It is quite possible that you can attend a class on math taught by a five year old on the BEDMASS principle. But, he is not a professor yet. It does not mean that he has not learned anything but can he solve complex problems based on a simple mathematical hypothesis based partly on the theory of lost energy( that energy is only transferred but never lost and is a fixed variable)? The five year old realises that he has had his joy of learning and he will continue to learn as he shares his learning. But, he will be closer to being a professor at five years old than a vain 19 year old calculus student if he is humble enough to say that he has more to learn and to be thankful for everyone who helps in that regard instead of presuming to be a master of it all at five.
The bible speaks of some, and you can google it as well, that are always learning and never coming to knowledge of the truth. The truth is that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and the desire to be always right about what you think you feel or hear is to deny a quiet submission to the Holy Ghost to lead you and guide you; right? Your desire to be so right about whether someone will have a car accident or boat accident is a desire for your ego to be triumphed and for you to be esteemed amongst your little friends as being right about the meaning of the colour blue as an "Ora" around you or the blue door that they envision in the background of a picture you took just last night and you told your soothsayer that you were so haunted by the blue door. You have a good relationship with the soothsayer and you are trusting that they have some special pathway to Heaven or something but they were not right about that car accident and they now testify about throwing out their tarot cards and Jesus Christ is now Lord but they still have not given God all the glory because they are still hoping everyone will recognise them about being right; so right but they at least confessed being wrong about the Tarot Cards and the confusion it brings.
The knowledge of the truth and the lack thereof in any learner is quite shocking because being close to Jesus or what He offers is not a promise from Him to be powerful or adored by anyone. The truth is that He did not have a lot of friends while being whipped or beaten. The truth is submission and all that entails. It includes His promise of provision but it might mean a big v8 Honda or Acura as opposed to a Bentley. It may mean a little talent and your work to multiply it. The only guarantee is that the Holy Spirit will lead you and your work will bear up the result. Between starting your work and collecting harvest, there is a time of waiting (seed, time and harvest). Can you wait long enough before you start the cussing? Did your husband fail to give you any cheapo gift that you asked for? Did you pawn the first wedding ring for 1/10 of the value and he forgave it when you told him and you did that instead of just returning it.
The truth is all your respect and seeking after it is a search for your respect but what about God's respicio? Your friends and the girls are demanding the 47 inch tv but your budget allows for 32 inches. Your friends do not have a key to Heaven and if you choose the 32 inch tv as God is showing you, you will thank Him when there is an extra hundred left over for the new Samsung Galaxy phone and your friends will see your wisdom as God given. They will still come to watch the movies and eat your popcorn as well; right? They are your friends; right? You trusted God with the 32 inch tv and there was more than enough after all.
The truth is love your husband, neighbour and friend as you love yourself and you can certainly compete with him on the golf course. That is what friendship is all about but if you are not sincerely hoping for his success, then you are not loving him and you can rest assured that the reason why he gave you the advice to sell your v8 SUV for the v6 Jeep is so that you would have more money to buy bracelets and sell them to make money for the three children you plan to have with him after the first abortion that he also forgave. At least you threw out the tarot cards and started talking about Jesus and attending church but the way you cuss when you hear he has a cold leads one to ask how do you really feel about him and treat him? How do you feel about yourself? The truth is you shall worship the Lord thy God only and only Him shall you serve. The truth is Jesus Christ is Lord and He has always had many rivals as seen in people's private lives regardless of whether they are preaching and worship leading with Jimmy Chew shoes on. Don't worry about what they teach on Sunday or Saturday because the man who prayed for you and encouraged you to go to church is the man that you just said you do not respect because he has a cold. That's ok. The process is threefold:
1. Salvation;
2. Sanctification; and
3. Service.
You are being sanctified so you may still act as if you do not know Jesus personally quite often; in fact. But, at least you have made some tangible progress. You read the bible, cuss and you threw out some Tarot Cards while confessing you do not respect whom you say is not only your man but your uh best friend and you thank him for taking you to church and for reading with you; right? His best friend is Jesus so he knows when to run from a two-faced devil. See 1st Corinthians 7 and he, that man you do not respect, has kept his promise so go and start a church now and make sure you check everything with Jim Jones in Guyana first (check it with Jim Jones and make a donation on your way out). He too seemed to struggle with coming to a knowledge of the truth but we can at least celebrate him(Wow! So pleased!) for always learning. Do you love anybody?
This is dedicated to a young part Eskimo woman who, on her 41st birthday, found out she was abandoned at 1 month old and given to a local mixed race family by ambulance employees or police she said and the family received a little money every month. She started to love raw salmon and seaweed after a second abortion. She finally got over her fear of abandonment and learned to receive love because she could have been a great dinner at 1 month old for a pack of any sort of dogs in an alley way.
The bible does not say " thou shall not cover they neighbor's good female friend with whom he has relations." It says to not covet his wife. But, many a couple who were good friends and betrothed in the old style with conjugal rights (circa Joseph and Mary or Shakespeare and his wife) have seen the unusual behaviour of all who are not really concerned and the immediate loss of interest in their coupling and also the additional marriage offers that come flooding in when, after four years of friendship, they announce an engagement. So, as Paul said in Romans 7, if there was no law against it would we be enticed to covet the neighbour's wife? She was always his friend after all. It is hard to adulterate an official friendship. There is no law against the covenant as addressed in the title friendship with the all the gifts being exchanged between them.
Also, the wife or husband has a purpose but it is not for respect with respect having all its public and social imports. If the wife is for public respect, then she is an object more than a partner or mutual helpmate and what does she have to do or look like for that social respect that you seek after and her role to provide it? In what culture are you seeking this respect? Will she be able to provide the respect after she gets old and will she fear this loss of social currency in your life? If she is just the object for the social respect, then she is denied what she needs which is to be known and if she is not "known", she will resent you anyway and hide or satisfy her need for relationship in spending all the time with the grandchildren or an Apple I-pad. It is just that if you USE her as an object, then you get what you pay for. She is not your friend really but that would have been what you agreed to in the beginning if she is was chosen by you as an object for respect. The thing is that regardless of her looks, she is likely to love you anyway if you just get a good timex watch and agree to read a magazine with her or pay attention to what she found for a few dollars at the farmer's market like fresh eggs for $7.00 in the dozen. You can play your video games at 7 am when she hasn't woken up yet and keep all your friends because she might try and have you let go of them because she is really vain. It is not a battle of the sexes but a battle over common sense. Common sense says it is good to have good old friends with whom you enjoyed missions trips and simply treat her (your friend who is no longer an object after you repent at church with her very soon) in the best way possible since its not your fault what happened with her family or father. You are not responsible for how she was raised but you should endeavour to treat him( if you are a woman) or her( if you are a man) in the best way possible without having anyone, including her, ask you to risk your life when you can take the train or ferry if flying is too dangerous; right?
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Friday, 28 December 2012
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
The capacity to love-Santa Claus is working hard to remind you!
The capacity to love is innate to all human beings. Love is a default human expectation. Babies are born with an expectation of love. This is an inherent desire to experience love by receiving it and to give it. Love though is a function of knowledge and feeling. The knowledge and feeling is a product of relationship. This knowledge and feeling is the innate capacity of relationship with the creator at birth. For example, a wolf socialised amongst other wolves anticipates love from the wolves with which it was socialised. A human presents hostility to a wolf as there is no relationship with humans upon initial introduction. It would take the wolf raised in the wild sometime to be socialised by humans in relationship to have any feeling or knowledge of love from humans and to not perceive them as hostile. So what has happened to the five year old or nine year old human who is rather antisocial? They have been traumatised by certain experiences with other human beings so that they no longer have the knowledge or feeling of love. You cannot experience love without knowledge or the feeling of love. There is no knowledge or feeling without relationship. The baby has the default position of a loving expectation because God made them and there is no negative experience at that early stage to take them out of that expectation. The five or 12 year old who has become antisocial due to negative experiences has to, at some stage, be re-socialised with affirming relationships to overcome the negative experiences. The point is to unlearn what they may have learned and thereby undo what has impacted their expectation of love so negatively. To be born again is to go back to the default knowledge as provided by the creator that you are loved; that this love expectation is sown in to the heart by your innate relationship with God( the creator) and you can live with the knowledge and feeling of love as produced by the relationship with the Heavenly father; this being the innate feeling and knowledge arising from the innate relationship with the creator that we have from our birth. This is going back to the default. No one can affirm you more than God himself. This "going back to default" or "factory reset experience" is being born again.
The point of any good adult bible study or Sunday school then is to remind the student that they are a child and that they will always be a child; a child of God. Google verses on the phrase "Children of God" and leave your surrogate teacher on Grace ( Santa Claus) a good note of thanks and a thank offering of cookies and milk.
One good thing about Santa in this current microprocessor generation is that he builds toys that can be programmed almost anyway possible to ensure that the children are safe from harm with NC 17 ratings on games and toys that can be reprogrammed to suit your home's safety needs. One new toy that is being reprogrammed is the internet such that there will be two internets; one smoke filled room, cigar and whiskey, cigarette smoking man, builderingicebergs internet with all the dirt that a monkey or ape could not conceive and a timewarner cable and apple i-phone 5 internet for consumer consumption that will keep our minds in tune with all those rights we wish to protect and enjoy at the hands of well-meaning gentrified gun-toting mailmen, court receptionists and ambulance drivers who are here to serve and protect. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. There will be lots of games and instant chat for sure and certainly lots of milking cows with their pants and tops off to heal your need for intimacy. Cows are usually naked though.
It is obvious that Santa is thinking of everything for our good.
Warren A. Lyon.
Happy New Year!
The point of any good adult bible study or Sunday school then is to remind the student that they are a child and that they will always be a child; a child of God. Google verses on the phrase "Children of God" and leave your surrogate teacher on Grace ( Santa Claus) a good note of thanks and a thank offering of cookies and milk.
One good thing about Santa in this current microprocessor generation is that he builds toys that can be programmed almost anyway possible to ensure that the children are safe from harm with NC 17 ratings on games and toys that can be reprogrammed to suit your home's safety needs. One new toy that is being reprogrammed is the internet such that there will be two internets; one smoke filled room, cigar and whiskey, cigarette smoking man, builderingicebergs internet with all the dirt that a monkey or ape could not conceive and a timewarner cable and apple i-phone 5 internet for consumer consumption that will keep our minds in tune with all those rights we wish to protect and enjoy at the hands of well-meaning gentrified gun-toting mailmen, court receptionists and ambulance drivers who are here to serve and protect. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. There will be lots of games and instant chat for sure and certainly lots of milking cows with their pants and tops off to heal your need for intimacy. Cows are usually naked though.
It is obvious that Santa is thinking of everything for our good.
Warren A. Lyon.
Happy New Year!
Monday, 24 December 2012
Something Christmassy!
There has to be something true about Christ in that His message causes soo much tension in the world. This tension is found in His message and life juxtaposed against the bare or naked truth of our human nature( See Romans 7). The simple initial point of entry in this transgenerational discussion is the following: Abraham had no law. Jacob, Joseph and Moses did not have any law as well. They had no codified law. They had universal law such that Adam and Eve were married in God's common universal law, Cain was chastened in this law about being his brother's keeper and not his exterminator, Abraham was warned about his activities with the beautiful woman in his home who was not his wife and Pharaoh was warned about Abraham's wife. They had Universal law as provided by God or God's common law which was eventually codified in Moses' great experience into the written law of the ten commandments. It seems evidently that the Holy Spirit( also referred to as the Shekinah glory ) was guiding people into all truth before the law was codified. He is still working. Read Romans 8. Then read Roman 10 and 11.
We celebrate this Christmas joyfully. Happy holidays and Happy Hanukkah to all from the TV Channel. You don't have to get into the "married" or "engaged" mind space to forget that the person you have spent the last four years enjoying your rollerblades, icecream, your parent's basement and matching bicycles is your friend. They were always your friend. You can forget any day of the week while eating mussels, oysters, egg plants and peaches when sucking out all the meat of the uh fruit. God bless and Merry Christmas!!
We celebrate this Christmas joyfully. Happy holidays and Happy Hanukkah to all from the TV Channel. You don't have to get into the "married" or "engaged" mind space to forget that the person you have spent the last four years enjoying your rollerblades, icecream, your parent's basement and matching bicycles is your friend. They were always your friend. You can forget any day of the week while eating mussels, oysters, egg plants and peaches when sucking out all the meat of the uh fruit. God bless and Merry Christmas!!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Ego Conflict with God
It is said that many a man or woman will go through an ego conflict with God. The devil did when he looked upon himself, said he was beautiful, heard others in Heaven say he was beautiful and God himself sad he made him beautiful but the end result was his rebellion and hatred for God. Beauty does not excuse one from submission. It is said in Romans 1 that "..they worshipped the created instead of the creator." It also says in Ecclesiastes that God has made all things beautiful. Google bible verse on beautiful. Its not soo hard. Jesus, if not necessarily physically beautiful like Marilyn Monroe ( she is still in the press everyday for some reason), was eternally and internally beautiful. He was God incarnate. So if someone tells you to abandon all your previous friendships, especially the ones from missions trips, to help them or make them secure that person is truly telling you that they are a "self-rejected" individual. They do not love themselves if you have to abandon every friendship so that they can feel secure. The truth is that they want to make you a prisoner of their insecurities and deny your wealth of blessings in many friendships. They have to be ill( you do it really really good with vigour) but more importantly, they have not submitted the smallest part of the psyche, their ego ( you do it really really good with vigour), to recognising God's glorious beauty. He( God) who is beautiful has made all things beautiful in His own time. This includes a 12.5 year old vehicle that you have taken time to appreciate. If you look at flowers, and deep inside, you will see its all the same down there. But, if given a flower, be satisfied with the colour and shape of the petals. In corollary to this notion, God said that husband's should be satisfied with the breasts of the wife of their youth and this is because, well uh umm, its all the same down uh there. If you are not sure, then buy a case of coke and you will see that every can has the same size of opening. That is just the way God designed it. Cain's sin was not unlike that of His parents. God offered Him a deal; that God desired that sin would not have dominion over him but He did not accept it. His parents did not accept God's deal or at least they did not listen or trust Him. Cain did not listen and nor did he trust God. Won't you come? Won't you trust Him? Well, at least listen to your soccer coach who says that spritey player will take you on the inside of the goal if you give him a yard and you were expecting him to try and take you straight down that left wing where you would cut him off but that player knew you were faster than him so he will switch from his left foot to the right and you won't have time to recover. You left the experience new and improved on a yard and now you can defend against two players as the last defender in front of goal on the day. So, trust Him and trust Him in that you will RECEIVE the promise and then uh umm wait. Read the last five verses of Psalms 27. It feels like a fortune cookie.
