental value that underpins the moral precepts in the faith traditions is really compassion in that there is a conscious regard for others. If one looks at the various list of sins-by which I mean actions that one ought not to do, such as killing stealing, adultery lying and so forth-they all involve varying degrees and kinds of harm against others. Clearly, the ways in which these precepts are grounded or justified in the faith traditions will differ.
-Dalai Lama: Toward a True kinship of faiths....
For a full summary, read 1st Corinthians 1:18-31.
For a full summary, read 1st Corinthians 1:18-31.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Special Movie Of The Week: Storm Riders~ Before there was an Empire or a Leviathan( a civil society based on a social contract), you had clans to which someone like Machiavelli could appeal. Machiavelli lamented the loss of order under an empire such as Rome. But today, Machiavelli would have celebrated being able to call 911 or file his claim.
A house wife (to be) came home precisely at 5.00 pm to meet her boyfriend at church. She had a babysitter who watched the kids and who was quite judgmental at times of her Baptist/Calvinist ways. The babysitter was a Seventh Day Adventist and both could certainly agree that Jesus was born, he lived, he died and rose again for something very and critically important. But, the babysitter's judgements were becoming bothersome. She would spit on the housewife's(to be) microvave plate( the one that rotates) just before she would leave in the afternoon and would go home hoping feel or perceive if the housewife( to be) would wipe the plate before using the microwave. It is a very good question and someone could ask the Seventh Day Adventist if the wipe every pop can with a tissue before drinking. Ultimately, the Seventh Day Adventist received an epiphany while watching a program entitled Amazing Truths and Facts as the episode was based on Matthew 7. She apologized for the behavior and asked to be friends. The Baptist said "...that's okay because I judged you too by recording all of your telephone calls to find out how many times you cheated on your husband per week for grocery cash. The recording device was a small diode underneath a sticker that was entitled " Book of Acts"; get it? They both laughed, hugged and decided that they would sing a Unity( formerly known as rifts) together based on Total Praise( The Hillsongs version) and they took a "Selfie."
Fracking and a failure to apply zero emissions technology are both described as socio-economic epithets. The word "environmental" was not mentioned. However, Medicaid or the newly branded America-care is quite the opposite. You can sell the upgraded hospital rooms for $99.99 per month.You never know what the market will bear but at least the poor granny is less likely to get a cold and to give you one on the subway and more likely to stay alive to keep the Quaker Oats and Pfizer (diabetes) stocks high. She might even buy a Tablet computer from Grundig.
Friday, 25 April 2014
A new phenomena on University campuses in addition to the Shake...
A new phenomena on University campuses, in addition to the Harlem Shake, is fracking the common area fridge. That is why the rappers and sincere Christian female soccer players only put cases of pop, bottled juice, self serve water and mountain dew in the fridges while eating only frozen supermarket foods since someone thought they had "really good" answers during tutorial. The person who thought they had "really good" answers owned the rules to Monopoly(board game) in his imagination and expected the entire world to follow as if the World Was Not Enough (The World Is Not Enough). But, they were humble and assimilated enough as soccer(gentil no contact sport) players to prepare for tutorial; the rappers also followed suit in due course. They were able to speak and write in three languages by grade 9 anyway with the new nationally applied ISO year 2010 syllabus. The person who did the fracking of the fridges was eventually arrested by University Police after being caught on the hallway cameras. It's the Edge of Darkness(movie) in the hallowed and enlightened halls of higher learning. But, the peace keepers are there and you didn't kiss the snake through the hole in the wall at your friend's "welcome" party. At any rate, you need to accept yourself and not worry about the opinions of others. Forget the snake in the wall. Your identity is shaped entirely by what you learn as you read and learn. So, by the time you are 61, you should know who you are if you didn't understand this at 13. Have you read Hebrews 13?
Let everyone be convinced in his own mind. But, if you feel lousy after
that big party for all that you can't remember, then don't blame your
friend who left at 1 am and who drank only water politely. Also, don't
take your anger out on him because he just wanted to be able to go to
church on Sunday and meet his one girlfriend there as agreed. He bought a
Timex because he knows you were going to break into his house and
scratch any Casio that he might have purchased and that you saw in a
magazine and were jealous that there was only one left on Amazon; get
it? Please address your own feelings but he feels okay as a Joint Heir
in Christ with the "no name" khakis. Now, leave him and his little
ideas alone to make a brand of oatmeal called "From the Wheat" brand oats if you like. Oats are just seed and as you eat it, you grow. He is only open on ebay. Now, go watch the Spike Lee movie
called Do Your Own Damn Thing. Read your bible, pray everyday and you will grow doing that as well quite evidently. You are what you eat, watch, listen to and digest psychologically and emotionally; ok?
