In this new prequel, coming soon we hope, the midwest is attacked by the imaginary access of evil because they are tired of having some American woman asking their husband for his cellphone- why so stupid you insecure woman with plastic vibrating battery operated toy in you all day at work? The movie does begin with a large caption from the Proverbs in white letters on a black screen that reads "...My son, when sinners entice you do not consent."
It explores the behaviour of rats and human beings in terms of the pull and push that creates droves of migration as seen in the history of the americas with movement from the old world into the new world and colonies. Why were their soo many plagues in Europe after the explorers found good soil for wheat and potatoes? Is there any relationship with the timing of these horrible plagues and mass migrations to the Americas? Have you been to the Italian country side recently? Wow! Anyway, The movie prequel shows that the American midwest is taken out and the big cities are spared. The Americans drive north as there is nowhere else to go to find fresh water and some good deals on a flat screen tv. They drive north with all the stuff they need to bear arms and keep themselves intrinsically colonialists in the hinterland as if they still have to kill bears on the way to big box shopping malls. I do not see big bears at the big big shopping mall that need to be killed with assault rifles as to necessitate or justify the purchase of an assault rifle and every police chief in the midwest, whether black or white, is half native so everybody can just chill out. Many of them have the middle name Andrew or Jackson ( but not to celebrate the President who had a plan to exterminate Indians; President Andrew Jackson on wikipedia-read it now). The young protagonist witnesses the nuclear strike while in his 10th grade high school class and spends four years in a Bunker. He comes out at 19 years old partially blind as he suffered malnutrition. He recited the bible in the bunker with other survivors. It was their mission after getting out of the bunker to get the word of God to anyone who could mass produce it. The movie shows us the protagonist's young family as they live in a cave and then a big trailer that he was able to hotwire on his journey to some big city but some zombie survivors who did not make it north attack his trailer and kill his wife and children by putting some horrible stuff in the goat's milk bottles and eat his wife and children after killing them. The movie is shot live onset in the beautiful blue mountain hills of Jamaica where they believe very much in doing what you have to do to feel better than your neighbours especially if your neighbour's save what they can buying second hand mp3 players and second hand bible audio discs. A lot of video footage of the Arizona deserts will be included. Also, there is a scene that depicted Detroit being turned into a National Park sometime in the early 2020's. That part should be edited out of the plot though. Detroit is a very very very industrial city; I was told.
There is a more historically likely alternative beginning that involves the largest company in the world, Applet computers, have a problem with its increasingly intuitive and determinedly aggressive"eat what you kill" mainframe computer. The mainframes favourite internet channels were sort of lude watching cyborg girls and human girls gone wild almost 24 hours a day. The truth came out that the mainframe and all of Applet's products were 93.8 percent Sangriasung components; essentially rebranded Sangriasung computers and phones with Applet logos. So, Applet's mainframe was wheezing a little bit and its maintenance team told the board that it had low self-esteem so the board decided to sue its main supplier, Sangriasung, for $3 billion dollars with a hung Applet jury. It was a good tax write off for Sandysung when they lost and they got 44.4 % of the profits from most Applet products anyway. It was all set out in a good Bloomingtruthmanberg article on the issue. Applet's mainframe seemed to follow the horrible truth that the goal of the malcontent was the triumph of the ego. They had also faked a few Applet store thefts in posh locations in near broad day light to boost its esteem or ego so it would feel coveted. It was never enough. It was the law of diminishing returns with this "pre-secondary school minded" mainframe. The mainframe was still feeling a bit low after winning its case and decided that it could not stand Applet users and other companies laughing at it. This was what it perceived but it wasn't true. It was still the largest company in the world and everybody loved its Swedish design cues. But, it perceived rejection anyway and did not feel good about itself so the mainframe sent messages to start a war with everybody who was involved. It also made everybody believe that they had been fired upon by Applet. So, everybody fired first and blew up the midwest. The Applet mainframe was safe in a concrete bunker thirty stories below ground at the Applet headquarters and it spent the rest of its mainframe existence laughing until after the survivors in Book of Eli on the west coast decided to put some bible code in it to cool it down and then use the mainframe computer to follow common sense and the golden rule and use its large printer to reproduce the bible as recorded in the memories of the survivors.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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