It is difficult to have an ego conflict with God for long. He made you. But, if you are experiencing this, just say let God's ego/will precede my ego/will. He is the king; right?
It is difficult to have an ego conflict with God for long. He made you. But, if you are experiencing this, just say let God's ego/will precede my ego/will. He is the king; right?
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
The Prequel to Logan's Run-
It is said that the entire world's population can fit into the square mileage of Texas. What a beautiful idea? We would see massive softball leagues with lots of popadoms on sale at half time and maybe spicy Chinese dry noodle snacks along side a coke, Fanta and cassava chips for the South Africans. Even so, there is an old story about a futuristic population that kills off any citizen that reaches the age of 37-38. This was done by state actors as part of the will of the people as set down by their parliament or legislature; or so they were told so that no one would argue. The movie was called Logan's Run. It's just that people were too busy comforting themselves and distanced from the real workings of government and not any closer to what was really happening other than news clips on the Centralised National News Broadcasting Network. It was once that art imitated life but soon life imitated art and the artists were people who used paint, computers and graphic design kits that were uh umm out of this world. Who knows what was really going on or who won any election because the reporting was the uh "reality". Theodore Roosevelt once warned about the power of the press and he saw its work in the shadows of the early Soviet Union and the uh umm "Official" story but they had official stories in Teddy's day but more repentantly so; again to ensure that Grandma could keep her knickers on at night and in the day without fearing fire and brimstone and the signs spoken of by the preacher at her church in Salt Lake City, Utah. What a Pallavah? When we read the news, the question will always be whether the chicken or the egg came first; the story or the crafted result created by the story? CNNBN news clips and employees appear as grafted in parts of many Hollywood Blockbusters. Why is it not a CBS news snippet and employee appearing in the movie Spygames with Robert Redford or in some "Bourne Knows His Name" movie? It is always CNNBN news snippets in the plot or in the crafted reality. This does not lend credibility to CNNBN but robs it of any authenticity because if it was serious news, it would not appear in every holiday blockbuster; that is Hollywood blockbuster. It is not news then but more akin to fiction.
The prequel to Logan's Run involves a population that is a majority population for senior citizens. They were part of the "Me" generation which was really the "I" generation and that involved doing what you had to do to "get mines-fulfil the American dreams as stated in Marilyn Monroe's dress size and alias". It always takes two to tango; innit? But, they did not want to let go of their influence or their loss of control on the levers even as their time to fill the workforce waned. Angry children who suffered at their compromises and their abuses did not help as these children may have denied this generation early grandchildren. The angry children developed a "survivor" generation which was really a "Lord of the Flies" generation bordering on a band of veiled "marauders" generation who would break almost any rule to get at anyone who threatened their false sense of winning or needing to win in a World of WarCraft ethics which is to kill to say "I am" while before traditionally one would say " I think; therefore I am". This ego gratification circumventing the celebration of long held traditions of virtue and order made Remembrance Days meaningless and the older population decided that they would just take these vain, ethicless, kids out since they were just little gangs breaking rules. If you ate at your mother's house, you might come back just as incontinent and as old as your mom and dad. Your teeth may not be as short in the tooth and its not that your parents were vain but you were just a little inhumane in how you responded to their needs and you forgot to celebrate with grandchildren; their move into the octoganarian years. The Prequel is Called "Hastening the end to Social Maladjustment". The French version is "Fraternite' et Liberte'." At the end, the various generations come together to celebrate life itself and the end to the goal of the malcontent; that goal being the triumph of the ego.
It should be in theatres in Time for Christmas 2014. But before then, Enjoy this vision of the new millenium from a rather productive culture quite akin to our own in some respects in that we lots of Sushi here everyday. I am going for a visit for some real Tokyo sushi and I'm bringing a bible to read while I use my chopsticks. The movie is right here: Battle Royale: See what you can learn from it in terms of your expectation for order and governement as well as the royal law. You will have to google "royal law".
Now the Lord said, go out into all the world and preach the gospel; absolutely. There should be no resistance or antithesis in this endeavour since it is just a simple message about love and forgiveness right?; read Romans 7. In Star Trek the Borg said resistance is futile and I think vampires try to convert the living into the dead. In certain other stories people share their pain by sharing their hurt knowingly or unknowingly but what if there was a community that, in some organised fashion, wanted as many people as possible to know their pain and they had has many Aids as possible in Aid of their cause? Soap opera fans are quite the same. That would be quite frightening actually. That feels like a bad "B" movie. Upon one thing we can all agree; hmm. Where there is light, there is no darkness. It is amazing that ultraviolet light therapy is being used to cure almost anything and AIDS the healing process completely in many cases where they thought there was no cure. I read about it on the inTRUEnet. Bonzai Mother Lover! Getting back to the point, there are many civilisations that have preceded us and I am sure their citizens must have thought they were pretty smart with their ancient flushing toilets, markets, theatres and banks; not unlike us in many ways. Then, there is eternity and they assured us of that as well in their writings ( both Messianic Jewish, Jewish and pagan( Mount Olympus etc) ). So, getting back to the real point, the real question is what do I do until then? You can't choose the family into which you were born so make the best of the talents you discover and establish while studying at the post-secondary level, forgive those who tried to sidetrack all God put into you at birth and if you are looking for a perfect answer to the "Male" or "Female" figure you never enjoyed in your childhood as father or mother where the ability to trust was bruised, then take some time to regain a reasonable expectation of such a figure. You will probably try to find such a figure in the form of a wife or husband; right? You are looking for "Superman" and there is only one man recorded in history as having the ability to be almost everywhere at the same time( "Go as your child is now healed where she is"-google that maybe!) and to walk on water. You could make Him your husband, being a bride of Christ, while you heal and ask for the best and appropriate fully human variant to fit His purpose( Romans 8) for your life. If you are a man, you can have a similar covenant with Him in some scripture like John 1 or something like that; eh? You can try it just a little and be afraid. Ok? You will not find a perfect man to make up for all the shortcomings in your parents or the way they raised you. Didn't Lisa Bevere teach you that or M. Scott Peck? That is why you need to forgive and if Joseph's story in the bible was not enough to understand how a family can be, then read David's story. David's dad was not his best supporter. There was also a boy with a brother or friend named Cain. Also, David's father was not Scottish.
Warren A. Lyon.
The prequel to Logan's Run involves a population that is a majority population for senior citizens. They were part of the "Me" generation which was really the "I" generation and that involved doing what you had to do to "get mines-fulfil the American dreams as stated in Marilyn Monroe's dress size and alias". It always takes two to tango; innit? But, they did not want to let go of their influence or their loss of control on the levers even as their time to fill the workforce waned. Angry children who suffered at their compromises and their abuses did not help as these children may have denied this generation early grandchildren. The angry children developed a "survivor" generation which was really a "Lord of the Flies" generation bordering on a band of veiled "marauders" generation who would break almost any rule to get at anyone who threatened their false sense of winning or needing to win in a World of WarCraft ethics which is to kill to say "I am" while before traditionally one would say " I think; therefore I am". This ego gratification circumventing the celebration of long held traditions of virtue and order made Remembrance Days meaningless and the older population decided that they would just take these vain, ethicless, kids out since they were just little gangs breaking rules. If you ate at your mother's house, you might come back just as incontinent and as old as your mom and dad. Your teeth may not be as short in the tooth and its not that your parents were vain but you were just a little inhumane in how you responded to their needs and you forgot to celebrate with grandchildren; their move into the octoganarian years. The Prequel is Called "Hastening the end to Social Maladjustment". The French version is "Fraternite' et Liberte'." At the end, the various generations come together to celebrate life itself and the end to the goal of the malcontent; that goal being the triumph of the ego.
It should be in theatres in Time for Christmas 2014. But before then, Enjoy this vision of the new millenium from a rather productive culture quite akin to our own in some respects in that we lots of Sushi here everyday. I am going for a visit for some real Tokyo sushi and I'm bringing a bible to read while I use my chopsticks. The movie is right here: Battle Royale: See what you can learn from it in terms of your expectation for order and governement as well as the royal law. You will have to google "royal law".
Now the Lord said, go out into all the world and preach the gospel; absolutely. There should be no resistance or antithesis in this endeavour since it is just a simple message about love and forgiveness right?; read Romans 7. In Star Trek the Borg said resistance is futile and I think vampires try to convert the living into the dead. In certain other stories people share their pain by sharing their hurt knowingly or unknowingly but what if there was a community that, in some organised fashion, wanted as many people as possible to know their pain and they had has many Aids as possible in Aid of their cause? Soap opera fans are quite the same. That would be quite frightening actually. That feels like a bad "B" movie. Upon one thing we can all agree; hmm. Where there is light, there is no darkness. It is amazing that ultraviolet light therapy is being used to cure almost anything and AIDS the healing process completely in many cases where they thought there was no cure. I read about it on the inTRUEnet. Bonzai Mother Lover! Getting back to the point, there are many civilisations that have preceded us and I am sure their citizens must have thought they were pretty smart with their ancient flushing toilets, markets, theatres and banks; not unlike us in many ways. Then, there is eternity and they assured us of that as well in their writings ( both Messianic Jewish, Jewish and pagan( Mount Olympus etc) ). So, getting back to the real point, the real question is what do I do until then? You can't choose the family into which you were born so make the best of the talents you discover and establish while studying at the post-secondary level, forgive those who tried to sidetrack all God put into you at birth and if you are looking for a perfect answer to the "Male" or "Female" figure you never enjoyed in your childhood as father or mother where the ability to trust was bruised, then take some time to regain a reasonable expectation of such a figure. You will probably try to find such a figure in the form of a wife or husband; right? You are looking for "Superman" and there is only one man recorded in history as having the ability to be almost everywhere at the same time( "Go as your child is now healed where she is"-google that maybe!) and to walk on water. You could make Him your husband, being a bride of Christ, while you heal and ask for the best and appropriate fully human variant to fit His purpose( Romans 8) for your life. If you are a man, you can have a similar covenant with Him in some scripture like John 1 or something like that; eh? You can try it just a little and be afraid. Ok? You will not find a perfect man to make up for all the shortcomings in your parents or the way they raised you. Didn't Lisa Bevere teach you that or M. Scott Peck? That is why you need to forgive and if Joseph's story in the bible was not enough to understand how a family can be, then read David's story. David's dad was not his best supporter. There was also a boy with a brother or friend named Cain. Also, David's father was not Scottish.
Warren A. Lyon.
