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Tuesday, 29 November 2016

The Making of Saving Private Ryan. When the times comes, you will wake up and get off the sauce. You were drugged the first time when you watched WW2 recruiting videos in movie theatres to be heroes but there was also evident bait that the Christian soldier had to answer so that Europe would kill its fear of big Biff from Idaho. a haha ah ahahah ha ha. You were duped but they had to get the sin out with lots of death since without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins and then you cuckolded and divided your Christian homes with Trudy on a Playboy cover with a spread in the centrefold. Do you see how amazing that is and then you say God bless America? Does it make any sense that Trudy would be spreading it in the shelves in Walgreens? Then, when you came back you noticed they must have nuked the U.S. with all of that Los Alamos testing since there is an atmosphere and the wind blows. So, you killed yourself and then you had to use the gametes of Black people from the West Indies or the Black dudes who you decided would stay home as Coastguards men. But, you don't remember and you can't respect yourself as one nation so you bring Hussein since you are afraid the Black guy in class with glasses could be your father's or your grandfather's. But, you could be that black guy's grandfather's son; Oh!..same thing. Get over it. Just put a little Scottish mineral water in the 3rd trimester and then you get a white dude who looks like Brad maybe or Tatum maybe. I don't know. What are you trying to tell the world about what you did? Could you really be nervous about a black dude from North America who graduated in Vermont or the international equivalent? Are you a claustrophobe?

The Making of Saving Private Ryan. When the times comes, you will wake up and get off the sauce. You were drugged the first time when you watched WW2 recruiting videos in movie theatres in small towns and big cities that chastened you as Christians to come and to be heroes but there was also evident bait that the Christian soldier had to answer so that Europe would kill its fear of big Biff from Idaho....a haha ah aha hah ha ha.  You were duped but they had to get the sin out with lots of death since without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins and then you cuckolded and divided your Christian homes with Tootsie rolling on a Playboy cover with a spread in the centerfold; so I am told.   Do you see how amazing that is with Tootsie and then you say "God bless America?"  You are profaning your atmosphere but you bring Hussein to pray and take lots of cash.  Then when the time comes, you chase him around Brooklyn and treat him like a boogie man on CIN ( 24 hour manufactured news).  Can't you just report on paint drying on the finally finished portrait of George Washington? I know the U.S. is boring. But, it should be. Have you been to downtown Maine or Massachusetts?  It should be boring.  It's the Brexit Milah! Exciting! Excuse me; I meant to say the Brit Milah.   The Brit Milah should be quiet. So, report on the paint drying.  Does it make any sense that Tootsie would be spreading it in the shelves in Walgreens after 1948? You were the Christian soldier before the war. Who do you think you are? Who are you trying to be as the God fearing nation?  Who are you now after the war? Who do you make yourself out to be? Are we not now equal? What moral authority do you now have? Then, when you came back you noticed they must have nuked the U.S. with all of that Los Alamos testing since there is an atmosphere that everyone has to breathe and inhabit while the wind blows.  So, you killed yourself and then you had to use the gametes of Black people from the West Indies or the Black dudes who you decided would stay home as Coastguards men. But, you don't remember and you can't respect yourself as one nation so you bring Hussein since you are afraid the Black guy in class with glasses could be your father's or your grandfather's. But, you could be that black guy's grandfather's son; Oh!..same thing. Get over it. Just put a little Scottish mineral water in the 3rd trimester and then you get a white dude who looks like Brad,   a Jimmy Dean, Weissmuller, Reeves, an Alyn maybe or  Tatum. I don't know. What are you trying to tell the world about what you did? Could you really be nervous about a black dude from North America who graduated in Vermont or the international equivalent? Are you a claustrophobe?


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