New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Monday, 29 February 2016
The old China-ish lady in the mountain was really native and black and born unable to have children. She tried to make people drink her sh-- and it killed her grand niece's teeth. She went to the U.K. on Scholarship in the 1950's and had sex for cash and on video but decided not to write her exam. She returned with 40 pounds and lied, telling everyone that the Irish were racist and never gave her the diploma; that she could just write it down on a piece of paper. She also resented the potential social authority of anyone who came back with a degree/diploma. She may have feared White West Indies on the journey home; that they may have killed her for the authority as an orphan and who says they would help her with a job with the mob minded people concerned about social authority. If you don't have a lot of family, cash was better. But, others went and returned with their diploma who were really black. Well, so was she. So, everybody who went away had to know what she chose; not what she went through. Give an old lady the stip when she asks but you may end up without teeth.
"It was really huge but it might have been prosthetic and he had a T shirt on so I couldn't really tell if it was really him or...his. But, it was huuge! She is just as plastic; a perfect match as marathon front runners. She put blind folds on him and made noises. But, it was huge and he couldn't tell the difference. Then they both said, "beatles, beatles, beatles, that's all folks!". They seem to want to kill what they don't understand as it threatens them. They could just buy some french butter maybe. Do they travel or are they anxious about it and on drugs when they do travel?" Well, if those blackish kids don't have sex before 14, we will think they are trying to be a politician but maybe they did have sex. I don't know and now they will know I was a Nazi grandson; that my authority is sex and whatever I want when I want. I used to be a gym teacher or his best friend at lunch time. My hair is red and my Scandinavian girlfriend says I'm sort of mulatto. I say use him over and over again for his education. This is my culture and I'm not really here to help my enemy but I will take the salary they provide. we must have something base and vile in common every now and again; sexy back! That sting all of the city though is him. I got at Starbucks but the burn in my mouth after he asked me to help; it's him!"
Marx' goal was the same as Abraham Lincoln's goal. It was a purely economic respect for the market with a humble appreciation of God's creative humanity.
There was a group of tall men who lived in a shoe. They saw another group of tall men living rather far away. They did not know what to do. They were isolated from each other and did not know how to talk. Each group had big hammers but at common sense and civility, the first group balked. The second group respected personal discipline and games of civility while the first group worshiped visible images of strength. Ignorance was their authority and the purpose of any card game was to feel like the winner although the winner was always afraid of respecting or playing by the rules. They were a threat to the winner. Each group wanted to enjoy mutual understanding, but does one start the conversation when the first group had such little experience with small personal spaces? They would usually taunt or hurt each other in the first group to see how you would react? The second group played civility games like chess. Alexander Graham Bell and Marconi designed telephones and communication devices so each group could at least talk. Then, they decided to vacation in hot places so that they could look each other in the eye. Nobody wins a fight of misunderstanding. Such a fight is a celebration of mass deafness and ignorance. Go to and see the branch offices in every American city. These brides are not factors of production as called for by Keynes and shunned by Marx who are rejected by Keynes as intelligent beings and relegated by Keynes and friends to pulling plows for free or for the simple honor of being a "wife" in the Western world. They are Marxist(or natural market actors-Human beings) individuals who are able to build B52 bombers for a wage and buy their washing machines to clean their husband's insurance firm's soccer jerseys; after all!?! Marx was about human appreciation and recognizing everyone's innate contribution to the market. Pure Marxism is a Bedouin market. In the end, it is clear that Capitalism was more natural than communism but a distorted capitalism may be just as unnatural and essentially a synonym to Communism. Get your Linux(TM) Laptop soon at Office Depot in the same aisle as your Windows(TM) or Apple laptop. Communism, also referred to as Redistributive capitalism, will provide a one bed apartment for every adult who completes high school. If you want equity, you can hope to get a job and buy the unit. Then, you will be a land owner.
By Warren A. Lyon.
Romans 7.
So, Megiddo and it's prolific and prophetic battle has already come with miraculous flying machines( with the faces of men) in 1918. So, when you have your second coming, He will not be dying for a blood covenant to save Israel or the world since the shed blood of the first Messiah was sufficient. See Hebrews 9. You can't pick and choose your scriptures and prophecies to satisfy your ego or your need to refuse to accept the blood of Christ. But, he will die a natural death. Regardless of every Yacht you own, the only concern you should have if you are spiritually minded is to pass the test of Romans 2, the parable of the four seeds and Romans 7. There is no Heaven called public opinion or associative righteousness; that if the pastoral student does it, then it will be okay for me to keep doing what I do not wish to do and get into Heaven. What is God telling you about you? Stop hoping that pastoral student will do your sin. You reason like a child but not like a child that wishes to obey what you say you believe as you hope someone joins you in your ways of disobeying the peace you wish to acknowledge but which you disregard and challenge in your own soul. After you are finished in your ways, you are tormented and wish others do what you do. Who are you working for?