Monday, 3 December 2012
My Man
My man(as written from the account of a young, repentant woman learning to be thankful for the man and not his suit or vehicle which can easily be changed-suits and vehicles do not kiss you or choose to bridle their tongue with wisdom or refuse to lay their hand on your mop to wipe up the dog's urine on the bathroom floor; everyday!-why so dirty?), no matter how much I call him mine, is some body's son. He is also God's child. My man, no matter how good he treats me, it does not say anywhere that he is mine to abuse or mistreat. My man is not mine like a replaceable, disposable mass produced, identical G.I.Joe. My man, if they all looked the same, would not interest me really if he sat home all day with ME and didn't thrive and push in something, some endeavor, save somebody's life, encourage, pray and believe, work hard 9-5 pm in something somewhere or just work. That work is 24 hours in one day or 40 hours in three days as he is my man and I need to trust him when he is not with me in body and the flesh, to trust that his heart is still with me. He's my man no matter what I have been told about men being all dogs or all the same. No matter how much I've learned from our ancestors about men philandering, it does not mean I need to turn my man into a philanderer in my imagination only with my continual doubts, fears and suggestions of it when he is not. Its just I was told all men cheat, so I decided to follow the culture that believes this lie. I followed it soo much that I cheated myself and I was assured fallaciously by other followers that I can rest assured that he cheats anyway, whether I can actually see it or know it regardless of what he says. "My man cheats...!" as I was told by all the old ladies since I had ears to hear those bitter experiences at the age of 4 and my man, I knew I love him when I saw him. I love him when he was just my friend. I loved him when my man was not my man and I was with the man who was being abused by me as my real man and who was not just my man as my friend was. Then my man who was my friend became my man and my real man who I was taught to abuse to keep him in check but he never stopped being my friend. I fell into a pattern of doubt and negative expectation about him and now I know it is because my mind and heart was taught to bring what could have been a happy time with my man to a place of my own negative reality, demeaning him, doubting his faithfulness, being ill when he was successful and wanting to throw up, calling him a bitch to test his manhood in comparison to my own manhood and all because I choose not to let go of my struggle with trust and to have faith that he is truly my man. So, the question is who am I? I am my man. While your parents and other older family members may be responsible for how you were nurtured in your formative years, your husband or man is not. All he can do is treat you in the best way possible if you let him. Your role is to heal with God's help if there were any misgivings in the upbringing because there was no "perfect" household nor is there a "perfect" household. You can also take responsibility for your memories, reactions and deep-seated expectations (the expectations that you also seem to create with constant unnecessary dissensions for which you apologise) and if you are not ready for that deep meaningful friendship/marriage relationship with one person, then be honest. A man, you were taught, was to be "read emotionally" maybe out of some fear as that was the experience of the household in which you were raised. He is sort of an impersonal entity and your reactions make any man just a passive actor in the plot you continually create no matter how sincere he may be. It's you. He is no more than a "football" in your play and it seems so true with all that you say because the whole entire community in which you were raised had similar encounters with a father quite similar to yours; hence the collective pain but maybe you did meet a man who knows your experience and he decided early to look to the right and away from a certain pattern as many psychologists will tell you, as on Donahue or the Mr. More Safer show that if you do not forgive, you will walk in the same behavioural patterns. Your man just went to find a wife that was at least honest about her need to heal with Christ as her source, first and foremost, because if Christ was a battery he never runs out. He is eternally ready to supply all of your emotional needs according to His riches in glory and his wife, after that, needed a good friend which he certainly is for coffee and tv. Are his shoe laces untied as they might be after four hours of work? Then, tell him or you can just call your ex. Mon Dieu. He is very strong as a good friend. Mon Dieu. The end.Now if you can't have one man, that's okay because some men don't mind being used and using like a set of old bras and tops from the Good Will or Sally Ann's( Salvation Army). You can always get another one tomorrow. Also, there are some descendants of Yassidic Jews in the West Indies called Rastafarians who swear by the virtues of the scriptures. Some smoke Hay and some smoke weed. But, certainly most of them believe in the virtue of being fruitful and multiplying with as many women as possible. There is only one man in history who received that command just after the many animals he was called to steward
received the same direct command to multiply andbe fruitful. In being fruitful, Adam received one wife for that purpose as did Cain and Seth and Noah. This is also true of most of the animals; one spouse or partner like the whales. Whales stay together forever. Abraham had one wife as well to be fruitful and multiply but was rushed into evading the patient fruition of God's promise by his wife. That seed of impatience has produced many time saving devices like microwave ovens and Campbell's Cup of soup; just add water. Its just that between David and Abraham, they are both honoured as prophets and also as Kings but also both were obedient along side their imperfection for which they were truly sorrowful and sincere in repentance. Now, why is it that the bible says Solomon died with his heart seperate from God and Abraham and David did not yet Solomon is known as the wisest? Was it that He was the wisest but also the most stubborn when God warned him more than once about having too many women? One too many is just one too many. When you are a father one day or a dentist you will know when your child or patient has had one candy too many and there is a uh uhm uh cavity. You will also know when your child comes back home with type 2 diabetes and you will remember, along with your child, how you told him that you think on that day he had one shake too many; get it? The thing is that Cain and Solomon all came from good groups and families and they really believed what they believed for good. It's just that at the end of the day, you can get lots of temporal approval for being a part of the right family. Ted kennedy knows but you are not going to get eternal approval from God just for being identifed by on-lookers in your city as being part of a family or group even if your name is Maadoff or Kardashian. God has no grandchildren and everybody must believe for themselves that He exists ( Hebrews 11:6) and trust and believe (John 1: 12-13). There is a simple formula. People who love cake recipes and only buy cookbooks should find this simple. Read this: at the end of the day, its called "FootPrints." Read that poem or read Romans 8.
Written by Warren A.Lyon
received the same direct command to multiply andbe fruitful. In being fruitful, Adam received one wife for that purpose as did Cain and Seth and Noah. This is also true of most of the animals; one spouse or partner like the whales. Whales stay together forever. Abraham had one wife as well to be fruitful and multiply but was rushed into evading the patient fruition of God's promise by his wife. That seed of impatience has produced many time saving devices like microwave ovens and Campbell's Cup of soup; just add water. Its just that between David and Abraham, they are both honoured as prophets and also as Kings but also both were obedient along side their imperfection for which they were truly sorrowful and sincere in repentance. Now, why is it that the bible says Solomon died with his heart seperate from God and Abraham and David did not yet Solomon is known as the wisest? Was it that He was the wisest but also the most stubborn when God warned him more than once about having too many women? One too many is just one too many. When you are a father one day or a dentist you will know when your child or patient has had one candy too many and there is a uh uhm uh cavity. You will also know when your child comes back home with type 2 diabetes and you will remember, along with your child, how you told him that you think on that day he had one shake too many; get it? The thing is that Cain and Solomon all came from good groups and families and they really believed what they believed for good. It's just that at the end of the day, you can get lots of temporal approval for being a part of the right family. Ted kennedy knows but you are not going to get eternal approval from God just for being identifed by on-lookers in your city as being part of a family or group even if your name is Maadoff or Kardashian. God has no grandchildren and everybody must believe for themselves that He exists ( Hebrews 11:6) and trust and believe (John 1: 12-13). There is a simple formula. People who love cake recipes and only buy cookbooks should find this simple. Read this: at the end of the day, its called "FootPrints." Read that poem or read Romans 8.
Written by Warren A.Lyon
Sunday, 2 December 2012
The truth is...
You want someone to be a friend. But, are you a friend to that person? You just told your wife(ex) or your husband(ex) that you don't love them but you want them to be your friend. Think about your past. Where did this begin? Is your behaviour more indicative of your need to get over a fundamental, formative rejection? You must also realise that they don't need you because the ex never called you back. You are harassing them; especially as you are not sincere. Why not just be sincere or are you always wanting to feel powerful by having secrets and feel as if you got away with it but you could not handle being with someone who treats you in the way you treat others? You might need to just believe in the concept of friendship as it relates to any intimate relationship. They (relationships) should not be power struggles or ego tussles. You could be too ill or old at your age to recognise your need for Jesus as a mighty counsellor. But, you want to teach others. You weren't there when they were born but you may have heard them sing in the choir quite harmoniously. You thought they had a musical gift. You heard them play the piano. You thought they had a musical gift. You saw them win red ribbons at the first track meet you and your children ever attended in Wisconsin or Chicago. You noticed they had an athletic gift. You read one of their childhood book reviews or article review projects on the Crimean War completed in Grade 7 and also observed the art project where they drew a can of Campbell soup in Grade 7. They also drew a picture of a Volkswagen emblem in Grade 7 but they decided not to be an architect which was your thought. That's ok. God made him and his gifts. He did not know you as an influence until he was 2 months old and then you left. When he met you again, he was two and a half and he could not remember you. It's just that children at that age do not read magazines or study faces to know who is Granddad or Uncle apart from the father; that is who you are. Good! It's just that there is a "knowing" and a familiarity and a development of relationship that a child will enjoy. You might have to give him a few five cent gums for him to recognise you as someone you would expect to run to you and show you a fond greeting. In spite of your expectations of how your puppy should behave, it may not know its owner without a treat. Most puppies will go home with the person that shows some interest on a moment by moment basis or the one that lays down the treats. Your child is not a puppy but if you went away for some time, you will have to recognise that the truth is, you will need to redevelop some knowing in that child's mind and a five cent gum would help. That's ok. Forgive yourself because he had lots of soccer coaches to say don't quit and some school teachers who said, don't worry about it. You are a good little puppy and you jump really far as well; like 6 metres 90 cm in grade 11. That might have been unofficial. But that's ok because you knew God loves you from about a week after you turned 14 and if you need to forgive someone so that you can love the work you produce or the many children who say you feel like you don't know who you are, that's ok. God loves them and knew them in their mother's womb; remember? Google the part about being known in your mother's womb. It's just that whatever you think you went through may have been the same thing as some other really smart man who got a scholarship and who knows what life may have been like if you stayed on the big farm with your grandmother and not the tiny farm with your father's family. But, that's ok. You can blame your two and half year old son for not knowing you but at least you were consistent; consistent in not knowing who you are and certainly feeling like it. You have to see that they are not crying over you and you might even get a t-shirt from his wedding with the big toothy smile on the back and a note that says "God makes all things good" because God does.
Now his wife or the family that intends to have their daughter marry him may not like how he feels eating Fruit Loops with milk. They may be so determined to have him "feel" the way they would like; that is like a man who might just have black coffee and bread. Well, if he is going to be a good husband his diet is the least of your concerns at this stage because he might not even know your feeling on the issue. He was too busy minding his own business. This is a reprisal from a story that actually happened in the Mediterranean and the Himalayas a long long time ago. The family would go to the house of the potential suitor and leave gifts and take food off his shelf that made their daughter uncomfortable. If you don't leave gifts, then there is no point. You might as well, tell your daughter to marry an android. In other cultures, they give dowries which is a sure-fire way of getting the young man's attention. Now, you think your daughter is worth all this hard work but you were not there when he( the potential suitor) was born and he might think she is butt ugly although she is your little idol and angel so I suggest you remember that your idea might be grand and the young man may be flattered by your intentions and you might find out that if you invite him over for some tea and cake, he is likely to say yes and you can serve all the nice foods your daughter likes and will tolerate in the union you are forecasting but until then, he is minding his own business and he will play golf and put balls in holes where and when such golf courses make themselves available with the intention of a life-long membership at that well and able and willing golf course with field dimensions of 34, 22, 39. That sounds healthy! Even if you are West Indian, this little parable may have some relevance. In fact, you may see that he thinks your daughter is quite unique, beautiful, and /or symmetrical in her features but you can't marry a "picture". Remember; God makes all things beautiful. He already met a crazy girl with symmetrical features (see Proverbs 11:22 if it persists and make two prayers in the morning while you run away as fast as you can) who could not wait two minutes at a train station and if you can't wait two minutes, how can you be married for 30-60 years? Work out the math and read Charles Stanley's sermon on forgiving quickly. That is how you stay together especially if its a horrible nonsense and if you can't wait then go home. A lot of people wait two minutes for their husbands; even the retired ones who only go to the library and the odd toastmaster's meetings and the gym to work out. With all of this, know that monkies cannot dance and they cannot remark on the beauty of a sunset or flowers in a well manicured garden or comment on the use of garlic in an excellent recipe that has its origins in the multi-facted culture of Provence. That is why we are reminded that everything that has breath or tongue so to do, should praise the Lord. Read Psalms 50. Sorry; that was monkeys.
In making the decision to give thanks, you cannot act like a metronome; your mind going back and forth and constantly in two places. How long can you halt between two opinions; innit? Either you want what God gave you or you don't. If you don't then be thankful for what you have chosen in the end or what you have. You never left to receive anything else and don't blame anybody about your attitudes and what you think because you chose what was readily accessible in the instance time and time again and that's okay because you usually have to remove barb wire before you can grow a crop on any desired land if it is even fertile. Ok?; so there you have it. You created your answer and you wanted to know that you had issues. It is because you have not forgiven yourself for not sincerely forgiving and your father sees right through you.
Here; watch this now. It's called Metronomy.
Now his wife or the family that intends to have their daughter marry him may not like how he feels eating Fruit Loops with milk. They may be so determined to have him "feel" the way they would like; that is like a man who might just have black coffee and bread. Well, if he is going to be a good husband his diet is the least of your concerns at this stage because he might not even know your feeling on the issue. He was too busy minding his own business. This is a reprisal from a story that actually happened in the Mediterranean and the Himalayas a long long time ago. The family would go to the house of the potential suitor and leave gifts and take food off his shelf that made their daughter uncomfortable. If you don't leave gifts, then there is no point. You might as well, tell your daughter to marry an android. In other cultures, they give dowries which is a sure-fire way of getting the young man's attention. Now, you think your daughter is worth all this hard work but you were not there when he( the potential suitor) was born and he might think she is butt ugly although she is your little idol and angel so I suggest you remember that your idea might be grand and the young man may be flattered by your intentions and you might find out that if you invite him over for some tea and cake, he is likely to say yes and you can serve all the nice foods your daughter likes and will tolerate in the union you are forecasting but until then, he is minding his own business and he will play golf and put balls in holes where and when such golf courses make themselves available with the intention of a life-long membership at that well and able and willing golf course with field dimensions of 34, 22, 39. That sounds healthy! Even if you are West Indian, this little parable may have some relevance. In fact, you may see that he thinks your daughter is quite unique, beautiful, and /or symmetrical in her features but you can't marry a "picture". Remember; God makes all things beautiful. He already met a crazy girl with symmetrical features (see Proverbs 11:22 if it persists and make two prayers in the morning while you run away as fast as you can) who could not wait two minutes at a train station and if you can't wait two minutes, how can you be married for 30-60 years? Work out the math and read Charles Stanley's sermon on forgiving quickly. That is how you stay together especially if its a horrible nonsense and if you can't wait then go home. A lot of people wait two minutes for their husbands; even the retired ones who only go to the library and the odd toastmaster's meetings and the gym to work out. With all of this, know that monkies cannot dance and they cannot remark on the beauty of a sunset or flowers in a well manicured garden or comment on the use of garlic in an excellent recipe that has its origins in the multi-facted culture of Provence. That is why we are reminded that everything that has breath or tongue so to do, should praise the Lord. Read Psalms 50. Sorry; that was monkeys.
