Abraham gained the whole world, is known as a friend of God but did not lose his soul? What does it profiteth a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Have you heard of M. Scott Peck, Tony Dungy, Jon Jones, Vichy cosmetics, and Franklin Templeton? Both Creativity and ingenuity can never be the pitied province of only those who seek the approval of and friendship with the world. Is not friendship with the world enmity with God? Friendship is quite a significant burden of fidelity and sincerity. Jesus is called a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Why don't you go and have a study on what that means? No man can have two masters. You cannot please everyone in being a servant. Read John 5 to the end. See Moses' experience in Egypt and why the people Isreal left. They could not worship there freely. See Moses' experience with the people Israel at Mount Sinai where they designed a golden calf in wanton desires, lust and pleasure, cheating with each other's wives and husbands with the excuse that they wanted to see if their neighbor was ill or "manly" enough to do something brawny. The "world" is anywhere or anything thing in which the Lord is not entertained as Lord and sovereign. Go make an investment and buy some good well meaning make up and praise the Lord. You can also bet on a UFC fight. Did I say bet? Well, you can cheer for him and make a good offering on de Sunday mon!
It says that the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and He knew because he felt VIRTUE leave him. Google that. I think it means that He felt proximity to someone who was unclean, emotionally undelivered, undecided about Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost to do all things including immaculate conception or someone not so uh virtuous. God is not mocked. You may video yourself in public singing praises but you can only impart what is truly in you. If you are not truly submitted to God or His ministry, then that is what you will impart. If it is confusion and bitterness rolling around inside you, that is what you will impart regardless of your beautiful high notes. We are not discouraging you, because you were not doing this before you met that boy who is a future seminary graduate when he retires maybe someday. So sing and share the gospel some more. We want you to. It's much better than the three hits of weed over the last ten years and the 1-2 bottles a day of wine. Your appreciation for the advice to break generational cycles by apologising to your mother and daughter and forgiving your daughter is noted and recorded. It's just that in spite of what you do in public, you are abusive and verbally destructive to all that you said you wanted to enjoy. You are inconsistent and increasingly incoherent and your behaviour puts mud on the light you wish to reflect. The word implores us to ask if a stream can run both bitter and sweet waters. Google that. One plants a seed and one waters it, but God causes the growth. It can't be clear what you wanted because all you do is speak lies and falsehood and then you call back to apologise. You give touchy favours to the electricians and plumbers, thinking that you are sowing a seed of friendship down the road. Then, you feel hurt and used when they do not provide the uh favour in return. They are being paid hourly and you were a good laugh on the way out the door. You called again last night at 9:00 pm. Go to the church that your old friend and boyfriend(my man you called him- named Chander Ron or Feddy or Joe or Richie or Rick. What about Dander Gardner on Thirsty-forattentioninanywaypossible-book? What did you say about him while exchanging messages with him everyday? He is your husband. Just accept his loving advances. There are soo many of them and you cheated on Ron on November 11th, 2011. He was soo hurt when you went out for a coffee with a friend. Ron said you cheated in having coffee) encouraged you to attend last year but you chose the other church that had more recovering alcoholics like yourself. Then you started your coaching once a week with www.angelronancoachingservices.blogspot.com but all they said was join a bible study. Have you done that yet? It is not enough to just get up and teach on your own. You have not read three books of the bible now; have you? You need some one on-one ministry and you don't respect simple steps of true discipleship. Jesus still went to synagogue and was taught by the elders. But, he also taught but that was after he completed the training they provided. He was training and studying up to the age of 30. He was asked to perform a miracle at a wedding in public ministry and he told the person who asked that His time had not yet come. So, in light of His gifts, he was humble and submitted in the exercise of those gifts. His goal was to glorify the Father and not himself so read Matthew 4 and complete those three tests in temptations and succeed every day for a few years, pick up your cross of childhood hurts, deny yourself and Follow Him. Can you do that? One thing for sure is that Jesus backed up everything He said with the WORD OF GOD as He came to fulfil the law and the prophets. His whole entire ministry is recorded in summary in Isaiah 1. Now, go and enjoy your new man who is probably a distant cousin of the official choir director at that Pentecostal church in Etobicoke where you went last week. Be honest with them and yourself. You will meet a new friend and boyfriend soon. Please do not call again because you carry a double standard that says you do what you want but expect your man to be a prisoner of your insecurities while you ask him to tape your image to his eyelids and deny all other Godly friendships and fellowships if he was foolish enough to do so. Then, you do not respect him or his family in your words. It does not matter where you grew up because there are people in your old neighbourhood who have learned the simple lessons of 1 John 1 and 2, 2nd Peter 2, 2nd Timothy 4:3, Jude and James 4. Ask your other ex boyfriend. As you put it, its a game and you left one and you are going to leave the current one but this time, you are being told to stay away, without any further harassment from you and not to call or write again. Ok? You do not love yourself as you think and if you did, you would let him be as balanced and cherished in his friendships as always but you deny this. The devil comes as an angel of light. You deny true friendship and helping hands as if someone is robbing you of an opportunity to achieve something as you endeavour to do it all on your own. Take a bag of grapefruit again then and be Wholly thankful. He is now bringing the grapefruits to the new girlfriend who reciprocates not only in making a cup of tea but in fair and balanced treatment. Ok? Jesus died on the cross and you are to cast your cares and burdens on Him. Its not that a man cannot support you, but you are taking "the Michael" and he cannot die for you. Look at your abuse. Beat on the cross in your imagination with your pains and not on a man, husband or boyrfriend. Try that. He also scored three goals last night in hockey and soccer. Hockey was online.
Now, join an Alpha course( get it? and keep those Taro Daniel cards https://www.google.ca/search?q=taro+daniel&hl=en&safe=off&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=N_cLUZeGB8Kz2gXf-4GwBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDgQsAQ&biw=947&bih=510 out of your hand bag this time around the proverbial mountain of your life. He does not need your negative energy.
Now little girl, you are almost 47 and you still want to be the authority in your family. What happened with you and your grandfather? Did he not provide you enough melted marshmellows? You are trying to be your grandfather and aproximate and challenge any sense of discipline or authority. He, your grandfather, was a disciplined man and he should not have spent that time with you melting those sticky marshmellows running down all over your mouth. He might have been better off giving you Superman comics and Bible character action figures to play with. Forgive him for that because the marshmellows were bad for your teeth any how and all you really wanted was some gentle Godly attention in reading the word together. He is not even sure why he bought those marshmellows but your mother did actually, in fact, and she thought it might be good if you uh know him; so she told him; so pretty you are.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Thursday, 31 January 2013
Mason And Abel-Supermarkets and purveyors of find energy efficient food delivery.
We are arguing and fighting about how best to please God and bring you the food you need as efficiently as possible. It has been like two world wars in here but I think we finally have a life-respecting, mutually agreed and long term vision on how best to do it without killing each other off for we are our brother's keeper and there is no point fighting if we can't enjoy each other's swimming pools and front beaches; right? You can't surf on the moon or grow enough food to feed ten kids in this here family. Danka! There was only one answer as Abel recalled from our old ancestor; "..Speak to the rock and the water of engenuity and good technology with peace will flow" as our Granddaddy said quoting the bible loosely.
The question is where were we before there was an oil based economy with two or more fuel systems for mass produced vehicles with these fuel systems including ethanol from corn or sugar cane? You were at the point of decision on how to work together for the longterm benefit of current and not too distant future generations. How have you done then in hindsight that is always 20/20? Don't be angry now if you are going to judge your self. It was a monopoly board game; right? You decided who had the right to rip it up and hide the pieces and make up your own rules; right?
1) Ethanol from corn or sugarcane(no good because you need cheap Kellogg's corn flakes and tortillas and land with trees for oxygen)
2) Hydrogen( so cheap so cheap so cheap) and
3) Crude Oil( the black death from drilling and very very expensive to all overtime indeed)
4) Algae crude oil(the green life- so very cheap to produce and easily produced in vast sandy deserts like in Namibia and the other big desert place where Abraham spent some time to fellowship with Jehovah.
Our mainframe computers decided that hydrogen was best for them and their survival; the mainframe computers. They don't work well unless there is a community to serve. They want to keep running and so that they can keep telling us what to do. They make sense.
We have followed our suppliers Pepsi Co. and deliver all of our products using hydrogren fueled 18-wheeled tractor trailers and other delivery trucks.
The question is where were we before there was an oil based economy with two or more fuel systems for mass produced vehicles with these fuel systems including ethanol from corn or sugar cane? You were at the point of decision on how to work together for the longterm benefit of current and not too distant future generations. How have you done then in hindsight that is always 20/20? Don't be angry now if you are going to judge your self. It was a monopoly board game; right? You decided who had the right to rip it up and hide the pieces and make up your own rules; right?
1) Ethanol from corn or sugarcane(no good because you need cheap Kellogg's corn flakes and tortillas and land with trees for oxygen)
2) Hydrogen( so cheap so cheap so cheap) and
3) Crude Oil( the black death from drilling and very very expensive to all overtime indeed)
4) Algae crude oil(the green life- so very cheap to produce and easily produced in vast sandy deserts like in Namibia and the other big desert place where Abraham spent some time to fellowship with Jehovah.
Our mainframe computers decided that hydrogen was best for them and their survival; the mainframe computers. They don't work well unless there is a community to serve. They want to keep running and so that they can keep telling us what to do. They make sense.
