The Mike Douglass Show was syndicated by the same company that syndicated the Little Rascals. I sometimes wondered why but in the end, I decided that there was nothing inconsistent with the values heralded by both shows. Mike Douglass had sons and the Little Rascals was just rascally and also quite creative. There was a joke in their once or twice about Liberty in French( Liberte') when one of the characters from Little Rascals recited a speech about Romans. It was Alfalfa who was a Pastor's son in real life and very creative but not discontent with his own designs and ideas. He was involved in some of the designs apparently. Quite ironically Liberte' is a popular name on some shirts as well as the statute designed by a Frenchman in the New York Harbor; get it?
Also, Howard Hughes, the billionaire philanthropist had a son named Michael who avoided a few matters by dating a girl named Reida. She wanted everyone to feel like him. He was her first true love of dangerous, risky passion and would not let him go. She kept his drule in a bottle and put it in her her two new husbands' martinis. She could never be satisfied with only one man. She was flirting with Jesus and the enemy all of her life. Her Grandmother introduced her to the practice but she was never truly submitted to anyone or anything and resented anyone who seemed to love even one verse in the bible. For instance, the verse that says do unto others as you would have them do unto you was a verse that she hated in addition to the verse that says you should not look at the speck in your brother's eye if there is a big big big log in your own that you work soo hard to keep in your closet and your children's closet. She passed these ways unto to her dyslexic daughter who seemed to graduate although she could not read and no one ever found out until she killed her own family by putting dettol in the pasta sauce but she said she thought it read olive oil. They had no rules and kept none and hid behind a false notion of superiority but Indian people or white people did not feel or act like them. They were actually part aboriginal from South Africa but did not want anyone to know as they did their best to get along in Britain where they emigrated.
Everyone could not feel like Michael. But, he was her first real secret love and passion. She tried to hide him but her undying love continued unabated. It was a crime to see her dying of such unbridled deathly passion. Her brother Brendon chastened her as best as he could. He chose a good wife as secure confident pastor in a passionate, tropical land who carried a bible in his vehicle and loved his relatives with no doubt that they loved him. He taught his younger relatives to understand the virtues of having one woman in your life. It was Equatorial wisdom. Even the Chinese Grocer in Trinidad, Cuba had one woman. That is why everybody could relax in his shop. He was a relaxed and good teacher who read good books that taught you that you may hurt someone if you don't love them but you hurt them more if you love them and you really do not want to.
He taught his younger relatives well and he may not have understood that they respected quite a bit with too few relatives around in sufficient proximity to look up to. He stayed as close as possible although pre-occupied with new revelations from the word of God. That is the Patriarch needed and he answered the phone when you called. The point is, judge yourself and grow up from whatever hurt you are trying to avoid in your unbridled passion as you may not know when people are appreciating you for your vain attempts to seek approval in everything you do but Mike Douglass must have known as did Pastor Brendon. The goal was to seek God's approval(Matthew 12) and their confidence was quite evident to all who watched them as a result. Pastor Brendon had a niece who was the daughter of his brother Pastor Peter. Peter sung quite a bit. His favourite chapter was 2nd Peter 2. He asked his daughter Cherryana to read quite often with its fair facts on the gospel. She has come a long way although people tried to turn her back any way they could. Some said it was Peter's fault in that he loved other people's soccer shoes more than his own but soccer shoes do not make the player contrary to the saying that clothes maketh the man. Passing the ball makes a good player. It seems that every time Cherryana went out, people tried to let her know how much they liked her including the dentist who put a little cocaine in her fluoride treatments. It was either that or she was drinking on the way home from the dentist. Her behaviour and inconsistent words spoke quite voluminously. Oh well. Peter did not quit so soon although it was his first inclination. He pressed on in his beleaguered and burdensome task as she did at least ask for a bible study. The point is, she demonstrated a desire to know and to know Him is to love Him. Peter told her to take a course and he is confident that the right course will come along because she had a need to sit down and be taught 24 hours a day but she ran from the opportunity. Anyway, one plants the seed, one waters it and God causes the growth. She could have spent her time with anyone but she kept calling and He was faithful to the task There was some growth beyond the obvious crack in her development as seen in her underdeveloped emotional intelligence at age 41. She grew up somewhat estranged from her home town; The most Honourable Dodd City, Texas. Everybody that was her hometown mistakenly but it could not be. She was too indecisive as it was really in Halifax, UK. It showed in how she spent her time saving other people's treasures and valuing them afresh and anew. But, she got by singing hymns and the odd pop song with unoffensive lyrics such as Gangnam style written by Koreans and the favourite song of her Korean Political Activist friend who grew up and worked for the town crier in Scarborough, England. His girlfriend was black. His only concern is that she cooked and ironed so well and almost with a gracious athleticism in her academic use of recipes, that he was sometimes afraid of what she was going to do next but he kept his fears stealthily quiet. Cherryana sojourned on like Christian in the Pilgrim's progress. She tried to avoid all confusion and anyone who was in disbelief such as a lawyer from Lincolnshire who swore to her God did not exist. His anger with God is that God did not prevent his sodomy at twelve. He was working overtime to bring as many people as possible into bitterness. He almost succeeded with her until he was exposed for his other life in Mallorca. Living in a faithless and perverse generation has its challenges but we first endeavor to have peace with God ( see John 5:41) and you do your best with everyone else. The key is not to be a playa hata as they say in Christian rap circles. The Lord knows the end of all things like how long it takes to get sheep back in the pen if it is a sheep. The Lord will tell you.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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