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Monday, 31 October 2016

Londinium International Incorporated and the associated television concept was available for sale at $1.50 cents as the final payment. It is no longer available at this price. The current offer for sale is now at $400,000.00.

I don't own anyone.  I never did. But, I bought several books.  Do you own anyone within their employee service term contract or marriage contract that explains their role as a servant for a yearly remuneration while you are the employee?

So, Bonnie and Clyde were husband and wife and also mother and son.

So, Bonnie and Clyde were husband and wife and also mother and son.

Quand fais tu relire? Hillary Clinton is certainly disqualified from holding public office under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071. Read the code. She is also now indicted under the Espionage Act. But, she can still be a First lady if Bill does not get a divorce. The divorce would give them lots of television attention ALL DAY LONG and at least it would be legal; right? right? But, there is no evidence of a ceremony. That's ok. They have had virtually 24 hour news coverage since 1992 with all of the broken promises and covenants. They want us to break the covenant that constitutes America. Who minds if she gets 24 hour television attention but can it at least involve her legal activities like the divorce of a common law union?

Quand fais tu relire?   Hillary Clinton is certainly disqualified from holding public office under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071.  Read the code. She is also now indicted under the Espionage Act.   But, she can still be a First lady if Bill does not get a divorce.  The divorce would give them lots of television attention ALL DAY LONG and at least it would be legal; right?  right?  But, there is no evidence of a ceremony.  That's ok.  They have had virtually 24 hour news coverage since 1992 with all of the broken promises and covenants.  They want us to break the covenant that  constitutes America.  Who minds if she gets 24 hour television attention but can it at least involve her legal activities like the divorce of a common law union?

So, the notion of saying " I am British and you are Canadian" or "I am British and you are South African" is concluded in that we are all Brit Milah and your life should feel and look like it.

So, the notion of saying " I am British and you are Canadian" or "I am British and you are South African" is concluded in that we are all Brit Milah and your life should feel and look like it. Spending trillions of dollars around the world asserting the authority and seeking attention is not the same as leadership. If it is leadership that is being asserted, then it should feel like the Brit Milah. It saves life more than seeking to approximate the Brit Milah.  It provides leadership above and beyond seeking attention.  There is no doubt that there is efficacy in polishing and maintaining tremendous  remnants and monuments and treasured buildings.   There is tremendous efficacy in demanding a perfection  and rendition of  worship of the Torah in study and also the study of the various common law principles such that we take the victim as we find him and we seek to satisfy the teacher with the utmost submission, leading to a preparation for more than an approximation of the Brit Milah but for its absolute celebration and maintenance in the most mundane aspects of life. The approximation of the Brit Milah instead of its atmospheric fulfillment removes the love and the saving of life out of the culture. All you see is an approximation and no saving of life.  All you have is  people riled up about feelings of authority when a kid passes his  trigonometry exam or his law school exam. Then, they ask who is he trying to be and who does he think he is.   Who is his mother?  Who is his father?  It is a Brit Milah without purpose if there is no saving life. If you are killing the graduates after graduation as you watch their careers with great interest as you ask who are they trying to be or are they trying to take my position or who do they think they are, then it is not the Brit Milah.  There are sufficient openings for librarians, coaches, police officers, lecturers and administrators.   What happened?     The Brit Milah sits to provide global leadership. It does not take its seat only to demand a recognition of its authority and attention from other devolved  societies that were previously colonies of the Brit Milah. It's role is leadership of a global society that is governed by certain principles that enable quiet, commodious enjoyment.  If there is no leadership then it may certainly feel and look like the Brit Milah. But, if it is not leadership, then, instead it is only approximation of the Brit Milah with a continual demanding of attention with  a seeking of an acknowledgement of authority for position.  The only people with a divine right or divine calling are the Priests who were given an order as Levites in the calling of a Melchizedek.  They could be Turkish today and they settle in quite well in Islington since the accent is not the culture as the world is not enough. You need the Brit Milah! Kings were not given any divine right. But, you can ask your people and maybe they will agree. Maybe they will want a King instead of a Judge who walks in the Priestly order of Melchizedek and who will keep the rightful balance by the power of the sword or maybe they will just take the Judge and the legislation enforced with balance to the benefit of the people according to the spirit of Melchizedek.  What do you think?  


Sunday, 30 October 2016

In 1969, some people decided that the world was to end.  They decided to see if they could bring it to pass in the wake of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr.  They killed any Pastor who seemed resistant to watching movies in a theatre.  They also decided that after MLk's death that there would be a new world and that anybody could be whatever they wanted if they showed enough willingness to do anything such as kill their children or take a sex operation.  Some men did and they were given certain professional qualifications although they were not graduates. Some offered to perform fellatio once a month.  They seemed to fear that their lack of qualification would be discovered.  

Quand fais tu relire? Hillary Clinton is certainly disqualified from holding public office under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071. Read the code. She is also now indicted under the Espionage Act. But, she can still be a First lady if Bill does not get a divorce. The divorce would give them lots of television attention ALL DAY LONG and at least it would be legal; right? right? But, there is no evidence of a ceremony. That's ok. They have had virtually 24 hour news coverage since 1992 with all of the broken promises and covenants. They want us to break the covenant that constitutes America. Who minds if she gets 24 hour television attention but can it at least involve her legal activities like the divorce of a common law union?

Al Gore apologized for his party's failure to assist on a full recount and the time necessary to achieve it to obtain a final election determination.  The law says that if there is any indeterminate election result, it is to be finalized in the House of Representatives.  Who can have any faith in the Democrats? They did not believe in the law and the Clinton's showed no unity. They let Gore down.  Is it because Gore is Trinidadian?         They can't follow a Betty Crocker recipe.  All they do is screw things up and then apologize profusely. Did you see an Inconvenient Truth? Well, it was re-named a legally Apathetic  truth with respect to the Democrats who never insisted on a full recount and the time required under law.  In electoral history, the 2000 election  would have been the first time that a party and it's winning candidate did not demand and insist on all the time required  for a full recount.     It seems he forgot to read the law and utilize it to his benefit where he would have certainly had his victory.  Who are they?  Were they brought in from Haiti or something and their intention is just to approximate a commitment to the notion or identity of  "American"?  Haiti is beautiful. So, they kill the paradise of Haiti with their need to quarrel all day about the purpose of Separation of Powers  and the Espionage Act and turn a boiled egg recipe into an argument or civil war and now they want to do this in America.  It is so simple and clear.   Boiled eggs are apparently capable of great complexity in discussion. This is also true of emails and the careless disregard for others that is  required to send sensitive, State Department job related documents through a personal email account.  Was it a subconscious resignation and cry for help to be relived from public life and any responsibility?  Bloomberg says there will be a strong economic boom if Trump wins.

Hillary Clinton is certainly disqualified from holding public office under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071. But, she can still be a First lady if Bill does not get a divorce.  The divorce would give them lots of television attention ALL DAY LONG and at least it would be legal; right?  right?   Read the code. She is also indictable under the Espionage Act. 

 She wants to retire and just raise Grand Children. She is double minded and unstable so you don't have it so give it to me and I will give it back to you. Won't you come?  The altar for the sacrifice of common sense and the constitution is waiting.  Won't you come?   Is there some kind of pattern with Democrats and not respecting the law?  Mein Kampf seems to be some kind of Haitian social and political kung fu as they ask all day if you are paying attention.  But, Haiti is beautiful though.      
During the general election, Americans head to the polls to cast their vote for President. But the tally of those votes—the popular vote—does not determine the winner. Instead, Presidential elections use the Electoral College. To win the election, a candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes. In the event no candidate receives the majority, the House of Representatives chooses the President and the Senate chooses the Vice President.

Twelfth Amendment

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate; The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;--The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.... The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President to the United States.

