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Friday, 25 January 2013

Menace to Society or Your Brother's Keeper..Have a rap battle. You decide!

You might not be sure of your Daddy or who is your real family and when you win the tennis competition in China, maybe everybody may claim you as their child; right? Well, His yoke is easy and His burden light. Make a choice.  Be a fisherman and volunteer to help some people in need; right?  It says Jesus is a friend who will always stick closer than a brother.  You judge yourself more than anyone else could judge you. Paul accepted grace and said it was not right for him to condemn himself.  Everyone will agree with you because you are determined to be right about everything and your gift of self fulfilling prophecy that you will make it happen if you could. As such, you are single as you are always exploring the options so just have fun with whomever is willing to deal with your crazy ass Bi#$ch ways.  You must have been confused when you saw your mother hit your father and took it as a term of endearment because you seek that type of attention and take kind and gentle treatment as weakness. What do you want really? You must have thought you were the only child who witnessed that sort of thing. As a result, you are single because people get tired of you breaking up when you don't get the type of negative attention you want and the man you are with is not your man because you want to recreate the painful experiences of your parent's relationship patterns instead of letting it go in prayer and forgiveness. You are single and exploring your options because you always act like it and people have started to laugh at your incoherence. One day Jesus is Lord and you confess that with God all things are possible. The next day, Mary was not a virgin  but some how Jesus could still find the power to rise from the grave and you call yourself a teacher but of what; confusion? It must be that and nothing more.  The fact that you or your cousin had an abortion at 14 has nothing to do with Mary giving birth at 12 miraculously as a virgin. God's pattern when He does something to make a point is to do it miraculously and the gift of faith is not for everyone or else it would not be a gift but it is the power to change and convert a heart from separation and hatred of the message of Christ to submission as seen in Paul the apostle.  The abominable sin is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost to perform the great wonders and mighty works that it is His to perform; not you but maybe Him working through you if you would just get down off of your self-created pedestal before you fall off again and again and just let Him.  The meek shall inherit the earth because they submit to teaching and study to be approved. You do not do this but make vain claims to know this or that but you only speak from your puffed up deceived, double minded imagination. If you want to catch fish and sell all of your cookies, follow the Lord and cast your net, as He shows you, on the other side.  You say people will write about you but its hard not to "out" a faker and so you act like it more and more.  Were you locked in a cupboard for too long as a child? Yes. You were right when you said people would right about you today or tomorrow. You need to be seen for what you are as a person who is not sure of anything but that you want to get out of confusion, not desire power more than truth and sincerely help someone some where. So, on that note go to your ex boyfriend's wedding and tell him you were right about him marrying someone else.  You were right.  You broke up with him in 1987, you said, in high school and he still calls you to see how you are doing. You are buying a new crocodile from him and you have one already.  Just marry him if you can change his mind since he is desperate for attention since you are not looking too bad for an old girl (eh?) and let go of anyone else. The man you are with as a pastor's kid is not desperate for attention. He gets his attention from reading entire books and newspaper articles.  Be a fisherman. His burden is light. It is easier to focus on pleasing Jesus  than it is pleasing everybody who loves you soo soo much to give you an opinion. Everybody has an opinion "teacher of all things but a student of none" as you really have no mind of your own; no mind and you are tossed by every new fad and idea.  You can keep working to have a right to be upset.   Now some people thought Paul the Apostle was the Messiah because of zeal for the gospel but he told them clearly "...No! I am not."   He also might have said, "...I am whatever God says I am. But, certainly I am willing to die for what I believe as a child of Christ."  Some people thought Juanita Bynam was the  Messiah because  she told people authoritatively to put the sheets away and she was right but that was before Tyler Perry was a big movie star. They co-write sometimes; I was told as she remains a dedicated author of scripts and mother of  a big church that trains people from the ruffest terrain of life to be real and true Disciples of Christ and they are hardcore authentic and able to slice ( Good word. Who speaks like that?)   people with the word as the word of God is a two edged sword able to cut asunder the division between soul and spirit(Hebrews 4:12). You see, you don't know this.   

