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Tuesday, 29 January 2013


There have been many post-apocalyptic summaries on the word of God. Clearly, Job 3:14 makes clear that while some men are building cities and communities with the odd park bench or statue as an honorarium , other men as they work from within or from outside, are tearing them down.  One such summary makes clear that the bible is a book about God's grace in light of human imperfection.  There will always be a person or two who will need some attention and prophecy a precise day or date for the end of the world but Matthew 24 says no one knows when the end will come or its day or hour but you can perceive a cold breeze or a rain storm in the weather as in unusual human behaviour that falls short of enlightened God given intelligence which sometimes feels artificial when applied.  Have you seen the new Philips Fluid phone? It is wafer thin and quite sneaky when your wife searches for it to see if you got any calls from another adulterous woman much like her guilty self. What can you do but live one day at a time though  and be quick to forgive what it not entirely anathema to the long term viability of the blessed union. She goes to church on Sunday and she at least cooks.  I heard an old preacher say forgive quickly always if it is not above and beyond God's grace.  Your thick skin and body is the temple of the living God.  It seems that she has to at least act like some one walking in infidelity or else her church friends from back home won't respect her.  I know it makes very little sense. Read John 6 and Matthew 12.  Birds of a feather that fellowship are not unequally yoked(tied in friendships) with vermin. If he still keeps his old Batman action figures, it may mean he has a playful heart and before you found out, you said you appreciated his mature yet child like disposition. It might also be due to his bag of 5 pence small individually wrapped rock candy in the briefcase. It shows a gratitude for his childhood. He should be a great great father.  You need to heal or just buy a plastic self serve blender machine and uh make it hot and spicy in your uh oven.   

Now, because we have been acting so ungratefully with respect to all the technology and microwave popcorn bequeathed to us by past generations, an underground "bunker safe" car plant and computer assembly line may help us to survive a collective stupidity.   You have to realise that there remain more people on this planet born prior to the conception of microwave popcorn and microwaves.  They had stovetop for most of their formative years.

What one learns from much of this is that after sitting in a pit and being a victim of his brothers, Joseph did not lose the right to sin, commit adultery, hate, lack forgiveness, covet and break God's natural laws.  After the holocaust, the Jews did not lose the right to sin, to lust to covet or to hate.  They also did not lose the right to seek forgiveness from the Lord who opened the red sea in light of their obvious and deliberate humanity. Association with the Jewish faith does not absolve one of the obvious failures of human nature.  Paul the Apostle made this clear in Romans 7. He was a profound Rabi and persecutor of Christ before he had his conversion experience and shared the message as a messianic jew.  In a threatening world where men love darkness more than light(John 1), the Jews must stick together. The messianic Jews will also help in that regard. 

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