In making the decision to give thanks, you cannot act like a metronome; your mind going back and forth and constantly in two places. How long can you halt between two opinions; innit? Either you want what God gave you or you don't. If you don't then be thankful for what you have chosen in the end or what you have. You never left to receive anything else and don't blame anybody about your attitudes and what you think because you chose what was readily accessible in the instance time and time again and that's okay because you usually have to remove barb wire before you can grow a crop on any desired land if it is even fertile. Ok?; so there you have it. You created your answer and you wanted to know that you had issues. It is because you have not forgiven yourself for not sincerely forgiving and your father sees right through you.
Here; watch this now. It's called Metronomy.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Jesus App at the Applet Store; also available for Android!-It tends to make you more human and magnanimous!
The new Jesus App includes an entire copy of the whole new testament in the English Standard version with Psalms and Proverbs including a section on what to do if you are angry with yourself for any reason including the instigation or starting of unnecessary arguments with people who sincerely care about you and your hard work to free the drain and your penchant to make it release and in light of your stubbornness to buy a dictionary and sit down and register for a course in drug and alcohol addiction recovery or the other course in sincerity and in the vain notion that you can take money from people for lying to them. Its also free! Try it today; eh? It is also available down home or anywhere that you have a reasonably good internet connection with Cogeco or Time Warner internet Cable in Canada (new competition for netflix). You can also use the translation service on the side and translate the above in as many sentences as you like. Try to re-write it in 10 sentences. Remember that Asimo is the new big gift this Christmas. You can play video games with him and he has several reactions and expressions when he wins the game. He comes X-box compatible. He has a "perfect listener" mode that will work all day long since he is retrofitted with a supercomputer that will enable him, one day, to drive in evening traffic and respond to any questions whether they are intelligent or unintelligent as if he really cares about your nonsense and without crashing the vehicle. If the answer is too robotic and you disapprove, Asimo will give you a tissue. Order now to avoid disappointment. There is also a free Gospel of John App included. There was insufficient memory after the X-box module to load the entire bible. If He is the way the truth and the life through whom all must enter into the Kingdom, then He is the Church. The Church is also referred to as the bride of Christ. Should not the bride be one with Him(emotionally, pychologically and spiritually)? Read John 17. Is your sense of self or ego to big to surrender to Christ or are you living for that respect keeping up with the Jim Jones or Jones'? What is that saying because anyone can stand on a soap box or preach if only the stones will listen but what is your motive? God answers all prayers in His own time and after David was annointed as King by Samuel, how long did he have to wait? This is a bible scholar's question or you can just google it. What is the name of the prophet who annointed him? Is it Balaam Donkey? Did he have an error of great renown? Who is Cora and did she just revile and rebel against Moses? What is straining out a gnat( google it)? What part of love your neighbour did you not understand or treat others as you wish to be treated did you not understand? To tie it all together practically, you could read Desiderata. It's really good. Just believe it. What's in your wallet? Is it Capital One? What's on your desktop pc? Please read John 17 and 1st Corinthians 14 as well as Acts 2. Not everyone has the gift of healing but all may have the gift of discernment. This would also mean that the gift of speaking in tongues may fall upon believers in any church organisation but the church is greater than any new organisation starting tomorrow or one which started 500 years ago. The Lord knows who are His whereever they may be. As such, your goal is to be with Christ and when you take communion it is to acknowledge Christ and not an organisation as to join an organisation but to celebrate Christ. Its amazing; isnt it? Start with the Lord's prayer and say it a few times. Every knee will bow and everything tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. Read the book of Romans from chapter 1-9 and Hebrews-the last chapter.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Common goods for common solutions-Here now!
Common goals to common problems need common solutions. Otherwise, the result is conflict. Examples from history of the progress allowing movements forward arising from the common solutions include Duncan Hines Eggless pancake mix, standard gauge railway tracks, coal burning steam train engines instead of wood burning engines (we needed the trees to breath) and unleaded gasoline in addition to standard type needles to be donated to recovering heroin addicts and pornography for those who fail to address their failures in intimacy. There may be no law against it but is pornography a harmless passtime? There may be no law against it but is it wrong to take Lindt chocolate that does not belong to you? Does lead cause environmental degradation and poison children if it is in paint used to decorate mattel toys? Is it lawful to help a friend? Is it ok to borrow money from a friend? Would this borrowing of funds, if in fact borrowed with or under friendly mutual helpful intent, be consistent with a robbery with violence or meaningful threats( to be differentiated from playful banter or horseplay as common to hockey playing Pre-Med College girls or basketball playing ROTC-type boys from Indiana...hmm)? Are you too young to decide to return a wallet left behind on a cafeteria table or at the football pitch/hockey rink and to avoid troubled teens who are not your friends( who do not lend you little money) over more than a year's period? What is in the syllabus for that ROTC-type 14-15 year old? Can he read a Driver's Licence/Road Safety-type manual in english if not both french and english? Ok? It it ok? Tide Cold Water is also an example of the common solution as it is three times(3x) more efficient than regular laundry soap and saves water. It could also include using steel hulls instead of iron hulls as steel is more sturdy against perforations; get it? That's why I wear Leviathan shoes(TM) by Loakes. They come with the rugged well stitched welted sole( as opposed to soul) with an eternal finish that rests in the one notion; do unto others as you want them to do unto you and build good shoes for everyone; Leviathan Shoes(TM) today. Wear these and you will feel love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness( This is not a take on Galatians 5:22). Just try yours today. These Leviathan shoes(TM) are a construct from input from millions of interested clients who wanted a shoe that satisfied their sole need for something that reflected their beliefs. In particular, they want a shoe and sole that leads to and reflects their belief in life, liberty, health and property. The shoes rest on ten commandments for production and if any commandment is broken in the construction process, the manager for the company is let go. Otherwise, the Leviathan(TM) shoes aren't worth making and the millions of customers will simply disband the company as every customer is also a shareholder. This is the contract or charter to which they have agreed and that is the solution for good Leviathan Shoes. It could not be any other way since all that these shoes can promise us is a sole, in spite of the eternal finish, that lasts for three score and ten. Do you understand? Try it today.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Jazz as a Timeless Classic New World musical Art Form
There is a new article in the Atlantic Monthly which provokes the music fan to consider the life of Jazz as a musical genre. We will review this article but before I do that, let me review a few songs from the group "Tom and Joyce" and also a few new songs from artists like the group Groove Collective. I wonder if Frankie Beverley and Maze counts as Jazz let alone new songs from that Michael Bubbly or is it Effervescent? I can't remember but he sings really nice new and old songs that I like to listen to on the radio. He is a happy singer. I believe there is also a jazz festival scheduled in every respectable city for the next year or two at minimum with the sole purpose of inviting tourists to attend the poorly managed environs with angry civil servants, transit staff and police who are never thankful for their pensions it seems. I hear they are getting new coin counting fare boxes soon which should help to increase revenue by a few million and keep yearly increases to fares low or negligible. Take care and God bless!
The real issue, as an aside, is not the end of Jazz as the article points out quite clearly but the changes in inspiration for more improvisation and musical elaboration. Jazz was initially a melding of various old-world musical styles known popularly as classical music ( Chopin and Bach) with the new world and its tempo for spontaneity and syncopation from the various hot beds in the south and marshmellows with chitlin fires. This is not to forget the rhythms from the latin-influenced countries in the Caribbean and the Mexican Mariachi bands. A lot of Black Americans met some friends while building the Panama canal so the original source of Jazz was essentially cultural and cultural melding burnished with the human desire for spontaneous and individual expressions. Jerry Lee Louis knows along with Chet Baker.
At this stage, the source of jazz was the same as it is now. David Brubeck knows as one can see in listening to "Pick Up Sticks" or "Blue Rondo" or uh "Take five". The song books are just that; song books and evidently anyone is welcome to read them after an original song like "Night in Tunisia" is written and included within the book but the song book is not the source of the music but a depository for these original expressions and record for all posterity. Listen to Incognito and Marcos Valle and St. Germain which are considered either jazz, jazz fusion, latin jazz(sometimes) or acid jazz artists. At best, the song book is a good source for the uninspired song writer who will take the risk of infringing on copyright in his efforts to reinterpret. The real source for Jazz, like the wheel, penicillin, and Hydrogen fuel for uh trains and air planes and rockets and vehicles, is God -inspired human ingenuity This is the genius of rappers who pay copyright for using Herb Alpert's music and rhythms in songs patched together successfully by engineers working with wealthy and happy, ingenious, tall, muscular rappers like Notorious B.I.G.. Come on now? Anyway, here is a new article by the employer, I mean the Atlantic, on World War II. What we can tell from reading it and the real comments of those who experienced it as contained within the article's summary is the following: Hitler did not send his U-boats to the coast of England to prevent all those supply ships coming in. He did not close down the airstrips used for Allied landing and he did not establish a permanent beach head in Calais or even the Isle of White or Jersey. He was a good employee according to many historians who authored this article and provided these summaries. The link is here below.
Warren A. Lyon
The real issue, as an aside, is not the end of Jazz as the article points out quite clearly but the changes in inspiration for more improvisation and musical elaboration. Jazz was initially a melding of various old-world musical styles known popularly as classical music ( Chopin and Bach) with the new world and its tempo for spontaneity and syncopation from the various hot beds in the south and marshmellows with chitlin fires. This is not to forget the rhythms from the latin-influenced countries in the Caribbean and the Mexican Mariachi bands. A lot of Black Americans met some friends while building the Panama canal so the original source of Jazz was essentially cultural and cultural melding burnished with the human desire for spontaneous and individual expressions. Jerry Lee Louis knows along with Chet Baker.
At this stage, the source of jazz was the same as it is now. David Brubeck knows as one can see in listening to "Pick Up Sticks" or "Blue Rondo" or uh "Take five". The song books are just that; song books and evidently anyone is welcome to read them after an original song like "Night in Tunisia" is written and included within the book but the song book is not the source of the music but a depository for these original expressions and record for all posterity. Listen to Incognito and Marcos Valle and St. Germain which are considered either jazz, jazz fusion, latin jazz(sometimes) or acid jazz artists. At best, the song book is a good source for the uninspired song writer who will take the risk of infringing on copyright in his efforts to reinterpret. The real source for Jazz, like the wheel, penicillin, and Hydrogen fuel for uh trains and air planes and rockets and vehicles, is God -inspired human ingenuity This is the genius of rappers who pay copyright for using Herb Alpert's music and rhythms in songs patched together successfully by engineers working with wealthy and happy, ingenious, tall, muscular rappers like Notorious B.I.G.. Come on now? Anyway, here is a new article by the employer, I mean the Atlantic, on World War II. What we can tell from reading it and the real comments of those who experienced it as contained within the article's summary is the following: Hitler did not send his U-boats to the coast of England to prevent all those supply ships coming in. He did not close down the airstrips used for Allied landing and he did not establish a permanent beach head in Calais or even the Isle of White or Jersey. He was a good employee according to many historians who authored this article and provided these summaries. The link is here below.
Warren A. Lyon
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Learning to Love Me-by Marinade Trest
Learning to love oneself goes beyond attention-seeking both positive and negative. There was a time when a lack of love could manifest in several ways such as a positive acceptance performance syndrome centred on fitting in to some achievement-system of approval where you did not have any input on what was considered worthy of approval or the accolade so as to obtain approval.
People got upset at Solomon as well as Jesus for getting it right. But what about Solomon's teacher?
In some cultures, a book was enough or a good crop. It could have been the birth of a child or just good character and hard works.
The question is what did Jesus consider as worthy of approval and from whom did Jesus seek approval? In fact, Reverend J. J Carter-Henry is my direct ancestor and I am very proud of him and the way in which he sought approval.
In some cultures, if you choose to seek acceptance from within the earth-centred or geographical definitions of approval as delineated within that jurisdiction you may find that approval is based on having male children only and if you travel to that locale with your three female children and a wife of relatively symmetrical looks, they may laugh at you with your gold card and remind you at the hotel desk that you only have three girls. A picture of a lama with a multi-coloured blanket is on the wall with a wooden-flute being played by a man with a hat on the other wall and there is a picture of relics from a conquistador on the other wall. Cortes knows. You chose the Marriot in that locale for a reason since you are a Mormon. You are quite approved of back home in Utah with your one wife in spite of the socially-accepted leave to have at least three.