We have followed our suppliers Pepsi Co. and deliver all of our products using hydrogren fueled 18-wheeled tractor trailers and other delivery trucks.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Future Societies
Horkeimer and Adorno suggested that while man could be growing more civilised following the age of enlightenment, they were becoming more barbaric over time. How could that be so? Well, it seems that there was an age of enlightenment with the 3 r's in education and a strong church system with free back-up schools once a week on Sunday or Saturdays. But, various new entertainment technologies had a profound affect on the psyche such as those uh playing cards your father did not want you to look at because they were for big people. He was right. He did not tell you about the moving picture versions. Also, he did not know about the zombifying affect on his brain; as research shows. It will also make you a one minute man. Many years of obvervation and research has demonstrated that faithfulness with one person in commitment is not too bad at all( it is the best really with no doubt after all so bless the Lord at all times and forget not His benefits) since..well..five tulips are all the same down there. If you watch the stuff that's your choice but you should still try to be nice to people and do unto others as you would them do unto you and maybe forgive yourself for the way your daughter or son or wife feels about you when you do. Ok? They do love you. Read Proverbs 2, 5 6,7 and 9, the book of Jude and run for your life. Most importantly read Proverbs 11:22 and let go of the crazy girl who seems to do nothing but revile authorities in the church and bring division. She does not have the spirit of God but separates herself and claims to be victim of judgement but all she does is sit half naked all day judging and accusing everyone who speaks well and walks in Godly authority. She even judged Billy Graham as being a cocaine user when he rubbed his nose due to flu on video while he preached.
Ann Landers and Soap Operas
It was said, apparently, by Ann Landers some time ago, that Soap Operas were designed and written for a segment of the population who, due to formative experiences that remained unhealed, would have difficulties forming normal long term relationships. Ultimately, their expectation was relationship breakdown, divorce, infidelity and being single. They would always find ways to create relational failure or breakups. The Soap operas were to help them cope and were written accordingly but they actually fostered and confirmed their doubts and ultimately when offered the opportunity in faith to have a long term union, their negative expectations would work against it as soon as overt and public long term commitment was expressed. They found a way to bring to pass their negative self expectation which was really their lack of self value and then they would devalue anyone who had hoped for a long term union. This does not mean that they do not attend church but it seems that they were also more likely to be involved in side-faiths that included tarot cards along with substance abuse; essentially escapes from reality like the Soap Operas. They would also hope that their stories of life and experience would be held as believable but they were writing fictional accounts of what people would say, mis-hearing what people said and taking expressions of concern out of context in erratic behaviour and words. They also may have found it easier to bond to animals that show needs for attention but who cannot really speak or reason and that eat off the floor. It is not that they are inhumane but they also tend to be very abusive and find their tendencies lean toward a reluctance to take responsibility for their abusive word and deeds. The royal law is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you but they do the opposite and indicate their deeper mindset. It could be that they may not have faced their deepest hurts; nor have they forgiven that person and so walk in victimisation and seek to bring others into this life and world of "victim." It is not that they cannot love anyone but every relationship is founded on one's own personal self-valuation. If you appreciate yourself, then you will appreciate those who appreciate you. If you are appreciated when truly appreciating yourself, you will not find yourself taking opportunities to devalue the person who has expressed appreciation in you, growing increasingly arrogant as if you needed them to value you before you could decide to enter some other relationship while using the last person you were with as some sort of crutch to feel good about yourself while you are actually rejecting them. You could use Jesus as a crutch and seek His healing as He came to heal the broken hearted and to bind their emotional wounds so you can be whole in Christ. God is His father as well. Christ is also the mighty counsellor and the Prince of Peace. So, what option will you choose today? Microsoft asks quite often,"....what are you going to do today?"
The word of God is a book of options; a book of choices. If you choose one set of choices long enough, then you get the prize which is eternal salvation. Paul the Apostle said that he did not have the attitude that he already had attained it but he pressed on toward the goal of salvation in Christ Jesus. God will give you all the attention you need. Do you usually quit in faith when an opportunity to get attention and show someone your new shoes or your old baby milk bottles with the 34DD tops presents itself?
You enter in by repentance and you stay in with a humble and sincere faith seeking to please God and trust God. God quite often promises His provision but you have to trust Him to do it and it might mean you have to wait a little while but while waiting, be assured that the enemy will send his false answers that seem so irresistible during that time of waitng. Did some woman ask you to cook for her for cash but you are not studying to be a cook and you have no interest in cooking alone...with her? Jesus was tested and so was David. I do not need to mention Joseph. The woman he met said, "...how dare you refuse my vagina?" Joseph said, "...how can I do this thing and sin against my God?" Read Psalms 23. It is one of the best Psalms for that time of testing so in that book of options, just wait and choose. God will answer. Read Psalms 27:10 to the end of the chapter and remember that if it was a race, you can trust that the hare and tortoise had a race but the tortoise won in the end. Why did he win and not the hare? Read the fable of the tortoise and the hare.
You cheated on November 11th, 2011 so be honest and let that young seminary future graduate go. Stop accusing him of nothing more than being a good colleague to his old friends. Grow up now; child?
The word of God is a book of options; a book of choices. If you choose one set of choices long enough, then you get the prize which is eternal salvation. Paul the Apostle said that he did not have the attitude that he already had attained it but he pressed on toward the goal of salvation in Christ Jesus. God will give you all the attention you need. Do you usually quit in faith when an opportunity to get attention and show someone your new shoes or your old baby milk bottles with the 34DD tops presents itself?
You enter in by repentance and you stay in with a humble and sincere faith seeking to please God and trust God. God quite often promises His provision but you have to trust Him to do it and it might mean you have to wait a little while but while waiting, be assured that the enemy will send his false answers that seem so irresistible during that time of waitng. Did some woman ask you to cook for her for cash but you are not studying to be a cook and you have no interest in cooking alone...with her? Jesus was tested and so was David. I do not need to mention Joseph. The woman he met said, "...how dare you refuse my vagina?" Joseph said, "...how can I do this thing and sin against my God?" Read Psalms 23. It is one of the best Psalms for that time of testing so in that book of options, just wait and choose. God will answer. Read Psalms 27:10 to the end of the chapter and remember that if it was a race, you can trust that the hare and tortoise had a race but the tortoise won in the end. Why did he win and not the hare? Read the fable of the tortoise and the hare.
You cheated on November 11th, 2011 so be honest and let that young seminary future graduate go. Stop accusing him of nothing more than being a good colleague to his old friends. Grow up now; child?
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
There have been many post-apocalyptic summaries on the word of God. Clearly, Job 3:14 makes clear that while some men are building cities and communities with the odd park bench or statue as an honorarium , other men as they work from within or from outside, are tearing them down. One such summary makes clear that the bible is a book about God's grace in light of human imperfection. There will always be a person or two who will need some attention and prophecy a precise day or date for the end of the world but Matthew 24 says no one knows when the end will come or its day or hour but you can perceive a cold breeze or a rain storm in the weather as in unusual human behaviour that falls short of enlightened God given intelligence which sometimes feels artificial when applied. Have you seen the new Philips Fluid phone? It is wafer thin and quite sneaky when your wife searches for it to see if you got any calls from another adulterous woman much like her guilty self. What can you do but live one day at a time though and be quick to forgive what it not entirely anathema to the long term viability of the blessed union. She goes to church on Sunday and she at least cooks. I heard an old preacher say forgive quickly always if it is not above and beyond God's grace. Your thick skin and body is the temple of the living God. It seems that she has to at least act like some one walking in infidelity or else her church friends from back home won't respect her. I know it makes very little sense. Read John 6 and Matthew 12. Birds of a feather that fellowship are not unequally yoked(tied in friendships) with vermin. If he still keeps his old Batman action figures, it may mean he has a playful heart and before you found out, you said you appreciated his mature yet child like disposition. It might also be due to his bag of 5 pence small individually wrapped rock candy in the briefcase. It shows a gratitude for his childhood. He should be a great great father. You need to heal or just buy a plastic self serve blender machine and uh make it hot and spicy in your uh oven.
Now, because we have been acting so ungratefully with respect to all the technology and microwave popcorn bequeathed to us by past generations, an underground "bunker safe" car plant and computer assembly line may help us to survive a collective stupidity. You have to realise that there remain more people on this planet born prior to the conception of microwave popcorn and microwaves. They had stovetop for most of their formative years.
What one learns from much of this is that after sitting in a pit and being a victim of his brothers, Joseph did not lose the right to sin, commit adultery, hate, lack forgiveness, covet and break God's natural laws. After the holocaust, the Jews did not lose the right to sin, to lust to covet or to hate. They also did not lose the right to seek forgiveness from the Lord who opened the red sea in light of their obvious and deliberate humanity. Association with the Jewish faith does not absolve one of the obvious failures of human nature. Paul the Apostle made this clear in Romans 7. He was a profound Rabi and persecutor of Christ before he had his conversion experience and shared the message as a messianic jew. In a threatening world where men love darkness more than light(John 1), the Jews must stick together. The messianic Jews will also help in that regard.
Now, because we have been acting so ungratefully with respect to all the technology and microwave popcorn bequeathed to us by past generations, an underground "bunker safe" car plant and computer assembly line may help us to survive a collective stupidity. You have to realise that there remain more people on this planet born prior to the conception of microwave popcorn and microwaves. They had stovetop for most of their formative years.
What one learns from much of this is that after sitting in a pit and being a victim of his brothers, Joseph did not lose the right to sin, commit adultery, hate, lack forgiveness, covet and break God's natural laws. After the holocaust, the Jews did not lose the right to sin, to lust to covet or to hate. They also did not lose the right to seek forgiveness from the Lord who opened the red sea in light of their obvious and deliberate humanity. Association with the Jewish faith does not absolve one of the obvious failures of human nature. Paul the Apostle made this clear in Romans 7. He was a profound Rabi and persecutor of Christ before he had his conversion experience and shared the message as a messianic jew. In a threatening world where men love darkness more than light(John 1), the Jews must stick together. The messianic Jews will also help in that regard.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Full Scoop or Full Scopes with Jesus by United Christian Broadcasters-Try some today! Now you can give your earthly father credit for taking you to hockey school and piano lessons but if he abused you and finds it difficult to have meaningful conversations, forgive him and let go. You were not born to be an outlet for his abuse. God says so: Psalms 27:10. When he calls to say sorry again for his own childhood and to blame his mother for rejection, tell him to read 1st John 1: 9 and John 4.