Saturday, 29 October 2016


If it is a question of being a "have" or a have not" in this world, the only thing that matters is  what photos  you take on your mobile phone and whether you use expensive mustard on your uh "ham" with your scones while you eat on your bone china.  I don't think you understand what I am trying to say to you.


Friday, 28 October 2016

She says she is sorry in this global IQ test But, sorry is not good enough. There was certainly some other female Democrat who could carry the party's hope for another glorious term although the last four years were stolen. Have you seen the movie Stolen? Watch it. Obalmy is the best "Step and Fetch" it. The chicks also say he looks good hugging Ms. Clinton too!

Hillarous' only covenant in this world is with the television.  She wants to keep you riveted and she is willing to sell America to anyone to make it happen.  Poltergeist was written about her and her strange habit of sitting in front of the Tv all night after ABC Channel 7 asked if you know where your children are at 11 pm and she was sitting on her adoptive father penis. She is still asking where her children are.     There will be inexplicable Paris bombings blamed on an ISIS; an ISIS designed to keep her wikileaks and emails less of a catastrophic headline.   A vote for Hillary is a vote to sell not only NASA and NASA's technological legacy that took place under Obalmy, it is a vote to  not only sell but also kill all that is truly America.  A vote for Hillary  is a vote for the antithesis of America and an overturning of law and order within the confines of America's legislated existence.  There are Democrats who believe in the American dream but it seems that there is a burden to respect a First Lady who insists on being a candidate when she is just the wrong candidate and evidently unable to screw in light bulb nor is she  capable of respecting sensitive email protocols all of a sudden during a black presidency when she seems to have decided that her time to run for President in her scheme is running out so she shunted her own dream by sending sensitive emails through relatively open, regular consumer emails. It was a subconscious self sabotage and resignation from a legitimate candidacy or she thought she was determining her independence from the country and her Commander in Chief.  When the eggs burn or when the  toast burns, it is always the President's fault or, as usual, it is her secret financier to whom she sent the emails and who is sending sizable donations to her foundation although she left the White House in 2000 and claimed bankruptcy. Why don't we see her written submissions to achieve a claim of bankruptcy?  But, how could you claim bankruptcy when you had no expenses for 8 years except for private legal expenses due to impeachment after impeachment due to sex sex sex scandals and for White Water Law suits? So, !@#$!# them!  Can you fire a former President  of a cable news network from being a former President?  He is not maintaining  his obligations as understood.  You wish to honor an office but it is being dishonored by someone in the cover of the honor people hope to give to the office. He has a library for News networks on public funds and so does his wife.    They should just fire the Clintons who run that Television shop in Demoine. They sell cable packages with 24 hour news services.   Send them into exile.   They are just horrible social misfits who think the world owes them something for being born.   The Russians returned her emails without reading them. The  United Nations  were obligated to read them in the interests of global security. The other governments have already sued her personally since she has an addiction to defending her 1/4 black existence. So !@@$!@$(blast) off  Ms. Kinkyton.  Her only success was to make a third party more recognizable, giving space to more Green Party Congressman and Senators since the Democratic party is dead while the American dream will live. Who could understand why something blows up in the part of the world where "Seriously" is intending to travel?  The Democratic Party is dead for supporting a total idiot like Kinkyton when it comes to politics. She sabotaged herself and burned herself up with 30000 criminal offences and it does not seem to matter since the Commander in Chief was Black.   I can only wait for her  great and honored inaugural address with her face on Rushmore. It seems she could not have had any chance  without a black puppet, fall guy  forerunner.  She deserves it. She is the worst first lady in history but her internment with a 30000 email and 30000 gun salute will be after she is the 49th President of the United States since somebody must believe they owe her idiocy  some kind of compensation. She is just a debt to anyone who is associated to her.  Why don't we all say it with her since she says it so often?   She says she is sorry in this IQ test  But, sorry is not good enough according to my grade school teachers.  There was certainly some other female Democrat who could carry the party's hope for another glorious term although the last four years were stolen.  Have you seen the movie Stolen? Watch it. Obalmy is the best "Step and Fetch" it.  The chicks also say he looks good hugging Ms. Clinton too!  
So, the notion of saying " I am British and you are Canadian" or "I am British and you are South African" is concluded in that we are all Brit Milah and your life should feel and look like it. Spending trillions of dollars around the world asserting the authority and seeking attention is not the same as leadership. If it is leadership that is being asserted, then it should feel like the Brit Milah. It saves life more than seeking to approximate the Brit Milah.  It provides leadership above and beyond seeking attention.  There is no doubt that there is efficacy in polishing and maintaining tremendous  remnants and monuments and treasured buildings.   There is tremendous efficacy in demanding a perfection  and rendition of  worship of the Torah in study and also the study of the various common law principles such that we take the victim as we find him and we seek to satisfy the teacher with the utmost submission, leading to a preparation for more than an approximation of the Brit Milah but for its absolute celebration and maintenance in the most mundane aspects of life. The approximation of the Brit Milah instead of its atmospheric fulfillment removes the love and the saving of life out of the culture. All you see is an approximation and no saving of life.  All you have is  people riled up about feelings of authority when a kid passes his  trigonometry exam or his law school exam. Then, they ask who is he trying to be and who does he think he is.   Who is his mother?  Who is his father?  It is a Brit Milah without purpose if there is no saving life. If you are killing the graduates after graduation as you ask who are they trying to be. Are they trying to take my position or who do they think they are, then it is not the Brit Milah. What happened?     The Brit Milah sits to provide global leadership. It does not take its seat only to demand a recognition of its authority and attention from other devolved  societies that were previously colonies of the Brit Milah. It's role is leadership of a global society that is governed by certain principles that enable quiet, commodious enjoyment.  If there is no leadership then it may certainly feel and look like the Brit Milah. But, if it is not leadership, then, instead it is only approximation of the Brit Milah with a continual demanding of attention with  a seeking of an acknowledgement of authority for position.  The only people with a divine right or divine calling are the Priests who were given an order as Levites in the calling of a Melchizedek.  They could be Turkish today and they settle in quite well in Islington since the accent is not the culture as the world is not enough. You need the Brit Milah! Kings were not given any divine right. But, you can ask your people and maybe they will agree. Maybe they will want a King instead of a Judge who walks in the Priestly order of Melchizedek and who will keep the rightful balance by the power of the sword or maybe they will just take the Judge and the legislation enforced with balance to the benefit of the people according to the spirit of Melchizedek.  What do you think?    


Everybody has a job!

Je suis Reconnaissant!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

We need to understand and recapture the spirit of true Republicanism that is willing to fight for the future prosperity of America and fight to death, providing leadership.  The democrats can do this.  Obama, the great President providing Obama care, modeled his first term after FDR and Reagan.   Lincoln was right about America and the Civil War. See his Second Inaugural address. FDR was right about the need to ensure continual economic buoyancy with maximum American Industrial output. Every American, regardless of race, had a job during the war. America not only recovered from a depression in that war time maximum output to fight ignorance. The fight against ignorance brings prosperity in the obvious answer.  FDR is the American interpretation of economic wisdom in an economy that is governed by Mechanized, non human labor.  It was the Equivalent of Marx' analysis on the eve of mechanized labor taking route in global economies.  This is American Republicanism under the Democrats.   It is the answer for the next 50 years in light of the Democrats reading fortune cookies for an answer and McDonalds cookie boxes about new dna so that we might be equal.
Her husband was invited to be a part of something and she kept telling him to be sexual and to just touch people for the sexual authority.