Most importantly, if a church officer does you wrong does it mean every officer should be counted as a whoremonger? It may depend on the doctrine of the church. But, John 17 should be enough doctrine so " the law son", I was told. Wade, Wade, Wade in the water for baptism as with the words of John the Baptist; Matthew 12. So, receiving love is the issue and God did say He loves you. You may have been "wired" like a cheap old nokia phone to be abused. The new ones run on Windows software( phew-that was close!). Read Psalms 27:10 again. You might have been abandoned like Joseph and always wanted to believe you would find someone who would never leave you. I wonder why Jesus said he would never leave nor forsake you (probably it was to answer some great need as determined by new experiences in a city(town)-based world quite different from the nomadic realities of his forebears where there was previously always a willing hand or suckle( remembering her own abandonment as her mother dies of disease or in birth) to carry you on into your childbearing existence where you could get your own social assistance( 1970's welfare is a modern example etc) or until you were old enough to find a faithful blacksmith or farmer to apprentice you and you could earn enough to by your own seed and a plot)? Jacob knows. The truth is you may have been "wired" to be abused. There was a 15th century writer who sat next to Desidirus Erasmus and sought to pervert the purposes of order quite deceptively. His name was Ashton Ball. The one book that he wrote was entitled " Hatred of a brother from a different Mother and other lessons from Cain" while Desidirus wrote "My Brother's Keeper and lessons from Moses." it is said of Jesus' that He was tempted three times in the wilderness after baptism. It is said of Joseph that he was tempted at least one time that we know of in his master's house; a wilderness of sorts. It is said that the third temptation in Matthew 4 is the temptation that is synonymous with the covenant as seen in any masonic ritual ( " If you bow down, I(the devil) will...") or witchcraft. But, Jesus came that you should live life and life more abundantly. Read Psalms 50, Psalms 1 and Hebrews 2; not a bad deal. It is a pretty good deal such that church on Sunday for at least ten minutes is like a manufacturer's refurbishment. The refurbished is always better than brand new because they made it twice(like born again); right and maybe spruced it up so its just like brand new; impressive! Church is the manufacturer's refurbishment depot. Did you ever wonder why the after school special on ABC always felt like church on Sunday or Sunday School? It is simple enough for a child to understand. We must become like fools to become wise( google that!). Now, you might date someone soon as a young man or woman and as I explained to an old friend of mine from high school ( he is not so well right now), you can't take responsibility for the way in which someone was brought up but you can decide to treat them in the best way possible if they will let you. Some people have been raised to believe that a person is not worthy of respect unless they are overtly abusive and aggressive in personality. This is not your fault. You might have been raised to believe that a person is not worthy of respect unless they can reciprocate kindness without fear or without doubt that kindness is as masculine as a swiss chocolate, a bottle of Grolsch beer, a rose, an upholstery shop or a carpenter's shop. You were raised with chopsticks and they were raised with a good American fork without a knife. If you can't see eye to eye, eat where you want and bring along that pretty girl young man who, in fact, agrees. Now, if your father is a loving Norsman pastor he might try and sleep with your girlfriend/wife and succeed but this is his culture just to see if she is trustworthy and worth his kindness in the house. it is also to see whether you are really his son because if you are, he should feel ashamed if not for the fornication alone but for what is, in fact, incestous. You already had relations with her at least 59 times(see Isaiah 59) for at least twenty minutes because you do not look at those dirty playing cards or anything like that; just GQ magazine with the odd farm-like nice neighborhood, good conversation woman model but nothing more and who knows what is in next month's issue. Next month's issue feels like Architectural Digest but with more suits and watches, bible quotes and health tips maybe. Pastor has to look good. Read HeMotions by T.D. Jakes; innit? So, if she is not ill from guilt and shame after relations with him for $40.00, give her a chance. It did not affect you because he fizzled after 34 seconds. His motive could not have been pleasure but he's a man; right? Anyway, you could also let her go with a good conscience because she just feels shamed and duplicitous now and she should not be trusted with his gold plated treadmill; to even turn it on or off. It is too dear. You get the point though. She is who she said she is for $40.00. The question was just the fee. Use good marinade in the kielbasa sausages. Let us take a break but I must tell you that you are very strong. You can have it your way like Burger King or you can read Job 31, Matthew 7:23-29 and Matthew 19 having it God's way. Last of all, you may have a gift but after only reading one book of the bible from cover to cover only once in your life, you have no understanding and it shows in your anger. You are the blind leading the blind. You read the pictures only but not the text and you speak it well. We have met you before as a Jade Fox (Youtube it) or Jim Jones( Youtube it) desiring your own flock you say but not submitting to long term training or teaching with anyone even if it was a free course and your pattern is to accuse anyone who showed you a little belief in your gift. But, you smile really well and you wear expensive cologne purchased at the discount place for $7.99 in the tester boxes. That's ok. That's ok. You could also google Anakin Skywalker for fun and understand that type of character. Check it out but in some things, being an expert means recognising that you are an eternal student. The best way to learn though is with a plan, a syllabus, a lesson book, a course book, a program and regular attendance or a simple commitment to regular reading and submission because reading is not enough that is why some hear but do not hear and some see but still do not see. Read and submit. Submit means build on it as in Matthew 7. Acts 8 shows us an excited Eunuch who heard two chapters of Isaiah from an Apostle and he could not wait to share the good news. The woman at the well spoke to Jesus for five minutes and could not help but run to the city to tell everyone all about Him. She was ready to share the truth but maybe not ready to disciple anyone because she still had five husbands and the one she was with was not her own. He might have been but she kept looking for a better man and God was sure to answer. The next husband ( better man) was going to have green chariot with 18 inch wheels with a jaguar cat painted on it as the chariot builder's emblem; get it? So share the truth. The truth will set you free and abuse your boyfriend from Cheektowaga in the private of your home but try and hide it for the sake of the gospel. Here is a trick question and you can fill in the blanks based on 1st Timothy 3: 6. He must not be a_______convert, or he may become______ and _____under the same judgment as the_____. Tell me next week and you will get at least a life saver for showing up and two life savers if you fill in all the blanks. The question is who will help you to break your habit of blame shifting because a lot of people know you now and it is always someone else to answer for your decision including the two burned buns you took out of the oven. Maybe you should at least read that one book once a week. That would help because right now, you have too many ways before Him. Take your ministry and go. One plants the seed, another waters it but it is God who causes the growth. I have a good female friend and wife and a new student coming now who needs my emotions. It's just that if you can't wait two minutes for your husband, how can you be married for 28 years? Remember also that the train runs on the same day as the Santa Claus parade inWeedjax( in Holland) or is it OSSDJAX and you never know where they might put the detours three minutes from the train station on that day; eh? Judge yourself then and hopefully your husband will rush to get there with the leaks and pickles he picked up from your favorite supermarket called Egypt Frills or Gomorra Frills. He told you, as God said, not to look back. About forgiveness, maybe you can do more than store that parent's or relative's old flutes or paintings in the house now that they passed on. Keep them and decorate if you want but let go of recalling to every husband all the hurtful things that parent did maybe and try writing "thank you for the icecream and english grammar book" at the back of at least one painting. The truth is that it is by grace that you have been saved by faith. You are almost perfect like the man you want to meet, so why not also give some grace as you also wish to receive grace. He was not rude about your burned chicken casserole and tofu burgers or was it Chavez chipotle that you made with your sister's who you were looking for in the line rather but you were not in the line such that anyone should tell you to go to the back and assault you with a simple touching on the arm while you trying to explain your presence; right? Now go to church every Sunday if you can and bring that chipotle for the dip during coffee time and if you miss a Sunday for a full day of rest with God or catching up on work, do not let anyone judge you. Missing one or Sundays out of 52 is not too bad then. The truth is that maybe there is no afterlife after all and religious freedom or freedom of conscience is just meaningless. You should not have the freedom to say no to joining the Carpenter's or Free Plumbers or Free Bricklayers or the Baker's club instead of the Rotary Club. What was the name of that other club that claims to be associated with Chivalrous Knights who also used to raid the Priest's temples for goodies? Well, according to those who put an end to the Spanish inquisition that freedom to choose and to congregate is a fundamental tenet of any civil society. I should be able to choose what club I would like to join; if any. I graduated from grade school in grade 13 for that freedom of conscience. Do you understand or did you not read the local tabloid? But, my freedom in one group does not give me the right to steal or burn the bibles of some other group or to abuse my neighbor for not agreeing with my version of the gospel. I like the John 17 version as sponsored by many Jehovah Witnesses, Pentecostals and Baptists. One thing that keeps them unified is that Christ died for something significant and rose again for something significant. No group by the name Baptist or Pentecostal or Jehovah Witness existed on the day He rose except the group called Disciples and Disciples' Followers according to John 17. Ok? But for this truth, Robin Hood and King John would not have worked together so well. It's not ok. But, we will always have anomalies such as South Central Los Angeles apparently and big cities such as Seattle where marital fidelity is not cherished so much. All of this may come to your realisation as you sit on the streetcar alone and while you watch psychology videos in your public housing apartment on the power of self-forgiveness and you realise you have let go of every person of the opposite gender who you seemed to appreciate only for money, attention and gratification but not for the person. The question now is who will you seek to use next? At least, you are quite consistent in the manner that you bend down to fetch your trinkets left for you at the front door of your public housing building. The question is, what did you really want because it seems that you got a few trinkets for bending down.
When you find someone who really loves you, you could say to yourself that you will appreciate them or you could find another response. But, why would you want to show a response other than appreciation except that you did not believe you are lovable? In the same vain, one might not understand why Cain killed Abel. They both sought approval and both showed the capacity to hear God and to respond. Both had the opportunity for approval if not on the first go but maybe on the first go the second time around or on the fourth. I think Jesus explained it well in the parable of the Rock and Sand. He said something about building on the word and hearing-See Matthew 7. There were two foundations and Abel seems to have sought the word for approval and Cain sought himself. The end result is that Abel could cash his result in the bank of eternity while Cain's produce came back with a note that read " insufficient". As Joseph said, in Genesis " I am not God" nor did he pretend to be and when it came down to making a choice, he believed God would provide and chose to believe what God said about him. You may have been "wired" to be abused and the only life-partners you seem to choose are those who abuse you. But, the gifts of God are without repentance. If Cain and Abel both had some gift, it seems that one brother submitted his gift to God for approval while the other did not. This is the God that Jacob encountered and in whom Joseph maintained his faith from an early age. Now Joseph was abandoned at 11 roughly and you might have been abandoned at 2 or 3 or maybe 1. Pastor James Robison was born as the product of a rape and his mother gave birth to him and many lives have been blessed and touched because of his mother's faith and respect in the dignity of human life.
It is rumoured that when Solomon wrote Proverbs 2 and 7, he reflected on his ancestor's experience in Potiphar's house with Potiphar's wife. If you had to communicate something for many generations, you could put a carving on a cave wall or you could just choose a line of faithful communicators who would hand it down and go out into all the world and just whisper it in the smoke filled rooms, the desert oasis or the markets of the east or whereever they may journey over time. After that, you could put it in papyrus and then they could read it once a week at home or in a big place like a football dome where everyone is invited to attend and give an offering or the best shekel of wheat or the best little lamb. It did not matter as to the darkness
of the papyrus paper used. Click here; ok?:
See matthew 7:24-27:
Marinade Trest was the name of a French actor who, for money, disrobed in front of cameras to titillate men who did not have farms. This was shunned. Ms. Trest did not come from much and was quite insecure although she did have symmetrical facial features and was quite popular around 1911; the year Dr. Diesel showcased the workings of his efficient engine at the Paris World fair. Her experience is just a footnote and she also went by other names alongside the hotentot woman from Africa was also showcased in Paris during more experimental times with our new understandings of order and freedom. Ms. Trest became quite popular for her shenanigans and while law and order remained unaltered as nothing was new under the sun, the goal soon became to avoid Merinade Trest if one was to enjoy commodious living. She seemed to think everything was about her, her perceived and heightened sense of offence, resentment for anyone who did hard work and her efforts to avoid an old Grandmother who rejected her for being too thin. This Grandmother happened to carry a bible as well. Ms. Trest and her anger had the tendency to lead many astray although she could offer you a gold wrapped cookie if you would bend down.
In the final analysis, one of the greatest lessons of God's forgiveness as in Romans 8 is that once you have received it, it works in an instant like Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser; try it! You have cast your care and your burden(inclusive of guilt) on Him and there is no point in holding on to the pride of self-chastisement which is contrary to humility; a humility that receives God's work on the Cross where he took your burden. It's like that credit card where they tell you to ask what's in your wallet or that it's priceless and it's free. Apparently, it is the same as a child trusting a man in a red suit and beard not to mistreat you in giving you a free candy cane and trinket or receiving a faith in an invisible grandfather or a force; get it? Like Yoda said, you must unlearn what you have learned and turn off the laser guidance system. See Galatians 5:25. Remember Isaiah 61 and that the power of God is the power to forgive. It is said in a play by John Milton that Lucifer the angel became Satan in that he was too proud to accept God's forgiveness and kept on saying " I am not worthy." He denied God's power to forgive when presented. Apparently, Hitler said the same thing quite a bit in private when he was recycling his girlfriend's gingerale and brownies. This does not mean you should shake your fist at God wilfully and expect a hug. Your heart to receive forgiveness must be like that of the prodigal son where you sincerely come to yourself and turn home. This was Moses' encounter at the burning bush. Moses like Satan could have said "no" and he could have kept on walking, bringing his rebellion with him wherever he went. The abominable sin is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost. This includes the denial of God's power to forgive which is essentially tantamount to one walking around in a spirit of self-condemnation. So uh go and sin no more( John 8: 1-11) or in the alternative, take up the stones and stone yourself.
People got upset at Solomon as well as Jesus for getting it right. But what about Solomon's teacher?
In some cultures, a book was enough or a good crop. It could have been the birth of a child or just good character and hard works.
The question is what did Jesus consider as worthy of approval and from whom did Jesus seek approval? In fact, Reverend J. J Carter-Henry is my direct ancestor and I am very proud of him and the way in which he sought approval.
In some cultures, if you choose to seek acceptance from within the earth-centred or geographical definitions of approval as delineated within that jurisdiction you may find that approval is based on having male children only and if you travel to that locale with your three female children and a wife of relatively symmetrical looks, they may laugh at you with your gold card and remind you at the hotel desk that you only have three girls. A picture of a lama with a multi-coloured blanket is on the wall with a wooden-flute being played by a man with a hat on the other wall and there is a picture of relics from a conquistador on the other wall. Cortes knows. You chose the Marriot in that locale for a reason since you are a Mormon. You are quite approved of back home in Utah with your one wife in spite of the socially-accepted leave to have at least three.