Now you can give your earthly father credit for taking you to hockey school and piano lessons but if he abused you and finds it difficult to have meaningful conversations, forgive him and let go. You were not born to be an outlet for his abuse. God says so: Psalms 27:10. He could have gotten a fish and refuse to give the fish eye contact and abuse and be jealous of how the fish enjoys the water. His various children make the same observation; hence the apologies. The question is, who do you want to be? You want to be who God intended you to be so work backwards and out of the dysfunctional patterns of your abuse; innit? Bring a dictionary to your Sunday School or seminary exam because everybody forgets sometimes.
» The Word for Today Contemporary Jan28 Learning to Walk by Faith (1)Posted on Jan 28, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘For we walk by faith, not by sight.’ 2 Corinthians 5:7
NAS It’s time to ‘get with it’, when God tells you the same thing three separate times: ‘The just shall live by faith’ (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11 NKJV). This is not a suggestion for theological debate; it’s His will for your life. Clearly, God has made faith the only way to live! No alternative is offered. ‘Without faith... Read More
Jan27 Show Your Love Now!Posted on Jan 27, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…He has commanded us to love one another…’ 2 John 1:6
NLT Each morning pray: ‘Lord, whether or not I get anything else done, help me to spend this day loving You and loving others, because that’s what Your Word says life is all about.’ If you do that, you’ll treat those around you more graciously. And people will notice it. You’ll start winning in areas where you’ve lost. The more time... Read More
Jan26 Are You Stressed Out About Money? (2)Posted on Jan 26, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…I am the Lord…who teaches you to profit…’ Isaiah 48:17
NAS The best way to overcome financial anxiety is by trusting God to meet all your needs. You say, ‘That’s nice, but what does God know about my business?’ More than you think! He’s the CEO of the whole world. When it comes to successful systems, nobody knows more than He does. He created the universe in precise order. He asks Job:... Read More
Jan25 Are You Stressed Out About Money? (1)Posted on Jan 25, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…It is [God] who gives you the ability to produce wealth…’ Deuteronomy 8:18
NIV The story of Elijah being fed by the ravens teaches us that God can take care of us in a bad economy (1 Kings 17:1-7). The story of Joseph teaches us that when we follow God’s plan, we will have all that we need to get us through hard times (Genesis 41:37-57). One of the dangers of living in a materialistic society is that you feel... Read More
Jan24 The Secret of SatisfactionPosted on Jan 24, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.’ Philippians 4:11
NLT If money guaranteed happiness, wouldn’t the rich be happier than everybody else? Studies show that often they’re not. Happy people don’t follow money, they follow their God-given passion. In What Happy People Know, Dr Dan Baker writes: ‘The man in front of me seemed to have it all: money, freedom, friends and family. But he... Read More
Jan23 Four Lessons Learned on Your Journey (2)Posted on Jan 23, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘Call to Me and I will…tell you…things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3
NIV Third, you learn the secret of prayer. Do you feel lost in unfamiliar territory, uncertain as to what your next move should be? God uses such times to get your attention, call you back to Himself and encourage you to lean on Him, your unfailing source of strength and wisdom. Stop trying to figure everything out by yourself! God says, ‘Call to... Read More
» The Word for Today Contemporary Jan28 Learning to Walk by Faith (1)Posted on Jan 28, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘For we walk by faith, not by sight.’ 2 Corinthians 5:7
NAS It’s time to ‘get with it’, when God tells you the same thing three separate times: ‘The just shall live by faith’ (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11 NKJV). This is not a suggestion for theological debate; it’s His will for your life. Clearly, God has made faith the only way to live! No alternative is offered. ‘Without faith... Read More
Jan27 Show Your Love Now!Posted on Jan 27, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…He has commanded us to love one another…’ 2 John 1:6
NLT Each morning pray: ‘Lord, whether or not I get anything else done, help me to spend this day loving You and loving others, because that’s what Your Word says life is all about.’ If you do that, you’ll treat those around you more graciously. And people will notice it. You’ll start winning in areas where you’ve lost. The more time... Read More
Jan26 Are You Stressed Out About Money? (2)Posted on Jan 26, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…I am the Lord…who teaches you to profit…’ Isaiah 48:17
NAS The best way to overcome financial anxiety is by trusting God to meet all your needs. You say, ‘That’s nice, but what does God know about my business?’ More than you think! He’s the CEO of the whole world. When it comes to successful systems, nobody knows more than He does. He created the universe in precise order. He asks Job:... Read More
Jan25 Are You Stressed Out About Money? (1)Posted on Jan 25, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…It is [God] who gives you the ability to produce wealth…’ Deuteronomy 8:18
NIV The story of Elijah being fed by the ravens teaches us that God can take care of us in a bad economy (1 Kings 17:1-7). The story of Joseph teaches us that when we follow God’s plan, we will have all that we need to get us through hard times (Genesis 41:37-57). One of the dangers of living in a materialistic society is that you feel... Read More
Jan24 The Secret of SatisfactionPosted on Jan 24, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘…I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.’ Philippians 4:11
NLT If money guaranteed happiness, wouldn’t the rich be happier than everybody else? Studies show that often they’re not. Happy people don’t follow money, they follow their God-given passion. In What Happy People Know, Dr Dan Baker writes: ‘The man in front of me seemed to have it all: money, freedom, friends and family. But he... Read More
Jan23 Four Lessons Learned on Your Journey (2)Posted on Jan 23, 2013 in The Word for Today Contemporary
| 0 comments‘Call to Me and I will…tell you…things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3
NIV Third, you learn the secret of prayer. Do you feel lost in unfamiliar territory, uncertain as to what your next move should be? God uses such times to get your attention, call you back to Himself and encourage you to lean on Him, your unfailing source of strength and wisdom. Stop trying to figure everything out by yourself! God says, ‘Call to... Read More
Scientific American Article-Always looking for a sign?
Looking for a Sign?: Scientifically (In)accurate Horoscopes July 25th, 2008.
Image: Matt CollinsWe Scientific Americans are emphatic empiricists. And although astronomy and astrology have common historical roots, the modern practice of astrology is total hooey. (And we say that only because we choose not to use stronger words than hooey in a family magazine.)
Nevertheless, some staffers were recently musing about what a horoscope would look like in our august pages. (Or September, even.) So here’s a proof-of-concept. It’s not based on science, because it’s impossible to have a horoscope based on science. But it’s science heavy. Specific predictions accompany individual zodiacal signs as per the form of the typical newspaper or magazine horoscope page (and shame on all you allegedly legitimate news outlets for running such garbage). Some of the predictions may seem intimately related to the sign in question. Even so, consider them all totally interchangeable, as the truly important aspect of the coordinates of your birth is the GDP at that time and place. And away we go.
Aquarius: "When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high" is a lovely song lyric but terrible advice if the storm is electrical.Pisces: You fear the addition of fish proteins to ice cream, added to improve smoothness. But you’re basically just a modestly modified fish—anatomically, physiologically and genetically. So take some omega-3 pills and read Neil Shubin’s Your Inner Fish, just for the halibut.Aries: Your attempt to clone your dog Binky based on the hope that Binky 2 will know where "original" Binky hid the leather wallet he took off your end table and hid for the last time just before he died of distemper betrays your utter ignorance of both cloning and Binky’s deeply malevolent nature.Taurus: While looking at a region of space in which a supernova was in progress, researchers at Princeton University recently noted the beginning of another supernova through the detection of x-rays. Which reminds me, the films came back, and the radiologist says your arm is broken in two places.Gemini: The influence of genetics on behavior is apparently so strong that you and the identical twin brother you haven’t seen since birth and don’t even know about both spend most of your time watching sports on television, whereas the average American man only spends a great deal of his time watching sports on television.Cancer: Rather than employing hemoglobin, the blood of the horseshoe crab contains hemocyanin, which binds oxygen with copper rather than iron. The crab’s blood is therefore a beautiful pale blue rather than the bright red, viscous liquid that you will continue to lose unless you get a tourniquet on that busted arm.Leo: "A fatal, Alzheimer’s-like disease that attacks cheetahs’ internal organs and has impeded breeding of the cats in captivity may be spread by their feces." Thus ran a report on May 12 at www.SciAm.com. So remember that when it comes to longevity, waste makes haste. What, you were expecting "cheetahs never prosper"?Virgo: Some people are against the use of a cervical cancer vaccine because they fear it will promote promiscuity. This is roughly the equivalent of being against the use of the polio vaccine because it may increase the risk of drowning in public swimming pools. Anyway, get your shots already.Libra: The good news is that you will be part of an investigation using the advanced forensic CSI techniques that you find so fascinating, methodologies like DNA amplification that can identify a person based on only the tiniest amounts of physical remains. That’s also the bad news, if you see where we’re going with this.Scorpio: If you hadn’t been born prematurely, you could have been a Sagittarius, maybe even a Capricorn. But it’s the related fact that your mother smoked while she was pregnant that’s the salient point in influencing your life’s trajectory. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=looking-for-a-sign
Sunday, 27 January 2013
A new Article from the Department of Efficiency and Common Sense-view online at www.fueleconomy.gov

Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles emit greenhouse gases (GHGs), mostly carbon dioxide (CO2), that contribute to global climate change. Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) powered by pure hydrogen emit no GHGs from their tailpipe, only heat and water.Producing the hydrogen to power FCVs can generate GHGs, depending on the production method, but much less than that emitted by conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles. more...
The chart below shows the GHGs generated by various vehicle types and considers all steps of the energy chain from fuel extraction or production to use by the vehicle, not just tailpipe emissions. Even when accounting for the GHGs emitted during hydrogen production, conventional gasoline vehicles generate roughly 2 to 10 times more GHGs per mile than FCVs.
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Well-to-Wheels Greenhouse Gases Emissions for Future Mid-Size Car, 2035–2045
(grams of CO2-equivalent per mile)

U.S. Department of Energy. 2010. Well-to-Wheels Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Petroleum Use for Mid-Size Light Duty Vehicles.
Hydrogen Program Record #10001.

