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Sunday, 29 June 2014

Tolerance Should Not Threaten The Very Foundation Of Tolerance..Isn't Jesus the foundation for the uniform commercial code?

If you take a moment, you find that the people Israel, in light of the law, did what the Lord required of them on the sabbath to safeguard and preserve family, community and the collective heart of the community. It may have involved saving a life; a donkey or a human. You don't see them, in the word, stopping on the journey to the promised land to rest in the work simply because it was the sabbath. God's work is rest in His purpose as required to save and preserve life as He directs. This is the message of the law and of the prophets when you read it; verbatim. Who ate the temple bread on the sabbath? All you want to do is emulate the life of one or two kings who had lots of women and that's okay if you sincerely believe that God is telling you to emulate that life. But, you should try to emulate the factor of relationship in the life. David did have some grandchildren who did not obtain prophetic or Heavenly approval in spite of the number of wives. You can still be a King and an obedient one with one wife. This is the biblical standard. Jacob chose one and so did Joseph of Egypt in addition to Abraham. Who picked corn on the sabbath? His father was in line to be a King of Israel. This is important when you think about it.
The ushers, building preparation team and the tea and cookie lady are working on the sabbath at church in worship. There is the law and the prophets and the purpose is stability, civilization and salvation. It is spiritual so as to preserve the collective heart of the community. Jesus could have been a baker to work with His hands. But, He chose to be a carpenter, some say, to understand(He grew in knowledge and wisdom) and also exemplify stability in addition to eternal endurance and civilization. Find a 2000 year old wooden table at a museum. It's not so difficult. A table or chair demonstrates these principles. Who wants an unstable chair or country with rules that are just shifting sands? Jesus and His faith exemplifies the legislation. You could not have a rights based society without His gentleness and that must be applicable to all but not in risking or threatening the general basis of a Judeo Christian society. They kill Christians and homosexuals in some societies that do not have a Judeo Christian foundation.
Usually Judeo-Christian societies show sufficient tolerance for difference although school books do not have to reflect confusion. Who wants to see Mr. Mugs kissing a male dog or Mr. Mugs looking for a surrogate mother with his boyfriend? That is anathema to the general basis and bedrock(Matthew 7, Matthew 19) of a Judeo-Christian society. Let's be honest about a collective anger at abuse(a community of abused) that may have involved collective sterility and that has now resulted in the community of open intimacy with their opinion on happiness as the only justification for its pride(fruit loops). If the general basis is lost, you will end up with a blood lust that destabilizes the blessed quit of commodious living with rather unusual and unexpected occurrences in schools, on roads and in society itself. The faith in goodness(Christ) that is the basis of a tolerant society should not be a weakness but a buttressed faith and stable faith. Lord Humungous was too busy massaging his biceps and abused, childish ego with some uh fruit loops before the big tussle over opinions on how best to fuel a v8. They can run quite well on hydrogen. Safeguards against the abuse of the faith in goodness are necessary. Christmas helps to remind us that such a collective faith, heart and soul in goodness is possible. Santa Claus gives gifts to all children whether they will get married or not some day or have children. See Matthew 19. But, safeguarding the goodness is necessary and not just the symbols and holidays. It is enforceable. Jesus was also a hewer of wood but a creator of stable expressions of durable and enjoyable civilization based on a faith in stability, balance and rules to be enjoyed at a nice fast food outlet table.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.

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