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Monday, 28 November 2016

Regenerate vs. Attention Seeker.

In 1948, the state of Israel declared a reunification of the people Israel and the historical nation of Israel in putting aside the notion of a divided kingdom. Caiaphas, the High Priest who confirmed Yeshua1 as a Rabbi, also confirmed the unity in the nation of Israel.  This is the unification of the twelve tribes of Israel as the children of Jacob. The purpose is regeneration; to regenerate. The name Jacob means Israel.  There is also a city and country by the same name but if someone wants a city for Abraham and all of his children they can say so. Maybe it's a city in regenerated Syria. Why covet Israel? Do you believe in regeneration; that is to regenerate?  The notion of a remnant to acknowledge David's ministry was only for a time but not as a permanent signpost of national dis-unification in perpetuity. Yeshua, his most noted Descendant, confirmed that a house divided cannot stand. The house is Israel. Caiphas confirmed the importance of a unified nation and house. If there is continuing notion of a remnant, it is not for David but the tribe of Judah. There is no tribe of David. There is also the notion of a remnant for All the tribes of Israel in the 144000. Every tribe has a remnant. How would we identify them? Is it physical beauty or commitment to getting what you want regardless of rules. Is it the commitment to saving human life as Abraham taught in practice like Yeshua? Abraham begged God to save life.  There is only one house of Israel.  The probabilities of a particular identifiable  humankind and human behavior that had its origins and fermentation in the 400 years in Egypt with kindness from and intermarriage with a Moabite people means that the complexion of  a child of Israel could be quite varied if not just very very sunburned since Je ne sais pas dire the word in stupid static terms of irrelevancy.  Have you seen "Munich"?  Well, it was all fiction except for the attack by the children of Abraham on the children of Jacob(the Israeli athletes) at the beginning of the movie in Munich who are also children of Abraham two generations removed.   Does that make any sense?  May this never happen again among the children of Abraham. Isn't your right to circumcision in Germany equivalent to the right of a hijab and the pleasure of Hilal? Everybody be friends now and love your cousin. Play nicely.

1:  Yeshua  is Hebrew for Jesus.

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