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
The Gemara[4] rules that if someone is offered the ultimatum to violate one of the prohibitions in the Torah or be killed, that person has the duty to violate that law and save his life. This rule applies to all the prohibitions in the Torah with three exceptions. The three exceptions are:
- The prohibitions of idol worship,
- Illicit sexual relations and
- Murder.
DId you know that Peter and the Apostles were Messianic Jews? Read Acts 10:34. They did not relinquish their faith in Judaism. The question was whether they would share their faith and to whom. Also, read Romans 9,10,11 and 12. See also Acts 15: 6-21.The term Christian used to refer to people who follow the Abrahamic faith. To say that you are as Messianic Jew is not a rejection of Christ but acceptance of Him as the Messiah. Evidently, Christ rose from the grave as a Jew. Peter spoke as a Jew to Cornelius and not as a gentile. Cornelius was evidently a gentile Jewish convert who paid alms to the Jews.The ten commandments were written at a time when people had tents. They did not have locks on doors at the foot of Sinai and beyond. You can't have a lock on a tent. Just leave your fellow Hebrew neighbour's tent alone. He might be a little pale or tanned but he is still your neighbour. Read the commands because its a good deal if everyone agrees while they live in close proximity.The tacit agreement between everyone may break down now and again so read Hobbes and if all else fails, read Machiavelli's( Machiavellian) lament at the breakdown of a centralized power and its order, his final navigation solution in its absence that is useful during The Book of Eli(movie) type of fallout. But, you are paying taxes. Go to the hydrogen fuel pump and fill up your hybrid.
Pre-19th century
Efforts by Jewish Christians to proselytize Jews began in the first century, when Paul the Apostle preached at the synagogues in each city he visited.[35] However, early accounts of missions to the Jews, such as Epiphanius of Salamis' record of the conversion of Count Joseph of Tiberias, and Sozomen's accounts of other Jewish conversions, do not mention converted Jews playing any leading role in proselytization.[36] Notable converts from Judaism who themselves attempted to convert other Jews are more visible in historical sources beginning around the 13th century, when Jewish convert Pablo Christiani attempted to convert other Jews. This activity, however, typically lacked any independent Jewish-Christian congregations, and was often imposed through force by organized Christian churches.[37]
In the 15th and 16th century, Jewish Christians occupying professorships at the European universities began to provide translations of Hebrew texts. Scholars such as Paul Nuñez Coronel, Alfonso de Zamora, Alfonso de Alcalá,Domenico Gerosolimitano and Giovanni Battista Jona were actively engaged in spreading Jewish scholarship.[38]
19th and early 20th centuries
Main article: Hebrew Christian Movement
In the 19th century, some groups attempted to create congregations and societies of Jewish converts to Christianity, though most of these early organizations were short-lived.[39] Early formal organizations run by converted Jews include: the Anglican London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews of Joseph Frey (1809),[40] which published the first Yiddish New Testament in 1821;[41] the "Beni Abraham" association, established by Frey in 1813 with a group of 41 Jewish Christians who started meeting at Jews' Chapel, London for prayers Friday night and Sunday morning;[42] and the London Hebrew Christian Alliance of Great Britain founded by Dr. Carl Schwartz in 1866.[43]
The September 1813 meeting of Frey's "Beni Abraham" congregation at the rented "Jews' Chapel" in Spitalfields is sometimes pointed to as the birth of the semi-autonomous Hebrew Christian movement within Anglican and other established churches in Britain,[44] though the non-Anglican minister of the chapel at Spitalfields evicted Frey and his congregation only three years later, and Frey severed his connections with the Society.[45] A new location was found and the Episcopal Jew's Chapel Abrahamic Society registered in 1835.[46]
In Eastern Europe, Joseph Rabinowitz established a Hebrew Christian mission and congregation called "Israelites of the New Covenant" in Kishinev, Ukraine in 1884.[47][48][49][50][51][52] Rabinowitz was supported from overseas by the Christian Hebraist Franz Delitzsch, translator of the first modern Hebrew translation of the New Testament.[53] In 1865, Rabinowitz created a sample order of worship for Sabbath morning service based on a mixture of Jewish and Christian elements. Mark John Levy pressed the Church of England to allow members to embrace Jewish customs.[49]
In the United States, a congregation of Jewish converts to Christianity was established in New York City in 1885.[54] In the 1890s, immigrant Jewish converts to Christianity worshiped at the Methodist "Hope of Israel" mission on New York’s Lower East Side while retaining some Jewish rites and customs.[55] In 1895, the 9th edition of Hope of Israel's Our Hope magazine carried the subtitle “A Monthly Devoted to the Study of Prophecy and to Messianic Judaism”, the first use of the term "Messianic Judaism".[56][57] Hope of Israel was controversial; other missionary groups accused its members of being Judaizers, and one of the two editors of Our Hope magazine, Arno C. Gaebelein, eventually repudiated his views and, as a result, was able to become a leader in the mainstream Christian evangelical movement.[56] In 1894, Christian missionary[58] and Baptist minister[59] Leopold Cohn, a convert from Judaism, founded the Brownsville Mission to the Jews in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York as a Christian mission to Jews. After several changes in name, structure and focus, the organization is now called Chosen People Ministries[58] and has operations and staff in the US and 11 other nations.[60]
Missions to the Jews saw a period of growth between the 1920s and the 1960s.[3][61] In the 1940s and 50s, missionaries in Israel, including the Southern Baptists, adopted the term meshichyim (משיחיים "Messianics") to counter negative connotations of the word notsrim (נוצרים "Christians", from "Nazarenes"); the term was used to designate all Jews who had converted to Protestant evangelical Christianity.[11], 22 April 2014
There is so much attention on the Adam's family but they were used as a cable network to get the word out..Everybody was so interested. You don't have to be a preacher if you see the answer to Mark 4 is just the desire to serve. The Lord needs a few Christian piano teachers and candlestick makers.
