It was said, apparently, by Ann Landers some time ago, that Soap Operas were designed and written for a segment of the population who, due to formative experiences that remained unhealed, would have difficulties forming normal long term relationships. Ultimately, their expectation was relationship breakdown, divorce, infidelity and being single. They would always find ways to create relational failure or breakups. The Soap operas were to help them cope and were written accordingly but they actually fostered and confirmed their doubts and ultimately when offered the opportunity in faith to have a long term union, their negative expectations would work against it as soon as overt and public long term commitment was expressed. They found a way to bring to pass their negative self expectation which was really their lack of self value and then they would devalue anyone who had hoped for a long term union. This does not mean that they do not attend church but it seems that they were also more likely to be involved in side-faiths that included tarot cards along with substance abuse; essentially escapes from reality like the Soap Operas. They would also hope that their stories of life and experience would be held as believable but they were writing fictional accounts of what people would say, mis-hearing what people said and taking expressions of concern out of context in erratic behaviour and words. They also may have found it easier to bond to animals that show needs for attention but who cannot really speak or reason and that eat off the floor. It is not that they are inhumane but they also tend to be very abusive and find their tendencies lean toward a reluctance to take responsibility for their abusive word and deeds. The royal law is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you but they do the opposite and indicate their deeper mindset. It could be that they may not have faced their deepest hurts; nor have they forgiven that person and so walk in victimisation and seek to bring others into this life and world of "victim." It is not that they cannot love anyone but every relationship is founded on one's own personal self-valuation. If you appreciate yourself, then you will appreciate those who appreciate you. If you are appreciated when truly appreciating yourself, you will not find yourself taking opportunities to devalue the person who has expressed appreciation in you, growing increasingly arrogant as if you needed them to value you before you could decide to enter some other relationship while using the last person you were with as some sort of crutch to feel good about yourself while you are actually rejecting them. You could use Jesus as a crutch and seek His healing as He came to heal the broken hearted and to bind their emotional wounds so you can be whole in Christ. God is His father as well. Christ is also the mighty counsellor and the Prince of Peace. So, what option will you choose today? Microsoft asks quite often,"....what are you going to do today?"
The word of God is a book of options; a book of choices. If you choose one set of choices long enough, then you get the prize which is eternal salvation. Paul the Apostle said that he did not have the attitude that he already had attained it but he pressed on toward the goal of salvation in Christ Jesus. God will give you all the attention you need. Do you usually quit in faith when an opportunity to get attention and show someone your new shoes or your old baby milk bottles with the 34DD tops presents itself?
You enter in by repentance and you stay in with a humble and sincere faith seeking to please God and trust God. God quite often promises His provision but you have to trust Him to do it and it might mean you have to wait a little while but while waiting, be assured that the enemy will send his false answers that seem so irresistible during that time of waitng. Did some woman ask you to cook for her for cash but you are not studying to be a cook and you have no interest in cooking alone...with her? Jesus was tested and so was David. I do not need to mention Joseph. The woman he met said, " dare you refuse my vagina?" Joseph said, " can I do this thing and sin against my God?" Read Psalms 23. It is one of the best Psalms for that time of testing so in that book of options, just wait and choose. God will answer. Read Psalms 27:10 to the end of the chapter and remember that if it was a race, you can trust that the hare and tortoise had a race but the tortoise won in the end. Why did he win and not the hare? Read the fable of the tortoise and the hare.
You cheated on November 11th, 2011 so be honest and let that young seminary future graduate go. Stop accusing him of nothing more than being a good colleague to his old friends. Grow up now; child?
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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