We need to understand and recapture the spirit of true Republicanism that is willing to fight for the future prosperity of America and fight to death, providing leadership. Lincoln was right about America and the Civil War. See his Second Inaugural address. FDR was right about the need to ensure continual economic buoyancy with maximum American Industrial output. Every American, regardless of race, had a job during the war. America not only recovered from a depression in that war time maximum output predicated on the fight against ignorance. The fight against ignorance brings prosperity in the obvious answer.  FDR is the American interpretation of economic wisdom in an economy that is governed by Mechanized, non human labor.  It was the Equivalent of Marx' analysis on the eve of mechanized labor taking route in global economies.  This is American Republicanism. It is the answer for the next 50 years in light of the Democrats reading fortune cookies for an answer and McDonalds cookie boxes about new dna so that we might be equal.
Hillarious' husband was invited to be a part of something and she kept telling him to be sexual and to just touch people. It makes sense.


What a beautiful, healty birth with ten noses and ten noses. Thank God!

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Concept of Human Nature according to God. Good energy like oil is used in balance with maintaining a viable, beautiful environment.

Concept of Human Nature according to God and John Locke: an Examination In the attempt to define the attributes of man, his needs, and his capacities, the concept of human nature is an intrinsic part of political discussion. Over the centuries, various concepts of human nature have evolved along with the development of political theory. In this discipline, the concept of human nature provides the hub around which a theory revolves. It provides the theory with its basis as well as a presupposition or premise to the political theory's conclusion."(i) Moreover, a concept of human nature helps us to define the way one sees oneself and the world in which one lives. As well, the concept of human nature in political theory is an essential part of the construction of thought regarding the political environment and the limits of action within that environment. It is through the use of the concept of human nature that we develop our paradigms(ii). Furthermore, by answering the question "what is man's nature?", one can proceed to answer the question "what is required to fulfill the needs of men and to secure a better existence?"(iii) Politically, this demonstrates the utility of the concept of human nature. When constructing a concept of man's nature, political theorists provide some moral justification for their postulates. The purpose is to provide the theory with a substance, appealing to the conscience of men. Similar to other theorists, John Locke gives his concept of human nature moral justification by alluding to and making explicit reference to the commands of the Judeo-Christian God. For example, Locke tells us that men are "all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign God."(p. 9) and are therefore equal. While Locke attributes the source of his theories or concept of human nature to a moral Judeo-Christian God for the purposes of moral justification, it is questionable as to whether or not his theories or concept of human nature is in agreement, partially or completely, with the word of God as outlined in the Bible. The purpose of this essay is not to prove that God exists. God's existence can only received by faith( per Hebrews 11).  The purpose of this essay is to investigate a God-given concept of human nature while contending that Locke's inferences about the commands of God regarding the state of nature and man's nature within that state are contrary to what is outlined in the bible. In this essay the term "human nature" and "state of nature" are used almost interchangeably.(iv) Biblical Outline of the state of Nature In the book of Genesis, the biblical creation narrative is found. It is here that one must begin the search for a biblical concept of human nature or of man within his original and natural state. In the first book, God creates man in his own image (Gen. 1:26-27). Because of this, it is necessary to observe some of the attributes of God to obtain some insight into the attributes of man. An example of some Godly attributes are holiness, purity, completeness and magnanimity. It follows that man was made in the image of these Godly traits. As well, God is spirit and therefore man had a likeness of God's spirit within him. In essence, God is perfect and therefore man, in his original state, was a resemblance of God's perfection. In Psalm 8.5 it says, God made man "...only a little lower than the angels, and placed a crown of glory and honour upon his head." More simply, God is good and man, in his original state, was an image of this goodness(Gen. 1:31 King James version). God not only created man but also the earth. From the beginning, a special relationship existed between man and nature. In the bible, it tells us that man lived in the garden with all the plants and the animals. Above all creation, man held a special place (Gen. 1:27-28, Psalm 8:6). He was commanded by God to populate the Earth and to subdue it. Yet "subdue" did not mean to destroy or to control with force but for the offspring of Adam to prevail over the Earth in great numbers. Within nature, God also provided for all of man's needs. God said to man "I have provided all kinds of grains and all kinds of fruit for you to eat;" Gen 1:29 There was no need for man to farm or to work. He stood within nature, moving about God's creation. He was in charge of the animals as authorized by God yet he did not use any means of force to maintain control. Man lived in harmony with the animals as they did not run from man nor did he run from them. God also commanded men to cultivate and to guard the garden of Eden;(Gen.2:15) He was its gardener and was to tend and to care for it. To explain further; Man's "dominion," of course, is as God's steward, not as one that is given license to "destroy the earth"(Rev. 11:18). "The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein"(Ps. 24:1). Nevertheless, although God retains ownership, man has been placed in charge of the Earth and all its systems, living and non-living.(v) In his natural state, man was not an irrational being. Unlike the animals, God gave man the capacity to reason and to make choices. As man was made in God's image and God is a rational being, rationality is also a part of man's nature. By the very nature of the command to cultivate and guard the garden, God gave man the ability of mind(vi). He would not have given man any commands if man was a mindless ("robotic") being incapable of following or disobeying. Moreover, it is within the garden of Eden, and within his original natural state of being, that man exercises his ability to make choices. "Come now let us reason together, saith the Lord:,"(Isaiah 1:18) After God made all of the animals, He brought them to Adam to see what he would name them. God Honoured Adam's choices as the names of the animals remained unchanged. Adam also named Eve, calling her a woman. Afterwards, he explained the reason for the name, saying "woman is her name because she was taken out of man."(Gen.2:23) Later, Genesis 3: 2,3 depicts man's choice to eat of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil. Verse 6, Chapter 3(living Bible) says that Eve was "convinced" to eat of the fruit. The word "convinced" indicates that Eve had reached a conclusion through her faculty of reason. Although she knew that she was not to eat of the fruit, she was tempted with the choice of doing so. Verse 6 goes on to say that Eve saw how lonely and fresh the fruit was and that she believed the devil's promise that it would make her wise. Gen 3:13 depicts God's confrontation with Eve over the act of disobedience. The Lord said "How could you do such a thing?" "The serpent tricked me" she replied. More simply, the serpent tricked her sense of reason through temptation and as a result, while exercising her ability to make choices, Eve ended up making the wrong choice ultimately. As Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, man committed the first sin. Defined as a transgression of the command or will of God, It follows that sin is doing something which is contrary to God's nature. As man was made within the nature of God and was an expression of his goodness, the act of disobedience resulted in Man being cursed to stand outside of God's nature. While God had provided for all of Man's needs within the garden, (the fruit of the trees, the natural grains, the water of the river), man was forced to provide for his own needs outside of it (Gen.3:23). God cursed the earth so that man would have to struggle to extract a living from it with sweat and toil until his dying days (Gen.3:17-19). Before this, man did not die. Death was contrary to God's intentions. In the book of the Wisdom of Solomon, it tells us that God did not invent death; that when living creatures die, it gives him no pleasure. It says that he created everything so that it might continue to exist. (Wis.1:12-14) Soon after, the affects of sin became apparent. Cain killed his brother Abel out of envy. Before Adam's disobedience, there were no sentiments of this sort within the world. The first act of disobedience resulted in the rupture of fellowship and harmony with God, nature, and man. All of this was diametrically opposed to God's will and intentions. Nevertheless, this is not to say that reason and making choices is sinful but that man made the wrong choice due to the utilization of twisted reason; twisted by the Serpent's tempting. The result was that man's, once obedient, Godly, good, nature had changed becoming disobedient, ungodly, and carnal. He had lost his original nature, acquiring a sinful nature. He was no longer empowered by God's spirit but was fleshly. The story of Adam and Eve is eventually followed up by Abraham and the Egyptians who had their great technology and civilization. In the biblical text, we see God speaks to Abraham and also a Pharaoh in a unique confirmation of natural law. The Pharaoh acknowledges Sarah positively as Abraham's wife; his wife. The identification is possessive, acknowledging she is unavailable but not necessarily property and has natural legal import of universal ,civic and spiritual relevance; natural and spiritual first since Pharaoh feared this God and also consequence.  As time passed, God provided man with the ten commandments which, if followed, would prevent men from hurting one another. Primarily, the three main points of emphases behind the commands were to love God, love your neighbour as you love yourself and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you (John 13:34, Luke 6: 30). As love with and for ones fellow man was lost through sin, the commandments were a guide for men to follow throughout life. In overview, man's original nature or state of nature was Godly, pleasing to his creator, and was considered good. All of creation was under his charge as he fulfilled his role as a steward. He was commanded to prevail over the earth by being fruitful and multiplying. He was also to care for it and not to destroy it. He shared the garden with the animals and with Eve(his mate) and provided all with their names. Moreover, man was at peace with God and stood rightly before him, unified and harmonious with the creator and creation. As well, God gave man mind, providing man with the ability to reason and to make choices; both wrong and right apparently. He had made man sufficient to stand yet free to fall. Upon making a wrong choice, man acted contrary to his God-given nature which was to maintain relationship and connection to God and was forced to leave the garden. Forever more, man's nature was altered, becoming sinful. Therefore man, in a state of nature, given by God, is not his present nature. His true nature is the one which he possessed before he disobeyed God's command. The result of Adam's disobedience was the acquisition of the knowledge of good and evil. At this point, man stood outside of the garden, outside of nature, and was unnatural. All enmity, evil, and strife entered the world resulting in discord with God, the rest of creation and fellow man. This prompted God to provide man with the Ten commandments so they may live a life in accordance with His will. In Ecclesiastes 7:39 it is written, "God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." John Locke provides us with a different picture of what man was like in a state of nature given to men by God. In this state, Locke speaks of men having possessions. He tells us that the earth had been given to mankind in common.