Most importantly, if a church officer does you wrong does it mean every officer should be counted as a whoremonger? It may depend on the doctrine of the church. But, John 17 should be enough doctrine so " the law son", I was told. Wade, Wade, Wade in the water for baptism as with the words of John the Baptist; Matthew 12. So, receiving love is the issue and God did say He loves you. You may have been "wired" like a cheap old nokia phone to be abused. The new ones run on Windows software( phew-that was close!). Read Psalms 27:10 again. You might have been abandoned like Joseph and always wanted to believe you would find someone who would never leave you. I wonder why Jesus said he would never leave nor forsake you (probably it was to answer some great need as determined by new experiences in a city(town)-based world quite different from the nomadic realities of his forebears where there was previously always a willing hand or suckle( remembering her own abandonment as her mother dies of disease or in birth) to carry you on into your childbearing existence where you could get your own social assistance( 1970's welfare is a modern example etc) or until you were old enough to find a faithful blacksmith or farmer to apprentice you and you could earn enough to by your own seed and a plot)? Jacob knows. The truth is you may have been "wired" to be abused. There was a 15th century writer who sat next to Desidirus Erasmus and sought to pervert the purposes of order quite deceptively. His name was Ashton Ball. The one book that he wrote was entitled " Hatred of a brother from a different Mother and other lessons from Cain" while Desidirus wrote "My Brother's Keeper and lessons from Moses." it is said of Jesus' that He was tempted three times in the wilderness after baptism. It is said of Joseph that he was tempted at least one time that we know of in his master's house; a wilderness of sorts. It is said that the third temptation in Matthew 4 is the temptation that is synonymous with the covenant as seen in any masonic ritual ( " If you bow down, I(the devil) will...") or witchcraft. But, Jesus came that you should live life and life more abundantly. Read Psalms 50, Psalms 1 and Hebrews 2; not a bad deal. It is a pretty good deal such that church on Sunday for at least ten minutes is like a manufacturer's refurbishment. The refurbished is always better than brand new because they made it twice(like born again); right and maybe spruced it up so its just like brand new; impressive! Church is the manufacturer's refurbishment depot. Did you ever wonder why the after school special on ABC always felt like church on Sunday or Sunday School? It is simple enough for a child to understand. We must become like fools to become wise( google that!). Now, you might date someone soon as a young man or woman and as I explained to an old friend of mine from high school ( he is not so well right now), you can't take responsibility for the way in which someone was brought up but you can decide to treat them in the best way possible if they will let you. Some people have been raised to believe that a person is not worthy of respect unless they are overtly abusive and aggressive in personality. This is not your fault. You might have been raised to believe that a person is not worthy of respect unless they can reciprocate kindness without fear or without doubt that kindness is as masculine as a swiss chocolate, a bottle of Grolsch beer, a rose, an upholstery shop or a carpenter's shop. You were raised with chopsticks and they were raised with a good American fork without a knife. If you can't see eye to eye, eat where you want and bring along that pretty girl young man who, in fact, agrees. Now, if your father is a loving Norsman pastor he might try and sleep with your girlfriend/wife and succeed but this is his culture just to see if she is trustworthy and worth his kindness in the house. it is also to see whether you are really his son because if you are, he should feel ashamed if not for the fornication alone but for what is, in fact, incestous. You already had relations with her at least 59 times(see Isaiah 59) for at least twenty minutes because you do not look at those dirty playing cards or anything like that; just GQ magazine with the odd farm-like nice neighborhood, good conversation woman model but nothing more and who knows what is in next month's issue. Next month's issue feels like Architectural Digest but with more suits and watches, bible quotes and health tips maybe. Pastor has to look good. Read HeMotions by T.D. Jakes; innit? So, if she is not ill from guilt and shame after relations with him for $40.00, give her a chance. It did not affect you because he fizzled after 34 seconds. His motive could not have been pleasure but he's a man; right? Anyway, you could also let her go with a good conscience because she just feels shamed and duplicitous now and she should not be trusted with his gold plated treadmill; to even turn it on or off. It is too dear. You get the point though. She is who she said she is for $40.00. The question was just the fee. Use good marinade in the kielbasa sausages. Let us take a break but I must tell you that you are very strong. You can have it your way like Burger King or you can read Job 31, Matthew 7:23-29 and Matthew 19 having it God's way. Last of all, you may have a gift but after only reading one book of the bible from cover to cover only once in your life, you have no understanding and it shows in your anger. You are the blind leading the blind. You read the pictures only but not the text and you speak it well. We have met you before as a Jade Fox (Youtube it) or Jim Jones( Youtube it) desiring your own flock you say but not submitting to long term training or teaching with anyone even if it was a free course and your pattern is to accuse anyone who showed you a little belief in your gift. But, you smile really well and you wear expensive cologne purchased at the discount place for $7.99 in the tester boxes. That's ok. That's ok. You could also google Anakin Skywalker for fun and understand that type of character. Check it out but in some things, being an expert means recognising that you are an eternal student. The best way to learn though is with a plan, a syllabus, a lesson book, a course book, a program and regular attendance or a simple commitment to regular reading and submission because reading is not enough that is why some hear but do not hear and some see but still do not see. Read and submit. Submit means build on it as in Matthew 7. Acts 8 shows us an excited Eunuch who heard two chapters of Isaiah from an Apostle and he could not wait to share the good news. The woman at the well spoke to Jesus for five minutes and could not help but run to the city to tell everyone all about Him. She was ready to share the truth but maybe not ready to disciple anyone because she still had five husbands and the one she was with was not her own. He might have been but she kept looking for a better man and God was sure to answer. The next husband ( better man) was going to have green chariot with 18 inch wheels with a jaguar cat painted on it as the chariot builder's emblem; get it? So share the truth. The truth will set you free and abuse your boyfriend from Cheektowaga in the private of your home but try and hide it for the sake of the gospel. Here is a trick question and you can fill in the blanks based on 1st Timothy 3: 6. He must not be a_______convert, or he may become______ and _____under the same judgment as the_____. Tell me next week and you will get at least a life saver for showing up and two life savers if you fill in all the blanks. The question is who will help you to break your habit of blame shifting because a lot of people know you now and it is always someone else to answer for your decision including the two burned buns you took out of the oven. Maybe you should at least read that one book once a week. That would help because right now, you have too many ways before Him. Take your ministry and go. One plants the seed, another waters it but it is God who causes the growth. I have a good female friend and wife and a new student coming now who needs my emotions. It's just that if you can't wait two minutes for your husband, how can you be married for 28 years? Remember also that the train runs on the same day as the Santa Claus parade inWeedjax( in Holland) or is it OSSDJAX and you never know where they might put the detours three minutes from the train station on that day; eh? Judge yourself then and hopefully your husband will rush to get there with the leaks and pickles he picked up from your favorite supermarket called Egypt Frills or Gomorra Frills. He told you, as God said, not to look back. About forgiveness, maybe you can do more than store that parent's or relative's old flutes or paintings in the house now that they passed on. Keep them and decorate if you want but let go of recalling to every husband all the hurtful things that parent did maybe and try writing "thank you for the icecream and english grammar book" at the back of at least one painting. The truth is that it is by grace that you have been saved by faith. You are almost perfect like the man you want to meet, so why not also give some grace as you also wish to receive grace. He was not rude about your burned chicken casserole and tofu burgers or was it Chavez chipotle that you made with your sister's who you were looking for in the line rather but you were not in the line such that anyone should tell you to go to the back and assault you with a simple touching on the arm while you trying to explain your presence; right? Now go to church every Sunday if you can and bring that chipotle for the dip during coffee time and if you miss a Sunday for a full day of rest with God or catching up on work, do not let anyone judge you. Missing one or Sundays out of 52 is not too bad then. The truth is that maybe there is no afterlife after all and religious freedom or freedom of conscience is just meaningless. You should not have the freedom to say no to joining the Carpenter's or Free Plumbers or Free Bricklayers or the Baker's club instead of the Rotary Club. What was the name of that other club that claims to be associated with Chivalrous Knights who also used to raid the Priest's temples for goodies? Well, according to those who put an end to the Spanish inquisition that freedom to choose and to congregate is a fundamental tenet of any civil society. I should be able to choose what club I would like to join; if any. I graduated from grade school in grade 13 for that freedom of conscience. Do you understand or did you not read the local tabloid? But, my freedom in one group does not give me the right to steal or burn the bibles of some other group or to abuse my neighbor for not agreeing with my version of the gospel. I like the John 17 version as sponsored by many Jehovah Witnesses, Pentecostals and Baptists. One thing that keeps them unified is that Christ died for something significant and rose again for something significant. No group by the name Baptist or Pentecostal or Jehovah Witness existed on the day He rose except the group called Disciples and Disciples' Followers according to John 17. Ok? But for this truth, Robin Hood and King John would not have worked together so well. It's not ok. But, we will always have anomalies such as South Central Los Angeles apparently and big cities such as Seattle where marital fidelity is not cherished so much. All of this may come to your realisation as you sit on the streetcar alone and while you watch psychology videos in your public housing apartment on the power of self-forgiveness and you realise you have let go of every person of the opposite gender who you seemed to appreciate only for money, attention and gratification but not for the person. The question now is who will you seek to use next? At least, you are quite consistent in the manner that you bend down to fetch your trinkets left for you at the front door of your public housing building. The question is, what did you really want because it seems that you got a few trinkets for bending down.
When you find someone who really loves you, you could say to yourself that you will appreciate them or you could find another response. But, why would you want to show a response other than appreciation except that you did not believe you are lovable? In the same vain, one might not understand why Cain killed Abel. They both sought approval and both showed the capacity to hear God and to respond. Both had the opportunity for approval if not on the first go but maybe on the first go the second time around or on the fourth. I think Jesus explained it well in the parable of the Rock and Sand. He said something about building on the word and hearing-See Matthew 7. There were two foundations and Abel seems to have sought the word for approval and Cain sought himself. The end result is that Abel could cash his result in the bank of eternity while Cain's produce came back with a note that read " insufficient". As Joseph said, in Genesis " I am not God" nor did he pretend to be and when it came down to making a choice, he believed God would provide and chose to believe what God said about him. You may have been "wired" to be abused and the only life-partners you seem to choose are those who abuse you. But, the gifts of God are without repentance. If Cain and Abel both had some gift, it seems that one brother submitted his gift to God for approval while the other did not. This is the God that Jacob encountered and in whom Joseph maintained his faith from an early age. Now Joseph was abandoned at 11 roughly and you might have been abandoned at 2 or 3 or maybe 1. Pastor James Robison was born as the product of a rape and his mother gave birth to him and many lives have been blessed and touched because of his mother's faith and respect in the dignity of human life.
It is rumoured that when Solomon wrote Proverbs 2 and 7, he reflected on his ancestor's experience in Potiphar's house with Potiphar's wife. If you had to communicate something for many generations, you could put a carving on a cave wall or you could just choose a line of faithful communicators who would hand it down and go out into all the world and just whisper it in the smoke filled rooms, the desert oasis or the markets of the east or whereever they may journey over time. After that, you could put it in papyrus and then they could read it once a week at home or in a big place like a football dome where everyone is invited to attend and give an offering or the best shekel of wheat or the best little lamb. It did not matter as to the darkness
of the papyrus paper used. Click here; ok?:
See matthew 7:24-27:
Marinade Trest was the name of a French actor who, for money, disrobed in front of cameras to titillate men who did not have farms. This was shunned. Ms. Trest did not come from much and was quite insecure although she did have symmetrical facial features and was quite popular around 1911; the year Dr. Diesel showcased the workings of his efficient engine at the Paris World fair. Her experience is just a footnote and she also went by other names alongside the hotentot woman from Africa was also showcased in Paris during more experimental times with our new understandings of order and freedom. Ms. Trest became quite popular for her shenanigans and while law and order remained unaltered as nothing was new under the sun, the goal soon became to avoid Merinade Trest if one was to enjoy commodious living. She seemed to think everything was about her, her perceived and heightened sense of offence, resentment for anyone who did hard work and her efforts to avoid an old Grandmother who rejected her for being too thin. This Grandmother happened to carry a bible as well. Ms. Trest and her anger had the tendency to lead many astray although she could offer you a gold wrapped cookie if you would bend down.