Sunday, 28 February 2016
The Movie "The salvation" is a detailed and riveting account of the foreigner's experience in the new world with its harsh terrain, low population, few brick and mortar buildings and few paved streets. The smell of dung is on people's breaths. It's in the food, the drink, the rum and water. But, the incivility suggested by the wild terrain is unmatched by the barbaric, animalian tendencies of thy neighbor. The movie follows this dichotomy and asks us to reflect upon our understanding of this society historically in its emergence as a new nation in the international community and of our understanding of this nation today. Many families and cultures participated in its growth and presumably much has changed in terms of respect for civility and thy neighbor. In certain centres, there is still need to reflect on the soul of the nation if not the community. There is no need to discuss class or social hierarchy in this generation since you can learn how to play an instrument for free and also learn a foreign language at free schools and this has been so for at least ten generations and a 3500 graduating high school classes. There is a new graduating class every four years. So, nobody owes anyone or any angry community anything. This includes the white public housing alum who owns several hotels now and is a politician some how. It is possible that the dichotomy between basic civility vs Animalian barbarism exists today in society as you travel on the metro, tube or subway. This movie invites us to reflect upon progress, community and the most basic civility with basic civility being the only mortar that makes any country great whether or not the streets are paved with peace, order and good government. The movie will lead you to ask many questions about human life and its value and succeeds in doing this with great scenery, brilliant acting and seamless action. Buy it today.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Friday, 26 February 2016
"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it..."Will Durant on Jesus by Frank Viola, Pastor an Author. Get his free ebook today!
Today, I’m quoting renowned historian Will Durant. Durant, who was not a Christian, wrote the following incisive statement in The Story of Civilization, Vol III: Caesar and Christ.
“The Christian evidence for Christ begins with the letters ascribed to Saint Paul. Some of these are of uncertain authorship; several, antedating A.D. 64, are almost universally accounted as substantially genuine. No one has questioned the existence of Paul, or his repeated meetings with Peter, James, and John; and Paul enviously admits that these men had known Christ in his flesh. The accepted epistles frequently refer to the Last Supper and the Crucifixion…. The contradictions are of minutiae, not substance; in essentials the synoptic gospels agree remarkably well, and form a consistent portrait of Christ. In the enthusiasm of its discoveries the Higher Criticism has applied to the New Testament tests of authenticity so severe that by them a hundred ancient worthies, for example Hammurabi, David, Socrates would fade into legend. Despite the prejudices and theological preconceptions of the evangelists, they record many incidents that mere inventors would have concealed the competition of the apostles for high places in the Kingdom, their flight after Jesus’ arrest, Peter’s denial, the failure of Christ to work miracles in Galilee, the references of some auditors to his possible insanity, his early uncertainty as to his mission, his confessions of ignorance as to the future, his moments of bitterness, his despairing cry on the cross; no one reading these scenes can doubt the reality of the figure behind them. That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so loft an ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospel. After two centuries of Higher Criticism the outlines of the life, character, and teaching of Christ, remain reasonably clear, and constitute the most fascinating feature of the history of Western man.”
The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionaries are philosophers and saints.
- I felt more keenly than before the need of a philosophy that would do justice to the infinite vitality of nature. In the inexhaustible activity of the atom, in the endless resourcefulness of plants, in the teeming fertility of animals, in the hunger and movement of infants, in the laughter and play of children, in the love and devotion of youth, in the restless ambition of fathers and the lifelong sacrifice of mothers, in the undiscourageable researches of scientists and the sufferings of genius, in the crucifixion of prophets and the martyrdom of saints — in all things I saw the passion of life for growth and greatness, the drama of everlasting creation. I came to think of myself, not as a dance and chaos of molecules, but as a brief and minute portion of that majestic process... I became almost reconciled to mortality, knowing that my spirit would survive me enshrined in a fairer mold... and that my little worth would somehow be preserved in the heritage of men. In a measure the Great Sadness was lifted from me, and, where I had seen omnipresent death, I saw now everywhere the pageant and triumph of life.
- Transition (1927)
- Sixty years ago I knew everything. Now I know nothing. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
- Quoted in "Books: The Great Gadfly", Time magazine, 8 October 1965 (review of The Age of Voltaire by Will and Ariel Durant)
- The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionaries are philosophers and saints.
- The Lessons of History (1968), p. 72 (co-authored with Ariel Durant)
- Love one another. My final lesson of history is the same as that of Jesus.
You may think that's a lot of lollipop but just try it. Love is the most practical thing in the world. If you take an attitude of love toward everybody you meet, you'll eventually get along.- When asked, at the age of 92, if he could summarize the lessons of history into a single sentence. As quoted in "Durants on History from the Ages, with Love," by Pam Proctor, Parade (6 August 1978) p. 12. Durant is quoting Jesus (from John 13:34) here, and might also be quoting Jiddu Krishnamurti: "Love is the most practical thing in the world. To love, to be kind, not to be greedy, not to be ambitious, not to be influenced by people but to think for yourself — these are all very practical things, and they will bring about a practical, happy society."
- It is a mistake to think that the past is dead. Nothing that has ever happened is quite without influence at this moment. The present is merely the past rolled up and concentrated in this second of time. You, too, are your past; often your face is your autobiography; you are what you are because of what you have been; because of your heredity stretching back into forgotten generations; because of every element of environment that has affected you, every man or woman that has met you, every book that you have read, every experience that you have had; all these are accumulated in your memory, your body, your character, your soul. So with a city, a country, and a race; it is its past, and cannot be understood without it.