(p. 18) To support this, he makes reference to Psalm 115:16 which says "The Heavens even the heavens are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men." Yet, he endeavours to demonstrate how men came to own property out of what was in common. He argues that every man has property within himself and the labour of his body. Therefore, if man mixed his labour with anything that was left in the common state, it became the product of his work, making it his property. It is labour which makes the distinction between what is in common and what is in private. No consent of any other man was necessary. It was a right given to men by God. At the same time, there were limits to how much a man could appropriate for his own use. He could not appropriate more than he could use. God did not allow men to spoil or destroy.(p. 20) Further in his argument, he infers that God gave the world to men for their greater benefit and did not intend for the world to remain in common and uncultivated. As a result, Locke argues that it was given primarily to the " industrious and rational...not to the fancy or covetousness of the quarrelsome and contentious" who would leave it to waste. Moreover he contends that God's commandment to subdue the earth instructed man to "improve it for the benefit of life."(p. 21) To do this, Locke argued man was required to labour. Adding to this further, he writes that God commanded, and (man's) wants forced him to labour; that was his property which could not be taken from him wherever he had fixed it.(p.22) From this, he concluded that subduing, cultivating, and having dominion over the earth were one and the same, and that God's commandment to subdue authorized man to appropriate property. Through these arguments, Locke justified the acquisition of property within the state of nature. It was in this natural state that men enjoyed perfect freedom, ordered their actions, disposed of their possessions and persons, as they thought fit within the bounds of the law of nature.(p.xiii) This law of Nature is defined as "that which forbids anyone harming another or destroying himself, and requires each to try when his own preservation comes not in competition" to preserve the rest of mankind."(p.xiii) Further, he says that all of mankind was under the obligation of this law and that it was synonymous to reason. Within this state of nature governed by natural law, there existed liberty, equality, and independence. Yet, Locke also tells us that there would be those who would transgress the law of nature, declaring themselves "to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity, which is that measure God has set to the actions of men, for their mutual security." Such transgressions would result in the state of nature regressing into a state of war. Yet, it was within the state of nature that all of this occurred. Having looked at the concept of human nature according to the word of God and the one proposed by Locke where an effort was made by Locke to justify his theory with biblical references, it is clear that the two concepts disagree. The first area of discrepancy is the way in which the state of nature is defined. Locke defines it as the state in which men live together according to reason, "...without a common superior on earth, with authority to judge between them."(p. 15) Differing from this, a biblical definition would assert that the state of nature is one in which men lived in obeyance to the will of God. In other words, it was a state void of sin. In all of Locke's theory there is no mention of the original sin. In many cases, Locke makes reference to Adam but apparently ignores the event. As a result, he ignores the fact that Adam's nature had changed from its original Godly state into a sinful one. Because of this, Locke interprets the commands which God gave to Adam incorrectly. As outlined earlier, the command to "subdue" the earth is found in the same verse where God commands Adam to fill the earth with his progeny.(Gen. 1:7) Therefore, when read in context "subdue" did not mean to labour and to acquire property but to dominate the earth in great numbers. Moreover, God explicitly tells Adam that all of his needs are provided for within the garden.(Gen.1:29) Work was not necessary. Because of this, it is apparent that the command to cultivate the garden was not a command to labour for one's needs or for possessions but to "dress and to keep" the garden as would a gardener(Gen.2:15). As a result, it is evident that Locke interprets these commands with out making reference to man's original state, God and man's relationship with man, and God's provisions for mankind. In fact, Locke's theory on the state of nature is more congruent with what the bible tells us about man in his sin nature. Labour was a part of man's curse. As well, there was no concept of property before sin. A man would only say "mine" when he was in fear or concern of someone taking away what was in his possession (By possession, I do not mean something that one owned but something that one had taken up to provide for his needs; for example, a seed or an apple to eat. Man had no consciousness or knowledge of the concept "mine" because there was no threat of someone taking the seed or the apple away). In man's obedient nature, there was no sin, therefore there was no fear of being attacked or robbed by an adversary. It was only when sin entered the world that the fear of being attacked or murdered became a reality. Such acts occurred in Locke's concept of the state of nature yet according to the biblical text such acts could have only occurred when man was outside of his nature state and within his unnatural sin nature. To Locke, this state was governed by the law of reason. Apparently, he assumes that reason was always right and that man had to simply live by the reasoning of his mind. When man transgressed the rights of another, Locke argued that they were living contrary to reason and deserved to be punished. This is not defined as sin but as a transgression of the law of reason which God gave to all men. This transgression was committed not against God but against another man. Therefore it was not God who punished but man. He says that God gave man the right to punish but nevertheless God is still somewhat removed from the picture. While Locke tells us that reason and common equity were given to men for their mutual security, the bible shows us that God gave man the Ten commandments. Although reason is God given ability, it was not always right. Reason could be tricked or could lead one to do the wrong thing. As a result, it would be beneficial for men to trust God again and to live by the commandments of God than the dictates of man's fallible reason. From our analysis of Locke's theories and his attempt to justify his postulates morally with the word of God, it is apparent that Locke had no intention of agreeing with God's word and simply used it to provide a cloak of righteousness around his worldly, self-serving arguments. As it was mentioned earlier in this paper, one of the key purposes of the concept of human nature or of man within his natural state is to answer the question "what is man's nature?" so that one can proceed to answer the question " what is required to fulfill the needs of men?" As Locke tells us that man in a state of nature lived by right reason and sought to provide for his own needs as well as the needs of others, man was thereby moral. Yet, in his essay on Human Understanding, Locke says that man was also motivated by his appetites which were mainly a desire for happiness and an aversion to misery (Book 1, ch.3, sect. 3). Due to their pervasiveness, these appetites would lead men to contradict the law of reason and lead him into a state of war with others. Because of this, men were constantly exposed to the potentiality of invasion of their property and persons by others, leaving them unsafe, insecure, and anxious for his life.(p. 16, P. 65) Based on this concept of Human Nature, Locke concluded that the answer to man's needs for safety and security would be to step out of the state of nature and into society or government where man's appetites could be checked by the necessary rewards, punishments, minimum rules of morality, and positive laws. In great contrast to this, the word of God tells us that man in his natural state was Godly, free from sin, in harmony with his creator and with creation, secure, in no need of labour or property, God dependent, and free from all fears. Having lost this through disobedience, he stepped out of his natural state, was forced to labour, fell out of harmonious fellowship with the creator and creation, acquired the capacity to hate, envy, and murder relentlessly (stepping into a Lockeian concept of the state of nature). Since the Ten Commandments provided only a temporary solution to the problem, based on the biblical concept of man's essential Godly nature, what men required to fulfill their needs was the reconciliation of their relationship with God. God eventually provided for this reconciliation through Jesus Christ. Exemplifying this through his words, Christ called men to come unto Him so that he could give them rest, that in Him, they would find rest for their souls, while receiving only the light burdens of Christ (ie. Obedience to God, Matt 11:28). Man, in his natural state, was not required to labour but only to depend upon God.  Slavery, in the final analysis, is a sin against natural law and the laws of the Jewish people if it is more severe than an indentured servitude, does not respect human life and is a depravity, as a result, to both captive and captor. It becomes a burden that can only be quenched by a life of continual intoxication to suppress the burden.    This is so because Adam and Eve were told that they would have to earn a living by the sweat of their brow. Slavery that deprives life and living is a breach of God's commandment to all men. See Genesis 3:19. Je veux parler en francais sur mon bonheur avec mon famille et mon communite'!  Some forms of chattel slavery in some tropical locations respected this balance and the prosperity of their peoples and their dignity is evident.  Abusive chattel slavery is redundant.  It costs money to house people. They work but they have no buying power. They do  not pay rent and a low security inmate used as free labor costs $80,000 per year per inmate and they have no buying power. The $80000.00 is not income it is just cost.  When most finished goods are made by machines, this is very expensive labor and they do not give back to the economy in consumption. If they earned $60,000.00 as dependent employees who could remain under some threat of immediate death by way of contract for 20 years if they show up late more than 5 times a week but who will take care of their own housing, vehicles, food and shelter, it is better for the economy.   So, bring armed guards to the meat packing plant in Florida and hire some  employees who will work and sing an old spiritual. Who wants anything made by an angry inmate? The buying public should receive a warning on the product.  