is an Ethiopian and Greek member of the Egyptian Coptic Church who
was once asked why David's or Abraham's family was used for soo much
attention. Well, not every member of the family kept his duty in
faith. As such, God has no grand children. Some of David's children
were just really upsetting. See the story of Amnon and Tamar. This
is also true of some of Abraham's children as seen in the case of
Joseph's siblings. But, The Lord used the family like a Cable Network of sorts so the word could get out and the story of both the good and
the bad consequences of keeping faith with Jehovah, your family and
your neighbors could be told. That's it in a total nutshell really.
But, you don't have to worry about attention and authority reserved
for Christ. You don't argue with the authority of your mother's
umbilical chord to feed you or give you comfort in the womb. He said
" I am the vine and you are the branches.." He said
He would also send you a comforter. So, play a good video game and
call your girlfriend too much and now she accused you of making her
anxious about wanting to see her; silly boy. She is a "girls
gone wild" graduate. If you give her the attention she craves,
you are simply used as an emotional platform that should have been a
bible verse or a good and solid grade in English. She is dating the
Cruise Line Officer Applicants who drive a 20 year old Oldsmobile who want to
serve and also protect like Jesus; well at least they should. You
are connected as a branch or Joint Heir and have a role to play so be
happy Joint Heirs in Christ and know that as one waters the seed of
the word, the other joint heir water's it but God causes the growth.
You can feed yourself now anyway. Christ's place is a special
place and role and you can want it or desire it but you have your
role as a joint heir. Just join in and water and plant. let God do
his work. Ok? You are still very very important and He needs
you to get close to people to inspire them with your genuine desire
to teach mathematics and replenish the earth with more regenerative
technology from MIT's burdened bargain basement of nifty gadgets that
are dying to see the light of the moon.
When the various rules were written that constructed our current society that enables the existence of cable networks and free high schools in every commonwealth country and Western -Judeo Christian society, they were written by white people in Europe mostly but Rousseau was there as a person of colour as well as Dumas and Pushkin was all the way in Russia; so cool! What does this mean? They were some of the notables but there were other people of colour( you don't see this in the movies that much though) who lived quite normal and quiet lives who celebrated their writing as piano teachers and in other unique roles possibly as members of the Baptist union or as employees of great establishments. The law would have applied to them equally since human chattel was not a phenomenon in Europe as seen in the more ignorant U.S. colonial south populated by Louis the 16th's ex-cons and a few sincere quarter-white creoles from the Caribbean. I enjoyed a lot of education. The fiction of the past as seen in movies is not helpful though. But, I am applying the readings humbly just in case the answers are pleasing to the quarter white and fully white teacher but bothersome to the person sitting beside me who had to be taught quite resentfully the need for political correctness. Equations have to balance and there is no need for anyone to get upset; innit?
-Author Unknown-
-Author Unknown-
It is quite likely that Judas had children and if he could not stay loyal to Christ who was the living word, what are the odds that Judas kept the written word? You might have met a "Judas" today and you will know due to the emotional residue. So, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
A Roulette Conversation Club may help those who are connected but not together or you can join a church choir or...who knows? You never really know what type of phone you are getting these days. It's just the same with people. Try the person or phone out for maybe six months. There is a new one coming out within that time.
Sherry Turkle > Quotes
Sherry Turkle quotes (showing 1-30 of 51)
“Human relationships are rich and they're messy and they're demanding. And we clean them up with technology. Texting, email, posting, all of these things let us present the self as we want to be. We get to edit, and that means we get to delete, and that means we get to retouch, the face, the voice, the flesh, the body -- not too little, not too much, just right.”
