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Friday, 14 August 2015

Je n'ai pas souvien ton nom! Quelle est ton nom? J'ai moi nom.

War is good for the civic health of the nation. This is only when you get too close to the fire and brimstone in your souls and then you see it every day in the town square, the food in the supermarket and coffee at Le Café; and the devils beat at your door to take your children and also the angels that are blessing your home. They might just use a tv as a key to get in your front door or maybe they will use a box office blockbuster cartoon that you have to watch to fit in or else you might be led to feel ashamed. Oh dear! They act as if the word of God and the angels have no place in public life or schools. Mon Dieu mon frere et pere et mon ami. Ou' est le famille avec le barbe et tu hockey ou tu sport! But the war will be of no benefit when the society is continually denigrating its institutions, founding mores and values 24 hours a day and 7 days a week in a multi-channeled media wi-fied universe. The problem is not the medium however. It could be quite civilizing but the issue with tv these days is simple. It may have something to do with the average "estuary" content that is making everyone about 10 years old sort of psychologically; even if you are 78. But, the point is people would watch tv all day if it was just Lawrence Welk and the Flinstones on air or I Dream Of Genie; so funny! It seems as if someone is trying to find out how much locker room innuendo you can get away with before someone says "...I am not sure what I just watched in front of my wife or my mother. The dog left the room and mourned as well." What does "go gay" mean any way when it is spoken under the breath in North America? What about Corpus Christi? Because you do not know enough about your own culture, if you watch the Color Purple, you are going to think that it is, some how, the normal happenings in a swamp town. But, if you watch the other period piece about tragedy in a swamp, then you will have a husband( if you are a chick) and will not be gay and hopefully they will show it every year during Christmas for twenty years until my gay cousin gets the point; that I am not going to be gay.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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