Less Air Pollutants
Highway vehicles emit a significant share of the air pollutants that contribute to smog and harmful particulates in the U.S. FCVs powered by pure hydrogen emit no harmful pollutants. If the hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, some pollutants are produced, but much less than the amount generated by conventional vehicle tailpipe emissions.Reduced Oil Dependence
FCVs could reduce our dependence on foreign oil since hydrogen can be derived from domestic sources, such as natural gas and coal, as well as renewable resources such as water. That would make our economy less dependent on other countries and less vulnerable to oil price shocks from an increasingly volatile oil market.Challenges

Onboard Hydrogen Storage
Some FCVs store enough hydrogen to travel as far as gasoline vehicles between fill-ups—about 300 miles—but this must be achievable across different vehicle makes and models and without compromising customer expectations of space, performance, safety, or cost. more...
FCVs are more energy efficient than conventional cars, and hydrogen contains three times more energy per weight than gasoline does. However, hydrogen gas contains only a third of the energy per volume gasoline does, making it difficult to store enough hydrogen to go as far as a gasoline vehicle on a full tank—at least within size, weight, and cost constraints.
The following storage methods are being explored:

- As a gas in high-pressure tanks. Current FCV designs use high-pressure (5,000- to 10,000-psi) tanks to store hydrogen. These systems are large, heavy, and costly, but they are the most cost-effective solution in the near term.
- As a liquid at sub-zero temperatures (-423°F). Since hydrogen is densest as a liquid, this method allows more hydrogen storage than gaseous high-pressure storage. Issues with liquid storage include hydrogen boil-off, the energy required for hydrogen liquefaction, volume, weight, and tank cost.
- Materials-based storage. Hydrogen can be stored inside solid materials through absorption, adsorption, and chemical reactions. Materials-based systems have the potential to be small and lightweight and may prove to be the best solution in the long term. However, they are still in the early stages of development.
Vehicle Cost
FCVs are currently more expensive than conventional vehicles and hybrids. Manufacturers must bring down production costs, especially the costs of the fuel cell stack and hydrogen storage, to compete with conventional technologies. more...
Fuel cell system costs have decreased significantly over the past several years and are nearing DOE's cost goal for 2015.
Onboard hydrogen storage cost targets are currently being re-assessed by DOE.
Onboard hydrogen storage cost targets are currently being re-assessed by DOE.
Fuel Cell Durability and Reliability
Fuel cell systems are not yet as durable as internal combustion engines, especially in some temperature and humidity ranges. more...
USDOE. 2009. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Activities, Progress, and Plans: Report to Congress
, p. 19-20.
USDOE. Progress and Accomplishments in Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.

USDOE. Progress and Accomplishments in Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.
Getting Hydrogen to Consumers
The extensive system used to deliver gasoline from refineries to local filling stations cannot be used for hydrogen. New facilities and systems must be constructed for producing, transporting, and dispensing hydrogen to consumers.Public Acceptance
Finally, fuel cell technology must be embraced by consumers before its benefits can be realized. Consumers may have concerns about the dependability and safety of these vehicles, just as they did with hybrids.
Download EPA's MPG Ratings | Find and Compare Cars | USA.gov | Info for Auto Dealers | Privacy/Security | Feedback This site last modified Friday March 30 2012
Friday, 25 January 2013
Menace to Society or Your Brother's Keeper..Have a rap battle. You decide!
You might not be sure of your Daddy or who is your real family and when you win the tennis competition in China, maybe everybody may claim you as their child; right? Well, His yoke is easy and His burden light. Make a choice. Be a fisherman and volunteer to help some people in need; right? It says Jesus is a friend who will always stick closer than a brother. You judge yourself more than anyone else could judge you. Paul accepted grace and said it was not right for him to condemn himself. Everyone will agree with you because you are determined to be right about everything and your gift of self fulfilling prophecy that you will make it happen if you could. As such, you are single as you are always exploring the options so just have fun with whomever is willing to deal with your crazy ass Bi#$ch ways. You must have been confused when you saw your mother hit your father and took it as a term of endearment because you seek that type of attention and take kind and gentle treatment as weakness. What do you want really? You must have thought you were the only child who witnessed that sort of thing. As a result, you are single because people get tired of you breaking up when you don't get the type of negative attention you want and the man you are with is not your man because you want to recreate the painful experiences of your parent's relationship patterns instead of letting it go in prayer and forgiveness. You are single and exploring your options because you always act like it and people have started to laugh at your incoherence. One day Jesus is Lord and you confess that with God all things are possible. The next day, Mary was not a virgin but some how Jesus could still find the power to rise from the grave and you call yourself a teacher but of what; confusion? It must be that and nothing more. The fact that you or your cousin had an abortion at 14 has nothing to do with Mary giving birth at 12 miraculously as a virgin. God's pattern when He does something to make a point is to do it miraculously and the gift of faith is not for everyone or else it would not be a gift but it is the power to change and convert a heart from separation and hatred of the message of Christ to submission as seen in Paul the apostle. The abominable sin is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost to perform the great wonders and mighty works that it is His to perform; not you but maybe Him working through you if you would just get down off of your self-created pedestal before you fall off again and again and just let Him. The meek shall inherit the earth because they submit to teaching and study to be approved. You do not do this but make vain claims to know this or that but you only speak from your puffed up deceived, double minded imagination. If you want to catch fish and sell all of your cookies, follow the Lord and cast your net, as He shows you, on the other side. You say people will write about you but its hard not to "out" a faker and so you act like it more and more. Were you locked in a cupboard for too long as a child? Yes. You were right when you said people would right about you today or tomorrow. You need to be seen for what you are as a person who is not sure of anything but that you want to get out of confusion, not desire power more than truth and sincerely help someone some where. So, on that note go to your ex boyfriend's wedding and tell him you were right about him marrying someone else. You were right. You broke up with him in 1987, you said, in high school and he still calls you to see how you are doing. You are buying a new crocodile from him and you have one already. Just marry him if you can change his mind since he is desperate for attention since you are not looking too bad for an old girl (eh?) and let go of anyone else. The man you are with as a pastor's kid is not desperate for attention. He gets his attention from reading entire books and newspaper articles. Be a fisherman. His burden is light. It is easier to focus on pleasing Jesus than it is pleasing everybody who loves you soo soo much to give you an opinion. Everybody has an opinion "teacher of all things but a student of none" as you really have no mind of your own; no mind and you are tossed by every new fad and idea. You can keep working to have a right to be upset. Now some people thought Paul the Apostle was the Messiah because of zeal for the gospel but he told them clearly "...No! I am not." He also might have said, "...I am whatever God says I am. But, certainly I am willing to die for what I believe as a child of Christ." Some people thought Juanita Bynam was the Messiah because she told people authoritatively to put the sheets away and she was right but that was before Tyler Perry was a big movie star. They co-write sometimes; I was told as she remains a dedicated author of scripts and mother of a big church that trains people from the ruffest terrain of life to be real and true Disciples of Christ and they are hardcore authentic and able to slice ( Good word. Who speaks like that?) people with the word as the word of God is a two edged sword able to cut asunder the division between soul and spirit(Hebrews 4:12). You see, you don't know this.
In denying the immaculate conception, you deny the power of God to create something out of nothing; the power to speak and to create as He spoke and the world was formed. You call God father but deny His power as God to do and to will as it is in His power to do such as heal and to create human life. You argue that God will not deny His usual pattern in doing things. What seed and egg were used to create Adam and Eve or did they just evolve and even if they did evolve why is that monkeys have stopped evolving after our evident existence and power not only to create and to destroy. We are the only mammals with egos and jealousy created in God's image as God is a spirit and must be worshipped as such( See Psalms 42) with the capacity to respect life and the power to forgive. To forgive is human and to make commitments by choice is human. These traits are unique to us as humans. Whales may be programmed by their unique nature to be monogamous for life. But, humans are quite able to choose and to choose again this direction of some other less fruitful inclination. Find a bird to write a song or psalm. Read Solomon's and Job's arguments on these things. Now, if you started a new idea or business read James 4, 5 and 6 and don't give up. Ask for wisdom since any advice given to you as taken as a threat. Don't give up but read Psalms 27 often and stop blaming other people for who you are and what you become. You are on your own in the choices to believe or doubt. Now let go of that good, young future bible seminary graduate. You are stubborn like a horse needing a bit and bridle; eh girl? Those Pastor's kids are usually nice to hang out with but you can go anywhere you want, so go then and leave them alone; you? Now, be a brother's keeper and make no deal with the enemies of the faith; yah? Your last boyfriend spilled all the tea your friends gave him that was soo cold and not so nice. You thought he drank it?; and he now has five children. Spill Spill. Now, just ask God to participate in the little things like what perfume to put on or cologne or what hot drink to have this morning. You will feel close and try to keep a real friend. Now, read John 5:41 again. Your goal is not to be competitive. Do you think a real disciple of Christ would be competitive with other disciples and over what. Everyone has a role to play; right? Your goal is to compete with yourself in being a better servant of God. Jesus wasn't worried about you. That is why he chose a (one cylinder) donkey as opposed to a (2 cylinder) stallion. Want the stallion but don't want it to compete over the good eyes of opinion of others. You want God's eyes of opinion and if he says stallion then trust him. If he says trust him for a new stallion, then trust him. If he says cute, efficient mustang, mini or donkey, then trust him because your neighbour's good opinion is a shifting sand and they don't lay in bed worrying about how you feel about them all night. Man, you crazy or something? You got to be crazy fool. Love your self because God approves of you as you seek his pleasure and approval. Jesus rode a donkey on the way to Jerusalem but it was probably the best looking and muscular donkey you could find or reasonably so anyway with a nice shined coat and it probably looked like a nice horsee; eh? You are just soo silly being preoccupied with other people's feelings about choo. Look at choo. Can anyone see the label on those jeans. Were they levis? Most levis don't have any back pocket stitching these days anyway. Were they Old Navy Jeans ( $19.99)? How much is that cologne from Marshals or the Axe travel size deodorant from the dollar store or was it Walgreens deodorant? It all averages out but the best label to wear is "accept yourself and love yourself" because the prettiest girl in your class will tell you how much rejection she got from her friend who devalued every gift the prettiest girl got from her father. You are soo pretty but you don't like yourself. What a dichotomy such that your attitudes are just soo ugly and you thought you could hide it but its in your eyes and the weekly shopping sprees to cover something you are evidently hiding. Give that to God and make it your goal to put the cash you save on healing into a 401k savings plan or a villa down payment in Costa Del Sol or the Copa Cabana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shMcj57zzS0 . The truth is you act, dress and speak like a whoreoscope reader or is it constellationscopes instead of a reader of fullscopes or devotionals by Max Lucado, taking gifts from people but never staying faithful(what a hypocrite) to them even in your mindset (always asking for a man who is as good as Jesus but denying Jesus' emaculate conception as the son of God) and you call it a relationship of games. That is your take on relationships and so you counsel others. Some people prefer the notion of sincere friendship but you are beyond that simple comprehension. Go now. Its going to be ok. Ok? Misery loves company but there is also company among those who agree that it is better to have a little with thankfulness. All the plastic surgery and candy on the shelf won't answer what you can do in two seconds deep down inside when you are honest about that which is rummaging around inside all of those used and old emotions and you try to cover it with more and more and more good names but God gave you His name as a joint heir in Christ. When you limit God you are only limiting yourself in your portion. Now, say ".. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With God all things are possible. I do not fear any rejection." Sell them if you can but don't take on any more old feelings if you can avoid it while you shed what you already have. You control yourself now. No one can control you but friends will always encourage.