― Sherry Turkle
― Sherry Turkle
tags: digital-age, relationships, sociology, technology
“we seem determined to give human qualities to objects and content to treat each other as things.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
“We expect more from technology and less from each other.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
tags: loneliness, modern-society, society, technology
“...we are changed as technology offers us substitutes for connecting with each other face-to-face. We are offered robots and a whole world of machine-mediated relationships on networked devices. As we instant-message, e-mail, text, and Twitter, technology redraws the boundaries between intimacy and solitude. We talk of getting “rid” of our e-mails, as though these notes are so much excess baggage. Teenagers avoid making telephone calls, fearful that they “reveal too much.” They would rather text than talk. Adults, too, choose keyboards over the human voice. It is more efficient, they say. Things that happen in “real time” take too much time. Tethered to technology, we are shaken when that world “unplugged” does not signify, does not satisfy. After an evening of avatar-to avatar talk in a networked game, we feel, at one moment, in possession of a full social life and, in the next, curiously isolated, in tenuous complicity with strangers. We build a following on Facebook or MySpace and wonder to what degree our followers are friends. We recreate ourselves as online personae and give ourselves new bodies, homes, jobs, and romances. Yet, suddenly, in the half-light of virtual community, we may feel utterly alone. As we distribute ourselves, we may abandon ourselves. Sometimes people experience no sense of having communicated after hours of connection. And they report feelings of closeness when they are paying little attention. In all of this, there is a nagging question: Does virtual intimacy degrade our experience of the other kind and, indeed, of all encounters, of any kind?”
― Sherry Turkle
― Sherry Turkle
“We... heal ourselves by giving others what we most need.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
“When Thoreau considered "where I live and what I live for," he tied together location and values. Where we live doesn't just change how we live; it informs who we become. Most recently, technology promises us lives on the screen. What values, Thoreau would ask, follow from this new location? Immersed in simulation, where do we live, and what do we live for?”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
tags: life, technology, values-in-life
“If behind popular fascination with Freudian theory there was a nervous, often guilty preoccupation with the self as sexual, behind increasing interest in computational interpretations of mind is an equally nervous preoccupation with the self as machine.”
― Sherry Turkle
― Sherry Turkle
The temptation of Christ can be summed up in the Psalms 23. Ultimately, the temptations were a test of readiness for public work. The ultimate question in all three temptations involved the level of faith and who is your master? You had to at least know by the end of Judeo-Christian and Muslim (based on the Koran and Torah-"followers of the people of the book") school or the W.A.S.P( wise, anglo, specially, prospered person regardless of nationality) free( no fee) high school in Missouri or somewhere who is, in fact, speaking and that he( the entity) is not authorized to tell you anything that you should follow. The Lord will never tell you to kill, steal and destroy unless the target( the actual enemy) has declared war on the ten commandments of communal living( the ten commandments as written in Exodus). By answering all three questions correctly, the Lord confirmed that he was living on the one and only true( or final) frontier of faith; that is peace in service of Jehovah. The other point to recognize is that Ramses I and Herod are probably related ( related to Cain and maybe Ishmael ( abandonment issues and anger but Read Isaiah 61; ok?) )since they did not like people who seemed to want simple peace with their creator. They took great pains to kill any such person off; killing first born children-(Exodus 13:2) "Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether human or animal." See also Numbers 18:15 : The first offspring of every womb, both human and animal, that is offered to the LORD is yours. But you must redeem every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals.
There is a whole entire organisation based on exacerbating and vitiating this apparently that is called Masonry. But, I can't really tell since I can read Psalms 23 and Psalms 82. But, according to ex members, it happens to be quite so. I don't know why or the reason really. There is more than enough to go around and the Lord was happy to have Cain try again. Come now man?
Read about Jabez and Joseph. Joseph at least is not the first born. Read Isaiah 61. Also, notice that David( the King) who wrote all the Psalms was the last child in the Lot. Don't forget that there were a bunch of Arab Herodians( hired by Herod) in the Sanhedrin and among the scribes and pharisees. There is nothing wrong with the address of their birth but they were sort of like Republican friendly Judges on the Supreme Court at the critical moment in Florida; sort of.
There is a whole entire organisation based on exacerbating and vitiating this apparently that is called Masonry. But, I can't really tell since I can read Psalms 23 and Psalms 82. But, according to ex members, it happens to be quite so. I don't know why or the reason really. There is more than enough to go around and the Lord was happy to have Cain try again. Come now man?
Read about Jabez and Joseph. Joseph at least is not the first born. Read Isaiah 61. Also, notice that David( the King) who wrote all the Psalms was the last child in the Lot. Don't forget that there were a bunch of Arab Herodians( hired by Herod) in the Sanhedrin and among the scribes and pharisees. There is nothing wrong with the address of their birth but they were sort of like Republican friendly Judges on the Supreme Court at the critical moment in Florida; sort of.