In denying the immaculate conception, you deny the power of God to create something out of nothing; the power to speak and to create as He spoke and the world was formed. You call God father but deny His power as God to do and to will as it is in His power to do such as heal and to create human life. You argue that God will not deny His usual pattern in doing things. What seed and egg were used to create Adam and Eve or did they just evolve and even if they did evolve why is that monkeys have stopped evolving after our evident existence and power not only to create and to destroy. We are the only mammals with egos and jealousy created in God's image as God is a spirit and must be worshipped as such( See Psalms 42) with the capacity to respect life and the power to forgive. To forgive is human and to make commitments by choice is human. These traits are unique to us as humans. Whales may be programmed by their unique nature to be monogamous for life. But, humans are quite able to choose and to choose again this direction of some other less fruitful inclination. Find a bird to write a song or psalm. Read Solomon's and Job's arguments on these things. Now, if you started a new idea or business read James 4, 5 and 6 and don't give up. Ask for wisdom since any advice given to you as taken as a threat. Don't give up but read Psalms 27 often and stop blaming other people for who you are and what you become. You are on your own in the choices to believe or doubt. Now let go of that good, young future bible seminary graduate. You are stubborn like a horse needing a bit and bridle; eh girl? Those Pastor's kids are usually nice to hang out with but you can go anywhere you want, so go then and leave them alone; you?    Now, be a brother's keeper  and make no deal with the enemies of the faith; yah?  Your last boyfriend spilled all the tea your friends gave him that was soo cold  and not so nice. You thought he drank it?; and he now has five children. Spill Spill.    Now, just ask God to participate in the little things like what  perfume to put on or cologne or what hot drink to have this morning. You will feel close and try to keep a real friend.  Now, read John 5:41 again.  Your goal is not to be competitive. Do you think a real disciple of Christ would be competitive with other disciples and over what. Everyone has a role to play; right? Your goal is to compete with yourself in being a better servant of God. Jesus wasn't worried about you. That is why he chose a (one cylinder) donkey as opposed to a (2 cylinder) stallion. Want the stallion but don't want it to compete over the good eyes of opinion of others. You want God's eyes of opinion and if he says  stallion then trust him. If he says trust him for a new stallion, then trust him. If he says cute, efficient mustang, mini or donkey, then trust him because your neighbour's good opinion is a shifting sand and they don't lay in bed worrying about how you feel about them all night. Man, you crazy or something? You got to be crazy fool.  Love your self because God approves of you as you seek his pleasure and approval.   Jesus rode a donkey on the way to Jerusalem but it was probably the best looking and muscular donkey you could find or reasonably so anyway with a nice shined coat and it probably looked like a nice horsee; eh? You are just soo silly being preoccupied with other people's feelings about choo. Look at choo.     Can anyone see the label on those jeans. Were they levis? Most levis don't have any back pocket stitching these days anyway. Were they Old Navy Jeans ( $19.99)? How much is that cologne from Marshals or the Axe travel size deodorant from the dollar store or was it Walgreens deodorant? It all averages out but the best label to wear is "accept yourself and love yourself" because the prettiest girl in your class will tell you how much rejection she got from her friend who devalued every gift the prettiest girl got from her father.  You are soo pretty but you don't like yourself. What a dichotomy such that your attitudes are just soo ugly and you thought you could hide it but its in your eyes and the weekly shopping sprees to cover something you are evidently hiding. Give that to God and make it your goal to put the cash you save on healing into a 401k savings plan or a villa down payment in Costa Del Sol or the Copa Cabana .  The truth is you act, dress and speak like a whoreoscope reader or is it constellationscopes instead of a reader of fullscopes or devotionals by Max Lucado, taking gifts from people but never staying faithful(what a hypocrite) to them even in your mindset (always asking for a man who is as good as Jesus but denying Jesus' emaculate conception as the son of God) and you call it a relationship of games. That is your take on relationships and so you counsel others. Some people prefer the notion of sincere friendship but you are beyond that simple comprehension.  Go now. Its going to be ok. Ok?    Misery loves company but there is also company among those who agree that it is better to have a little with thankfulness. All the plastic surgery and candy on the shelf won't answer what you can do in two seconds deep down inside when you are honest about that which is rummaging around inside all of those used and old emotions and you try to cover it with more and more and more good names but God gave you His name as a joint heir in Christ.  When you limit God you are only limiting yourself in your portion. Now, say ".. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With God all things are possible. I do not fear any rejection."   Sell them if you can but don't take on any more old feelings if you can avoid it while you shed what you already have.  You control yourself now. No one  can control you but friends will always encourage. 

Your first test in becoming a truly enlightened and free child of God is to forgive your parents and family where you feel they acted contrary to God's best. You will want your children to forgive you as well. There is no harm in saying sorry yourself and if they don't apologise, you can forgive knowing that as God's child you can use it for character building and growth. Have I told you my story? I decided to let go of the dude who was there as a parent or father and who failed to see God's blue print in my eyes, tennis playing and crayola masterpieces or the poems. It is hard to celebrate what is their honour to celebrate if you didn't care about the result anyway or you expected to happen instantly with a shout and a bark.  You did not encourage nor did you help with the homework. So, you really could not celebrate the result. You had no input as a father. But, the teachers did. God did and God does not put upon anyone an acceptance-performance syndrome called "Worksianity". Have you heard of rest and acceptance as His yoke is easy and His burden is light?    If you can't forgive and love your parents and family, how will you treat your spouse and children; tyrant!!

The truth little girl is that you have too many masters. It is any person who looks at you and tells you, they will like you more or give you more attention if you just follow them.  You could just follow Jesus. He is calling.  The end result is that when there are too many masters, you are a servant of none. You only serve yourself ad your own God.  The last thing to remember is that the reason you keep breaking up with people so often is because you fear that they will break up with you. You must know what you are doing when he or she( you are not sure of your sexual orientation you said)  is at work or in his extracurricular cooking school. You do not esteem yourself and you think breaking up with people is how you esteem yourself in light of your hidden deeds. Do not call again.  Lastly, if you want your husband to  be traditional and be close enough to know where you are hiding in  or behind a tall tree and jump a broom with you without sending an email or  a text, why ask where his cell phone is?  It's ironic!

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