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Friday, 21 August 2015

Let's Talk!

So, uh, as it happens, World War I and World II worked to weaken or vacate the influence of the Ottoman empire and also the British empire's hold on the ancestral holy lands to enable the existence of the state of Israel.  These significant global conflicts also strengthened the U.S. as a global power that would have sufficient influence to bring the state into existence in '48 but its position concerning Israel was quite discreet and it is quite clear, further to historical record, that the U.S. held a quite balanced yet some what reluctant position concerning the infant state's international interests.   Quite often, it is said that the U.S. provided no help in the early days.    As such, it can also be said quite pointedly that the Balfour declaration would not have taken place without or prior to World War I.  It is manifest destiny.  It is the only way to wear a scarlet blue dress.  British control of the holy lands was essential before such a declaration could be made. Prior to World War I, the holy lands were under Ottoman control.  British control after World War I was essential.   Moving forward to World War II,  Nazism may have amounted to a construct to disenable any further reluctance in the international community and give full realization to the declaration, enfeebling those who reneged emotionally on what was declared.   It is a frightening notion but so is racism of any kind. Hitler was an illogical human variable possibly to achieve God's purpose.  But, this was certainly not to turn a blind eye on racism as a very unusual human phenomena in a world full of discovery and evidence of equality in human ability or else a black dude's essays would not be used soo much by the vain, insecure, in-genuine, lazy and power hungry regardless of race while some users threaten a death.  The black guy could live a simple quiet life in a quiet job and who would have known?  Hitler may have been the "right gay" patsy after all and dunce enough although some how capable to magnify his hatred and anger with the jumbo screen(now a 24 hr news channel of some variation) to indoctrinate the minds turned toward the jugular and lowest common denominator.
As such, there is little reason to explain why an elegant and passionate declaration was not a state flag and a seat for the State of Israel in 1919 or 1920 at the League of Nations.   The battle of Megiddo happened in 1918 with those miraculous flying machines called airplanes equipped with gatling guns at the front.  It is described as a certain vision of the Prophet John in Revelations. So, uh, what are we going to do?  All the world is a stage. It is also politics.  We could do it again maybe or decide that Babylon can be a God Fearing place under some code that respects life and families or we can see the fire that consumes the earth where such fires can take place by the collective will and intent of mankind or it may just happen 12000 years from now if we are patient to see the natural or the manmade fire works. The honor the end does not have to fall upon our capable generation. Ask Oppenheimer. He knows. He would also tell you patience is a virtue.  We don't have to be soo bothered with the end when our motive is to enjoy life and share peace with our fellow men. So, don't tell anybody to go home if they are a citizen or immigrant like you. Love them. It makes it better. If you are nervous about being taken in the twinkling eye of a nuclear blast in any minute, then live accordingly. Turn that evil show off. Watch a contextual dvd such as the Terminator or Men Of Honor. You could also try Alien or Mission Impossible so that you know when to run from an emotionally dependent sex addict chick who is trying to use a nice Christian guy.  She spits in the coffee dispenser but never happens to have a husband. You will notice that you might feel her trying to read your pin code for your uh cell phone.  DID YOU KNOW THAT THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY HAS ALLOWED MORE THAN A 1500 radioactive nuclear blasts since 1945 as conducted by various nations? That is not so good really for the bird, bees and the flowers or the beautiful trees. What do you think?   Let's talk!   Read Hebrews 9 and know that any second return is like a light that is unmistakable and he does not need to be killed for any purpose. It's in Hebrews 9. 

I never understood why the Lord needed a Ramses to build a nation of Israel or why the last days would be like the days of Noah but so it is.  Let us see more nuclear bits in the music videos. Maybe they could just keep the clothes on and use music to celebrate life. It's a beautiful thing.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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