A new movie is coming out that is a cross between Fracture(2007) and the Devil's Seed( see trailer). A billionaire computer designer( not software really) is planning the extension of his life as an android while ignoring the potential needs of his Post-graduate wife who decides to get his attention once and for all and send him into his chosen destiny. He/She cooks some spicy chinese food with a drop of her chosen ex-Cia husband's diseased saliva( from too many nights in Tunisia maybe) and then the husband (billionaire) computer designer goes to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for some pepto-bismol that is covering the true contents( battery acid). He starts crawling and dying on the floor while she walks in to hear his grovelling. She explains that she needed to get his attention and help him to be happy; that he will be happy soon as his chosen android while he watches her all day in what is truly a living hell as she cooks, eats and shops in front of his living consciousness and copulates in front of him with the dummy that was crafted to look like him. She decides that he will pay her all the attention she needs then; you are damn right( Where is your cell phone?)! It cost a few billion to arrange but the local community did not complain in their realization of the American dreams. It's coming out; soon!
Monday, 21 April 2014
The Capital one Civilization-What will you do with your wheel, gatling, perpetual motion machine, gas barbecue or automatic watch? Did you know that there is an ape that was taught to grow his own bananas apparently. Once it succeeded, it chose one mate( a female). There is a program.
The Capital one Civilization-What will you do with your wheel, gatling, perpetual motion machine, gas barbecue or automatic watch? Did you know that there is an ape that was taught to grow his own bananas apparently. Once it succeeded, it chose one mate( a female). There is a program.
The history of the Yf 12 and its future use for commercial avionics; it's more than a Smithsonian Artifact. It is the future of comfort, style and class for the big travelling man with the big airline all-inclusive ticket. He lives for more than his Granddad's Chevy nowadays. Watch the old car marketing videos. Fly faster and dream bigger.
Encyclopedia Astronautica and the A11.
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Encyclopedia Astronautica
Liquid oxygen was the earliest, cheapest, safest, and eventually the preferred oxidiser for large space launchers. Its main drawback is that it is moderately cryogenic, and therefore not suitable for military uses where storage of the fuelled missile and quick launch are required. Alcohol (C2H5OH) was the fuel used for the German V-2 rocket, and the first derivative rocket engines in the United States, Soviet Union, and China used it as well. Better performance was achieved by increasing the alcohol concentration in the post-war engines. But after better-performance rocket-grade kerosene was developed by Rocketdyne in the REAP program of 1953, use of alcohol was abandoned. Liquid oxygen, as normally supplied, is of 99.5 percent purity and is covered in the United States by Military Specification MIL-P-25508. High purity liquid oxygen has a light blue colour and is transparent. It has no characteristic odour. Liquid oxygen does not burn, but will support combustion vigorously. The liquid is stable; however, mixtures of fuel and liquid oxygen are shock-sensitive. Gaseous oxygen can form mixtures with fuel vapours that can be exploded by static electricity, electric spark, or flame. Liquid oxygen is obtained from air by fractional distillation. The 1959 United. States production of high-purity oxygen was estimated at nearly 2 million tonnes. The cost of liquid oxygen, at that time, ex-works, was $ 0.04 per kg. By the 1980's NASA was paying $ 0.08 per kg.
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, has wide commercial uses in both the chemical and the spirits industries and is produced commercially in large quantities. It is a clear, water-white, mobile liquid with the characteristic alcohol odour. It is an excellent solvent; special lubricants must be used. Materials of construction used for methanol are also used for ethanol. Like methanol, ethanol forms explosive mixtures with air or with oxidisers. Denaturants added to the alcohol can cause poisoning, blindness, and death. (Despite this, the Russians liked to call their early missiles 'drunk rockets'. Ethyl alcohol is produced by fermentation of sugars (glucose) or hydrolysed starches. The majority of the ethyl alcohol for solvent use is made by the hydrolysis of ethyl sulphate, which results from the addition of sulphuric acid to ethylene. Ethyl alcohol forms an azeotrope with water; this solution is 95.6 per cent ethyl alcohol. Absolute alcohol is made by azeotropic distillation with benzene. The estimated 1959 United States production was 1.6 million tonnes (50 per cent by volume). The price of absolute alcohol, tax-free, in tank-car quantities was $ 0.16 per kg. Density varies: 0.87 g/cc for 75% alcohol; 0.80 g/cc for 92.5% alcohol; to 0.79 g/cc for 96% alcohol.