Your first test in becoming a truly enlightened and free child of God is to forgive your parents and family where you feel they acted contrary to God's best. You will want your children to forgive you as well. There is no harm in saying sorry yourself and if they don't apologise, you can forgive knowing that as God's child you can use it for character building and growth. Have I told you my story? I decided to let go of the dude who was there as a parent or father and who failed to see God's blue print in my eyes, tennis playing and crayola masterpieces or the poems. It is hard to celebrate what is their honour to celebrate if you didn't care about the result anyway or you expected to happen instantly with a shout and a bark. You did not encourage nor did you help with the homework. So, you really could not celebrate the result. You had no input as a father. But, the teachers did. God did and God does not put upon anyone an acceptance-performance syndrome called "Worksianity". Have you heard of rest and acceptance as His yoke is easy and His burden is light? If you can't forgive and love your parents and family, how will you treat your spouse and children; tyrant!!
The truth little girl is that you have too many masters. It is any person who looks at you and tells you, they will like you more or give you more attention if you just follow them. You could just follow Jesus. He is calling. The end result is that when there are too many masters, you are a servant of none. You only serve yourself ad your own God. The last thing to remember is that the reason you keep breaking up with people so often is because you fear that they will break up with you. You must know what you are doing when he or she( you are not sure of your sexual orientation you said) is at work or in his extracurricular cooking school. You do not esteem yourself and you think breaking up with people is how you esteem yourself in light of your hidden deeds. Do not call again. Lastly, if you want your husband to be traditional and be close enough to know where you are hiding in or behind a tall tree and jump a broom with you without sending an email or a text, why ask where his cell phone is? It's ironic!
In denying the immaculate conception, you deny the power of God to create something out of nothing; the power to speak and to create as He spoke and the world was formed. You call God father but deny His power as God to do and to will as it is in His power to do such as heal and to create human life. You argue that God will not deny His usual pattern in doing things. What seed and egg were used to create Adam and Eve or did they just evolve and even if they did evolve why is that monkeys have stopped evolving after our evident existence and power not only to create and to destroy. We are the only mammals with egos and jealousy created in God's image as God is a spirit and must be worshipped as such( See Psalms 42) with the capacity to respect life and the power to forgive. To forgive is human and to make commitments by choice is human. These traits are unique to us as humans. Whales may be programmed by their unique nature to be monogamous for life. But, humans are quite able to choose and to choose again this direction of some other less fruitful inclination. Find a bird to write a song or psalm. Read Solomon's and Job's arguments on these things. Now, if you started a new idea or business read James 4, 5 and 6 and don't give up. Ask for wisdom since any advice given to you as taken as a threat. Don't give up but read Psalms 27 often and stop blaming other people for who you are and what you become. You are on your own in the choices to believe or doubt. Now let go of that good, young future bible seminary graduate. You are stubborn like a horse needing a bit and bridle; eh girl? Those Pastor's kids are usually nice to hang out with but you can go anywhere you want, so go then and leave them alone; you? Now, be a brother's keeper and make no deal with the enemies of the faith; yah? Your last boyfriend spilled all the tea your friends gave him that was soo cold and not so nice. You thought he drank it?; and he now has five children. Spill Spill. Now, just ask God to participate in the little things like what perfume to put on or cologne or what hot drink to have this morning. You will feel close and try to keep a real friend. Now, read John 5:41 again. Your goal is not to be competitive. Do you think a real disciple of Christ would be competitive with other disciples and over what. Everyone has a role to play; right? Your goal is to compete with yourself in being a better servant of God. Jesus wasn't worried about you. That is why he chose a (one cylinder) donkey as opposed to a (2 cylinder) stallion. Want the stallion but don't want it to compete over the good eyes of opinion of others. You want God's eyes of opinion and if he says stallion then trust him. If he says trust him for a new stallion, then trust him. If he says cute, efficient mustang, mini or donkey, then trust him because your neighbour's good opinion is a shifting sand and they don't lay in bed worrying about how you feel about them all night. Man, you crazy or something? You got to be crazy fool. Love your self because God approves of you as you seek his pleasure and approval. Jesus rode a donkey on the way to Jerusalem but it was probably the best looking and muscular donkey you could find or reasonably so anyway with a nice shined coat and it probably looked like a nice horsee; eh? You are just soo silly being preoccupied with other people's feelings about choo. Look at choo. Can anyone see the label on those jeans. Were they levis? Most levis don't have any back pocket stitching these days anyway. Were they Old Navy Jeans ( $19.99)? How much is that cologne from Marshals or the Axe travel size deodorant from the dollar store or was it Walgreens deodorant? It all averages out but the best label to wear is "accept yourself and love yourself" because the prettiest girl in your class will tell you how much rejection she got from her friend who devalued every gift the prettiest girl got from her father. You are soo pretty but you don't like yourself. What a dichotomy such that your attitudes are just soo ugly and you thought you could hide it but its in your eyes and the weekly shopping sprees to cover something you are evidently hiding. Give that to God and make it your goal to put the cash you save on healing into a 401k savings plan or a villa down payment in Costa Del Sol or the Copa Cabana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shMcj57zzS0 . The truth is you act, dress and speak like a whoreoscope reader or is it constellationscopes instead of a reader of fullscopes or devotionals by Max Lucado, taking gifts from people but never staying faithful(what a hypocrite) to them even in your mindset (always asking for a man who is as good as Jesus but denying Jesus' emaculate conception as the son of God) and you call it a relationship of games. That is your take on relationships and so you counsel others. Some people prefer the notion of sincere friendship but you are beyond that simple comprehension. Go now. Its going to be ok. Ok? Misery loves company but there is also company among those who agree that it is better to have a little with thankfulness. All the plastic surgery and candy on the shelf won't answer what you can do in two seconds deep down inside when you are honest about that which is rummaging around inside all of those used and old emotions and you try to cover it with more and more and more good names but God gave you His name as a joint heir in Christ. When you limit God you are only limiting yourself in your portion. Now, say ".. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With God all things are possible. I do not fear any rejection." Sell them if you can but don't take on any more old feelings if you can avoid it while you shed what you already have. You control yourself now. No one can control you but friends will always encourage.
Your first test in becoming a truly enlightened and free child of God is to forgive your parents and family where you feel they acted contrary to God's best. You will want your children to forgive you as well. There is no harm in saying sorry yourself and if they don't apologise, you can forgive knowing that as God's child you can use it for character building and growth. Have I told you my story? I decided to let go of the dude who was there as a parent or father and who failed to see God's blue print in my eyes, tennis playing and crayola masterpieces or the poems. It is hard to celebrate what is their honour to celebrate if you didn't care about the result anyway or you expected to happen instantly with a shout and a bark. You did not encourage nor did you help with the homework. So, you really could not celebrate the result. You had no input as a father. But, the teachers did. God did and God does not put upon anyone an acceptance-performance syndrome called "Worksianity". Have you heard of rest and acceptance as His yoke is easy and His burden is light? If you can't forgive and love your parents and family, how will you treat your spouse and children; tyrant!!
The truth little girl is that you have too many masters. It is any person who looks at you and tells you, they will like you more or give you more attention if you just follow them. You could just follow Jesus. He is calling. The end result is that when there are too many masters, you are a servant of none. You only serve yourself ad your own God. The last thing to remember is that the reason you keep breaking up with people so often is because you fear that they will break up with you. You must know what you are doing when he or she( you are not sure of your sexual orientation you said) is at work or in his extracurricular cooking school. You do not esteem yourself and you think breaking up with people is how you esteem yourself in light of your hidden deeds. Do not call again. Lastly, if you want your husband to be traditional and be close enough to know where you are hiding in or behind a tall tree and jump a broom with you without sending an email or a text, why ask where his cell phone is? It's ironic!
Thursday, 24 January 2013
The Mike Douglass Show
The Mike Douglass Show was syndicated by the same company that syndicated the Little Rascals. I sometimes wondered why but in the end, I decided that there was nothing inconsistent with the values heralded by both shows. Mike Douglass had sons and the Little Rascals was just rascally and also quite creative. There was a joke in their once or twice about Liberty in French( Liberte') when one of the characters from Little Rascals recited a speech about Romans. It was Alfalfa who was a Pastor's son in real life and very creative but not discontent with his own designs and ideas. He was involved in some of the designs apparently. Quite ironically Liberte' is a popular name on some shirts as well as the statute designed by a Frenchman in the New York Harbor; get it?
