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Saturday, 7 June 2014

The point is that robots in China will work just as good as robots in Russia or Oklahoma( not unlike an automatic watch and a guillotine). Humans will always consume goods. They should also work to ensure community alongside finding ways to pleasure themselves physically or emotionally( video games, media, movies etc). The scales of justice and of economies for the sake of community must have a balance so that there may be salt and light.

Supply and demand are the two key concepts in economic analysis and if you took a High School marketing class, you should be quite familiar with the concepts.

Efficiency, choice, creativity and individuality are the most essential aspects of Capitalism and also pure Marxism.  In addition to these aspects, appreciation is a key factor.  Appreciation drives consumers and producers alike.  The various factors may be summarized in the following acronym;  ACECI( Appreciation, Choice, Creativity, Efficiency, Individuality).   Community and its preservation should be added to the acronym for the following result:  ACECI( Appreciation, Choice, Creativity, Community, Efficiency, Individuality). The issue is not whether Marx was right or whether Keynes had appropriate observations for his time. The point is that robots in China will work just as good as robots in Russia or Oklahoma. Humans will always consume goods. They should also work to  ensure community alongside finding ways to pleasure themselves physically or emotionally( video games, media, movies etc). Life, Liberty, Health and Property( John Locke) is the ambit of good government; not the pursuit of happiness.  Happiness is a function of contentment in well- managed environments that are safeguarded to ensure commodious living and commodious market activity that shall not involve the skewed and unproductive exclusion of viable participants based on race or race in addition to the cut of one's business dress, suit and vanity( increased vanity, anger and violence in older and younger generations based on the normalization of the habitual consumption of overtly sexual and sexualised images). There is nothing wrong with a well-fitted suit for a big boned fat black woman.    The question is application and nomenclature. Marx could have called his theories capitalist. He never denied the realities of basic market truths or supply and demand. But, he may have seen into the future and the diminishing need for human physical labor. The white  or quarter-something (like Marilyn Monroe) ( E pluribus unum) wife who plowed  with the uh  hoe in the 18 and 1900's for the bourgeois farmer and the slave who picked  in the fields would be needed as consumers due to the mechanization of labor and not just to help you feel benevolent with  missionary donations to Africa where they would consume anyway( you see the black kids begging for dumped Oklahoma milk and wheat( dumped to keep commodity prices up) on TV )and you send $9.99 a month to a charity to feed them any how and you get a picture in return with a magnet to stick on an appliance).  You could be a missionary at home and realize that your benevolent free schooling only makes wise( not angry ) consumers regardless of race who can spot a 2 for 1 deal. Black educated people are not angry( and should not be stereo-typed as angry yet they might be Messianic Jews though) but they may shop at the discount department stores such as the Nordstrom Outlets and the Marks and Spencer Discount stores.  You should never presume that they are angry but they may wish to apply their education so that they can consume the goods made by well-designed robots who are very efficient while they also serve their quarter-black( like Hitler and Benny Goodman) communities before or after their consuming.  
Ironically, space is a new phenomena; not just outer space but space to store personal possessions.  The need and also the demand for storage space amongst the average western home has increased substantially over the last few decades.  Families are buying more stuff and collecting more stuff  held as intrinsic aspects of our personal value. We might also say, more aptly, that "our stuff" is a factor of our self-appreciation or appreciation from others. What did previous generations do with their stuff?  It seems factually accurate that they had less to begin with in that frugality was a hallmark value that has also fallen by the wayside in addition to Sunday shopping laws.

 It is argued that stifled populations, starved by negative population growth and negative attitudes towards increased immigration have led  to forms of population manipulation in two key aspects. We must not forget that producers seek appreciation( of dividends and other yardsticks). The purpose of the manipulation is to ensure continued market appreciation in some shape or form. How can you do this if the population isn't growing?

It is argued that, unwittingly, the masonic nature of W.( "W" for westernized  ) A.S.P. culture that we cherish and celebrate with  a Christmas and Santa Claus scene in many box-office movies has encouraged a culture of cover( Adam and Eve sought cover and were naked and ashamed). The experience of some individuals while in the personal space of a family home has resulted in emotional patternings that may have led to extreme consumerism. Certain other experiences may have taken place at the hands of school teachers, doctors and other members of society who happened to be members of what is referred to as a harmless pass-time.  Running along side this is a Stepford experience that may entail the social expectation to buy a certain type of window-covering and everybody in the neighborhood has at least one such window covering in the home or a chair with a certain pattern.  The equation is as follows:
 1.  Demand has to increase;
2.   Increase demand by increasing a sense of personal shame in the populace; and
3. Personal shame needs covering( Adam and Eve were naked and ashamed and sought cover with fig leaves).