The hangover from slavery where Blacks and Whites owned slaves is not just racialised attitudes in the final days of labor intensive agrarian economies that suggested superiority,  it is some kind of emotional dependency possibly for identity when English as a language is too amorphous and the new identities of white or black are irrelevant in the red, white and blue when you bled red (red; get it? It works the same in Black and White bodies just the way God designed it.) together  in front of German machine guns at least twice in history and were gassed or suffered nuclear poisoning together at least four times by now in the various  theaters of war that include Europe and the Middle East.   It is clear that in light of freedom, some enslaved people chose to stay and asked "where would they go? What would they do?"   That could be logical on day one if you could not afford to buy a plot of land out west. But, eventually, you would have to decide to be content with your former master and the terms of your keep if he could afford you. As an American, you and your former master would have to get into some kind of business. and bag Quaker Oats in addition to producing peanut butter on mass, making pancake mix, designing light bulbs, building cotton gins, tractors  and building  vehicles. This new industrialized economy necessitates a minimum degree of education for both former slave and former master. It involves understanding time, temperature and other basic functions.  Black do not want to have sex with you even if you want to molest them as adults and adulterate their family unions. They are used to it now as a part of regular life in America. Its in the movies like Crash(2005) where the movie company paid millions in human rights law suits in claims made by white female activists.  White people make claims to address these heinous scenes of a police officer molesting an American man's wife.   We are not offended by these scenes as Black people since the mulatto knows the scene depicts a cop that could be his or her father molesting a Black woman but you should never say it or else he will try to take your medical licence and then we have to go and support a war again and die for white shame and self rejection.   Therefore, it is appropriate that Christ offered rest in return for obedience. As well, he also taught that...whosoever will save his own life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul.(Matt. 16:25,26) In this verse, it demonstrates that man's needs would not be met by his attempt to satisfy his own needs independent of God but that losing oneself to Him by placing all of one's life in his hands was the answer to man's ultimate needs. Answering the need for the restoration of harmony between men and God, Jesus gave men the greatest commandment; Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; (that within) these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.(Matt 22:37-40) Therefore God Himself, through Christ, was the answer to the needs of men as dictated by man's nature in his natural state according to the word of God. In conclusion, the purpose of this essay was not to argue for the existence of God but to suppose that He existed while investigating what the bible had to say about man in a state of nature. That being said, Hebrews 11:6 is evident in that it says he who comes to God must believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. The intention of this essay, therefore, was to demonstrate that Locke's conception of man in a state of nature was contrary to what is outlined in the creation narrative in Genesis and to the rest of scripture. Having investigated this, it results that even though Locke uses the word of God in his arguments, he uses it incorrectly so that in the final analysis, Locke's theory conflicts greatly with the word of and the intentions of God. Because of this, the two concepts (that of God's word and Locke's) provide different answers to the needs of men as defined by the respective concepts of the state of nature. Locke proposes man-made government while the word of God proposes God's government manifested in the kingdom of Heaven through Jesus Christ: Therefore take no thought, saying what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or, wherewithal shall we be clothed?... But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt.6: 31,33) It is unfortunate for Locke, but man's reason is not perfect. It is fallible. Locke does not seem to acknowledge this. Hence, many of our world systems are inherently set on a crash course for collapse and have come to threaten man's very existence. It only took three hundred years from the time of Locke's first publishing where we must ask ourselves, how have we come to the brink of man's existence in terms of environmental failure or nuclear holocaust so rationally or is it irrationally? Our reason must be God dependent; not independent of God or presumptively right because it is called reason nor should it be worshiped as such. Our current reality is the proof of the error of our trajectory; the error of our calculation, the error of our Lockeian philosophy. A third treatise is needed which will not be so short sighted and driven by continual taking and the fear of not having enough; the profit driven, property and provision, and continual expansion paradigm. How many cars can we sell in China? Our capacity to realise a new energy paradigm based on hydrogen engines and fuel is realisable in this generation or whenever necessary since the technology was designed by the same companies that produce oil, freeing us from the doubt and global insecurity engendered by the dependence on fossil fuels (see link: Oil is good energy. No doubt, a switch to hydrogen will arrive in due course.  Anything short of realizing the hydrogen paradigm when necessary and in accordance with the outlook of the oil companies that produce hydrogen will be disappointing when the appointed time comes.  It would be a failure of our collective genius (see link:    Good energy like oil is used in balance with maintaining a viable, beautiful environment.  We are now spending critical resources and energy to consider the threat of rising water levels to global security and there were many individuals who refused to accept the scientific reality of global warming because it was decided by certain 'say so's' that it did not fit their political ideology but they do not live in Greenland or in the south pacific where the loss of polar ice caps and land mass respectively is a living reality. Our current format is impossibly unsustainable lest we subdivide the moon and the last remaining rain forests. What is needed is a third treatise which will hold in view the long term existence of all of mankind. If Locke had been honest in faith, he might have provided a theory for a system that would last not only three to four hundred years but that would have been truly inspired by the word of God and God's call to have dominion; dominion as in care for and sustain while also living from the earth. We can only leave behind what we have hoarded,once we have died. We should seek to leave 'life' and not just inanimate wealth to our own future generations; to our own children's children; to the Smiths, the Jones', the Mbakas, the Chus, the Greenspoons, the Denilsons, The Tevin Blairs, The Steltatos, the Leithland Morto Deddo, the Lawrences of New York who are not the children of a dictator the Costas, the Tochukwus, the Zegotas, the Matsushitas, Omobancrubuwa, Ladifiche, the Grahams, ten Booms and you can add your family's last name to the list. For those who can do something about it, this will be the greatest gift that they can leave to their family's future generations. Everyone can do something about it although life is not a right. It is a privilege. Do you have a right to live and hurt people or expect that your daughter will have the right to plagiarize an essay?  John Locke is dead and so MLK but if you do not reference their works properly in essays even if you allude to their ideas, YOU WILL FAIL. You may have hoped to feel LEGITIMATE  by using someone's essays but the reason why the writer feels legitimate is because he followed the school's guidelines with obedience and was accredited as a bonafide graduate for participating and completing the assigned work. The writer could have been an orphan; like Locke but you  when do you have the right to break rules and expect to maintain any sense of legitimacy. Even Kings loose legitimacy with their people for breaches of natural law. However, there may be certain privileges afforded to a King within natural law such as many wives and this is only because natural law says he can afford the many but not more than natural law says he can afford. We know what happened to Solomon. We know what happened David in committing an adultery that the Pharaoh in Genesis refused to commit against Abraham and Sara. Joseph also refused to commit this sin and sin against the great God also revered by the Egyptians.    We must think beyond what happens when we die. There is a book written that discusses the philosophy behind the 'Terminator' movies but ultimately we are the philosophy. It is dark. It needs to change. Hopefully we will not lose sight of our God-given capacity to reason and also the need to trust in God in the effort to find a solution; a solution other than holocaust. So let it be. Concept of Human Nature according to God and John Locke: an Examination Warren Lyon Politics 237, University of Western, Ontario First written: March 1993 Edited: February 2010 Warren Augustine Lyon, B.A.(Hons), LL.B.(Hons), PGDL. Toronto, Canada Bibliography 1. Berry, C.J, Human Nature, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, Humanities press International: 1986 2. Locke, John., Second Treatise Of Government, Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing: 1980. 3. Morris,H.M., The Biblical Basis of Modern Science Grand Rapids, Baker Book House: 1984. 4. The Bible: King James version, Living Bible Translation, Good News Bible. Endnotes i)Christopher J. Berry, Human Nature (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 1986) p.133 ii)Paradigm is defined as a self-actualizing world view; Robert Melvin, Professor in Politics at the University of Western, Ontario. iii)ibid. as in #1. p. xiii iv) . Leithland Lloyd Lyon is not a dictator's son and nor will he kill Warren Augustine Lyon only to live in Warren's identity as his only defense in trying to sell Warren's essays; that he will become the write and then say he wrote it. He was a trainee police officer when Warren wrote the essay, was told to give Warren a regular officer's job and the intention was that he would have been promoted to Sergeant; a deputy chief's idea.   A very angry person suggested Leithland follow this evil plot and accuse Warren of being  the father of his son who was not born until one year later after the essay was written but the boy was an adoption. His wife pretended to be pregnant, booked the birth at a hospital and then presented to Leithland an orphan.  Leithland is still a trainee.   It makes no sense and is certain proof that Leithland has no mind of his own if he was to commit a criminal offense like Charcillo and sell the essays or participate in any plot to frustrate the write.  The only other defense is to assist his son in any way a father would instead of trying to use his son's ideas, photos, essays and intellectual property to gain false credibility or earn negative attention.   His desire to do this is the epitome of self hatred. The reason for this is that man's nature in the state of nature is, in essence, the same as human nature. The purpose of the concept of human nature is to look at man in his most natural state and this would most likely be found within the state of nature. v)Henry M. Morris, The Biblical Basis of Modern Science(Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House, 1984), p. 41 vi)Mind is defined as "that with which the living being feels, wills, and thinks; Intellectual ability, and the capacity to reason.,The New American Webster Dictionary Read more:
A loyal American and First lady; Eleanor Roosevelt. 

