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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Learning to Love Me-by Marinade Trest

Learning to love oneself goes beyond attention-seeking both positive and negative.  There was a time when a lack of love could manifest in several ways such as a positive acceptance performance syndrome centred on fitting in to some achievement-system of approval where you did not have any input on what was considered worthy of approval or  the accolade so as to obtain approval.
People got upset at Solomon as well as Jesus for getting it right. But what about Solomon's teacher?
In some cultures, a book was enough or a good crop. It could have been the birth of a child or just good character and hard works.

The question is what did Jesus consider as worthy of approval and from whom did Jesus seek approval?  In fact, Reverend J. J Carter-Henry is my direct ancestor and I am very proud of him and the way in which he sought approval. 

In some cultures, if you choose to seek acceptance from within the earth-centred or geographical definitions of approval as delineated within that jurisdiction you may find that approval is based on having male children only and if you travel to that locale with your three female children and a wife of relatively symmetrical looks, they may laugh at you with your gold card and remind you at the hotel desk that you only have three girls.  A picture of a lama with a multi-coloured blanket is on the wall with a wooden-flute being played by a man with a hat on the other wall and there is a picture of relics from  a conquistador on the other wall. Cortes knows. You chose the Marriot in that locale for a reason since you are a Mormon. You are quite approved of back home in Utah with your one wife in spite of  the socially-accepted leave to have at least three.

