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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Ego Conflict with God

It is said that many a man or woman will go through an ego conflict with God.  The devil did when he looked upon himself, said he was beautiful, heard others in Heaven say he was beautiful and God himself sad he made him beautiful but the end result was his rebellion and hatred for God. Beauty does not excuse one from submission.  It is said in Romans 1 that "..they worshipped the created instead of the creator."  It also says in Ecclesiastes that God has made all things beautiful.  Google bible verse on beautiful.  Its not soo hard. Jesus, if not necessarily physically beautiful like Marilyn Monroe ( she is still in the press everyday for some reason), was eternally and internally beautiful.  He was God incarnate.  So if someone tells you to abandon all your previous friendships, especially the ones from missions trips,  to help them or make them secure that person is truly telling you that they are a "self-rejected" individual. They do not love themselves if you have to abandon every friendship so that they can feel secure. The truth is that they want to make you a prisoner of their insecurities and deny your wealth of blessings in many friendships.  They have to be ill( you do it really really good with vigour)  but more importantly, they have not submitted the smallest part of the psyche, their ego ( you do it really really good with vigour), to recognising God's glorious beauty. He( God) who is beautiful has made all things beautiful in His own time.  This includes a 12.5 year old vehicle that you have taken time to appreciate.  If you look at flowers, and deep inside, you will see its all the same down there. But, if given a flower, be satisfied with the colour and shape of the petals.  In corollary to this notion, God said that husband's should be satisfied with the breasts of the wife of their youth and this is because, well uh umm, its all the same down uh there.   If you are not sure, then buy a case of coke and you will see that every can has the same size of opening. That is just the way God designed it.  Cain's sin was not unlike that of His parents.  God offered Him a deal; that God desired that sin would not have dominion over him but He did not accept it. His parents did not accept God's deal or at least they did not listen or trust Him. Cain did not listen and nor did he trust God. Won't you come? Won't you trust Him?  Well, at least listen to your soccer coach who says that spritey player will take you on the inside of the goal if you give him a yard and you were expecting him to try and take you straight down that left wing where you would cut him off but that player knew you were faster than him so he will switch from his left foot to the right and you won't have time to recover. You left the experience  new and improved on a yard and  now you can defend against two players as the last defender in front of goal on the day. So, trust Him and trust Him in that you will RECEIVE the promise and then uh umm wait. Read the last five verses of Psalms 27. It feels like a fortune cookie.

It is difficult to have an ego conflict with God for long. He made you. But, if you are experiencing this, just say let God's ego/will precede my ego/will. He is the king; right?

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