Oxidizer: LOX. Oxidizer: LOX. Oxidizer: LOX. Fuel: Alcohol. Fuel: Alcohol. Fuel: Alcohol. Propellant Formulation: LOX/Alcohol-75%. Propellant Formulation: LOX/Alcohol-92.5%. Propellant Formulation: LOX/Alcohol-96%. Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.73. Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.43. Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.8. Temperature of Combustion: 3,390 deg K. Temperature of Combustion: 3,230 deg K. Temperature of Combustion: 3,420 deg K. Ratio of Specific Heats: 1.21. Density: 0.98 g/cc. Density: 0.99 g/cc. Density: 1.01 g/cc. Characteristic velocity c: 1,710 m/s (5,610 ft/sec). Isp Shifting: 288 sec. Isp Frozen: 276 sec. Mol: 24.10 M (79.00 ft). Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C.
Location: 1710.
Specific impulse: 338 s.
Specific impulse sea level: 284 s.
More... - Chronology...
Associated Spacecraft
Associated Engines
Associated Stages
Encyclopedia Astronautica
- A-11 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 500,000/75,000 kg. Thrust 13,841.38 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 247 seconds. Masses estimated; dimensions scaled from drawing. More...
Liquid oxygen was the earliest, cheapest, safest, and eventually the preferred oxidiser for large space launchers. Its main drawback is that it is moderately cryogenic, and therefore not suitable for military uses where storage of the fuelled missile and quick launch are required. Alcohol (C2H5OH) was the fuel used for the German V-2 rocket, and the first derivative rocket engines in the United States, Soviet Union, and China used it as well. Better performance was achieved by increasing the alcohol concentration in the post-war engines. But after better-performance rocket-grade kerosene was developed by Rocketdyne in the REAP program of 1953, use of alcohol was abandoned. Liquid oxygen, as normally supplied, is of 99.5 percent purity and is covered in the United States by Military Specification MIL-P-25508. High purity liquid oxygen has a light blue colour and is transparent. It has no characteristic odour. Liquid oxygen does not burn, but will support combustion vigorously. The liquid is stable; however, mixtures of fuel and liquid oxygen are shock-sensitive. Gaseous oxygen can form mixtures with fuel vapours that can be exploded by static electricity, electric spark, or flame. Liquid oxygen is obtained from air by fractional distillation. The 1959 United. States production of high-purity oxygen was estimated at nearly 2 million tonnes. The cost of liquid oxygen, at that time, ex-works, was $ 0.04 per kg. By the 1980's NASA was paying $ 0.08 per kg.
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, has wide commercial uses in both the chemical and the spirits industries and is produced commercially in large quantities. It is a clear, water-white, mobile liquid with the characteristic alcohol odour. It is an excellent solvent; special lubricants must be used. Materials of construction used for methanol are also used for ethanol. Like methanol, ethanol forms explosive mixtures with air or with oxidisers. Denaturants added to the alcohol can cause poisoning, blindness, and death. (Despite this, the Russians liked to call their early missiles 'drunk rockets'. Ethyl alcohol is produced by fermentation of sugars (glucose) or hydrolysed starches. The majority of the ethyl alcohol for solvent use is made by the hydrolysis of ethyl sulphate, which results from the addition of sulphuric acid to ethylene. Ethyl alcohol forms an azeotrope with water; this solution is 95.6 per cent ethyl alcohol. Absolute alcohol is made by azeotropic distillation with benzene. The estimated 1959 United States production was 1.6 million tonnes (50 per cent by volume). The price of absolute alcohol, tax-free, in tank-car quantities was $ 0.16 per kg. Density varies: 0.87 g/cc for 75% alcohol; 0.80 g/cc for 92.5% alcohol; to 0.79 g/cc for 96% alcohol.
Oxidizer: LOX. Oxidizer: LOX. Oxidizer: LOX. Fuel: Alcohol. Fuel: Alcohol. Fuel: Alcohol. Propellant Formulation: LOX/Alcohol-75%. Propellant Formulation: LOX/Alcohol-92.5%. Propellant Formulation: LOX/Alcohol-96%. Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.73. Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.43. Optimum Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.8. Temperature of Combustion: 3,390 deg K. Temperature of Combustion: 3,230 deg K. Temperature of Combustion: 3,420 deg K. Ratio of Specific Heats: 1.21. Density: 0.98 g/cc. Density: 0.99 g/cc. Density: 1.01 g/cc. Characteristic velocity c: 1,710 m/s (5,610 ft/sec). Isp Shifting: 288 sec. Isp Frozen: 276 sec. Mol: 24.10 M (79.00 ft). Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Density: 1.140 g/cc. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Freezing Point: -219 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Oxidizer Boiling Point: -183 deg C. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Density: 0.870 g/cc. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Freezing Point: -114 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 78 deg C.
Location: 1710.
Specific impulse: 338 s.
Specific impulse sea level: 284 s.
Associated Spacecraft
- XS-1 American manned rocketplane. Design begun 1943. Also known as the X-1. This rocket plane was the first aircraft to break the sound barrier, and the first in a line of X- aircraft leading to the space shuttle. More...