Most importantly, if a church officer does you wrong does it mean every officer should be counted as a whoremonger? It may depend on the doctrine of the church. But, John 17 should be enough doctrine so " the law son", I was told. Wade, Wade, Wade in the water for baptism as with the words of John the Baptist; Matthew 12. So, receiving love is the issue and God did say He loves you. You may have been "wired" like a cheap old nokia phone to be abused. The new ones run on Windows software( phew-that was close!).   Read Psalms 27:10 again.  You might have been abandoned like Joseph and always wanted to believe you would find someone who would never leave you.  I wonder why Jesus said he would never leave nor forsake you (probably it was to answer some great need as determined by new experiences in a city(town)-based world quite different from the nomadic realities of his forebears where there was previously always a willing hand or suckle( remembering her own abandonment as her mother dies of disease or in  birth) to carry you on into your childbearing existence where you could get your own social assistance( 1970's welfare is  a modern example etc) or until you were old enough to find a faithful blacksmith or farmer to apprentice you and you could earn enough to by your own seed and a plot)? Jacob knows.  The truth is you may have been "wired" to be abused.  There was a 15th century writer who sat next to Desidirus Erasmus and sought to pervert the purposes of order quite deceptively. His name was Ashton Ball.  The one book that he wrote was entitled " Hatred of a brother from a different Mother and other lessons from Cain" while Desidirus wrote "My Brother's Keeper and lessons from Moses."  it is said of Jesus'  that He was tempted three times in the wilderness after baptism.  It is said of Joseph that he was tempted at least one time that we know of in his master's house; a wilderness of sorts. It is said that the third temptation in Matthew 4 is the temptation that is synonymous with the covenant as seen in any masonic ritual ( " If you bow down, I(the devil) will...") or witchcraft.  But, Jesus came that you should live life and life more abundantly. Read Psalms 50, Psalms 1 and Hebrews 2; not a bad deal. It is a pretty good deal such that church on Sunday for at least ten minutes is like a manufacturer's refurbishment.  The refurbished is always better than brand new because they made it twice(like born again); right and maybe spruced it up so its just like brand new; impressive! Church is the manufacturer's refurbishment depot. Did you ever wonder why the after school special on ABC always felt like church on Sunday or Sunday School?  It is simple enough for a child to understand. We must become like fools to become wise( google that!).  Now, you might date someone soon as a young man or woman and as I explained to an old friend of mine from high school ( he is not so well right now), you can't take responsibility for the way in which someone was brought up but you can decide to treat them in the best way possible if they will let you.  Some people have been raised to believe that a person is not worthy of respect unless they are overtly abusive and aggressive in personality.  This is not your fault.  You might have been raised to believe that a person is not worthy of respect unless they can reciprocate kindness without fear or without doubt that kindness is as masculine as a swiss chocolate, a bottle of Grolsch beer, a rose, an upholstery shop or a carpenter's shop.  You were raised with chopsticks and they were raised with a good American fork without a knife. If you can't see eye to eye, eat where you want and bring along that pretty girl young man who, in fact, agrees.  Now, if your father is a loving Norsman pastor he might try and sleep with your girlfriend/wife and succeed but this is his culture just to see if she is trustworthy and worth his kindness in the house. it is also to see whether you are really his son because if you are, he should feel ashamed if not for the fornication alone but for what is, in fact, incestous.  You  already had relations with her at least 59 times(see Isaiah 59) for at least twenty minutes because you do not look at those dirty playing cards or anything like that; just GQ magazine with the odd farm-like nice neighborhood, good conversation woman model but nothing more and who knows what is in next month's issue.  Next month's issue feels like Architectural Digest but with more suits and watches, bible quotes and health tips maybe.  Pastor has to look good. Read HeMotions by T.D. Jakes; innit?  So, if she is not ill from guilt and shame after relations with him for $40.00, give her a chance.  It did not affect you because he fizzled after 34 seconds. His motive could not have been pleasure but he's a man; right? Anyway, you could also let her go with a good conscience because she just feels shamed and duplicitous now and she should not be trusted with his gold plated treadmill; to even turn it on or off. It is too dear. You get the point though. She is who she said she is for $40.00.  The question was just the fee. Use good marinade in the kielbasa sausages.  Let us take a break but I must tell you that you are very strong.  You can have it your way like Burger King or you can read Job 31, Matthew 7:23-29 and Matthew 19 having  it God's way. Last of all, you may have a gift but after only reading one book of the bible from cover to cover only once in your life, you have no understanding and it shows in your anger. You are the blind leading the blind.  You read the pictures only but not the text and you speak it well. We have met you before as a Jade Fox (Youtube it) or Jim Jones( Youtube it) desiring your own flock you say but not submitting to long term training or teaching with anyone even if it was a  free course and your pattern is to accuse anyone who showed you a little belief in your gift. But, you smile really well and you wear expensive cologne purchased at the discount place for $7.99 in the tester boxes. That's ok.  That's ok. You could also google Anakin Skywalker for fun and understand that type of character. Check it out but in some things, being an expert means recognising that you are an eternal student.  The best way to learn though is with a plan, a syllabus, a lesson book, a course book, a program and regular attendance or a simple commitment to regular reading and submission because reading is not enough that is why some hear but do not hear and some see but still do not see. Read and submit. Submit means build on it as in Matthew 7.  Acts 8 shows us an excited Eunuch who heard two chapters of Isaiah from an Apostle and he could not wait to share the good news.  The woman at the well spoke to Jesus for five minutes and could not help but run to the city to tell everyone all about Him. She was ready to share the truth but maybe not ready to disciple anyone because she still had five husbands and the one she was with was not her own. He might have been but she kept looking for a better man and God was sure to answer. The next husband ( better man) was going to have green chariot with 18 inch wheels with a jaguar cat painted on it as the chariot builder's emblem; get it?  So share the truth. The truth will set you free and abuse your boyfriend from Cheektowaga in the private of your home but try and hide it for the sake of the gospel.  Here is a trick question and you can fill in the blanks based on 1st Timothy 3: 6.  He must not be a_______convert, or he may become______ and _____under the same judgment as the_____.  Tell me next week and you will get at least a life saver for showing up and two life savers  if you fill in all the blanks.  The question is who will help you to break your habit of blame shifting because a lot of people know you now and it is always someone else to answer for your decision including the two burned buns you took out of the oven.   Maybe you should at least read that one book once a week.  That would help because right now, you have too many ways before Him. Take your ministry and go. One plants the seed, another waters it but it is God who causes the growth.   I have a good female friend and wife and a new student coming now who needs my emotions. It's just that if you can't wait two minutes for your husband, how can you be married for 28 years? Remember also that the train runs on the same day as the Santa Claus parade inWeedjax( in Holland) or is it OSSDJAX and you never know where they might put the detours three minutes from the train station on that day; eh?  Judge yourself then and hopefully your husband will rush to get there with the leaks and pickles he picked up from your favorite supermarket called Egypt Frills or Gomorra Frills. He told you, as God said,  not to look back. About forgiveness, maybe you can do more than store that parent's or relative's old flutes or paintings in the house now that they passed on. Keep them and decorate if you want but let go of recalling to every husband all the hurtful things that parent did maybe and try writing "thank you for the icecream and english grammar book" at the back of at least one painting. The truth is that it is by grace that you have been saved by faith.  You are almost perfect like the man you want to meet, so why not also give some grace as you also wish to receive grace.  He was not rude about your burned chicken casserole and tofu burgers or was it Chavez chipotle that you made with your sister's who you were looking for in the line rather but you were not in the line such that anyone should tell you to go to the back and assault you with a simple touching on the arm while you trying to explain your presence; right?  Now go to church every Sunday if you can and bring that chipotle for the dip during coffee time and if you miss a Sunday for a full day of rest with God or catching up on work, do not let anyone judge you. Missing one  or Sundays out of 52 is not too bad then.   The truth is that maybe there is no afterlife after all and religious freedom or freedom of conscience is just meaningless.  You should not have the freedom to say no to joining the Carpenter's or Free Plumbers or Free Bricklayers or the Baker's club instead of the Rotary Club.  What was the name of that other club that claims to be associated with Chivalrous Knights who also used to raid the Priest's temples for goodies?  Well, according to those who put an end to the Spanish inquisition that freedom to choose and to congregate is a fundamental tenet of any civil society. I should be able to choose what club I would like to join; if any.  I graduated from grade school in grade 13 for that freedom of conscience. Do you understand or did you not read the local tabloid?  But, my freedom in one group does not give me the right to steal or burn the bibles of some other group or to abuse my neighbor for not agreeing with my version of the gospel.  I like the John 17 version as sponsored by many Jehovah Witnesses, Pentecostals and Baptists.  One thing that keeps them unified is that Christ died for something significant and rose again for something significant.  No group by the name Baptist or Pentecostal or Jehovah Witness existed on the day He rose except the group called Disciples and Disciples' Followers according to John 17.  Ok? But for this truth, Robin Hood and King John would not have worked together so well.  It's not ok. But, we will always have anomalies such as South Central Los Angeles apparently and big cities such as Seattle where marital fidelity is not cherished so much. All of this may come to your realisation as you sit on the streetcar alone and while you watch psychology videos in your public housing apartment on the power of self-forgiveness and you realise you have let go of every person of the opposite gender who you seemed to appreciate only for money, attention and gratification but not for the person.  The question now is who will you seek to use next? At least, you are quite consistent in the manner that you bend down to fetch your trinkets left for you at the front door of your public housing building.  The question is, what did you really want because it seems that you got a few trinkets for bending down.  