- Perhaps the cause of our contemporary pessimism is our tendency to view history as a turbulent stream of conflicts — between individuals in economic life, between groups in politics, between creeds in religion, between states in war. This is the more dramatic side of history; it captures the eye of the historian and the interest of the reader. But if we turn from that Mississippi of strife, hot with hate and dark with blood, to look upon the banks of the stream, we find quieter but more inspiring scenes: women rearing children, men building homes, peasants drawing food from the soil, artisans making the conveniences of life, statesmen sometimes organizing peace instead of war, teachers forming savages into citizens, musicians taming our hearts with harmony and rhythm, scientists patiently accumulating knowledge, philosophers groping for truth, saints suggesting the wisdom of love. History has been too often a picture of the bloody stream. The history of civilization is a record of what happened on the banks.
- As quoted in "The Gentle Philosopher" (2006) by John Little at Will Durant Foundation
- To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves; let us be above such transparent egotism. If you can't say good and encouraging things, say nothing. Nothing is often a good thing to do, and always a clever thing to say.
- Durant, Will. Commencement Speech. We Have a Right To Be Happy Today. Webb School of Claremont, CA. 7 Jun 1958.
- Excellence is an art won by training and habituation: we do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have these because we have acted rightly; 'these virtues are formed in man by his doing the actions'; we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit: 'the good of man is a working of the soul in the way of excellence in a complete life... for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy'.
- The Story of Philosophy, (p. 76). The quoted phrases within the quotation are from the Nicomachean Ethics, Book II, 4; Book I, 7.
- Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.
- "What is Civilization?" Ladies' Home Journal, LXIII (January, 1946).
- I know how unfashionable it is now to acknowledge in life or history any genius loftier than ourselves. Our democratic dogma has leveled not only all voters but all leaders; we delight to show that living geniuses are only mediocrities, and that dead ones are myths. … Since it is contrary to good manners to exalt ourselves, we achieve the same result by slyly indicating how inferior are the great men of the earth. In some of us, perhaps, it is a noble and merciless asceticism, which would root out of our hearts the last vestige of worship and adoration, lest the old gods should return and terrify us again. For my part, I cling to this final religion, and discover in it a content and stimulus more lasting than came from the devotional ecstasies of youth.
- The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time.
- The invention and spread of contraceptives is the proximate cause of our changing morals. The old moral code restricted sexual experience to marriage, because copulation could not be effectively separated from parentage, and parentage could be made responsible only through marriage. But to-day the dissociation of sex from reproduction has created a situation unforeseen by our fathers. All the relations of men and women are being changed by this one factor; and the moral code of the future will have to take account of these new facilities which invention has placed at the service of ancient desires.
The Case for India (1931)[edit]
- India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.
- It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier India has sent to the west, such gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all numerals and the decimal system.
- India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a unifying, pacifying love for all human beings.
Declaration of INTERdependence (1945)[edit]
- Introduced into the US Congressional Record on October 1, 1945 (PDF Document)
- Human progress having reached a high level through respect for the liberty and dignity of men, it has become desirable to re-affirm these evident truths:
- That differences of race, color, and creed are natural, and that diverse groups, institutions, and ideas are stimulating factors in the development of man;
- That to promote harmony in diversity is a responsible task of religion and statesmanship;
- That since no individual can express the whole truth, it is essential to treat with understanding and good will those whose views differ from our own;
- That by the testimony of history intolerance is the door to violence, brutality and dictatorship; and
- That the realization of human interdependence and solidarity is the best guard of civilization.
- Rooted in freedom, bonded in the fellowship of danger, sharing everywhere a common human blood, we declare again that all men are brothers, and that mutual tolerance is the price of liberty.
The Story of Civilization (1935–1975)[edit]
I - Our Oriental Heritage (1935)[edit]
- If the average man had had his way there would probably never have been any state. Even today he resents it, classes death with taxes, and yearns for that government which governs least. If he asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws in his own case superfluous. In the simplest societies there is hardly any government. Primitive hunters tend to accept regulation only when they join the hunting pack and prepare for action. The Bushmen usually live in solitary families; the Pygmies of Africa and the simplest natives of Australia admit only temporarily of political organization, and then scatter away to their family groups; the Tasmanians had no chiefs, no laws, no regular government; the Veddahs of Ceylon formed small circles according to family relationship, but had no government; the Kubus of Sumatra "live without men in authority" every family governing itself; the Fuegians are seldom more than twelve together; the Tungus associate sparingly in groups of ten tents or so; the Australian "horde" is seldom larger than sixty souls. In such cases association and cooperation are for special purposes, like hunting; they do not rise to any permanent political order.
- Ch. III : The Political Elements of Civilization, p. 21
II - The Life of Greece (1939)[edit]
- No man who is in a hurry is quite civilized.
- Ch. XII : Work and Wealth in Athens, p. 277
III - Caesar and Christ (1944)[edit]
- There is no greater drama in human record than the sight of a few Christians, scorned or oppressed by a succession of emperors, bearing all trials with a fierce tenacity, multiplying quietly, building order while their enemies generated chaos, fighting the sword with the word, brutality with hope, and at last defeating the strongest state that history has known. Caesar and Christ had met in the arena, and Christ had won.
- Chapter 30, part 1, p. 652.
- A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within.