In the final analysis, one of the greatest lessons of God's forgiveness as in Romans 8 is that once you have received it, it works in an instant like Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser; try it! You have cast your care and your burden(inclusive of guilt) on Him and there is no point in holding on to the pride of self-chastisement which is contrary to humility; a humility that receives God's work on the Cross where he took your burden. It's like that credit card where they tell you to ask what's in your wallet or that it's priceless and it's free. Apparently, it is the same as a child trusting a man in a red suit and beard not to mistreat you in giving you a free candy cane and trinket or receiving a faith in an invisible grandfather or a force; get it? Like Yoda said, you must unlearn what you have learned and turn off the laser guidance system. See Galatians 5:25. Remember Isaiah 61 and that the power of God is the power to forgive. It is said in a play by John Milton that Lucifer the angel became Satan in that he was too proud to accept God's forgiveness and kept on saying " I am not worthy." He denied God's power to forgive when presented. Apparently, Hitler said the same thing quite a bit in private when he was recycling his girlfriend's gingerale and brownies. This does not mean you should shake your fist at God wilfully and expect a hug. Your heart to receive forgiveness must be like that of the prodigal son where you sincerely come to yourself and turn home. This was Moses' encounter at the burning bush. Moses like Satan could have said "no" and he could have kept on walking, bringing his rebellion with him wherever he went. The abominable sin is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost. This includes the denial of God's power to forgive which is essentially tantamount to one walking around in a spirit of self-condemnation. So uh go and sin no more( John 8: 1-11) or in the alternative, take up the stones and stone yourself.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Charles Sumner, P. Manly Hall, Eldridge Cleaver and Earnest Holmes
These four men had one thing in common. They respected the wise advice that one should know himself; and that knowing himself will enable him to not only save himself but anyone who hears him. Manly Hall had it clear when he said that " are only who you are" and this is all that precedes you into eternity. Who you are is determined by how you respond to life's opportunities. Do you choose in the moment to seek that eternal approval (Proverbs 3:5-6)that may not fit the voice of that High School Crowd you have been following since 15? Manly Hall was a little confused in the end but his teaching in the early days was equivalent to a good grade 8 pep talk at a public school for a good farm community with corn fields all around. Here; see this:
That is why I like hydrogen fuel systems. It is now the "voice of the crowd" since it is soo efficient(3 x more efficient than regular gasoline and 2 x more efficient than diesel) and God likes it too since its clean and saves his planet and creation; not a bad idea at all.
That eternal voice may have said to bridle your tongue(James 1:26) as in the book of James and it may have said to treat others as you wish to be treated; this includes your "man". It may have also said to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you but I could be mistaken. What did it say again if you could not read? There is no equivocation in the word but a double minded person is unstable and just soo hard to tolerate.
Hydrogen is just as good of an idea as Tide Cold Water and simple enough for a child to comprehend.
The four men mentioned above had excellent skills for observation. Charles Sumner was a hero in his own right and spent a lot of time working at the truth and avoidance of illness as did Wilberforce. There is a documentary on Charles Sumner coming soon as well as a long form article. It will help you heal.
Now, turn the "dial" all the way to Romans 8 and away from "yourself". The fruit of the spirit is Love joy, peace, patience, kindness and gentleness(Galatians 5:22). If you want more fruit of the spirit, ask for more of the Holy Ghost( John 20). You have your choice of sides just like Sonic.
That is why I like hydrogen fuel systems. It is now the "voice of the crowd" since it is soo efficient(3 x more efficient than regular gasoline and 2 x more efficient than diesel) and God likes it too since its clean and saves his planet and creation; not a bad idea at all.
That eternal voice may have said to bridle your tongue(James 1:26) as in the book of James and it may have said to treat others as you wish to be treated; this includes your "man". It may have also said to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you but I could be mistaken. What did it say again if you could not read? There is no equivocation in the word but a double minded person is unstable and just soo hard to tolerate.
Hydrogen is just as good of an idea as Tide Cold Water and simple enough for a child to comprehend.
The four men mentioned above had excellent skills for observation. Charles Sumner was a hero in his own right and spent a lot of time working at the truth and avoidance of illness as did Wilberforce. There is a documentary on Charles Sumner coming soon as well as a long form article. It will help you heal.
Now, turn the "dial" all the way to Romans 8 and away from "yourself". The fruit of the spirit is Love joy, peace, patience, kindness and gentleness(Galatians 5:22). If you want more fruit of the spirit, ask for more of the Holy Ghost( John 20). You have your choice of sides just like Sonic.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Enjoy Yourselves.
The man with one wife, a church and five parishioners to uh assist when his wife was not around judged the man and his decision to have one betrothal and ceremony someday. The man also co-heired with the wife of the man with his one betrothal. Who is the father? Well, enjoy yourself. A story like this is as old as the bible itself. Now, even though David sinned you do not have to make his mistake your own mistake. You could choose to follow Jonah. What is the difference between Jonah and David in terms of making a mistake? Were both mistakes sincere mistakes? Did both repent? You could choose to be like a Joseph and say what Joseph said. He said "...How can I do this thing and..." What did Joseph say?
It is as old as the bible itself. Read Cornelius' testimony and remember that one lesson from the "Gladiator" movie is that Roman soldiers could be killed rightly or wrongly by their superiors in spite of their loyalty and their dilligent hard work at the front; holding on to the line or lines. Isn't that interesting. Your neighbours might rub their front bottom end door posts while they think about you but you asked your husband for the pleasure of washing his because you say you love him soo much. His phone is on 24 hours a day because of your incessant love and he is afraid to turn it off when it comes time to charge it. You only express yourself with ten text messages and you say you want to feel secure with him but he tends to be too clean feeling you said. His bottom end door post is Clean and free of sap from the wood. Boy, didn't you love him yesterday as you might not be able to see him again; ever because of your culture. Just follow the herd and if a female says a courteous "hello" to him as part of her job description as a porter in a hotel, he will do his best to ignore his social graces and ignore the "hello" to make you feel secure. He would prefer a fat or skinny woman at peace with herself. He would prefer a woman of any description who is at peace and secure in herself. Just keep preaching it and his watering of the seed is done and done again So, you were my favourite friend in High School after my second year; remember? We had coffee in the University cafeteria after track practise on the hill just after our track practises were over working out on the benches; get it? You understand that expression of the double confirmation-1st Corinthians 3:7. I think your uncle or sister named Spring planted it in when she wanted to go church just before the older Uncle passed on. What did your family say? Read Psalms 27:10. After all is said and done, this one lesson in life from your mother when I was 18 years old is clear:
Life is not always easy and truly, it can be said that not every person is your friend. This may include the crazy girl who says she loves you when she is really trying to hold on to you as a security blanket like some infant cretan. Your mother taught me this in one of the many conversations where she encouraged me. In addition, you taught me that every human being is "human" enough to be hated by another human being.
You should forgive your mother for letting your other family adopt you at three. Forgiveness is the way in. His family sent him away. See Genesis 50:19 and your uncle's nephew thanks you for vetting all of his potential wives. In this day and age, a lot of people suffer from approval addiction and they are just "fairweather" additions to the family. Keep climbing and shining knowing you can count on Jesus. Because, his cell phone is always charged up so call Jesus then on the main line. This is also true when your husband is charging the battery on his phone and it might be turned off.
Read 1st John and Peter slowly and 2nd Peter slowly. If in doubt, turn on the audio version from youtube and let it blare if you struggle to hear it best and listen slowly. This is of chief importance. Also, read Psalms 1, Proverbs 1 and Job 31 slowly. You will see that if approval addiction is the real issue, you will always have the bulging eyes to look at you if you do something outrageous with your coats off while licking a popsicle. It's that simple; really now? You could also get a big retriever called Feddy or Fendi and he won't care. He will follow and support you to do whatever you need. He really will. He needs what you can do for him. It is better to have little with thankfulness or you can have what you prayed for with thankfulness. What did you pray for and did you get the answer at anytime? Review and you will see that you changed your prayer so many times so accept Feddy. He is a good dog.
Here we go. .
It is as old as the bible itself. Read Cornelius' testimony and remember that one lesson from the "Gladiator" movie is that Roman soldiers could be killed rightly or wrongly by their superiors in spite of their loyalty and their dilligent hard work at the front; holding on to the line or lines. Isn't that interesting. Your neighbours might rub their front bottom end door posts while they think about you but you asked your husband for the pleasure of washing his because you say you love him soo much. His phone is on 24 hours a day because of your incessant love and he is afraid to turn it off when it comes time to charge it. You only express yourself with ten text messages and you say you want to feel secure with him but he tends to be too clean feeling you said. His bottom end door post is Clean and free of sap from the wood. Boy, didn't you love him yesterday as you might not be able to see him again; ever because of your culture. Just follow the herd and if a female says a courteous "hello" to him as part of her job description as a porter in a hotel, he will do his best to ignore his social graces and ignore the "hello" to make you feel secure. He would prefer a fat or skinny woman at peace with herself. He would prefer a woman of any description who is at peace and secure in herself. Just keep preaching it and his watering of the seed is done and done again So, you were my favourite friend in High School after my second year; remember? We had coffee in the University cafeteria after track practise on the hill just after our track practises were over working out on the benches; get it? You understand that expression of the double confirmation-1st Corinthians 3:7. I think your uncle or sister named Spring planted it in when she wanted to go church just before the older Uncle passed on. What did your family say? Read Psalms 27:10. After all is said and done, this one lesson in life from your mother when I was 18 years old is clear:
Life is not always easy and truly, it can be said that not every person is your friend. This may include the crazy girl who says she loves you when she is really trying to hold on to you as a security blanket like some infant cretan. Your mother taught me this in one of the many conversations where she encouraged me. In addition, you taught me that every human being is "human" enough to be hated by another human being.
You should forgive your mother for letting your other family adopt you at three. Forgiveness is the way in. His family sent him away. See Genesis 50:19 and your uncle's nephew thanks you for vetting all of his potential wives. In this day and age, a lot of people suffer from approval addiction and they are just "fairweather" additions to the family. Keep climbing and shining knowing you can count on Jesus. Because, his cell phone is always charged up so call Jesus then on the main line. This is also true when your husband is charging the battery on his phone and it might be turned off.
Read 1st John and Peter slowly and 2nd Peter slowly. If in doubt, turn on the audio version from youtube and let it blare if you struggle to hear it best and listen slowly. This is of chief importance. Also, read Psalms 1, Proverbs 1 and Job 31 slowly. You will see that if approval addiction is the real issue, you will always have the bulging eyes to look at you if you do something outrageous with your coats off while licking a popsicle. It's that simple; really now? You could also get a big retriever called Feddy or Fendi and he won't care. He will follow and support you to do whatever you need. He really will. He needs what you can do for him. It is better to have little with thankfulness or you can have what you prayed for with thankfulness. What did you pray for and did you get the answer at anytime? Review and you will see that you changed your prayer so many times so accept Feddy. He is a good dog.
Here we go. .
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Take all day!
You can pray "...Lord heal me of my broken emotions so I can stop playing games of abuse with a father who is no longer here to impact me unless I let him." The Abused girl culture is quite profound. But Jesus is a mighty Counsellor and Prince of Peace. He's all you need until you heal. Take all day. You just joined a new church and you are really pretty. You remind him of his video girl idol; the man who sat behind you on your first Sunday; not the Sunday school teacher graduate. He already saw your weak willed proclivity and he is on to you. That Sunday school teacher is watching the "Kingdom of Heaven" by Ridley Scott; forget about what you think of him as some typecast bible thumper. He sees the bible as a sword or pillow for his head; you get it? The guy who sat behind you just left his wife and is at least honest about his need for the healin' of the gospel and the power of forgiveness as the opening to emotional healing. You cannot heal if you do not forgive. Jesus is the mighty counsellor and the Prince of peace. But, right now the guy behind you is convinced it is love at first sight. It is. He is in love with his idol and you look just like her with the similar curvatures in his mindsetting and that is about it. He is not healed yet and was a previous hallway standup relief with a little exciting pill mixed in addict in spite of his wife and children at home who are not with him but with grandma. But, this has to be his love at first sight and you had an abusive daddy although you are really "video girl" looking. So, you need to feel love you said and he wants to love. His name is Buck and he likes to wash cups. He is determined to be a missionary and has the courage for it but you cannot really marry an idol. Buck is your idol as well until you feel more love elsewhere from someone who can counsel in reverse to leave Buck for that "love" or really lust you need. But, it feels like love. You cannot marry an idol because once a thread on the suit goes loose or the flab sets in, the picture is just as frail as the frame in which it sits. You married a picture; not a person who is subject to the changing fortunes and vicissitudes of time. The work and character of the spirit in him is timeless though. The next girl who needs to feel "love" to go along with him on the mission trip to Port Cope will marry him for his timeless, Godly virtues. Shakespeare said, "...frailty thy name is woman" but every human is frail if their life and mind is not rested and housed upon the rock;' Matthew 7. All other ground is sinking sand. New convert girl, sit down and wait a while and just pray although you are itching. Pray for a man who can help you be conformed unto the image of his son as in Romans 8. Pray also maybe (yah?)for a man who is also a good friend with whom you can have children and grow together. Wait for the answer. See Psalms 27 in the last verse if you want. There's a secret ingredient there. You have been called chosen and predestined for that purpose or else you'll be getting married every Sunday to every man in church who is happy you need to feel love. The alternative, without the mighty counsellor, is to get an electrode attached to the fold of your brain that perceives elation and happiness and just hit the button in your pants. Remember the woman with the issue of blood. Did Jesus make her well or was it her faith; her faith in Jesus?
Don't let your ears hear what your eyes have not seen. Remember that it always starts with the question; "...Did your husband really say he would never leave you?" It's not too hard to follow feelings and that was your granny's idea. Your ears are hearing the feelings but it was probably an extra Spanish onion in his burger from that nice lady who made the burger special at Big Buns Tomatoes and Pickles R' us. You thought he was cheating; right? Its just that he shows such nice Christian smiles and apparently he scores good field hockey goals as well...hmm maybe! What did you really want? So sing a bitter sweet harmony when you walk down the joyfully communal high street where there is a 2 for 1 deal for everyone. There is also a three for 1 deal in many relationships where God is in between; usually you will find this in relationships where there is an expectation of fidelity such as friendship and the other more copulative kind. Some adoptive individuals or individuals raised by their closest brother or uncle are individuals who always want to know if someone will leave their school, wife or best friend for them(will you leave them so I can feel as if you accepted me over them? They may work day and night to try and work the result out-its sort of weird to see it. It might have just been a movie plot.). A three-fold chord is not easily broken.
Also, google the Movie " Woke Up Alive" and there you go.