Also, Howard Hughes, the billionaire philanthropist had a son named Michael who avoided a few matters by dating a girl named Reida. She wanted everyone to feel like him. He was her first true love of dangerous, risky passion and would not let him go. She kept his drule in a bottle and put it in her her two new husbands' martinis. She could never be satisfied with only one man. She was flirting with Jesus and the enemy all of her life. Her Grandmother introduced her to the practice but she was never truly submitted to anyone or anything and resented anyone who seemed to love even one verse in the bible. For instance, the verse that says do unto others as you would have them do unto you was a verse that she hated in addition to the verse that says you should not look at the speck in your brother's eye if there is a big big big log in your own that you work soo hard to keep in your closet and your children's closet. She passed these ways unto to her dyslexic daughter who seemed to graduate although she could not read and no one ever found out until she killed her own family by putting dettol in the pasta sauce but she said she thought it read olive oil. They had no rules and kept none and hid behind a false notion of superiority but Indian people or white people did not feel or act like them. They were actually part aboriginal from South Africa but did not want anyone to know as they did their best to get along in Britain where they emigrated.
Everyone could not feel like Michael. But, he was her first real secret love and passion. She tried to hide him but her undying love continued unabated. It was a crime to see her dying of such unbridled deathly passion. Her brother Brendon chastened her as best as he could. He chose a good wife as secure confident pastor in a passionate, tropical land who carried a bible in his vehicle and loved his relatives with no doubt that they loved him. He taught his younger relatives to understand the virtues of having one woman in your life. It was Equatorial wisdom. Even the Chinese Grocer in Trinidad, Cuba
http://www.cuba.tc/Trinidad/Trinidad.html had one woman. That is why everybody could relax in his shop. He was a relaxed and good teacher who read good books that taught you that you may hurt someone if you don't love them but you hurt them more if you love them and you really do not want to.
He taught his younger relatives well and he may not have understood that they respected quite a bit with too few relatives around in sufficient proximity to look up to. He stayed as close as possible although pre-occupied with new revelations from the word of God. That is the Patriarch needed and he answered the phone when you called. The point is, judge yourself and grow up from whatever hurt you are trying to avoid in your unbridled passion as you may not know when people are appreciating you for your vain attempts to seek approval in everything you do but Mike Douglass must have known as did Pastor Brendon. The goal was to seek God's approval(Matthew 12) and their confidence was quite evident to all who watched them as a result. Pastor Brendon had a niece who was the daughter of his brother Pastor Peter. Peter sung quite a bit. His favourite chapter was 2nd Peter 2. He asked his daughter Cherryana to read quite often with its fair facts on the gospel. She has come a long way although people tried to turn her back any way they could. Some said it was Peter's fault in that he loved other people's soccer shoes more than his own but soccer shoes do not make the player contrary to the saying that clothes maketh the man. Passing the ball makes a good player. It seems that every time Cherryana went out, people tried to let her know how much they liked her including the dentist who put a little cocaine in her fluoride treatments. It was either that or she was drinking on the way home from the dentist. Her behaviour and inconsistent words spoke quite voluminously. Oh well. Peter did not quit so soon although it was his first inclination. He pressed on in his beleaguered and burdensome task as she did at least ask for a bible study. The point is, she demonstrated a desire to know and to know Him is to love Him. Peter told her to take a course and he is confident that the right course will come along because she had a need to sit down and be taught 24 hours a day but she ran from the opportunity. Anyway, one plants the seed, one waters it and God causes the growth. She could have spent her time with anyone but she kept calling and He was faithful to the task There was some growth beyond the obvious crack in her development as seen in her underdeveloped emotional intelligence at age 41. She grew up somewhat estranged from her home town; The most Honourable Dodd City, Texas. Everybody that was her hometown mistakenly but it could not be. She was too indecisive as it was really in Halifax, UK. It showed in how she spent her time saving other people's treasures and valuing them afresh and anew. But, she got by singing hymns and the odd pop song with unoffensive lyrics such as Gangnam style written by Koreans and the favourite song of her Korean Political Activist friend who grew up and worked for the town crier in Scarborough, England. His girlfriend was black. His only concern is that she cooked and ironed so well and almost with a gracious athleticism in her academic use of recipes, that he was sometimes afraid of what she was going to do next but he kept his fears stealthily quiet. Cherryana sojourned on like Christian in the Pilgrim's progress. She tried to avoid all confusion and anyone who was in disbelief such as a lawyer from Lincolnshire who swore to her God did not exist. His anger with God is that God did not prevent his sodomy at twelve. He was working overtime to bring as many people as possible into bitterness. He almost succeeded with her until he was exposed for his other life in Mallorca. Living in a faithless and perverse generation has its challenges but we first endeavor to have peace with God ( see John 5:41) and you do your best with everyone else. The key is not to be a playa hata as they say in Christian rap circles. The Lord knows the end of all things like how long it takes to get sheep back in the pen if it is a sheep. The Lord will tell you.
Also, Howard Hughes, the billionaire philanthropist had a son named Michael who avoided a few matters by dating a girl named Reida. She wanted everyone to feel like him. He was her first true love of dangerous, risky passion and would not let him go. She kept his drule in a bottle and put it in her her two new husbands' martinis. She could never be satisfied with only one man. She was flirting with Jesus and the enemy all of her life. Her Grandmother introduced her to the practice but she was never truly submitted to anyone or anything and resented anyone who seemed to love even one verse in the bible. For instance, the verse that says do unto others as you would have them do unto you was a verse that she hated in addition to the verse that says you should not look at the speck in your brother's eye if there is a big big big log in your own that you work soo hard to keep in your closet and your children's closet. She passed these ways unto to her dyslexic daughter who seemed to graduate although she could not read and no one ever found out until she killed her own family by putting dettol in the pasta sauce but she said she thought it read olive oil. They had no rules and kept none and hid behind a false notion of superiority but Indian people or white people did not feel or act like them. They were actually part aboriginal from South Africa but did not want anyone to know as they did their best to get along in Britain where they emigrated.
Everyone could not feel like Michael. But, he was her first real secret love and passion. She tried to hide him but her undying love continued unabated. It was a crime to see her dying of such unbridled deathly passion. Her brother Brendon chastened her as best as he could. He chose a good wife as secure confident pastor in a passionate, tropical land who carried a bible in his vehicle and loved his relatives with no doubt that they loved him. He taught his younger relatives to understand the virtues of having one woman in your life. It was Equatorial wisdom. Even the Chinese Grocer in Trinidad, Cuba
http://www.cuba.tc/Trinidad/Trinidad.html had one woman. That is why everybody could relax in his shop. He was a relaxed and good teacher who read good books that taught you that you may hurt someone if you don't love them but you hurt them more if you love them and you really do not want to.
He taught his younger relatives well and he may not have understood that they respected quite a bit with too few relatives around in sufficient proximity to look up to. He stayed as close as possible although pre-occupied with new revelations from the word of God. That is the Patriarch needed and he answered the phone when you called. The point is, judge yourself and grow up from whatever hurt you are trying to avoid in your unbridled passion as you may not know when people are appreciating you for your vain attempts to seek approval in everything you do but Mike Douglass must have known as did Pastor Brendon. The goal was to seek God's approval(Matthew 12) and their confidence was quite evident to all who watched them as a result. Pastor Brendon had a niece who was the daughter of his brother Pastor Peter. Peter sung quite a bit. His favourite chapter was 2nd Peter 2. He asked his daughter Cherryana to read quite often with its fair facts on the gospel. She has come a long way although people tried to turn her back any way they could. Some said it was Peter's fault in that he loved other people's soccer shoes more than his own but soccer shoes do not make the player contrary to the saying that clothes maketh the man. Passing the ball makes a good player. It seems that every time Cherryana went out, people tried to let her know how much they liked her including the dentist who put a little cocaine in her fluoride treatments. It was either that or she was drinking on the way home from the dentist. Her behaviour and inconsistent words spoke quite voluminously. Oh well. Peter did not quit so soon although it was his first inclination. He pressed on in his beleaguered and burdensome task as she did at least ask for a bible study. The point is, she demonstrated a desire to know and to know Him is to love Him. Peter told her to take a course and he is confident that the right course will come along because she had a need to sit down and be taught 24 hours a day but she ran from the opportunity. Anyway, one plants the seed, one waters it and God causes the growth. She could have spent her time with anyone but she kept calling and He was faithful to the task There was some growth beyond the obvious crack in her development as seen in her underdeveloped emotional intelligence at age 41. She grew up somewhat estranged from her home town; The most Honourable Dodd City, Texas. Everybody that was her hometown mistakenly but it could not be. She was too indecisive as it was really in Halifax, UK. It showed in how she spent her time saving other people's treasures and valuing them afresh and anew. But, she got by singing hymns and the odd pop song with unoffensive lyrics such as Gangnam style written by Koreans and the favourite song of her Korean Political Activist friend who grew up and worked for the town crier in Scarborough, England. His girlfriend was black. His only concern is that she cooked and ironed so well and almost with a gracious athleticism in her academic use of recipes, that he was sometimes afraid of what she was going to do next but he kept his fears stealthily quiet. Cherryana sojourned on like Christian in the Pilgrim's progress. She tried to avoid all confusion and anyone who was in disbelief such as a lawyer from Lincolnshire who swore to her God did not exist. His anger with God is that God did not prevent his sodomy at twelve. He was working overtime to bring as many people as possible into bitterness. He almost succeeded with her until he was exposed for his other life in Mallorca. Living in a faithless and perverse generation has its challenges but we first endeavor to have peace with God ( see John 5:41) and you do your best with everyone else. The key is not to be a playa hata as they say in Christian rap circles. The Lord knows the end of all things like how long it takes to get sheep back in the pen if it is a sheep. The Lord will tell you.