- Epilogue: "Why Rome Fell", p. 665
VI - The Reformation (1957)[edit]
- I have tried to be impartial, though I know that a man's past always colors his views, and that nothing else is so irritating as impartiality.
- Preface
- I feel for all faiths the warm sympathy of one who has come to learn that even the trust in reason is a precarious faith, and that we are all fragments of darkness groping for the sun. I know no more about the ultimates than the simplest urchin in the streets.
- Preface
With Ariel Durant[edit]
- Power dements even more than it corrupts, lowering the guard of foresight and raising the haste of action.
- As quoted in Midnight by Dean Koontz
External links[edit]
A new linguistics/movie review will discuss the coincidental symbols of violence and a breakdown in civility that appear in two movies. The first movie is Monuments Men. In a particular scene, two characters stand up in well trained attention when prompted by their father depicting membership and association to a violent and destructive agenda. The movie depicts the systematic portrayal of the destruction of civic treasures, property, artifacts and human life. Do you know anyone experiencing this? In a second movie, entitled Layer Cake, a character describes human glands standing at attention like little soldiers when they are "called" upon in anticipation of a violent intention to break a covenant although arguably a covenant that is nothing more than puppy love. Yet , the full heart is invested in breaking the covenant and the potentially violent consequence is evident at the end of this tale. This is certainly coincidence as symbolism in these two examples but symbolism communicates and impacts the audience profoundly. The symbolism is arguably fuhrer-esque on occasion in terms of impact on the community, encouraging anarchy or incivility. The cues given to the population are subtle but impartial where segments of the population take the cue as permission from Hollywood to kill, steal and destroy. After "Empire State" and "The Place Beyond The Pines", the frequency of bank robberies increased. This is a brief linguistic movie review and the footing of a new article; Londinium TVC Humanity Network. By Warren Lyon.
Thursday, 25 February 2016
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
It is rumored that in the late 40's some people were born with a strand of dna that was quite self destructive. If they had children, they would doubt the child was theirs. He would simply tell another relative that "...if the child is not mine, I will kill them." If the relative does not say anything, they would presume the child is not theirs in evident self doubt and they would kill the child slowly if not immediately. This was an expression of tremendous self doubt and murderous ego.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
So Londinium TVC is a celebration of civilization. It could have been called the G-d channel or the Yeshua channel but who is worried about it or, in fact, what's the difference? Every television or TV channel represents the communal peace of Judeo Christian society and its power for fast social and economic multiplication. It translates quite easily like a smile unless the message is anarchy and degradation( the very goal of Mein kampf); however subtle. "Beatles Beatles beatle...that's all folks! "
Monday, 22 February 2016
There were several adherents to Mein Kampf that were sent out to British colonial outposts just before the inception of World War 2. They asked for help and assistance in escaping from the Hitler. These outposts were in various locations that include various countries in Africa, including South Africa and also parts of the West Indies. It also included the United States. Some of them were put in Concentration Camps but this was less likely in the West Indies. As adherents of Mein Kampf, they laid low and assimilated into every aspect and sinew of colonial and post-colonial life. They read the bible and other religious books with affiliation by day but tell their children mein kampf is the family culture by night. There are a lot of situations with persistent bitterness that do not fit. Democracy becomes a predetermined avatar as someone tries to will the final election result with a table setting. But, there would be a time and a day, possibly after 50 or more years, when their deeper inclinations would become apparent in the middle offices of government and other avenues of daily life. Have you heard of the movie Salt? Have you heard of Salt; the Mein Kampf version?
Sunday, 21 February 2016
I observed a phenomena once that involved blessing someone for their excellence and they would become angry; as if they did not want to owe you for anything. They didn't have very good health but, they won! What an unbelievable spectacle? It just VIOLATES the entire world or may we say, rather, that it made the whole entire world quite odoriferous. This happens when your every second thought is about race and racial politics and you are always shifting from one racial community to another in spite of your acknowledged identity and this is to achieve "what you want" in the name of some sense of nationalism. But, it usually means that human life and its value is the victim. You kill to show your loyalty. That includes some black people if you are black. Sometimes you kill a native or a white person Is this what you suffered or is this what you imagine your national identity suffered? Are you achieving national identity in the process? Only you would know. Nobody helped you with anything in this world so it doesn't really matter.
You win.
If you preach the peace of Christ at 2 and die at 2 1/2, you win. Everybody wants a good parent that feeds then protects them from evil. Also, nobody wants an abusive San (erroneously and previously Santa for a long time but I don't really know why) Claus that gives you poison apples or toys that will cause cuts and injury. You can't take the 60 foot yacht with you!
Interesting...You are certainly not! Look at your bras and your pancakes. Get some Baci.
It is interesting that many women choose to have casual but intimate coffee dates where they exchange cups with their partners. It is quite the adrenaline rush.
Friday, 19 February 2016
A new essay will review English constitutional law and the notion of an unwritten constitution. King John's Magna carta is a constitution. It was apparently adopted by parliament and never repealed. A.V. Dicey wrote several essays discussing an unwritten constitution but the Magna Carta is considered a written, governing document. The peace that stems from it is evident. The constitution is stable and certain. Halsbury's Laws Vol. 44 cites MC 1215 as a Constitutional Act. It was confirmed in writing by the House of Lords Records Office in 2003 and also more recently.
