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Friday, 18 July 2014

As World War II is the only relevant historical reference point( a reset) for assessing race relations, it must be understood that black people owned oil wells, farms and dentist offices before the start of the war.

As World War II is the only relevant historical reference point( a reset button) for assessing race relations, it must be understood that black people in the West Indies and the U.S. owned oil wells, farms and dentist offices before the start of the war. For some midwest farm owners, it was hard to understand Martin Luther King's difficulties in the south. Some were descendents of a black Ambassador to the Philippines in the 1870's. Black people in the north where King was educated were quite free. King could have relaxed in New York and could have been a hotel manager part-time while working on his sermons for recording at a big multi-racial church( my grandma and your grandma sitting around the fire maybe!). But, he chose to help people in the south who were victims of the descendents of French indentured servants more than anything else. English came with a struggle. It was soo hot. That seemed to justify a lot of illogical behavior to some;and anger. The southern difficulties should not have been televised since it spread false notions about the progress of American race relations; so stupid!

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