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Sunday, 11 November 2012

Charles Sumner, P. Manly Hall, Eldridge Cleaver and Earnest Holmes

These four men had one thing in common.  They respected the wise advice that one should know himself; and that knowing himself will enable him to  not only save himself but anyone who hears him.  Manly Hall had it clear when he said that " are only who you are" and this is all that precedes you into eternity.  Who you are is determined by how you respond to life's opportunities.  Do you choose in the moment to seek that eternal approval (Proverbs 3:5-6)that may not fit the voice of that High School Crowd you have been following since 15? Manly Hall was a little confused in the end but his teaching in the early days was equivalent to a good grade 8 pep talk at a public school for a good farm community with corn fields all around.  Here; see this:        

That is why I like hydrogen fuel systems. It is now the "voice of the crowd" since it is soo efficient(3 x more efficient than regular gasoline and 2 x more efficient than diesel) and God likes it too since its clean and saves his planet and creation; not a bad idea at all.

That eternal voice may have said to bridle your tongue(James 1:26) as in the book of James and it may have said to treat others as you wish to be treated; this includes your "man".  It may have also said to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you but I could be mistaken. What did it say again if you could not read?  There is no equivocation in the word but a double minded person is unstable  and just soo hard to tolerate.

Hydrogen is just as good of an idea as Tide Cold Water and simple enough for a child to comprehend. 

The four men mentioned above had excellent skills for observation.  Charles Sumner     was a hero in his own right and spent a lot of time working at the truth and avoidance of illness as did Wilberforce.  There is a documentary on Charles Sumner coming soon as well as a long form article. It will help you heal. 

Now, turn the "dial" all the way to Romans 8 and away from "yourself".  The fruit of the spirit is Love joy, peace, patience, kindness and gentleness(Galatians 5:22).  If you want more fruit of the spirit, ask for more of the Holy Ghost( John 20).  You have your choice of sides just like Sonic. 

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