Warren Lyon
Warren Lyon
The word says all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. It says looking at a graven image is a sin. Television comprises graven images. Therefore, watching television is a sin. In all likelihood, all( that is every soul in North America and the Western world) living souls have watched television and therefore all souls have sinned by doing so. Somebody in your congregation is absolutely obsessed with whether or not you have watched something. She may not really believe in God because when she watches, she leaves one eye open and then afterwards, she runs to her bedroom and sits with her head on the bible. Afterward, she comes out of her room with the same holier than thou attitude. We need these people for their fear of losing socio-religious authority if not for their lack of real decisiveness in pleasing the conscience so that we can understand hypocrisy because nobody should feel them hoping and wondering whether other people have looked as they have looked. Most people look all day with a free conscience. The sexy soap ads are there to sell soap so that those who believe in being clean for their relationships can enjoy good intimacy since relationship, friendship and intimacy is the goal and not hoping to be above people in a fictional, childish spiritual totem pole that reverberates a chastisement of oneself, a lack of self forgiveness and a lack of understanding of decisive relationship. That old lady does not feel like she loves herself and she makes the whole and entire society stink as she seeks to kill every soul that does not struggle with her struggle. Judge yourself but do not kill anyone else for being in a spiritual hurricane of condemnation as you have created for yourself. Some people just watch what they watch and they don't watch what you watch because they would rather play the game of chess instead of watch it. If they did, they already accepted Christ's message that salvation is not by works and if you mean to represent Him instead of tear down His work, then you will agree with Him with respect to whatever He has put on your heart. If watching sexy cooking recipes pains your conscience, understand that someone else in the faith may not be soo pained and the day may come when their conscience joins yours. But, hopefully they will agree and be at peace with that conscience instead being in a continual whirlwind that makes soo much noise emotionally such that anybody can feel it from 30000 miles away. How many people have you killed as you judge yourself in being at the bottom of the ocean and you wish to kill anyone who isn't in your turmoil? You are told to be hospitable to strangers since you may entertaining angels without being aware. See Hebrews 13:2. Well, if you can't comprehend the simplicity of loving your neighbor, maybe you can just love everyone like they are strangers if you are soooooo interested in getting it right but you don't agree with your own soul's emotions with respect to the topless hot buns recipe cooking show as God is directing you to divert; ok? Is He telling you something as you sneak a peak? Stay there; who sent you? Who are you working for really? Part the wet waters of your struggle with the solid word of God.
Thursday, 18 February 2016



homeHome > Online Gallery > Online exhibitions > Features > Black Europeans
Black Europeans
A series of features guest-curated by Mike Phillips for the British Library Online Gallery.
Popular versions of history have all too often airbrushed out the contribution of non-Europeans to Western arts and sciences. In recent years, however, scholars have begun to challenge the idea that race or ethnicity is a barrier which can stop individuals from participating in any culture they choose. In Europe this has encouraged a new drive to explore and understand the hidden or ignored contribution of people of African descent to the mainstream of European culture and society.
The figures featured in Black Europeans – Alexander Pushkin, Alexandre Dumas, George Polgreen Bridgetower, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and John Archer – all have a mixed European and African ancestry. Although they were fully conscious of their mixed backgrounds, they also regarded themselves as part of a European nation, and thought of their work as a contribution to their own sector of the culture of Europe and the world. And they were all figures whose public image and whose activities have been generally accepted (both by their contemporaries and by later generations) to be an important part of Europe’s cultural heritage – to the point where most people ignore, or have forgotten about, the ‘black’ element of their identity and its significance in their lives and work.
About the author: Mike Phillips
There are sound samples on these pages. To listen to them, you will need the Windows Media Player.
You can also read and print fuller versions of Mike Phillips' essays on these Black Europeans in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.
Alexander Pushkin (PDF format) 98KB
Alexandre Dumas (PDF format) 109KB
George Polgreen Bridgetower (PDF format) 105KB
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (PDF format) 96KB
John Archer (PDF format) 104KB
Alexander Pushkin Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Dumas Alexandre Dumas
George Polgreen Bridgetower George Polgreen Bridgetower
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor John Archer
Discover more:
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
George Polgreen Bridgetower
George Polgreen Bridgetower
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
John Archer
John Archer
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Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Monday, 15 February 2016
The movie "Timber"(2015) offers breath taking scenery, excellent costumery, brilliant acting and bright production. The story is indicative of our times but fortunately, most home owners are qualified after high school to be a bank teller and a manager in training. They will know how to decipher the balance on their mortgage accounts without having to risk their lives for more gold nuggets to satiate the typified, greedy bank manager of yore. The movie is worth watching and the moral to the story remains that even if there is no law in the Timber, there is still some greater law that says a man's home and family shall be safe in the everlasting arms although there might be a little bit of a fight with rifles in hand, a bullet wound to your wife's left shoulder and you may loose a limb trying to kill some man who is as old as the Timber itself. It's best to get a second job with your adventuring efforts as a Cow hand or as a rider with the Pony Express. "Timber"(2015); watch it and enjoy.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Those who practice Jacob's sins before his repentance as some kind of faith instead of practising Christianity.