The manner in which masonry could create the perfect addicted consumer is hard to fathom but there are those who have spent many years trying to understand their compulsive shopping that they excuse politely, with instruction, as shopping therapy.

The phenomenon is quite unique and the best evidence is the increase in the number of storage space facilities in urban centres. They weren't a part of  the usual urban landscape until twenty years ago and the numbers are increasing.  The person with the most or most coveted toys does not win. You might have died of cancer quite early  before 38 years of age with a very expensive Dodge Viper in your driveway, with three kids and a wife. Maybe you fulfilled some sense of purpose in spite of your Viper and you might say you succeeded beyond the selfish neighbour who drives a Mazda with no kids and who just seems to hate anyone who does not agree with the Mazda owner's personal notion of perfection. But, there might be a Kia owner who lives until 39 or possibly 80 who can say he or she is a winner in spite of their possessions in that they live for a greater purpose and it might even show. Dietrich Bonhoffer fulfills this last definition in addition to Abd Ru Shin.  I am not sure what type of vehicle either gentleman owned but the point is that purpose superseded any personal drive to seek cover in the obtaining of material possessions.

Population Shifting
Population shifting involves multiplying the number of households in a society starved of sufficient population growth either by birth or significant immigration.  This involves manipulating human behaviour hormonally.    The mere desire to be intimate with another human being drives men and women to mate.  However, a married couple occupies one household. Divorced couples occupy two households. Two households buy more soda than one household on the average. There just seems to be more thirst.  This essentially aids the producer who needs appreciation. This also works for furniture and other products. Even if thirst remains constant in the itemized consumer who no longer lives in a coupled home, it's always nice to have a soda on the shelf. You might feel less alone and it certainly helps your sense of appreciation.  This singularization of a home is achieved by genetically modified food additives. You are not sure what is causing you to loose your libido, but as noted in "Alice does not live here any more-the movie", wives notice that they are trying to get their husbands to chase them around the bedroom.  The pattern of singularization continues for a few decades and it becomes a communal phenomena.  The desire to be intimate remains but the polarizing effects of negative expectations of relations with the opposite gender is seeded by daytime tv dramas that set the course for a fear of being hurt, used and rejected that compounds the hormonal phenomena of singularization. The boyfriend who, after consuming a soda, does not respond  in the manner that the new wife or hopeful girlfriend wishes, might respond much better after a tall cup of hot chinese tea.  His lack of response as conditioned by certain misunderstood hormonal food additives leads one to run from another potential experience of perceived (but not real) rejection with some other unwittingly genetically altered young and sincere male.  But, its not that the boyfriend rejected anyone. He just drank the wrong cup or soda.
In the mid 80's a movie entitled "After Hours-the movie" demonstrates the continued fermenting and polarization of individuals along sexual plains that aided the phenomena of singularization. A lot of individuals live in communities but alone in various urban centers. While one case of soda a week may have been sufficient amongst two individuals in the same home, two homes run by two individuals are buying two cases per week or on a bi-weekly basis.     
In summary, W.A.S.P. should now stand for Westernized, Anglo, Sensually bombarded Person. Traditionally, it stood for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.  Demand needs to go up to achieve appreciation. Appreciation is a key aspect of a market economy. Demand requires buyers.   If there are insufficient buyers or insufficient buying, you need to create or stimulate buying or create more buyers. If you cannot create more buyers, you can stimulate  buying with the phenomena of singularization of the traditional family.  The average marriage lasts five years( one year longer than the usual car lease or finance arrangement-the shine has dulled and your esteem may have gone with it if wrongly rooted). The divorce rate is now 60/40 in most Western countries.
The phenomena of shame ( and the need to cover) is not aided by the media but replicates it with material that is justified in the name of free speech, artistic expression and the avoidance of censorship as if morality is not a factor but people are still having children  and even Disney respects the notion of age-appropriate material as the largest movie production company in the world next to Warner Brothers.  Everybody loves cartoons and the values they communicate. We see Santa Claus  and Christmas scenes in many box office movies because, next to touch, the notion of a caring father, father figure or simply a parental figure  is central to many feelings, thoughts and social expectations of those we anticipate are there to cover and to protect us. We have such a father in Heaven. He covers and protects whether or not those to whom you were entrusted for your formative experiences and upbringing succeeded to cover and to protect. Read Psalms 27.10.  If they did not succeed, forgive.   
By Warren A. Lyon.

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