When you find someone who really loves you, you could say to yourself that you will appreciate them or you could find another response. But, why would you want to show a response other than appreciation except that you did not believe you are lovable?  In the same vain, one might not understand why Cain killed Abel. They both sought approval and both showed the capacity to hear God and to respond.  Both had the opportunity for approval if not on the first go but maybe on the first go the second time around or on the fourth. I think Jesus explained it well in the parable of the Rock and Sand. He said something about building on the word and hearing-See Matthew 7. There were two foundations and Abel seems to have sought the word for approval and Cain sought himself.  The end result is that Abel could cash his result in the bank of eternity while Cain's produce came back with a note that read " insufficient". As Joseph said,  in Genesis " I am not God" nor did he pretend to be and when it came down to making a choice, he believed God would provide and chose to believe what God said about him.  You may have been "wired" to be abused and the only life-partners you seem to choose are those who abuse you. But, the gifts of God are without repentance. If Cain and Abel both had some gift, it seems that one brother submitted his gift to God for approval while the other did not.  This is the God that Jacob encountered and in whom Joseph maintained his faith from an early age.  Now Joseph was abandoned at 11 roughly and you might have been abandoned at 2 or 3 or maybe 1.  Pastor James Robison was born as the product of a rape and his mother gave birth to him and many lives have been blessed and touched because of his mother's faith and respect in the dignity of human life.
It is rumoured that when Solomon wrote Proverbs 2 and 7, he reflected on his ancestor's experience in Potiphar's house with Potiphar's wife.  If you had to communicate something for many generations, you could put a carving on a cave wall or you could just choose a line of faithful communicators who would hand it down and go out into all the world and just whisper it in the smoke filled rooms, the desert oasis or the markets of the east or whereever they may journey over time.  After that, you could put it in papyrus and then they could read it once a week at home or in a big place like a football dome where everyone is invited to attend and give an offering or the best shekel of wheat or the best little lamb. It did not matter as to the darkness
of the papyrus paper used.  Click here; ok?:

See matthew 7:24-27:   

Marinade Trest was the name of a French actor who, for money, disrobed in front of cameras to titillate men who did not have farms.  This was shunned. Ms. Trest did not come from much and was quite insecure although she did have symmetrical facial features and was quite popular around 1911; the year Dr. Diesel showcased the workings of his efficient engine at the Paris World fair.  Her experience is just a footnote and she also went by other names alongside the hotentot  woman from Africa was also showcased in Paris during more experimental times with our new understandings of order and freedom.  Ms. Trest became quite popular for her shenanigans and while law and order remained unaltered as nothing was new under the sun, the goal soon became to avoid Merinade Trest if one was to enjoy commodious living. She seemed to think everything was about her, her perceived and heightened sense of offence, resentment for anyone who did hard work and her efforts to avoid an old Grandmother who rejected  her for being too thin.  This Grandmother happened to carry a bible as well. Ms. Trest and her anger had the tendency to lead many astray although she could offer you a gold wrapped cookie if you would bend down.

 In the final analysis, one of the greatest lessons of God's forgiveness as in Romans 8 is that once you have received it, it works in an instant like Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser; try it!  You have cast your care and your burden(inclusive of guilt) on Him and there is no point in holding on to the pride of self-chastisement which is contrary to humility; a humility that receives God's work on the Cross where he took your burden.  It's like that credit card where they tell you to ask what's in your wallet or that it's priceless and it's free. Apparently, it is the same as a child trusting a man in a red suit and beard not to mistreat you in giving you a free candy cane and trinket or receiving a faith in an invisible grandfather or a force; get it? Like Yoda said, you must unlearn what you have learned and turn off the laser guidance system. See Galatians 5:25.  Remember Isaiah 61 and that the power of God is the power to forgive. It is said in a play by John Milton that Lucifer the angel became Satan in that he was too proud to accept God's forgiveness and kept on saying " I am not worthy." He denied God's power to forgive when presented. Apparently, Hitler said the same thing quite a bit in private when he was recycling his girlfriend's gingerale and brownies.  This does not mean you should shake your fist at God wilfully and expect a hug.  Your heart to receive forgiveness must be like that of the prodigal son where you sincerely come to yourself and turn home.  This was Moses' encounter at the burning bush. Moses like Satan could have said "no" and he could have kept on walking, bringing his rebellion with him wherever he went.  The abominable sin is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost. This includes the denial of God's power to forgive which is essentially tantamount to one walking around in a spirit of self-condemnation. So uh go and sin no more( John 8: 1-11) or in the alternative, take up the stones and stone yourself.

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