The Lord fulfilled the law and the prophets. The experience of being born again is consistent with the old testament. It is evidenced in the testimony of Abraham, Noah, Moses and others; including Jacob. One day the Lord ignites a conscious that encourages you to live in consideration of His creation, other human beings as His prized creation and the natural law that says human life is precious. The life of Jacob indicates greed, jealousy, theft, deceit and human frailty before he entered into that new consciousness also known as being born again. It is a spiritual birth that acknowledges relationship with a supreme being. This acknowledgement is also indicative of most native cultures although language and the stories of prophets is a separate issue and the description of experiences in different cultures. This does not take away from an understanding of Yeshua and the purpose of His life to mankind. His teaching and understanding brings salvation in terms of the importance of accepting forgiveness from the supreme being and asking for forgiveness while we do not choose a life of willful sin although the confessed sin of a genuine error or mistake in judgement that may hurt another or yourself. Mind you, it is clear in the life of Jacob and also others such as David that when God has to bring something displeasing in your life to your attention, he will certainly get your attention. It took a while before David confessed what happened with Bathsheba although he must have known the answer in spite of trying his own solution. The answer was acknowledgement and confession. See Psalms 50 instead of letting the willfulness and guilt fester and turn you into a monster. Maybe if David had acknowledged it earlier, The prophet Nathan would not have had to show up and David would have thought of another solution such as sending Uriah and his wife away to the edge of the empire and keeping Uriah in his close command as a very well paid guard at an outpost, raising his wife and maybe a son. See also Psalms 51. Why did you David covet an 80 year old woman although she was very beautiful? Some have indicated in story telling that she was 80 years old for stressing the point that she was Uriah's miracle and unfortunately a coveted miracle one unfortunate day as seen by David. Yeshua lived, died and rose again to save us from the wretchedness of bitterness and unforgiveness. The civil wars in our private lives may become collective, society wide civil wars if we do not remember ourselves and what is most or more important. Go get yourself something nice at the cute global modular furniture outlet down the road and stop worrying about how he or she affords a hair cut every week such that you keep screwing up their stuff on account as you work as a client service employee at the company where they hold an account. Maybe they cut it themselves. What happened after that gay union court judgement in that amazing country? Do you have to watch yourself in sexual self-abuse on video before you get any civil courtesy from the government or otherwise? We pray that this is not so.
Anyway, Jacob sinned and hurt his family. The Lord brought it to his attention and he reconciled himself to the Lord. He also sought reconciliation with his brother. The point is he did not make it a way of life to steal from people or his family and to prey on stealing people's blessings, testimonies and miracles. Some people have turned this behavior into a culture in the name of Jacob's sin. But, they never graduate to Jacob's faith. Jacob had lived in ignorance initially.
It is demonic. The man or woman who follows this way of life in the name of culture is dead flesh, with a dead heart and is a departed, demonic soul. They are dead. Do you excuse your evil with some story that says you want to know if your victim is really that old school friend? Have you sat down with the friend for a coffee? have you invited them to your home or your restaurant and played 20 questions about grade school or High school? He knows the answers. He went on the grade 11 trip to Washington. He napped in the Smithsonian Planetarium before the stellar presentation began and hung out at 4 corners mall. Did you think that when he went to Queens in Queensland, Harvard or Liverpool that he went to some kind of Hollywood and somehow, he owes you something? But, for the last ten years, you keep breaking into his vehicle and stealing cds, spitting phlegm on the dashboard and spitting in his milk bottles
left in his SMEG(TM) fridge; so evil! You are dishonoring Jacob and the word of his testimony. It also devalues the testimony of his descendants such as Moses in addition to others and their miracles that are founded on Jacob uniting with the Shekinah Glory. if Jacob did not repent and reconcile while making amends with family, he would not have been the house of Israel. The path to being born again, as it must be made clear, is not based on practicing the discarded sin of a patriarch. Did you know Moses was a murderer? It does not mean your faith in Christ would begin with killing someone simply because it was a part of Moses' unfortunate experience. If you are feeling passive aggressive, then buy a camera and take some photos. Join an expressive martial art. Get the best score in a video game. Start a club called Mingle or "Love Someone with a coffee for two dates first" for over 20's(20-50 somethings) in your church. Did you know Charles Stanley( Pastor ) is a Christian Pastor? Read it again. In summary, cool Euro design modular furniture demonstrates that the wisdom of the ten commandments and a communal spirit that says I respect your stuff as you respect mine. Modular furniture stores could not exist on mass without the ten commandments as expressed in civil codes that presuppose the safety of property and human life; free from molestation. The codes is love because it is good for you. The other answer is a civil war but in the end, we will end up watching the "Book of Eli" as we rebuild everything based on the presuppositions that we fail to appreciate on a daily basis. Hold a door open for someone and as you do it, realize that you are loving yourself. Did you do this thing? Have a nice day!
Anyway, Jacob sinned and hurt his family. The Lord brought it to his attention and he reconciled himself to the Lord. He also sought reconciliation with his brother. The point is he did not make it a way of life to steal from people or his family and to prey on stealing people's blessings, testimonies and miracles. Some people have turned this behavior into a culture in the name of Jacob's sin. But, they never graduate to Jacob's faith. Jacob had lived in ignorance initially.

