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Friday, 4 July 2014

The preponderance of Violence.. you are not responsible for the way in which your neighbour's daughter was raised. Tell her often in spite of the fact that you have the same state school board High School Diploma. You have an equal high school education so to speak but you may not have had an emotionally equivalent home environment. She is just a Haywire uh Monster really!

In a new movie plot, the preponderance of violence in a home may set a young man or woman's expectations of femininity or masculinity. She may decide that any man who does not respond to certain violent stimuli is not either fertile or is gay and this can be quite significant.  They may have imaginary relationships with High School football players who may not understand the consequences of a violent woman's sexual overtures and even if they end up having a conversation and maybe a child, the young football player will have consented to an emotionally dependent(Misery and Fatal Attraction-is she your half sister?) and possibly addictive set of emotions in the woman with whom he now has a child.  You cannot consent to certain behavior and there is always a "hook" involved when this large or petite and very athletic pseudo woman decides that she forgot your number does not begin with 811 or the other number. How do you explain to your father that the mother of your child punched you on your first date and all you did is get her pregnant as she wanted but three years later, she decides to call the police when you get invited to a gold tournament with your business partner or you got a promotion for faithful work on the assembly line. She became insecure and was, somehow, afraid that, as she loathes her self subconsciously she is going to be left behind as you grow and while your hopes for new opportunities for the family materialize. She wants to be as close to you as a common cold for 500 years but she says she is not the commitment or marriage type.  Open her closet, the basement floor, the cupboards and help her get some air!   Tell her to throw out that gold Casio watch you bought her from Target for $49.99  and the cologne for $43.00 on sale while she keeps telling everyone that you owe her for a pair of shoes. She never baked a cake in nor opened the oven since she said that she wanted to save that sort of thing although she is  sort of not a baker yet.  Whose child is she really or did she play Twister with both of her parents for too long and who knows really?  You do not need to be the victim of an ungrateful and quite covetous adopted child who would covet the husband of the woman who adopted her, fed her and clothed her. Send her to church and tell her to find her own praying husband again and again and again and to just be thankful and not to covet.  Quite amazingly, she just won't let go and this is not unlike a parasite. Read Proverbs 3,5,6,7 and 9,11 and 31. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and rest assured that a whole entire generation who enjoyed the 60's will encourage you to do whatever your parents tell you so they can feel secure that you always do the right thing; right? SHE ALSO SAYS SHE WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU WILL FIND HER AND LOVE HER  version of  faith culture WHILE SHE STOLE YOUR PENCIL CASE THAT YOU USE FOR SKETCHING WORSHIPFUL SCENERY AND ART.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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