- X-2 American manned rocketplane. Design began 1945. X-2 was an AAF/ Bell project that flew three supersonic flight research aircraft, powered by liquid rockets. Originally designated XS-2. More...
- XP-92 American manned delta-wing rocketplane. Never flown with rockets, but flew as a turbojet-powered research aircraft, 1948-1953. More...
- XF-91 American manned rocketplane. Study 1949. The Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor was a mixed-power interceptor, being powered by both a jet engine and by a battery of rocket motors. Although it showed promise, it was not put into production. More...
- X-1D American manned rocketplane. Study 1953. The X-1A, B, and D were essentially identical rocketplanes intended to reach speeds above Mach 2. More...
- X-1A American manned rocketplane. Study 1951. The X-1A, B, and D were essentially identical rocketplanes intended to reach speeds above Mach 2. More...
- X-1B American manned rocketplane. Flown 1952. The X-1A, B, and D were essentially identical rocketplanes intended to reach speeds above Mach 2. More...
- M2-F2 American manned spaceplane. Study 1966. The least stable of the lifting body designs. The 'flying bathtub' had a rounded belly / flat top layout as opposed to the flat belly / rounded top of the other designs. More...
- M2-F3 American manned spaceplane. 43 launches, 1966.07.12 to 1971.12.21 . The crashed M2-F2 was rebuilt as the M2-F3 with enlarged vertical stabilizers. Maximum speed achieved was Mach 1.6, top altitude 21,800 m. More...
- HL-10 American manned spaceplane. 37 launches, 1966.12.22 to 1970.07.17 . The HL-10 was the favored lifting body configuration of NASA Langley in the 1960's. It reached Mach 1.86 and 27,700 m during its flight tests. More...
- X-24A American manned spaceplane. 28 launches, 1969.04.17 to 1971.06.04 . The X-24A was the Martin Corporation's subsonic test version of the US Air Force's preferred manned lifting body configuration. More...
- Quad American manned lunar lander. Study 2009. Prototype lunar lander developed by Armadillo Aerospace with private funds. Quad was the only entry in the 2006 competition for the X-Prize Cup Lunar Lander challenge. More...
Associated Engines
- A-10 Thiel Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 2306.8 kN. Study 1942. Planned for use in A-10. Unique dual-thrust chamber / single nozzle design, which was later shown to be not feasible technically. Isp=247s. More...
- A-4 Thiel Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 311.8 kN. Isp=239s. Used on V-2 missile. Work began June 1936. Interim design, but went into production. Used 18 x 1.5 tonne thrust chambers, feeding common mixing chamber. Tested from 1939, mass production 1943-1945. More...
- A-6 Rocketdyne Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 414.3 kN. Out of production. Isp=265s. Used on Redstone launch vehicle. First flight 1953. Developed from the XLR43-NA-1, an American version of the V-2 single-chamber engine tested in 1945. More...
- A-9 Thiel Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 288.7 kN. Single chamber engine for V-2 series C, A9. Tested 1942-45. Isp=255s. Never went into production in Germany, but formed the basis for successful post-war American and French rocket engines. More...
- Garvey Aerospike Garvey Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. Development ended 2005. Launch thrust .044 kN. Single-chamber, liquid-propellant, annular aerospike engine. More...
- LR39 Reaction Motors Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 0.225 kN. Small experimental engine. Single thrust chamber, water cooled, equipped only with spark plug igntion system and propellant flow valves. Test article only built. More...
- LR8-RM-5 Reaction Motors Lox/Alcohol rocket engine for rocketplanes. Out of Production. Launch thrust 26.67 kN. Advanced version of the LR-11, 4 chambers. Engine in the X-1E was modified in 1958 to increase chamber pressure to 20 atm and burn Hydyne fuel. More...
- NRL Viking Martin Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 93 kN. More...
- RD-0101 Kosberg Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 39.2 kN. E-50A aircraft by Mikoyan. Out of Production. Chamber pressure 42,7 - 22,1 bar. Specific impulse 255 - 248,5 sec. Isp=255s. More...
- RD-101 Glushko Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 404 kN. R-2 and V-2A. Isp=237s. Developed simultaneously with the RD-100 but with no German involvement. More compact, increased thrust, increased chamber pressure and higher alcohol concentration. First flight 1949. More...
- RD-103M Glushko Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 500.1 kN. R-5M 8K51. Isp=248s. First flight 1953. More...
- RD-102 Glushko Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 428 kN. R-3A. Development ended 1951. Project for R-3A experimental missile. Stopped in favor of RD-103. Isp=235s. More...
- RD-100 Glushko Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 304 kN. R-1, V-1A. Isp=237s. Russian copy of the V-2 engine using Russian materials - which made it very difficult! German rocket scientists assisted in its development. First flight 1948. More...
