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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The Prequel to Logan's Run-

It is said that the entire world's population can fit into the square mileage of Texas. What a beautiful idea?  We would see massive softball leagues with lots of popadoms on sale at half time and maybe spicy Chinese dry noodle snacks along side a coke, Fanta and cassava chips for the South Africans.  Even so, there is an old story about a futuristic population that kills off any citizen that reaches the age of 37-38.  This was done by state actors as part of the will of the people as set down by their parliament or legislature; or so they were told so that no one would argue.   The movie was called Logan's Run. It's just that people were too busy comforting themselves and distanced from the real workings of government and not any closer to what was really happening other than news clips on the Centralised National News Broadcasting Network.  It was once that art imitated life but soon life imitated art and the artists were people who used paint, computers and graphic design kits that were uh umm out of this world. Who knows what was really going on or who won any election because the reporting was the uh "reality".  Theodore Roosevelt once warned about the power of the press and he saw its work in the shadows of the early Soviet Union and the uh umm "Official" story but they had official stories in Teddy's day but more repentantly so; again to ensure that Grandma could keep her knickers on at night and in the day without fearing fire and brimstone and the signs spoken of by the preacher at her church in Salt Lake City, Utah. What a Pallavah? When we read the news, the question will always be whether the chicken or the egg came first; the story or the crafted result created by the story?  CNNBN news clips and employees appear as grafted in parts of many Hollywood Blockbusters. Why is it not a CBS news snippet and employee appearing in the movie Spygames with Robert Redford or in some "Bourne Knows His Name" movie? It is always CNNBN news snippets in the plot or in the crafted reality.  This does not lend credibility to CNNBN but robs it of any authenticity because if it was serious news, it would not appear in every holiday blockbuster; that is Hollywood blockbuster. It is not news then but more akin to fiction.

The prequel to Logan's Run involves a population that is a majority population for senior citizens. They were part of the "Me" generation which was really the "I" generation and that involved doing what you had to do to "get mines-fulfil the American dreams as stated in Marilyn Monroe's dress size and alias". It always takes two to tango; innit? But, they did not want to let go of their influence or their loss of control on the levers  even as their time to fill the workforce waned. Angry children who suffered at their compromises and their abuses did not help as these children may have denied this generation early grandchildren. The angry children developed a "survivor" generation which was really a "Lord of the Flies" generation bordering on a band of veiled "marauders" generation who would break almost any rule to get at anyone who threatened their false sense of winning or needing to win in a World of WarCraft ethics which is to kill to say "I am" while before traditionally one would say " I think; therefore I am". This ego gratification circumventing the celebration of long held traditions of virtue and order made Remembrance Days meaningless and the older population decided that they would just take these vain, ethicless, kids out since they were just little gangs breaking rules. If you ate at your mother's house, you might come back just as incontinent and as old as your mom and dad. Your teeth may not be as short in the tooth and its not that your parents were vain but you were just a little inhumane in how you responded to their needs and you forgot to celebrate with grandchildren; their move into the octoganarian years. The Prequel is Called "Hastening the end to Social Maladjustment". The French version is "Fraternite'  et Liberte'." At the end, the various generations come together to celebrate life itself and the  end to the goal of the malcontent; that goal being the triumph of the ego.

It should be in theatres in Time for Christmas 2014.  But before then, Enjoy this vision of the new millenium from a rather productive culture quite akin to our own in some respects in that we lots of Sushi here everyday. I am going for a visit for some real Tokyo sushi and I'm bringing a bible to read while I use my chopsticks.  The movie is right here: Battle Royale See what you can learn from it in terms of your expectation for order and governement as well as the royal law. You will have to google "royal law".

Now the Lord said, go out into all the world and preach the gospel; absolutely. There should be no resistance or antithesis in this endeavour since it is just a simple message about love and forgiveness right?; read Romans 7.  In Star Trek the Borg said resistance is futile and I think vampires try to convert the living into the dead. In certain other stories people share their pain by sharing their hurt knowingly or unknowingly but what if there was a community that, in some organised fashion, wanted as many people as possible to know their pain and they had has many Aids as possible in Aid of their cause? Soap opera fans are quite the same.  That would be quite frightening actually.  That feels like a bad "B" movie. Upon one thing we can all agree; hmm. Where there is light, there is no darkness. It is amazing that ultraviolet light therapy is being used to cure almost anything and AIDS the healing process completely in many cases where they thought there was no cure. I read about it on the inTRUEnet. Bonzai Mother Lover! Getting back to the point, there are many civilisations that have preceded us and I am sure their citizens must have thought they were pretty smart with their ancient flushing toilets, markets, theatres and banks; not unlike us in many ways. Then, there is eternity and they assured us of that as well in their writings ( both Messianic Jewish, Jewish and pagan( Mount Olympus etc) ). So, getting back to the real point, the real question is what do I do until  then?  You can't choose the family into which you were born so make the best of the talents you discover and establish while studying at the post-secondary level, forgive those who tried to sidetrack all God put into you  at birth and if you are looking for a perfect answer to the "Male" or "Female" figure you never enjoyed in your childhood as father or mother where the ability to trust was bruised, then take some time to regain a reasonable expectation of such a figure. You will probably try to find such a figure in the form of a wife or husband; right?  You are looking for "Superman"  and there is only one man recorded in history as having the ability to be almost everywhere at the same time( "Go as your child is now healed where she is"-google that maybe!) and to walk on water. You could make Him your husband, being a bride of Christ, while you heal and ask for the best and appropriate fully human variant to fit His purpose( Romans 8) for your life.  If you are a man, you can have a similar covenant with Him in some scripture like John 1 or something like that; eh? You can try it just a little and be afraid. Ok?  You will not find a perfect man to make up for all the shortcomings in your parents or the way they raised you. Didn't Lisa Bevere teach you that or M. Scott Peck? That is why you need to forgive and if Joseph's story in the bible was not enough to understand how a family can be, then read David's story. David's dad was not his best supporter. There was also a boy with a brother or friend named Cain.  Also, David's father was not Scottish.   

Warren A. Lyon.

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