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Monday, 9 June 2014

Your Standard fit android as provided to you by Woman's Days magazine called the I -Husband 4 I do "S". It does not exist.

The day may come when there is a standard fit android to address your unrealistic expectations of relationships, of your own perfection and the perfect mate. It would be a 6' 1" Ken doll. It's language would be quite standard with a standard set of emotions except that he would tell you every day that you can do what you want. He would remind you that he does not own you. You are a child of God. Who can own a child of God but God? He would not get old and he would last for as long as you live( 100 years approximately). If you get bored with just one, you can buy a brown haired or a black one but the actual physical or emotional result would be about the same and it would take or last just as uh long on average but you can keep them all in your closet or on the cell phone so you can avoid yourself, your acceptance issues and the fear of commitment. You can take them all for a ride. But with your treasured one, you would be in total control and would have to grow to like him I suppose or accept him as he is as it might not fit your imagined image of "perfect" that could shift from day to day based on the last movie that you watched or the hottest new pop-star with the coolest avant garde wardrobe. Forget crazy and stupid love( see the movie of similar title) because if you are only alive for 100 years approximately, you might as well learn to be content with the standard High School graduate of similar back ground who has a reasonably balanced set of emotions who may need just as much patience as you do in getting conversational, physical and emotional life well-tuned over a number of years of relating with someone and the acceptance issue that says a standard graduate is a standard android and just remember to choose the one with reasonably balanced emotions who refuses to claim you as property while you learn to accept yourself with your standard fit android( or High School graduate). You could change androids four or five times and realize that the only time you were really happy with any android is when you decided to accept your self. For the androids out there hoping to be loved by a droidette, one girlfriend or droidette( de facto wife) is less hassle and less health risk than a uh bounty of girlfriends. But, the women may not agree and may wish to turn you into some sort of commodity or their expectations of an Israeli Ancient King. But, Jesus was a King and so was His adoptive father. If you want to put your faith into it, a deacon is really a pastor and they really should have one wife. Joseph of Egypt did and so did Moses. It really is hard to preach a genuine sermon on Sunday with a team of girlfriends with whom you have copulated in the audience. God is a covenant making God and humans are a promise-loving people. Solomon might have been allowed to have more than one wife but the word says that he had a certain number(or quantity) of wives that surpassed God's instruction. What are your instructions today in spite of the apparently insurmountable social pressures to be accepted?

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