left in his SMEG(TM) fridge; so evil! You are dishonoring Jacob and the word of his testimony. It also devalues the testimony of his descendants such as Moses in addition to others and their miracles that are founded on Jacob uniting with the Shekinah Glory. if Jacob did not repent and reconcile while making amends with family, he would not have been the house of Israel. The path to being born again, as it must be made clear, is not based on practicing the discarded sin of a patriarch. Did you know Moses was a murderer? It does not mean your faith in Christ would begin with killing someone simply because it was a part of Moses' unfortunate experience. If you are feeling passive aggressive, then buy a camera and take some photos. Join an expressive martial art. Get the best score in a video game. Start a club called Mingle or "Love Someone with a coffee for two dates first" for over 20's(20-50 somethings) in your church. Did you know Charles Stanley( Pastor ) is a Christian Pastor? Read it again. In summary, cool Euro design modular furniture demonstrates that the wisdom of the ten commandments and a communal spirit that says I respect your stuff as you respect mine. Modular furniture stores could not exist on mass without the ten commandments as expressed in civil codes that presuppose the safety of property and human life; free from molestation. The codes is love because it is good for you. The other answer is a civil war but in the end, we will end up watching the "Book of Eli" as we rebuild everything based on the presuppositions that we fail to appreciate on a daily basis. Hold a door open for someone and as you do it, realize that you are loving yourself. Did you do this thing? Have a nice day!
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Enjoy the real thing.
Why do you only watch people making pancakes and you drool all day when you see some in the shop window when walking down the road? You watch people making pancakes all day long on your cell phone and at night as the ladle goes in and out of the bowl; in and out. Go to IHOP at that Hotel and make some love to your pancakes. But, you never actually eat or make any pancakes. Enjoy the real thing and don't be anxious about pancakes and the performance in the "love of pancake"making. This is not a high school basketball tournament. Be yourself and eat the pancakes. Feel the pancakes. Taste the pancakes.
Friday, 12 February 2016
A man went to Chiropractic College at the University of Belief: He got a 2:1.
A man went to Chiropractic College. He followed the syllabus, stayed up all night and studied very hard so as to understand every vertebrae, joint and muscle as best as a fearful student could when you really can't do it twice. When he was growing up, people would tell jokes about chiropractic treatments during career guidance class, suggesting it was just massage and what all night study or exam preparation do you need for that? Then the man graduated as a blackish and certainly black person. His High School friends could not believe he graduated. It was his second degree after High School. They started emailing the college to say he was dead. When he came home, they started testing his intuition by paying the post office to leave the mail in the bushes instead of in the mail box to see how smart he really was. Hopefully , he would be intuitive enough to find it in the bushes since he is a graduate; right? Isn't intelligence all about intuition and you just guess the answers in a chiropractic exam or is there learning involved? Is it as if following the syllabus was not enough and scheduling your study time was not enough to graduate for them? Nobody knows why. Even if he was dead, it would still mean that a black or blackish person graduated. He was certainly not dead. His hand writing made it obvious. He was a good graduate of the University of Western Brisbane. What evil drove his friends to threaten the University that granted the Chiropractic qualification? There was an evident mental lacuna in threatening that school. Who are these unusual adults?
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Official and Unofficial Public Face...
The movie Menace To Society indicates that there is an official and public face to the black community that involves big happy picnics and lots of head nodding with hugs and familial feelings that suggest the person eating your potato salad might be related although you hate their vehicle because there is no car payment on it and it does not have sat nav or internet. Do you have internet in your vehicle because if you don't, please avoid the picnic next summer regardless of the number of choirs you have joined and the number of bible studies that you run? But, communities that have logistic inequalities should let people enjoy their old but running classic vehicles. The car report says it's reliable so long as no one sabotages it's simple engineering. It's probably 2002 or newer a Chevy, Ford, Honda or something German. It could be also be a Nissan. Another strategy suggests that the community should kill the vehicle so that you will be motivated to work harder but no one should presume that if I work any harder sort mail 40 hours a week that I am guaranteed overtime to pay for a newer vehicle. I may not be but I can pray for the hours although I would have hoped to save money to send cash back to my home land in Alaska, pay for a mortgage, save for my children's schooling. Yet, some people want to kill the vehicle and think that you should get a new one immediately for someone's notion of a collective sense of pride but, I don't really know who decides how and when you should save for the "image" while you are about to have a child or a wedding; nor do they let you get your interview notices or just hand you job to answer phones where you have no intention of winning any awards but you might since you are a proud black person thinking of the collective pride. The unofficial face of the community involves communal killings on young men who you think have a lot of children but there is no evidence that they have any more children than the one kid that they take to Kung Fu. It may involve the unofficial belief that you should know how to take over an abandoned building being occupied by individuals illegally as you shout,:.." the door; Fed, Police!" This is unofficial as you try to re-acculturate or assimilate in reverse the ivy league Southern Californian graduate to these old customs that you fear will die away as you tell them they have to accept and know what it is to be Black. But, who says they do not know since it took your notion of the village to raise them and tell them to go to post-secondary education and work twice as hard but now you are worried about feeling intimidated and this is your village's crop. But if yo u have Cab Calloway-ish hair, why do you care about their education or how they feel upon graduation since you are immediately superior