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Sunday, 6 July 2014

Hanna had faith to have both a husband and a child. There is a generation that encouraged their daughters to have a son first and to find a husband after. But, in spite of whether they actually succeed in being thankful for the guy who was finally stamped with approval, they could always be in control of their baby, their man(their actual child) and have a sense of communal acceptance in public and a revolving door in private. This is a "Hanna sitting at the well with Jesus" generation that had faith to have a son but not a husband while Hanna in the bible had faith to have a husband first and a child second. Essentially, she had faith to receive. Regardless of the order of your faith to receive and to circumvent disappointment in your personal vision of how life should be ( son first with anyone and husband second if you so choose), what is not done in faith is not faith and be thankful for the son and also the companion who will be a kinsman redeemer so to speak and this was your plan of faith or was it your mothers?

There is a generation that encouraged their daughters to have a son first and to find a husband after.  But, in spite of whether they actually succeed in being thankful for the guy who was finally stamped with approval, they could always be in control of their baby, their man(their actual child) and have a sense of communal acceptance in public and a revolving door in private. This is a "Hanna sitting at the well with Jesus"
 generation that had faith to have a son but not a husband while Hanna in the bible had faith to have a husband first and a child second.  Essentially, she had faith to receive. Regardless of the order of your faith to receive and to circumvent disappointment in your personal vision of how life should be ( son first with anyone and husband second if you so choose), what is not done in faith is not faith and be thankful for the son and also the companion who will be a kinsman redeemer so to speak and this was your plan of faith or was it your mothers? 

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