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Friday, 28 December 2012

Your friends...

It is quite possible that you can attend a class on math taught by a five year old on the BEDMASS principle.  But, he is not a professor yet. It does not mean that he has not learned anything but can he solve complex problems based on a simple mathematical hypothesis based partly on the theory of lost energy( that energy is only transferred but never lost and is a fixed variable)?  The five year old realises that he has had his joy of learning and he will continue to learn as he shares his learning. But, he will be closer to being a professor at five years old than a vain 19 year old calculus student if he is humble enough to say that he has more to learn and to be thankful for everyone who helps in that regard instead of presuming to be a master of it all at five. 

The bible speaks of some,  and you can google it as well, that are always learning and never coming to knowledge of the truth.  The truth is that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and the desire to be always right about what you think you feel or hear is to deny a quiet submission to the Holy Ghost to lead you and guide you; right?  Your desire to be so right about whether someone will have a car accident or boat accident is a desire for your ego to be triumphed and for you to be esteemed amongst your little friends as being right about the meaning of the colour blue as an "Ora" around you or the blue door that they envision in the background of a picture you took just last night and you told your soothsayer that you were so haunted by the blue door.  You have a good relationship with the soothsayer and you are trusting that they have some special pathway to Heaven or something but they were not right about that car accident and they now testify about throwing out their tarot cards and Jesus  Christ is now Lord but they still have not given God all the glory because they are still hoping everyone will recognise them about being right; so right but they at least confessed being wrong about the Tarot Cards and the confusion it brings.
The knowledge of the truth and the lack thereof in any learner is quite shocking because being close to Jesus or what He offers is not a promise from Him to be powerful or adored by anyone. The truth is that He did not have a lot of friends while being whipped or beaten.  The truth is submission and all that entails. It includes His promise of provision but it might mean a big v8 Honda or Acura as opposed to a Bentley. It may mean a little talent and your work to multiply it.  The only guarantee is that the Holy Spirit will lead you and your work will bear up the result.  Between starting your work and collecting harvest, there is a time of waiting (seed, time and harvest). Can you wait long enough before you start the cussing? Did your husband fail to give you any cheapo gift that you asked for? Did you pawn the first wedding ring for 1/10 of the value and he forgave it when you told him and you did that instead of just returning it.
The truth is all your respect and seeking after it is a search for your respect but what about God's respicio? Your friends and the girls are demanding the 47 inch tv but your budget allows for 32 inches. Your friends do not have a key to Heaven and if you choose the 32 inch tv as God is showing you, you will thank Him when there is an extra hundred left over for the new Samsung Galaxy phone and your friends will see your wisdom as God given.  They will still come to watch the movies and eat your popcorn as well; right?  They are your friends; right?  You trusted God with the 32 inch tv and there was more than enough after all.

The truth is love your husband, neighbour and friend as you love yourself and you can certainly compete with him on the golf course. That is what friendship is all about but if you are not sincerely hoping for his success, then you are not loving him  and you can rest assured that the reason why he gave you the advice to sell your v8 SUV for the   v6 Jeep is so that you would have more money to buy bracelets and sell them to make money for the three children you plan to have with him after the first abortion that he also forgave. At least you threw out the tarot cards and started talking about Jesus and attending church but the way you cuss when you hear he has a cold leads one to ask how do you really feel about him and treat him?   How do you feel about yourself?  The truth is you shall worship the Lord thy God only and only Him shall you serve.  The truth is Jesus Christ is Lord and He has always had many rivals as seen in people's private lives regardless of whether they are preaching and worship leading with Jimmy Chew shoes on.  Don't worry about what they teach on Sunday or Saturday because the man who prayed for you and encouraged you to go to church is the man that you just said you do not respect because he has a cold. That's ok.  The process is threefold:
1. Salvation;
2. Sanctification; and
3. Service.

You are being sanctified so you may still act as if you do not know Jesus personally quite often; in fact.  But, at least you have made some tangible progress. You read the bible, cuss and you threw out some Tarot Cards while confessing you do not respect whom you say is not only your man but your uh best friend and you thank him for taking you to church and for reading with you; right?  His best friend is Jesus so he knows when to run from a two-faced devil. See 1st Corinthians 7 and  he, that man you do not respect, has kept his promise so go and start a church now and make sure you check everything with Jim Jones in Guyana first (check it with Jim Jones and make a donation on your way out). He too seemed to struggle with coming to a knowledge of the truth but we can at least celebrate him(Wow! So pleased!) for always learning.  Do you love anybody?

This is dedicated to a young part Eskimo woman who, on her 41st birthday, found out she was abandoned at 1 month old and given to a local mixed race family by ambulance employees or police she said and the family received a little money every month. She started to love raw salmon and seaweed after a second abortion.  She finally got over her fear of abandonment and learned to receive love because she could have been a great dinner at 1 month old for a pack of any sort of dogs in an alley way.

The bible does not say " thou shall not cover they neighbor's good female friend with whom he has relations." It says to not covet his wife. But, many a couple who were good friends and betrothed in the old style with conjugal rights (circa Joseph and Mary or Shakespeare and his wife) have seen the unusual behaviour of all who are not really concerned and the immediate loss of interest in their coupling and also the additional marriage offers that come flooding in when, after four years of friendship, they announce an engagement. So, as Paul said in Romans 7, if there was no law against it would we be enticed to covet the neighbour's wife?  She was always his friend after all.  It is hard to adulterate an official friendship.  There is no law against the covenant as addressed in the title friendship with the all the gifts being exchanged between them.

Also, the wife or husband has a purpose but it is not for respect with respect having all its public and social imports.  If the wife is for public respect, then she is an object more than a partner or mutual helpmate and what does she have to do or look like for that social respect that you seek after and her role to provide it? In what culture are you seeking this respect? Will she be able to provide the respect after she gets old and will she fear this loss of social currency in your life? If she is just the object for the social respect, then she is denied what she needs which is to  be known and if she is not "known", she will resent you anyway and hide or satisfy her need for relationship in spending all the time with the grandchildren or an Apple I-pad.  It is just that if you USE her as an object, then you get what you pay for. She is not your friend really but that would have been what you agreed to in the beginning if she is was chosen by you as an object for respect. The thing is that regardless of her looks, she is likely to love you anyway if you just get a good timex watch and agree to read a magazine with her or pay attention to what she found for a few dollars at the farmer's market like fresh eggs for $7.00 in the dozen.  You can play your video games at 7 am when she hasn't woken up yet and keep all your friends because she might try and have you let go of them because she is really vain.  It is not a battle of the sexes but a battle over common sense. Common sense says it is good to have good old friends with whom you enjoyed missions trips and simply treat her (your friend who is no longer an object after you repent at church with her very soon) in the best way possible since its not your fault what happened with her family or father. You are not responsible for how she was raised but you should endeavour to treat him( if you are a woman) or her( if you are a man) in the best way possible without having anyone, including her, ask you to risk your life when you can take the train or ferry if flying is too dangerous; right? 

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