in your imagination to everyone( in spite of the sex for cash disease given to you Granny in the soup so that she would be equal) and you might get more sex offers from ill people unless you are just the devil or his demon? So, do not dissociate from your product in the unofficial essence of your community although the sat nav and vehicle internet is just the thing for which one must breathe these days; innit? There are other unofficial expressions that suggest you should know who smashed your mother's front door and that you should react accordingly by showing up to get them pregnant "...You should know, you should know who it is, you should feel it" or at least smash some of their property in response until it becomes a physical altercation. Unfortunately, clenched arms and concerns about policing cannot be the only rallying cry for public community identity and the push toward community cohesion but it might be and at least it works. It works because the less public and unofficial face of the community that worries about whether someone is feeling too good about themselves or is presuming a position of social authority after a church choir solo or the bake sale is just hell on earth. I don't think we really need you and nor did we need you at any time although you provide sufficient evidence for the less evident and unwritten history and reality of the black community. Some of your produce do not understand the shenanigans but they loved the sermon about "...doing unto others as you would have them do unto you". It's the year 2016 and this unofficial face of the community is just a drag on any hope that black men and white men could sit down " one day" some where but they really do know how to move a basketball and puck these days while they sit down in the locker rooms and at Quiznos so the gay self-loathing crap that seeks to justify why tuition should only be spent on social work degrees if your parents are ill refugee minded orphans is not necessary because the children of the orphans should have been able to believe in graduating in any penchant as you said if you did not believe it as you encouraged them. But you did get a lot of attention eh as you tutored. You looked really good that day with the ray ban eye glasses on and you showed everybody your B.A in the year 1985. But, the community should believe that those chiropractic graduates can live and give back to the community after they graduated without you feeling it necessary to justify your career direction or protect against your fear of them being "above you" by using your social and professional connections to say that the world is still just as racist as it was when you decided to focus on social work as you sung "Le Freak, Le Chic". So let's clench arms and ask what are you really telling the world about your plea for equality when you put battery acid in the black lady's food who is standing and clenching arms beside you at your homey eatery and you broke into her house and put battery acid in her shampoo so she would have less authority socially and get old a little faster because... you're soo vain; you probably think this article is about you. Death is certainly evil if it is untimely and an unfortunate impetus for community cohesion in the Corinthian Leathered vehicle of life; never mind the old lady's deathly need for attention. She wanted to feel a little special. Did they have any insurance on that athlete of the year? Can you carry this into your community's future or this the pith and essential husk of the community so that you have no choice? Well, of course you can. This is how it survived 1969 and to this day, Coretta and Betty had to keep their concerns about this blood lust in their community quiet or else, you never know. About Granny, why would you resent the education and opportunities that your descendants enjoy in a more equitable world? She used to shout ``She`s a whore`` at the Puritan Pastor`s wife while at the Supermarket and shout ``He`s a lech`` to the Pastor when she would see them in public. Granny was anxious about spiritual authority and she had no personal knowledge of them. It was just the way they feel as a couple in public. Granny must have prayed for her descendants though or that the world would change so you could enjoy a movie at a public theatre without having to give sex to get in to the theatre.
Did you do this thing? Have a nice day!
Did you do this thing? Have a nice day!
Here's a sort of late night talk show moment to think out loud. If the city is San Juan after the male Saint John or San Marcos, then if Santa Claus is male, why isn't it San Claus instead of Santa Claus? It is only "Santa" if the subject Saint is feminine such as Santa Clara or Santa Maria or is there something else being communicated?...hmmm?
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Fugio Cent: Mind Your Business!; Innit?

Fugio Cent
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2013) |
United States | |
Value | 0.01 U.S. dollar |
Mass | 10.2 g |
Composition | Cu |
Obverse | |
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Design | Sun and Sun dial |
Designer | Benjamin Franklin |
Design date | 1787 |
Reverse | |
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Design | "We Are One", 13 State Chain Links |
Designer | Benjamin Franklin |
Design date | 1787 |
The Fugio Cent is the first official cent of the United States. It was designed by Benjamin Franklin. While very available in lower grades, rare examples in excellent condition are highly sought after by collectors.
On April 21, 1787, the Congress of the Confederation of the United States authorized a design for an official copper penny,[1] later referred to as the Fugio cent because of its image of the sun shining down on a sundial with the caption, "Fugio" (Latin: I flee/fly). This coin was reportedly designed by Benjamin Franklin; as a reminder to its holders, he put at its bottom the message, "Mind Your Business." The image and the words form a rebus meaning that "time flies, do your work." This design was also used on the "Continental dollar" (issued as coins of unknown real denomination, and in paper notes of different fractional denominations) in February 1776.
Some historians believe that the word "business" was intended literally here, as Franklin was an influential and successful businessman. Given Franklin's history publishingaphorisms, it may have been intended to mean both monetary and social business.
The reverse side of both the 1776 coins and paper notes, and the 1787 coins, bore the third motto "We Are One" (in English) surrounded by thirteen chain links, representing the original thirteen colonial states.
Following the reform of the central government with the 1789 ratification of the 1787 Constitution, gold and silver coins transitioned to the motto "E pluribus unum" from the Great Seal of the United States.
See also[edit]
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