The Kelly File Oct 15 '16 Wikileaks, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump & M...

Do WikiLeaks emails refute Obama's claim on Clinton server?

FDR's second bill of rights is the only answer and there will certainly be "haves" and "have nots" as you exercise your American freedoms to smoke or not to smoke or to drive a small Cadillac or a big Cadillac.

FDR's second bill of rights is the only answer and there will certainly be "haves" and "have nots" as you exercise your American freedoms to smoke or not to smoke or to drive a small Cadillac or a big Cadillac. But, everyone will work and enjoy what they believe. As far as political parties are concerned, maybe it would help to have one party for 30 years and enforce economic common sense or have three parties so that common sense involving the second bill of rights could actually emerge. The boom  and continual buoyancy of a German, Ukrainian, Mexican, Chinese or Japanese economy is possible in America. Let us remember that FDR was a Republican and  great American.  The only war he was unable to finish in his treasured life was the war on economic ignorance in America.  A massive global conflict gets everyone out of the hangover and false construct of race long enough to see how American could work together and prosper.   The world does not owe America  an apology when America does not put into practice its own American wisdom of a post war economic policy following the acceptance of the reality of mechanized capitalism.  Continued to drool at a Lexus or a BMW that emanates the self belief that is seen in the curves of a 1959 Corvette Convertible.  You are not following your own experiential wisdom and I would rather watch the Truman show over and over again instead of watching CNN as CNN feels like a bunch of adults who were raised on Ritalin and who need attention for drilling holes in their family's home kitchen floor. You don't make any sense and you are politically and economically antithetical in that you do not follow your own experiential, and historical wisdom for abundant prosperity. Everybody laughs and they placate you by agreeing that you are the BIG country and the BIG market that seems to loathe its own products except for coke.   You expect people to get a 3.0 degree or higher but you don't hire them to afford a 3.0 litre engine.  There is nothing wrong with American ingenuity and economic wisdom.

FDR's second bill of rights is the only answer and there will certainly be "haves" and "have nots" as you exercise your American freedoms to smoke or not to smoke or to drive a small Cadillac or a big Cadillac.

FDR's second bill of rights is the only answer and there will certainly be "haves" and "have nots" as you exercise your American freedoms to smoke or not to smoke or to drive a small Cadillac or a big Cadillac. But, everyone will work and enjoy what they believe. As far as political parties are concerned, maybe it would help to have one party for 30 years and enforce economic common sense or have three parties so that common sense involving the second bill of rights could actually emerge. The boom  and continual buoyancy of a German, Ukrainian, Mexican, Chinese or Japanese economy is possible in America. Let us remember that FDR was a Republican and  great American.  The only war he was unable to finish in his treasured life was the war on economic ignorance in America.  A massive global conflict gets everyone out of the hangover and false construct of race long enough to see how American could work together and prosper.   The world does not owe America  an apology when America does not put into practice its own American wisdom of a post war economic policy following the acceptance of the reality of mechanized capitalism.  Continued to drool at a Lexus or a BMW that emanates the self belief that is seen in the curves of a 1959 Corvette Convertible.  You are not following your own experiential wisdom and I would rather watch the Truman show over and over again instead of watching CNN as CNN feels like a bunch of adults who were raised on Ritalin and who need attention for drilling holes in their family's home kitchen floor. You don't make any sense and you are politically and economically antithetical in that you do not follow your own experiential, and historical wisdom for abundant prosperity. Everybody laughs and they placate you by agreeing that you are the BIG country and the BIG market that seems to loathe its own products except for coke. 

THIS is What Happens When You Tell the Truth About Hillary on MSM

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

The Tall Top hat...