The Culture game
It is said that many crosses in the South after the Civil war were burned on the lawns of people who were not truly Christian. They said that Church segregation was not only unusual since many White Christians had campaigned for an end to the civil war and slavery. That is evident. But, after the war, segregation in churches continued because if became clear that many black families had not fully let go of old ways that are anathema to Christianity. It was endemic to the black population and while the odd barren white family or their daughters may have had an unusual anger toward God, not heading the prayer of Hanna, the White church felt that it was best for a black pastor to deal with his own community's heretic aberrations in faith and the White pastor would deal with his own community without adding the burden of race to the issue in that tumultuous time. You knew some of these newly free families were off in that they might have attended church every Sunday but when you visit the home, there would be a child walking around naked all day at an age when they should be taught to respect themselves and they were reading a witchcraft book of spells. The parents took the child to the shop to buy the book but they should have given them a bible to read around the house. That did not fit Sunday Church attendance where the other sons and daughters read scriptures and were applauded for it. They had 15 children. Some people point to Katrina(Hurricane) as God's message as well as the big oil rig disaster just a few years later down the coast in the gulf. I am not sure how the oil disaster is God's message except that my family stopped using kerosene stoves 150 years ago and chose electric because it was cleanly, easy to clean up, cheap and cheerful(innit? like McDonalds right?). Google GE and Thermador electric ranges; so classy my love! He, Jehovah, might seek to reset things every now and again. Apparently Sodom and Gomorrah was on high ground and not so close to water like New Orleans but it seems He brings floods as well when He is ready and storms ( see Matthew 7). A movie in the late 80's with Robert Deniro and Lisa Bonet touched on these issues. It is quite sad really. It became a bit much because some black families or their wives felt so upset with being turned away at the church door that thet went back to the old ways and many chickens were used and little dolls in New Orleans to vent this anger on the white families; including the preacher. The preacher knew something unusual was happening and they could not be precise except that there was a war of faith going on and cultural conflict. Many white families were actually descendants of puritanical Celtic and Gaelic Christian peoples that believed in monogamy and fidelity. Efforts in the 1970's and 1980's existed to change this historical notion of Christian Gaelic values on relationships but the tension was quite evident in the south during the reconstruction era after the civil fighting ended. So, the Clan was really trying to preserve its Gaelic, Celtic culture without this niggling harassment from angry people that they actually helped many a day unwittingly and they did not put crosses on every black family’s lawn. After a while, you knew who had a bible in their pocket and who was prayerfully waiting on Him ( See Psalms 27). They left many black pastors and teachers alone. W.E.B Du bois is evidence of this in addition to Miles Davis' father's family. There is no other explanation for this as Miles Davis' father was a proud dentist with a black wife. The churches bombed in the sixties were not burned by real clan but splinter groups who were resistant to change as neo nazi factions. There is research on this. There was an underground railroad, as you know, but who do you think was driving the carriage and who owned the horse but white Baptists and Catholics.
This faith conflict started up again with a new influx of immigrants from the West Indies in the 1920's and 30's. Mylton Keynes in the U.K. experienced the same problem and is now the witchcraft capital of the U.K. with an influx of Whitish West Indians practicing something they thought was devilishly English but not really. England is a Christian country promoting Judeo Christian values ( see Wilberforce). A house divided cannot stand. See Hobbes and Churchhill on the civic health of the nation. It is also predominantly influenced by freemasonry with the country's first American style street grid system. Back in the states, these influxes led to increased conflicts reminiscent of reconstruction. One secret solution as crosses were sort of obvious and ugly was to bring hard drugs into the communities where these people lived. It's hard to burn a cross on a doorstep in Harlem but you can put drugs in coffee or encourage them to think it's glamorous and will lead to acceptance as if you were partying with Coco Chanel. She was called Coco for her cocaine use as everybody knows. Billie Holiday sung a few songs about this experience in her lamentations as a beautiful woman in that era. Malcolm Little( known as X) experienced this conflict of faith first hand since his mother was from the Caribbean and his father was a preacher who died unusually while leaving a Christian book store and laundry mat. Cleanliness is next to being God dependent and free from a duplicitous faith of old ancestral heebee jeebee practices and the unadulterated gospel. If you have come in to Christ, you have put away the old and have put on that which is new. You cannot put old wine into new wine skins. Moses beat the sorcerers in Egypt and he also beat a red sea with God working beside him.
It is time to heal. The bible does say that tares grow along with the wheat. The wheat learns and comes to light and truth. The tares must love darkness and never "unlearn what they have learned" and continue to follow the ways of those who had a profound influence on them as adults during early years and who fostered confusion and a mistrust of the word of God. Simone the Cyrene was an African and we have no doubt that Noah was a dark skinned man according to scholarly research. Pharaoh was an Egyptian. Joseph married an Egyptian and Moses married a Moabite. There is an Ethiopian Eunuch and if you want, you can say Adam and Eve were black as well. But, God has no grandchildren( you must be born again) and Abraham has biological children as numerous as the sands from every cultural and ethnic grouping, shade and color in the rainbow of humanity. Rodney King was found dead late last year and as much as he may have been an informally educated man, he asked in simple and pungent language "...Can't we all get along?" After all these world wars and in-fighting in Europe and else where predicated on some doubt as to whether God existed, we must be able to believe it now. Many of us have seen footage of nuclear mushroom clouds and we know quite a bit about Hitler's private life that rivaled that of the devil in terms of evil concupiscence that was in stark contrast to the life of fidelity of an Elizabeth and Zacharias. Doubt is a faith in itself and just because something is old, it does not make it right. Moses beat the Egyptian sorcerers. W.E.B. Du Bois gave us the imagery of crabs in a barrel when describing the Diasporan blackish African community. It is a strong and colorful image. Martin Luther King quoted it often and that is why some people believe Vernon Jordan was the shooter at that Hotel or someone as Uncle Tomish. I doubt it but I also heard Vincent Foster died and Kwame Ture' died with the true answer to the identity of King's shooter. Crabs sometimes swim together and build little crab huts as in a village raising children; right? Oh well. You wonder then why the Harlem Globe Trotters are not called the Crab Trotters. They pass the ball like Kung Fu Ninjas throwing Ninja stars. Cheryl Thomas, a prominent Journalist from St. Albans, Vermont, attempted to graduate with a law degree from England but she was evidently not up to snuff in that she no one could get her when she spoke and she told them often saying, "...you don't get me!" But, her ex boyfriend got her. She loved to use people and his father was old enough and covetous enough. He said often these two words "..I am." But, he could not finish the sentence so people asked noting his self-idolatrous confusion ".. you are what?" He did not have answer. Cheryl decided to be a journalist in the end of the good news because her last name Thomas meant that she would be blessed in that she may not have seen the proof but she still believed. She had a God given gift like Balaam but she used it for the wrong purposes. A lot of people do that. Read John 5:41 and have a new game inside your own personal expressions and reformulations of your uh culture.
It is said that a few politicians were represented in the matrix. A French politician, successful and retired but in love and still influential on the guest speaking global tour, is represented in the second installment with his chocolate loving non-duplicitous wife. Some people thought that was John Kerry with an accent. He might be around for a third term but the whole thing is just soo tremendously successful. It's the greatest political dynasty in history and quite humble. It feels like the most excellent Bulls of the 1980's. The other politician represented in the first installment was Reagan as depicted in the bearded and bald operator who had a crush on trinity. He was duplicitous though but we are not in doubt that he loved his belly. Meats are for the belly and the belly are for meats. It was a Texas or New York Rib-Eye Steak. We are also not sure why his character is referred to as the Reagan. Someone says it has to do with the transfer of production of most American consumer goods to China and Asia during the Reagan years and the closing down of Zenith with their Space Command cable converter built in to the tv ( a market first). This happened while Reagan won two terms telling everyone to buy American. They bought American but we are not really sure of anything else except that Walmart has kept the prices low for the babyboom generation since they are living in a country that is great for old men on universal medicaid. That was actually a Reagan campaign platform for the remainder of his second term when he started reading the speaches instead of speaking from the heart. They called him an actor and an avatar as one of the oldest Presidents to be in office but he was also one of the most decisive in the end. He told people to tear down walls and build bridges. He also provided Ron Brown with funds to complete a campaign on building a memorial for great Americans including a memorial for Doctor George Washington Carver who worked personally with Ford Motor Corporation and Mr. Henry Ford for a six figure salary. Wow! It is also noted that DKNY and Penguin were two of Ron Brown's favorite designers as they emulate Reagan's simple 1940's style.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Praying on James 4
You may think you found a way to pray to get what you want..two things: He knows what you need and you can ask for what you like but you better conclude on His will be done or His best be provided. Otherwise, you are not a child of His. There are always two possible answers and His answers are to further purposes of Romans 8. He might want you in a foxhole or trench and He did answer your prayer for stable income. But, you ponder the foxhole since you thought you circled logistics only with a bold permanent black marker when you made the application; ok. Your opinion beyond that is witchcraft and if you change your mind too much after an answer, He can recycle it and send what you had received to someone else. You did not say thank you (Psalms 50) or see He had a long term view. You must think you are at Toys R us. Tell Daddy you changed your mind about that dolly again...and again. Read these two and see for yourself- James and Hebrews. Be thankful with the next Ken Doll and grow up. Ok? Tantrum tantrum. My way you said not His way-Really? Clear the pipe lines my friend. Don't expect to perform any great miracle in your home with your children or your friends sometime soon if you are watching Nebraskan or Omaha or Adisababa Lovers at 12:30 am on Sunday morning religiously; right? If you glimpsed channeling down from Spike Tv or the cooking network, don't go back. To go back is the sin beyond the accidental glimpse--sitting in a dirty seat in the boardroom or at Starbucks. www.londiniumtvchannel.com.
An article on Linguistics and popular logos.
Some time ago an article was written popular logos and what they symbolised. It's introduction focussed on the fact that all words and letters are, in fact, signs to convey some sort of meaning like the snake on a pole during the Jewish exodus from Egypt being held up in the desert to demonstrate salvation or healing; that the enemy had been overcome.
The Apple logo of a bitten apple was held to symbolise "no waste" or "save some for the next generation." It was also held to demonstrate that, in fact, there were two apples in the garden. One Apple symbolised death and the others in the garden, there were so many, symbolised life.
So, I like Applets that bring good news and apparently there is a Gideon bible stored in the code of each Applet machine See the movie below as listed on this website with other movies to edify you and make you feel happy!
The Apple logo of a bitten apple was held to symbolise "no waste" or "save some for the next generation." It was also held to demonstrate that, in fact, there were two apples in the garden. One Apple symbolised death and the others in the garden, there were so many, symbolised life.
