The capacity to love is innate to all human beings. Love is a default human expectation. Babies are born with an expectation of love. This is an inherent desire to experience love by receiving it and to give it. Love though is a function of knowledge and feeling. The knowledge and feeling is a product of relationship. This knowledge and feeling is the innate capacity of relationship with the creator at birth. For example, a wolf socialised amongst other wolves anticipates love from the wolves with which it was socialised. A human presents hostility to a wolf as there is no relationship with humans upon initial introduction. It would take the wolf raised in the wild sometime to be socialised by humans in relationship to have any feeling or knowledge of love from humans and to not perceive them as hostile. So what has happened to the five year old or nine year old human who is rather antisocial? They have been traumatised by certain experiences with other human beings so that they no longer have the knowledge or feeling of love. You cannot experience love without knowledge or the feeling of love. There is no knowledge or feeling without relationship. The baby has the default position of a loving expectation because God made them and there is no negative experience at that early stage to take them out of that expectation. The five or 12 year old who has become antisocial due to negative experiences has to, at some stage, be re-socialised with affirming relationships to overcome the negative experiences. The point is to unlearn what they may have learned and thereby undo what has impacted their expectation of love so negatively. To be born again is to go back to the default knowledge as provided by the creator that you are loved; that this love expectation is sown in to the heart by your innate relationship with God( the creator) and you can live with the knowledge and feeling of love as produced by the relationship with the Heavenly father; this being the innate feeling and knowledge arising from the innate relationship with the creator that we have from our birth. This is going back to the default. No one can affirm you more than God himself. This "going back to default" or "factory reset experience" is being born again.
The point of any good adult bible study or Sunday school then is to remind the student that they are a child and that they will always be a child; a child of God. Google verses on the phrase "Children of God" and leave your surrogate teacher on Grace ( Santa Claus) a good note of thanks and a thank offering of cookies and milk.
One good thing about Santa in this current microprocessor generation is that he builds toys that can be programmed almost anyway possible to ensure that the children are safe from harm with NC 17 ratings on games and toys that can be reprogrammed to suit your home's safety needs. One new toy that is being reprogrammed is the internet such that there will be two internets; one smoke filled room, cigar and whiskey, cigarette smoking man, builderingicebergs internet with all the dirt that a monkey or ape could not conceive and a timewarner cable and apple i-phone 5 internet for consumer consumption that will keep our minds in tune with all those rights we wish to protect and enjoy at the hands of well-meaning gentrified gun-toting mailmen, court receptionists and ambulance drivers who are here to serve and protect. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. There will be lots of games and instant chat for sure and certainly lots of milking cows with their pants and tops off to heal your need for intimacy. Cows are usually naked though.
It is obvious that Santa is thinking of everything for our good.
Warren A. Lyon.
Happy New Year!
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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