There was a White Navajo who fit in quite well with West Indians.
 His name was Sharman. His grandfather was a traveling salesman  in the new Wild West who wore a tall  top hat and Cape in his glory.  He liked tricks but did not know what to do when someone sold his farm with a tricky false signature. He who likes tricks was tricked. This pain of being duped out of a farm became an addiction. The future generations decided to follow the people who duped the grandfather.   The  grandson of the man who performed tricks forged Miles Davis' signature for the right to royalties and was also forced to resign at Chase since it was soo embarrassing and it was discovered that he had no relative memorialized in a monument in Washington but it would be the first thing he would say as he basked in his natural authority at 6' 7" and with  thick long hair.   He was also quite panicked that people would find out he had no education.  He tried to sell bonds on the future projected earnings of the royalties. It was so embarrassing; so embarrassing.  He was shot with his wife several times in a London suburb by a White American looking  bus driver who had plastic,  white teeth.   The moral to the story is  respect America as an American because  the house was never really sold and a third party purchaser in good faith is only holding the equity and legal title in trust for the legitimate owner who was a victim of a criminal fraud.

The real issue is "Jerry Springer show" politicians. C N(o)(EN)N(D) is the show and she is the star dysfunctional guest on tax payer dollars.

If this election was about women and rape,  you choose Jill Stein who never defended a rapist and aided and abetted a rapist. If it is about Jobs maybe you choose D.J. Trunpf who already encouraged and ensured job growth at companies like Ford; one of the world's largest employers. Wouldn't you rather have a job while you argue about who is more of a rapist?  The answer is the man who is a rapist who pretended to be related to Jefferson. He certainly is not. At the same time all the black Sally dna (now Creole White) drops the drawers for him while he pretends; shame just like Bill said. I'm a Sally myself but what is wrong with having a balanced economy with everyone as an employee and with sufficient consumption?   You need to ensure every citizen in North America who graduated from high school or junior public school  has a job of some kind. Focus on those citizens who are not currently working and hire those who have applied to the military and police at least once before anyone else.  They are willing to die for their community.

In further discussion,  why is anyone tolerating democrats who want to send jobs to Mexico when Mexico already has a Volkswagen plant that serves all of North America?  Bill said he was sorry and so did Hilarious( his wife); repeatedly.   She is certainly responsible for the wiki-leaks and went around the world apologizing while the videos keep on filming.  The real issue is "Jerry Springer show" politicians.  C N(o)(EN)N(D) is the show and she is the star dysfunctional guest on tax payer dollars.    Did you see the videos of Bill cutting up and dismembering Latinos and  Irish immigrant women who came to him in Harlem at his office?  A White, adulterous former Presidential hopeful is above reproach with his office in Harlem even when D.J. Trunpf has no formal education but he says he went to Wharton.   Fortunately D.J Trunpf's belief in family and his experience defies any need for formal education in being a  Master Chief.  He has to be related to Hamilton and Washington who were part native and who kept a promise to the American people and the native population who are apart of the American peoples.  They did not intend to depart from the Brit Milah( A BRIT MILAH THAT CONFIRMS IT IS A BREACH OF THE WHOLE JEWISH LAW TO ALLOW ANY FATHER TO KILL HIS OWN SON WITHOUT REASON.) but confirmed it in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  The only issue was the taxation without representation otherwise there was no point in leaving the quiet and the cornucopia of British settlement in the colonies unless you were an under cover French Saboteur who just wanted to destabilize British hegemony to the death even though the systematic method of  British administration hastened wealth and industry for any man with reasonable input in any profession or pursuit in life. Hamilton was a loyal British subject along with Washington and the slow steady growth of the colonies after the declaration of Independence in addition to assurances to all old and new settlers from any country was evidence of the commitment to principles of universal humanity in a quasi-English governmental administration that took on its own unique American flavor, ensuring an end to absolute power with a system  of  separation of powers among the three branches of government.  The British don't owe you anything but you act like you have the right to rob a French person with an English degree since you are sooooo French and West Indian in the year 2014 but you don't speak French at all.  Back to our story,   The political representation of the colonists in the British Parliament was insufficient and the taxes per annum exceeded that of the average British citizen in England.  The only issue today is that you must have some population of Hyderabad Orphans in the 6th generation who believe wrongly in starving an economy to ensure "haves" and "have nots".  65 year olds in this population hold on to 40 year old actual university graduates as father figures and treat them as someone that must be killed.  They say education is redundant if you have tuition but even child cannot fly a plane by tuition or figure out how to complete a heart surgery successfully.    There will always be gamblers and whore mongers who will not have as much as a dude who would rather put $$20.00 in his wife's handbag than adulterating his union at the local strip joint worshiping adultery.  You have an equal choice in how you spend your monies but everybody can have a job.    There will always be "haves" and "have nots".  But, that phenomena is not economic policy.  America technically is a "have not" globally when smaller countries have more wealth with American companies sending jobs overseas. It is better to have everyone employed and giving back to the economy and no prisoner as labor is an economic freebie.  You would have been better off to give him dignity and hope to enjoy his own new or used Cadillac built with free hands or maybe that sleek new Chrysler 200; convenient, very convenient!  Then, you can ship your drawers,  your bed and your Nightie from Nordstrom,  K-Mart or Walmart.  There will always be employees who will buy "store brand"  and those who will buy the "national leading" brands but you have your equal choice.  You may save more money on the "store brand"  and have more interesting vacations than the neighbor who buys national leading brands.  There is nothing wrong with everyone having a job and you will still see your "haves" and "have nots."  But, this naturally occurring phenomena is not economic policy.   I will also believe in American democracy when the two larger parties acknowledge and ensure the other candidates have equal participation in a formal debate.  You were told in the year 2000 that there was insufficient time to count the votes.  You could have left Girl in the White house and according to American electoral law, the issue of the election should have gone to the House of Representatives for a final vote and determination among the sitting members.

If this election was about women and rape,  you choose Jill Stein who never defended a rapist and aided and abetted a rapist. If it is about Jobs maybe you choose D.J. Trunpf who already encouraged and ensured job growth at companies like Ford; one of the world's largest employers. Wouldn't you rather have a job while you argue about who is more of a rapist? The answer is the man who is a rapist who pretended to be related to Jefferson. He certainly is not. At the same time all the black Sally dna (now Creole White) drops the drawers for him while he pretends; shame just like Bill said. I'm a Sally myself but what is wrong with having a balanced economy with everyone as an employee and with sufficient consumption?   You need to ensure every citizen in North America who graduated from high school or junior public school  has a job of some kind. Focus on those citizens who are not currently working and hire those who have applied to the military and police at least once before anyone else.  They are willing to die for their community.