Don't let your ears hear what your eyes have not seen. Remember that it always starts with the question; "...Did your husband really say he would never leave you?" It's not too hard to follow feelings and that was your granny's idea. Your ears are hearing the feelings but it was probably an extra Spanish onion in his burger from that nice lady who made the burger special at Big Buns Tomatoes and Pickles R' us. You thought he was cheating; right? Its just that he shows such nice Christian smiles and apparently he scores good field hockey goals as well...hmm maybe! What did you really want? So sing a bitter sweet harmony when you walk down the joyfully communal high street where there is a 2 for 1 deal for everyone. There is also a three for 1 deal in many relationships where God is in between; usually you will find this in relationships where there is an expectation of fidelity such as friendship and the other more copulative kind. Some adoptive individuals or individuals raised by their closest brother or uncle are individuals who always want to know if someone will leave their school, wife or best friend for them(will you leave them so I can feel as if you accepted me over them? They may work day and night to try and work the result out-its sort of weird to see it. It might have just been a movie plot.). A three-fold chord is not easily broken.
Also, google the Movie " Woke Up Alive" and there you go.
Friday, 2 November 2012
You got the Look...
Actually, you got the lineage. The truth is that very few individuals come out with the same facial symmetry. What is the similarity between Ashton Kucher and Kim Cardasian or Jessyca Simpson? There is very little. What about Jada Pinkette or Kiera Nightly, Jiselle Bunches or Rushamba? The point is that God said you were his child(Psalms 82 Psalms 82 Psalms 82) and, therefore, beautiful if you choose to believe it. I can't look like anyone other than how God made me but I could get, like some, soo obsessed with outward approval that I could hope to alter myself one day or even put on makeup at the age of 18 years old like some( I did not) to affect the texture, if not the colour, of my skin. It says love your neighbor as you love yourself but if my sense of personal beauty or approval in the same is dependent on how someone else feels or appears in the morning such that I am going to swap their hypo-allergenic makeup in their purse for the non-hypo allergenic one hoping they will get a rash, I deny that God is my father and that God made me good and beautiful. You are a descendant of Maroons that, in a dignified manner, settled Sierra Leone and Liberia, won the admiration of the British Crown in the 1600's for your natural beauty and dignity, hhmmm-chocolate, and who built the citadel in Nova New Scotia Vermont. Rushamba does not give a damn what you think and she drinks her coffee in peace so leave your chineseish maroon cousin alone or be a child of Satan. Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it. What do want to teach a child?; Psalms 27:10.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Your body is the cut out the cheese if it makes the temple too robust!
Can you eat pork? I don't know. Can you? Well, it might be the best for you and you blood type and the optimum functioning of your temple.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the living God and the spirit of God dwells within you? If those twizzlers in your mouth make you feel as if you are dishonouring God, then don't suck them or eat them. Have you ever wondered why donuts have holes in them anyway and not danishes or dutchies or cruellers?
Honor your temple then. There is a man who wrote a book called "One Man's Food" focussing on the right foods for your blood type. I know you are really smart; right? But, maybe you should take some advice. Paint a fence, walk through a field and pick some wild flowers. It might save you some botox cash; right? Is someone trying to control you because they shared with you some Godly advice or Godly principle like read a bible study manual at least and see the structure? They only said it once and you said "...Sure. ok" and you had a good evening and morning. You rested on his shoulder. But, you keep bringing it up as if you are arguing with yourself over it; not him or her who said it. You are free to break up that fellowship. Don't feel as if you can't do what you want. There is no obligation and it is God's fruit in you. One water's the seed and one may plant it but it is God who causes the growth. God is a horticulturalist of souls and He works through His disciples( Your training is over soldier girl GI Jane; or is it? Maybe God is speaking to your conscience and then you asked them to never say it again. He or she said it more than 24 hours ago. Maybe he does need a woman who wants to volunteer in a church like you suggested. Maybe he will tell you what type of man you need. You needed some reassurance you said, so here it is again Just ask more honestly; maybe? No one is just an empty alabaster box of self-justifying yet illogical emotions or has a right to live by them -self-justifying yet illogical emotions- or to think of themselves as a social commodity in their new repentance (Does someone think of you that way? Is it just attention and seeming authority you seek? What about the authority of true servanthood to Jehovah?) because you can choose with your mind what you want like you do a fountain soda(sprite, Dr. Pepper or the house brand like Sonic). Whether she was born again or not or delivered from her own ancestral damage and hurt is one question, but your mother was your emotional text book and still is your emotional text book on how to be a wife or a very determinedly single female with children. That's okay because you can have your choice of sides and we only want your good growth. The only problem is that you are continually asking for reassurance but your friend or husband does not invite anyone else to his soccer rehearsals and church choir practising. You have a habit of self-rejection but it is somehow everyone else's fault. But you confirm this and your self-doubt in what you do and where you go to do what you do in secret; to feel better among the angry herd. Ask Jackie Brown( the movie) where her friend reminds her that she is old enough beyond 18 years old to take responsibility for who she is and what she becomes. Are you dull? That includes that baby you have been mourning. Keep testing but next time look at the card he bought you or the receipt for the cologne. For whom does he buy that female Dracula Mark Isaac cologne called "love you Lulu"? Would he buy you Lola by Alfred Sung; is it? The truth is that no one is rejecting you but you are twice-self rejected. The bible talks about people twice rejected but this is not the same although why would you reject your self and twice (look at the reassurance he gave you-was it a dress, a card, a honeymoon or a friendship?)? As you have believed it, then so shall it be. Now your mother may have put a horoscope in your hand at six but what is her faith now? It looks like she put her horoscope away and cannot even think about it in light of her repentance and the word in Isaiah 8 or Jeremiah 8. I think it is the second one. I am almost pretty sure now or it could be the both but it is for you to choose what you want. Ask her and see what she says. Trust her now child. She loves you now little child. You can follow who your mother is now. She attends church every Sunday and sings in the choir now child. Ok? Just believe it. . You need a man who can understand where you are right now. He is probably right beside you. God will certainly provide so let go of where you were. You might have broken up again out of your fear of rejection. You say he was too advanced. But God has the right man for you even if he is currently with his wife. He loves to support you and just don't lick your lips that much when his wife is not around. You can go international with your ministries. What does Charles Stanley say about horoscopes? You like him too now; right? It is just that God is not the author of confusion now child. Your new husband will only use 3m tape when it is evident that something is broken ( this is not an indirect reference to your behaviour now although anything is possible if you believe) and you would apparently understand that when you might be the one to have broken it again. What strife you stir up?
Here; watch this.
Now Jesus said it is not what goes into the man that defiles him but the evil thoughts, the adulteries; the murders( Matthew 15 ; Mark 7:14-15 ).
Now Peter had a vision but even if he didn't my dear, what Jesus said should reassure you of His point; that you need to have righteousness like that of a Noah or Abraham that exceeds and that is relational( see Hebrews 11) and believe God because you said you are seeking Him. There is no point if you cannot digest sincerely Hebrews 11:6. It is the seeker's verse.
Hebrews 11:6 is the seeker's verse.
Have some pulled pork if you want. Watch the sums and the _____es. Feel guilty for the right reason afterward when your body says "so sorry" if it does. I don't because it just does not agree with me but I won't offend my cousin or friend if that is all she or he prepared for Sunday dinner. Actually, I might tell them I am experimenting with being a vegan or having a partial fast all of a sudden and eat more of the potatoes and salad. I'll have piece but it's not in my shopping basket. I might feel better if they fed pigs like they feed chickens and cows. Does a pig become a cow with cow flesh if all it eats is grass and hay like a cow? Is a pig now a clean animal if all it eats is grass and hay? If you want to feel superior for not eating pork, then tell Jesus. It does say "owe no man anything but love" and just be at peace with your culture now. Maybe feel superior for "loving" more or maybe more obedience.
Abraham and Noah were at peace. Why did Noah save that pig couple anyway? Was it just so that Peter could have a vision? This is not about doing what you want. Read Matthew 12 and John 8. Now, lets get it on( three rounds-nothing below the belt).
So, owe no man anything but love. That means you won't put tar in his or her soccer, basketball or curling shoes just because the way he plays makes you feel insecure in your imagination or in the slot you wish to envision him in your imagined, self-designed, emotional totem poll; the one you imagine in your bed at night. He wasn't thinking about you or your family. Are they really yours after all? Did you technically lose them some how?; if they only knew who you were when they are at school or work? No one is thinking about you.
Remember your friends are giving you everything that you are willing to receive. A promise to be a friend for life should not be that frightening but it seems to have caused you soo much doubt when they said it. You started cussing and doing very hurtful things at that moment. You have his prayers and thankfulness for your kind and polite questions. He encouraged you to have the chicken and not the pork but only because you did not notice the offer with a pint included. The other mates concurred but not for religious reasons. He ordered chips and a diet coke because he had to go and do some studies with his mates or was it choir practise with that pretty girl at the Baptist Church near Sloane Square near Brandywine( she had a son with the pastor's adoptive live-in personal protege )? I remember it now clearly. You have some good business attire; not too fussy and expensive enough to betray your choice of hat for the races. Your dog's pedigree shines through! He, the mate, may have gotten almost a 60% on an "after high school graduation" practise chemistry exam; so I might have heard at the pub down Purple Abbey Welding Lane.
Its quite clear though. Faith is being sure of what you hope for. So at least be sure of where you want to go? Do you know where you are going? You should at least have a sincere hope. Is it a train and bus ride to the Royal Symphony Orchestra with a set of free pictures included for $59.99? Did someone encourage you to go when you felt doubtful and you did not know how to read the tube map? Well, before you start the journey you should at least have and hold a sincere hope. Read the book of Jude and do what it says in the positive maybe. That offer for a $400.00 dinner if you would just sit down and open your utensils was really just a fork in the road. What did Father(God; is it?) say about that eh? I was there once and the Holy Ghost inspired me to choose Jesus. So, read Proverbs 11:22 and be encouraged. Just stay with the man God sent you with whom you have shared soo much and have started to pour out your joy in ministies. Clean it up and preach the whole word now. His name is Chander Jamie Glass Rono Feedrman( as in Morgan Freeman). He offered you some tuition cash only for a small repayment monthly from your business once you graduate. That was an opportunity and one that was not in writing but maybe just in marital commitment. Who was going to pay for the hotel stays at Hotel Le Fagin anyway if he is paying for tuition? You should not confuse God( not the universe as you call it) with what you say and also confuse yourself. So find a better man or is it that you will tell him he needs a woman who will join a spanish language club as he suggested to you since you keep saying you want to be a spanish tourist guide. What is wrong with his suggestion to you? You keep bringing up the suggestion and he only mentioned it once now child. He did not obligate you to join the spanish club; why so fearful of a commitment in an environment associated with your confession of a profession as a tourguide? It was just common sense advice. Ok? Keep going and be God's child in public and in private. Chander came by for forgiveness tonight and it was just hugs and kisses. You opened your utensils until you thought someone might have noticed you and he might come again for $60.00 per week. Why not stay with him and just buy him the color tie you like for those special functions. He is good and tall. You used to argue with him a bit and you wanted him in your desire to be a bit caged in with his words. Its a desire you had with your father as well. Why don't you just forgive your father because after tonight, it looks like you are looking for another outlet for that deep seated "six year old girl" anger. But, there is the way the truth and the life. he said forgive and it will be forgiven of you. cast your cares and burdens upon Him. That is more important than worrying about pork as you cannot love without forgiveness and you simply try to pass the burden of your anger from one person to the next. They feel it and you say you feel used only because you are using them deep down inside for a little attention and comfort and nothing more. With your heart in two courses and your mind being double, you are unstable in all your ways and you could not feel anything else so you break up only to hope for the forgiveness you truly need to express at the route of it all because you are daddy's little boy( I mean girl). It's not soo bad after all. So, don't call again and keep the handkerchief or shirt he left there as a dog returns to its vomit. You called last night to say you love him and he called this morning to pray about the truth of forgiveness. Your neighbor called their dog Deliverance or was it Salvation? The name of a thing determines the purpose of a thing so be encouraged by her. We thank Christ for the parable of the four seeds as your words and behaviour in private bely your condition. As you grow you will learn that John 17 and Romans 8 make us free in Christ and there is the royal law which says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Read Mark 3 and put only grace in your neighbor's sugar cup because you reap what you sow. You said you thank him for his coaching and encouragement and you must mean it because you say it so often and then you have your breakdowns. You make many many good and nice public pronouncements and wear good used clothing from Happy Good Purpose Willfully Army on Shoebourne and sell your beads which is a very very nice and good beginning. Go forward and make a commitment. Mr. Offglass will be calling to finish your healing and Chander will hold you like before. He, Chander, will bring you toys.
Your security is the solid rock upon you stand(Matthew 7); the word of God and when you hold to that, you are sure and secure. The movie of the week is the Ledge.
Here, watch this:
Jesus has enough emotion for your burden. He said cast your cares and your burden on Him because He cares for you, resting in the womb of Heaven. Jesus had broad shoulders like Joe Theismann. Thiesmann is a Hebrew name and he could have looked a little like Jesus with longer hair and beard and a little more equatorial as well. Jesus is uh uh uh close. He was an old fashioned carpenter that did not attend B & Q or Loew's or Home Depot for lumber. He had broad shoulders as a carpenter who cut down His own trees as a lumber jack. He said, "he who abides in me and I am in him (uh(intimate)), they shall uh bear much fruit for apart from Him you can do nothing. Read the words and you are in Him(Mark 3-8).
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