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Saturday, 19 July 2014

James 4:8. Jezebel bleached the black swan and tears her house down. This is a prayer for peace or just throw out those old drugged up songs from the 70's. Jah gave Ramses and Joseph some power dude to serve Him though: Let the High school graduates who dropped through Uni. with a degree or more do something; innit?

The Arawak Amerindian origins of the various West Indian Islands is evident.  The Amerindian origins of Latin America is also quite evident.   Cultural diversity is evident in addition to the successful adoption of Latin culture and their God(Jehovah) to the point of positive regeneration as opposed to negation.  Jamaica as an island is truly Latin. It was known as Santo Jago for hundreds of years.  The tension in the culture rests on a Latin civil structure and its depth being buttressed with the shaky cultural mud and straw of a hybrid English culture that teaches you how to spell rum, adultery, Shakespeare and Wilberforce; nothing else.  You have to read page 3 for more history and politics or go to the museum so that you have uh class.   The result is evident. Be sure, as a young woman, to book a matrimonio bed suite when booking an all-inclusive for you and your 5' 11" tall husband with the big muscular hockey ankles.  Santo Jago is a Spanish Island.  The lease by the British expired in 1936. So, thank God because Jamaica as a name has a very special meaning and it feels like it some how. What do you think?  Santo Jago will be sort of a Monaco or Kyoto of the Caribbean with good roads and  a monorail with daily flights to Mexico City(it has 30 million people)  for shopping at $69.95 per seat return on Ryan air Americas or Easy Jet West Indies.  It's possible.  Several Western governments have already placed a positive spin on the backward emotional inertia with regional debt forgiveness programs. It's time to think positively about paradise. You can live any where you want.

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