- RD-103 Glushko Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 500 kN. R-5. Out of Production. Isp=243s. Final extrapolation of the V-2 rocket engine in Russia. First flight 1953. More...
- RD-3A Glushko Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. R-3A. Out of Production. Project for R-3A experimental missile. Stopped in favour of RD-103. More...
- Sanger-Bredt Sled Saenger Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 1144.1 kN. Study 1943. Isp=245s. Used on Sanger launch vehicle. More...
- Sled Technology Rocketdyne Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 666 kN. Pressure-fed. From 35,000 to 150,000 lbf. Cook Sled, Air Force Sleds 1 and 2, RS-2 Sled, operated at Edwards and Holloman Air Force Bases. More...
- XLR11 Reaction Motors, Thiokol Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. Out of Production. Launch thrust 26.67 kN. Rocket engine developed for X-1 in 1940s to break the sound barrier and used twenty years later to power experimental lifting bodies. Four combustion chambers. More...
- XLR25-CW-1 Curtiss-Wright Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 66.880 kN. Out of Production. First flight 1954. Two chamber engine built for X-2 rocketplane. Engine could be throttled continuously from 1140 kgf to 6820 kgf. More...
- XLR43-NA-1 Rocketdyne Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 333 kN. Development completed 1951. Mark III American version of single-chamber V-2 engine tested in WW2, but with half mass and 34% more thrust. Starting point for all later Rocketdyne engines. More...
- XLR71-NA-1 Rocketdyne Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. Development cancelled 1955. Launch thrust 533.7 kN. Planned engine for the booster of the Navaho II test vehicle. Gas generator, pump-fed. More...
- XR3A2 XCOR Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 0.700 kN. First stages. Hardware. The XR3A2 700-newton engine was the first XCOR LOX/alcohol engine, accumulating 61 brief runs in the course of injector concept development, which led to later engines. More...
- XR4A3 XCOR Lox/Alcohol rocket engine. 1.780 kN. First stages. Fully operational pressure-fed, regeneratively cooled engine. Flown on the EZ-Rocket, a modified Long-EZ aircraft fitted with two engines. First flight 2001. More...
Associated Stages
- A-10 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 69,043/16,993 kg. Thrust 2,306.90 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 247 seconds. More...
- A-11 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 500,000/75,000 kg. Thrust 13,841.38 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 247 seconds. Masses estimated; dimensions scaled from drawing. More...
- A-12 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 3,500,000/350,000 kg. Thrust 98,000.00 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 247 seconds. All values estimated. More...
- A-4 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 12,805/4,008 kg. Thrust 311.80 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 239 seconds. V-2 production version. More...
- A-9 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 16,259/3,000 kg. Thrust 288.68 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 255 seconds. Winged version. More...
- G-26 Booster Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 42,403/11,337 kg. Thrust 1,204.12 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 273 seconds. Burns out at altitude 13,000 m, Mach 3 More...
- G-4 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 66,600/2,760 kg. Thrust 1,059.00 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 249 seconds. Residuals 940 kg. Burnout mass with 3400 kg warhead 7100 kg. Cutoff velocity 4500 m/s, maximum altitude 120 km over 3000 km range. With 10 G limiter thrust would be throttled back and burn time would be 156 seconds. More...
- R-1 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 12,630/4,066 kg. Thrust 307.09 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 233 seconds. Payload 815 / 483 kg. Range 270 km. Maximum altitude 77 km. Time of flight 5 minutes. Max velocity at burnout 1465 m/s. Accuracy 8 km in range, 4 km laterally. More...
- R-2 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 19,632/4,592 kg. Thrust 404.11 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 237 seconds. Payload 1350 / 508 kg. Range 550 km. Maximum altitude 171 km. Time of flight 7.5 minutes. Max velocity at burnout 2175 m/s. Accuracy 8 km in range, 4 km laterally. More...
- R-3A Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 19,900/3,500 kg. Thrust 434.40 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 235 seconds. Further incremental upgrade of R-2. Payload 500 kg. Range 935 km. Developed from 1949 to October 1951. Cancelled, work combined with 8K14 development. More...
- R-5 Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 27,250/3,250 kg. Thrust 479.22 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 244 seconds. More...
- Redstone Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 28,440/3,125 kg. Thrust 414.34 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 265 seconds. More...
- Redstone Mercury Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 28,440/3,125 kg. Thrust 414.34 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 265 seconds. Used for Jupiter-C satellite missions, and greatly modified, for Mercury manned positions. For Jupiter-C missions, used Hydyne fuel, which was toxic but increased specific impulse. More...
- Sanger Sled Lox/Alcohol propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 34,000/6,800 kg. Thrust 6,860.00 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 245 seconds. More...
- Viking Type 9-1 Lox/Alcohol rocket stage. 93.00 kN (20,907 lbf) thrust. Mass 6,800 kg (14,991 lb). More...
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