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Friday, 11 November 2016

The blessedness of the Brit Milah.

 French courtiers in the court of Louis 16th who may have been the children of Louis the 15th's courtiers did not follow the course for French civil servants. They were favored by the previous generation but were very competitive. They would play games with the new employees and criticize them all day in the fear that their talent or ability would be the fear that they would go up in the service or court or be above them. It ended The court of Louis 16th as some resorted to murdering the new employees who wrote the exam. Courtiers are not royalty but this microcosm of Courtier culture survived by exile in Haiti. They have a tendency to hide and hope to avoid detection. Most of them only speak English as the more obvious French speakers who feel like the evil Uncle in the tale of Two Cities were exterminated.    This microcosm of culture may have infiltrated the United States also in the 18th century and hid in the south and the Louisiana purchase- Google Louisiana purchase and created the polemics that caused so much social and economic division. Some are Republicans. Most are Democrats as they only seek title and power. This genetic expression of terrorism by Americans in the peaceful working of good civil administration is nonsense and a frustration to the blessedness of the Brit Milah. The French have dealt with it as it emerges from time to time. It happened once in the IMf when its director was afraid of the ability of a Congolese
football player who also graduated from the Sorbonne. She watched his career with great interest and had 30 of his children in secret but did not want him to be happy with a job earning $300,000.00 but possibly with a job earning $150000.00. She was afraid he would have too much social authority otherwise because of the 30 children. What is her name again? She finally let him earn an income and the children were thankful. She got out of being Maleficent.

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