In further discussion,  why is anyone tolerating democrats who want to send jobs to Mexico when Mexico already has a Volkswagen plant that serves all of North America?  Bill said he was sorry and so did Hilarious( his wife); repeatedly.   She is certainly responsible for the wiki-leaks and went around the world apologizing while the videos keep on filming.  The real issue is "Jerry Springer show" politicians.  C N(o)(EN)N(D) is the show and she is the star dysfunctional guest on tax payer dollars.    Did you see the videos of Bill cutting up and dismembering Latinos and  Irish immigrant women who came to him in Harlem at his office?  A White, adulterous former Presidential hopeful is above reproach with his office in Harlem even when D.J. Trunpf has no formal education but he says he went to Wharton.   Fortunately D.J Trunpf's belief in family and his experience defies any need for formal education in being a  Master Chief.  He has to be related to Hamilton and Washington who were part native and who kept a promise to the American people and the native population who are apart of the American peoples.  They did not intend to depart from the Brit Milah but confirmed it in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  The only issue was the taxation without representation otherwise there was no point in leaving the quiet and the cornucopia of British settlement in the colonies unless you were an under cover French Saboteur who just wanted to destabilize British hegemony to the death even though the systematic method administration hastened wealth and industry for any man with reasonable input in any profession or pursuit in life.  The British don't owe you anything but you act like you have the right to rob a French person with an English degree since you are sooooo French and West Indian in the year 2014 but you don't speak French at all.  Back to our story,   The political representation of the colonists in the British Parliament was insufficient and the taxes per annum exceeded that of the average British citizen in England.  The only issue today is that you must have some population of Hyderabad Orphans in the 6th generation who believe wrongly in starving an economy to ensure "haves" and "have nots".  65 year olds in this population hold on to 40 year old actual university graduates as father figures and treat them as someone that must be killed.  They say education is redundant if you have tuition but even child cannot fly a plane by tuition or figure out how to complete a heart surgery successfully.    There will always be gamblers and whore mongers who will not have as much as a dude who would rather put $$20.00 in his wife's handbag than adulterating his union at the local strip joint worshiping adultery.  You have an equal choice in how you spend your monies but everybody can have a job.    There will always be "haves" and "have nots".  But, that phenomena is not economic policy.  America technically is a "have not" globally when smaller countries have more wealth with American companies sending jobs overseas. It is better to have everyone employed and giving back to the economy and no prisoner as labor is an economic freebie.  You would have been better off to give him dignity and hope to enjoy his own new or used Cadillac built with free hands or maybe that sleek new Chrysler 200; convenient, very convenient!  Then, you can ship your drawers,  your bed and your Nightie from Nordstrom,  K-Mart or Walmart.  There will always be employees who will buy "store brand"  and those who will buy the "national leading" brands but you have your equal choice.  You may save more money on the "store brand"  and have more interesting vacations than the neighbor who buys national leading brands.  There is nothing wrong with everyone having a job and you will still see your "haves" and "have nots."  But, this naturally occurring phenomena is not economic policy.   I will also believe in American democracy when the two larger parties acknowledge and ensure the other candidates have equal participation in a formal debate.  You were told in the year 2000 that there was insufficient time to count the votes.  You could have left Girl in the White house and according to American electoral law, the issue of the election should have gone to the House of Representatives for a final vote and determination among the sitting members.

Growing up you watched Hindi movies, Chinese movies and Japanese movies in addition to Walt Disney. In the various movies and cultures, there was a depiction of good human beings, evil human beings and of heroism.

When Growing up, you watched Hindi movies, Chinese movies and Japanese movies in addition to Walt Disney. In the various movies and cultures, there was a depiction of good human beings, evil human beings and of heroism.  It had nothing to do with religion necessarily but the movies depicted faiths also that echoed the principles of the Christ.   If you chose to be a good human being, it had nothing to do with the code of faith but  personal conduct.  Are you the evil Hindi character or the evil Chinese character? Evil was consistently evil regardless of the culture in which it was depicted. Evil hurts people and its own family mindlessly and senselessly for unusual feelings of fear, jealousy or comparisons that rest in the mind inexplicably of the evil character. If you chose to be a Christian in the Cul de sacs of Yonkers, it was because you weren't going to be speaking Chinese, Indian or Japanese any time soon but the code made quiet sense. You would still play High School sports and dream of a Big Jaguar or Cadillac SUV built by.   $60,000.00/ per year employees who give back to the economy $30000.00 in their own consumption and expenditures instead of $80,000.00 per year prisoners ( the cost to house and guard a prisoner) who buys nothing as if you need a black bird in a cage for Southern identity.  You can also think of a  1996 Audi Quattro and you would follow that quiet code depicted in various cultural expressions including Walt Disney, GI Joe Cartoons or the Power Rangers.  As such,  it is likely that a Christian from North America who grew up in such a multiplicity of cultures will understand a Hanzo sword while he also understand the word of God that cuts asunder bringing separation between the bone and spirit.  If you think of your Christianity as an ancient code  that goes way back to the beginning of time, then it might help. It is ancient. It is commensurate in teaching to any other ancient code or way of faith.  You don't need to panic at this suggestion but you can see the idiocy of an evil Hindu practitioner asserting religious superiority while he is fixated on killing or resenting his relative or in-law because the relative decided to stay in the Calcutta Government School until 30 years old.  Some people in the West Indies take study to the extreme of resentment and, as an expression of national identity, you wish to target the people who pursue study and hire foreigners and foreign non West Indian graduates instead.   Instead of playing "Spectre" and using those graduate types as a target,  hire them in the West Indian association or simply release them as targets in your community. They have helped people from all back grounds; including West Indians.   Returning to our original story, the Calcutta Government School graduate had  honored his parents wishes to stay in school so that he could explain the benefits of passing on property to the next generation by registering them as joint tenants before death instead of leaving it in limbo with a Will.   You need to also communicate the joint tenancy to the children so they know their rights of abode and ownership upon the death of the older relative. A Will( last will and testament) is Limbo.  That is why they created the dance; to warn you in the West Indies since you don't hear the East Indian ancestry who has no time for this angry culture more than 200 years after the French abandoned chattel slavery.  They realized early that they needed consumers for the finished goods of the future to be produced on mass; goods  envisioned such as Chanel and Vuitton and there was no need to continue such a practice since you pay for everything but there is no consumption of the finished goods.  That is why India, France and Taiwan have a GDP that exceeds  that of the United States although they are geographically smaller countries. Using the 13th amendment to turn prisoners into free labor or labor at 23 cents an hour might sound lucrative to someone but who wants the product regardless of how beautiful the design or the quality of the beef?  The justification is not racial. Black people are free and equal according to the preamble and general wording of the constitution as confirmed and amplified by the 14th amendment.   We know this since we have evidence that Black people owned slaves before its abolition.  If the only motive is fear of death in drilling and bolting car parts together and not job quality, then the proponents of this kind of labor have defeated a capitalist tenet that purports the importance of motivation, reward and pride in labor and capitalism.  Communism respected a basic minimum motivation and that was a certain and basic freedom along with an obligation to show up to work with health, dental, shelter and some monies provided but not enough monies to continually stimulate the internal market.  Do you know Mr. Ghoudas ?  In any event,  you can see  the idiocy of an Evil Christian Bishop who believes Christian talk about weddings and betrothals must stay quite limited to the notion of "no children or coitus in a God honoring Betrothal before a wedding ceremony"  or else he will have nothing to talk about or he will have fewer people to judge  in terms of  people living in sin or what he calls eloping.   He is murderously angry with anyone who will point out that Mary and Joseph went to the inn to find shelter for her impending delivery during their betrothal.  They had little money as the story tells us and resorted to a manger. As such I sometimes wonder why they did not, with little resources, just give birth at Joseph's place or Mary's place or go to Elizabeth and Zacharias who lived down the road.   Jewish custom gives couples conjugal rights prior to the wedding ceremony and this may involve the birth of children.  This did not change after Christ's resurrection.  Your Bishop, regardless of his preaching on living in sin, is not likely to refuse to celebrate your wedding ceremony if  the child of the God honoring union is the flower girl or ring boy.   Doesn't this kind of wisdom happen a lot with Black people and no one judges them?    This is because what is not done in faith is sin. You cannot live in sin unless you have no faith in what you are doing; for the good.
The aim, whether you are sitting with Christians, Hindus, Jews or Buddhists is to approximate some evident earthly good in behavior so there is salt and light in your community and family; your rita or dharma.

Hebrews 4:121599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

12 [a]For the [b]word of God is [c]lively, and mighty in operation, and sharper than any two edged sword, and entereth through, even unto the dividing asunder of the [d]soul and the [e]spirit, and of the joints, and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts, and the intents of the heart.


  1. Hebrews 4:12 An amplification taken from the nature of the word of God, the power whereof is such, that it entereth even to the deepest and most inward and secret parts of the heart, wounding them deadly that are stubborn, and plainly quickening the believers.
  2. Hebrews 4:12 The doctrine of God which is preached both in the Law and in the Gospel.
  3. Hebrews 4:12 He calleth the word of God lively by reason of the effects it worketh in them, to whom it is preached.
  4. Hebrews 4:12 He calleth that the soul, which hath the affections resident in it.
  5. Hebrews 4:12 By the spirit he meaneth that nobelest part which is called the mind.