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Thursday, 31 January 2013

What does it profiteth a man?

Abraham gained the whole world, is known as a friend of God but did not lose his soul? What does it profiteth a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?  Have you heard of M. Scott Peck, Tony Dungy, Jon Jones, Vichy cosmetics, and Franklin Templeton?  Both Creativity and ingenuity can never be the pitied province of only those who seek the approval of and friendship with the world. Is not friendship with the world enmity with God? Friendship is quite a significant burden of fidelity and sincerity. Jesus is called a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Why don't you go and have a study on what that means? No man can have two masters. You cannot please everyone in being a servant. Read John 5 to the end. See Moses' experience in Egypt and why the people Isreal left.  They could not worship there freely. See Moses' experience with the people Israel at Mount Sinai where they designed a golden calf in wanton desires, lust and pleasure, cheating with each other's wives and husbands with the excuse that they wanted to see if their neighbor was ill or "manly" enough to do something brawny.    The "world"  is anywhere or anything thing in which the Lord is not entertained as Lord and sovereign.    Go make an investment and buy some good well meaning make up and praise the Lord.  You can also bet on a UFC fight. Did I say bet? Well, you can cheer for him and make a good offering on de Sunday mon!

It says that the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and He knew because he felt VIRTUE leave him. Google that.  I think it means that He felt proximity to someone who was unclean, emotionally undelivered, undecided about Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost to do all things including immaculate conception or someone not so uh virtuous. God is not mocked.  You may video yourself in public singing praises but you can only impart what is truly in you. If you are not truly submitted to God or His ministry, then that is what you will impart. If it is confusion and bitterness rolling around inside you, that is what you will impart regardless of your beautiful high notes. We are not discouraging you, because you were not doing this before you met that boy who is a future seminary graduate when he retires maybe someday. So sing and share the gospel some more. We want you to. It's much better than the three hits of weed over the last ten years and the 1-2 bottles a day of wine. Your appreciation for the advice to break generational cycles by apologising to your mother and daughter  and forgiving your daughter is noted and recorded.  It's just that in spite of what you do in public, you are abusive and verbally destructive to all that you said you wanted to enjoy. You are inconsistent and increasingly incoherent and your behaviour puts mud on the light you wish to reflect.  The word implores us to ask if a stream can run both bitter and sweet waters.  Google that.  One plants a seed and one waters it, but God causes the growth.  It can't be clear what you wanted because all you do is speak lies and falsehood and then you call back to apologise. You give touchy favours to the electricians and plumbers, thinking that you are sowing a seed of  friendship down the road. Then, you feel hurt and used when they do not provide the uh favour in return. They are being paid hourly and you were a good laugh on the way out the door. You called again last night at 9:00 pm. Go to the church that  your old friend and boyfriend(my man you called him- named Chander  Ron or Feddy or Joe or Richie or Rick. What about Dander  Gardner on Thirsty-forattentioninanywaypossible-book? What did you say about him while exchanging messages with him everyday? He is your husband. Just accept his loving advances.  There are soo many of them and you cheated on Ron on November 11th, 2011. He was soo hurt when you went out for a coffee with a friend. Ron said you cheated in having coffee) encouraged you to attend last year but you chose the other church that had more recovering alcoholics like yourself. Then you started your coaching once a week with but all they said was join a bible study. Have you done that yet? It is not enough to just get up and teach on your own. You have not read three books of the bible now; have you? You need some one on-one ministry and you don't respect simple steps of true discipleship.  Jesus still went to synagogue and was taught by the elders. But, he also taught but that was after he completed the training they provided. He was training and studying up to the age of 30. He was asked to perform a miracle at a wedding in public ministry and he told the person who asked that His time had not yet come. So, in light of His gifts, he was humble and submitted in the exercise of those gifts.  His goal was to glorify the Father and not himself so read Matthew 4 and complete those three tests in temptations and succeed every day for a few years, pick up your cross of childhood hurts, deny yourself and Follow Him. Can you do that? One thing for sure is that Jesus backed up everything He said with the WORD OF GOD as He came to fulfil the law and the prophets. His whole entire ministry is recorded in summary in Isaiah 1. Now, go and enjoy your new man who is probably a distant cousin of the official choir director at that Pentecostal church in Etobicoke where you went last week. Be honest with them and yourself.  You will meet a new friend and boyfriend soon. Please do not call again because you carry a double standard that says you do what you want but expect your man to be a prisoner of your insecurities while you ask him to tape your image to his eyelids and deny all other Godly friendships and fellowships if he was foolish enough to do so. Then, you do not respect him or his family in your words. It does not matter where you grew up because there are people in your old neighbourhood who have learned the simple lessons of 1 John 1 and 2, 2nd Peter 2, 2nd Timothy 4:3, Jude and James 4. Ask your other ex boyfriend.  As you put it, its a game and you left one and you are going to leave the current one but this time, you are being told to stay away, without any further harassment from you and not to call or write again. Ok? You do not love yourself as you think and if you did, you would let him be as balanced and cherished in his friendships as always but you deny this. The devil comes as an angel of light. You deny true friendship and helping hands as if someone is robbing you of an opportunity to achieve something as you endeavour to do it all on your own. Take a bag of grapefruit again then and be Wholly thankful. He is now bringing the grapefruits to the new girlfriend who reciprocates not only in making a cup of tea but in fair and balanced treatment.  Ok? Jesus died on the cross and you are to cast your cares and burdens on Him. Its not that a man cannot support you, but you are taking "the Michael" and he cannot die for you. Look at your abuse. Beat on the cross in your imagination with your pains and not on a man, husband or boyrfriend. Try that.  He also scored three goals last night in hockey and soccer. Hockey was online.
Now, join an Alpha course( get it? and keep those Taro Daniel cards  out of your hand bag this time around the proverbial  mountain of your life. He does not need your negative energy. 

Now little girl, you are almost 47 and you still want to be the authority in your family. What happened with you and your grandfather? Did he not provide you enough melted marshmellows?  You are trying to be your grandfather and aproximate and challenge any sense of discipline or authority.  He, your grandfather, was a disciplined man and he should not have spent that time with you melting those sticky marshmellows running down all over your mouth. He might have been better off giving you Superman comics and Bible character action figures to play with. Forgive him for that because the marshmellows were bad for your teeth any how and all you really wanted was some gentle Godly attention in reading the word together. He is not even sure why he bought those marshmellows but your mother did actually, in fact, and she thought it might be good if you uh know him; so she told him; so pretty you are.

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