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Monday, 23 June 2014

Now that we have come to appreciate the flexibility of human genes to the benefit of all mankind, thank God, we don't need any anger on that issue as we also appreciate the equanimity of human capability regardless of race. There is certainly a great black rock guitarist and drummer out there to prove this simple point. They may be fully African or African American (whatever that is) or part-native but they can certainly attest to the human gift of musical creativity. They might even have some Hebrew ancestry. Did you know Moses was born Africa? The Lord inspired him with some commands to preserve the communityTcommunities) also known as tribes. Now I remember the meaning of African American. It seems to be a choice that is not visibly identifiable but it may culturally definable with a lot of uncertainty about who was black or African in the bible or what is to constitute the word of God. The word of God packaged in King James english or latin is a great foundation for a system that will provide a good median for safety regardless of the diversity of cultures and skin tones that will enjoy that system and thrive accordingly with abundant opportunities for consumerism first, production second, preservation of a planet takes third place in terms of importance and faith to preserve our priorities stand above all three first and foremost with lots of media entertainment to keep us channeled. They may just need to build a second planet that is in the same orbi as the earth and equidistant to the sun to keep our priorities in order since reproductive life in this universe sits in an equation of survival based on a fine balance involving temperature. You need heat and the cold of antarctica makes it evident that Mars or any where outside of our orbit or too close is just imperfect. But, while we argue with God who is the master musician and scientist with omnipotent mind, we can continue to hope that hope will be justified by our anger.

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