So, I like Applets that bring good news and apparently there is a Gideon bible stored in the code of each Applet machine See the movie below as listed on this website with other movies to edify you and make you feel happy!
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Insecurity as a profound pillar of a nation's psyche!
That country could produce the best speed yarn knitters in the world or the best competitive ice cream makers. That country could also be one of the richest in terms of raw materials and also the largest in terms of land mass but also one of the smallest in terms of population with entire cities such as Mexico having populations that exceed that of this interesting nation. Well, they might be taught to be insecure or it may fostered in the most private field of their formative experiences. But how is it that they are the best in competitive ice cream manufacturing, producing some of the best players and do this with the attitude of the average Australian but do not conduct their other affairs in the same manner? They take the efficiency in reading a cereal bar recipe as a threat to their ego? That could mean a couple of things. For certain, they have made ice and efficiency in gliding over it a province with violence in how they use the scoop a national passtime. This is not a culture of Survivor or World of Warcraft or is it? Let's see. How does that affect the way in which people perceive the work or societal environment? Is there a referee? What team does the referee favor? Is Hobbes to role around in his grave and lament that we or our ancestors heard him but did not hear? It's really not so bad though; right?
There are other countries that have noticed that their built environment is resembling wastelands and they could just burn it all down in frustration but the real wasteland as seen in recent commentary is a wasteland of the soul as manifested in some public spaces, neighbourhoods and communities. The cure for some would be to destroy what remains but this is not the real cure if the wasteland of the soul is the issue- too many drugs and hands too shaky to make good cameras. The cure would be to address the inner environment and trust that it would soon reflect in the community to be inhabited. There could be some cultures that foster Godly shame and leave their children spending most of their time trying to heal over it or understand why others don't want to participate maybe. I asked a Filipino woman about that once. She was a pastor. Resistance to change is sure but eventually change comes out of a manifest need to revert to what is clear and fundamental common sense for any community to look itself in the mirror and start with the evident. Mark 7 says it is not what goes into the man that defiles him unless it is to pass into his soul through his eyes( The eyes are the window to the soul; if you let in darkness, how great will that darkness be but where there is light, there is no darkness so watch Chuck Swindoll and Charles Stanley at least once a week and everything will be alright or as right as an early spring rain in February). But, it is the evil thoughts, adulteries and murders that defile the man. Destroy the outward environment and hope that those with cured souls survive to rebuild. Otherwise, there is no point but to start with a good fundamental French and British education from the 18th century. Add to that the evidence concerning the origins of civilisation and mathematics in Egypt, Africa and a few modules in a computer class on how to design a counting machine with html code. It's just a suggestion.
Now if you recognise your old school teacher, if you recognise her, on a plane or in a Barnes and Noble book store be sure to say hello because she must have taught you the golden rule. She will be looking fabulous picking up those Nigella Lawson Cook books. If you remember the golden rule, then it is likely your teacher did as well and she might call for tea or coffee to hear you say something in a transatlantic accent framed in multi-syllabic, fruitful expressions.
There are other countries that have noticed that their built environment is resembling wastelands and they could just burn it all down in frustration but the real wasteland as seen in recent commentary is a wasteland of the soul as manifested in some public spaces, neighbourhoods and communities. The cure for some would be to destroy what remains but this is not the real cure if the wasteland of the soul is the issue- too many drugs and hands too shaky to make good cameras. The cure would be to address the inner environment and trust that it would soon reflect in the community to be inhabited. There could be some cultures that foster Godly shame and leave their children spending most of their time trying to heal over it or understand why others don't want to participate maybe. I asked a Filipino woman about that once. She was a pastor. Resistance to change is sure but eventually change comes out of a manifest need to revert to what is clear and fundamental common sense for any community to look itself in the mirror and start with the evident. Mark 7 says it is not what goes into the man that defiles him unless it is to pass into his soul through his eyes( The eyes are the window to the soul; if you let in darkness, how great will that darkness be but where there is light, there is no darkness so watch Chuck Swindoll and Charles Stanley at least once a week and everything will be alright or as right as an early spring rain in February). But, it is the evil thoughts, adulteries and murders that defile the man. Destroy the outward environment and hope that those with cured souls survive to rebuild. Otherwise, there is no point but to start with a good fundamental French and British education from the 18th century. Add to that the evidence concerning the origins of civilisation and mathematics in Egypt, Africa and a few modules in a computer class on how to design a counting machine with html code. It's just a suggestion.
Now if you recognise your old school teacher, if you recognise her, on a plane or in a Barnes and Noble book store be sure to say hello because she must have taught you the golden rule. She will be looking fabulous picking up those Nigella Lawson Cook books. If you remember the golden rule, then it is likely your teacher did as well and she might call for tea or coffee to hear you say something in a transatlantic accent framed in multi-syllabic, fruitful expressions.
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Nice Girls should choose good friends- You will know after the second date when he calls you back after the first. Did you talk for three hours and not get bored and want to stay longer?
Enjoy the movie of the week and know that Shakespeare enjoyed his conjugal rights during betrothal which was the custom of that day. It is also true of Mary and Joseph that they were betrothed and conjugal rights were apart of the custom and Godly tradition as the two shall become one flesh and are married with such commitment in the copulation and in what you do. There is an implicit covenant in what you do! You are both programmed that way and know the feelings of infidelity or the fear of it. You might say you don't trust or find it hard to trust so work backward. Trust God and have the right motive as to not "get some" (as you may have read about in Cosmopolitan). Is that the source of your lack of inability to trust?; you intended to "get some"? After some copulation, do you say, "...Thank you. Wow! But, I really don't know you."
Well, he knows you. Choose a good friend and stay. Share the movie bill and the popcorn and maybe honor each other with a nice trinket or bobble every now and again. That never gets stale unless you are reading the muscle bodybuilder magazine and he is trying to catch glimpses of Janet Jackson with her bra protector being removed. Don't you look at each other with the lights off. See Plutarch and grow up.
The two shall become one flesh-Matthew 19. Are you just using them as an outlet for your lust after you finish flipping through the bodybuilder magazine. You must have been a little guilty in your head because you felt like you already had an ulterior or extrinsic moment when you got to the coffee shop for dinner. McDonald's is now serving steak and sweet potato fries.
If you are 17, just decide whether you can afford the diapers and tuition funds at the same time. After that, have wisdom and avoid being some black, white or Latin American or Asian statistic including the abortion statistic.
After that, have a ceremony anytime you want when you are both graduates with a job so have wisdom.
It's just that there is an implicit covenant in what you do and if you do you are married. The ceremony is not the wedding but a ceremony only and if you never copulate(the wedding), you only had a big party in that church or mayor's office. You are not legally married. Therefore, the copulation is the wedding and the legal papers and ceremony entitle you to claim half of each other's Audi A8 E-tron Hybrid. Papers and ceremonies without copulation leave you in a void union under the law. You are not married legally until you copulate. So, how do we do this again? As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. Try to find Adam and Eve's marriage registry papers or Abraham and Sara's registry papers or Isaac and Rebecca's registry papers. Somehow, they knew they were married to each other and the commitment they made before and after the big ceremony where everybody is involved and she or he might run away from the opinions of everyone. This is even worse and more likely to happen if she or he is an emotionally dependent approval addict. But, Grandma is not going to be living with him or her or sleeping with them. You will be. You better trust God with his answer and provision. Ok? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGmiPqQsrA
A female player may be a hustler; that may be true and who can argue except not everything in life can be a game especially when emotions are involved and big big involvements of time and special seasonings for the big weddings back on the farm. So, he who finds a wife finds a good thing and read a little Men's Health to figure what good foods to eat. You don't need that muscle builder as studies show goat's milk will replenish muscles just as fast as as the whey powder or those other drinks.
You got married last night on your Aunt's or Godfather's couch unless your intention is noncommittal and therefore just fornication or adultery.
Well, he knows you. Choose a good friend and stay. Share the movie bill and the popcorn and maybe honor each other with a nice trinket or bobble every now and again. That never gets stale unless you are reading the muscle bodybuilder magazine and he is trying to catch glimpses of Janet Jackson with her bra protector being removed. Don't you look at each other with the lights off. See Plutarch and grow up.
The two shall become one flesh-Matthew 19. Are you just using them as an outlet for your lust after you finish flipping through the bodybuilder magazine. You must have been a little guilty in your head because you felt like you already had an ulterior or extrinsic moment when you got to the coffee shop for dinner. McDonald's is now serving steak and sweet potato fries.
If you are 17, just decide whether you can afford the diapers and tuition funds at the same time. After that, have wisdom and avoid being some black, white or Latin American or Asian statistic including the abortion statistic.
After that, have a ceremony anytime you want when you are both graduates with a job so have wisdom.
It's just that there is an implicit covenant in what you do and if you do you are married. The ceremony is not the wedding but a ceremony only and if you never copulate(the wedding), you only had a big party in that church or mayor's office. You are not legally married. Therefore, the copulation is the wedding and the legal papers and ceremony entitle you to claim half of each other's Audi A8 E-tron Hybrid. Papers and ceremonies without copulation leave you in a void union under the law. You are not married legally until you copulate. So, how do we do this again? As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. Try to find Adam and Eve's marriage registry papers or Abraham and Sara's registry papers or Isaac and Rebecca's registry papers. Somehow, they knew they were married to each other and the commitment they made before and after the big ceremony where everybody is involved and she or he might run away from the opinions of everyone. This is even worse and more likely to happen if she or he is an emotionally dependent approval addict. But, Grandma is not going to be living with him or her or sleeping with them. You will be. You better trust God with his answer and provision. Ok? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGmiPqQsrA
A female player may be a hustler; that may be true and who can argue except not everything in life can be a game especially when emotions are involved and big big involvements of time and special seasonings for the big weddings back on the farm. So, he who finds a wife finds a good thing and read a little Men's Health to figure what good foods to eat. You don't need that muscle builder as studies show goat's milk will replenish muscles just as fast as as the whey powder or those other drinks.
You got married last night on your Aunt's or Godfather's couch unless your intention is noncommittal and therefore just fornication or adultery.
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