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Monday, 24 August 2015

The truth is that the actors or politicians are needed to motivate and rally the people to pray for family values in light of lewd, gay television and music videos. To maintain legitimacy in a purportedly democratic society( democracy is starting to become a bad word though to some and I am not sure why), the equation is simple. The democratic vote and the actors (aka politicians) are cogs in a wheel. The wheel comes along and is deciding policy; policy that is allowing for censorless airwaves and other vitiations of our usual expectations of habeas corpus rights, intellectual property rights and civil liberties.

The truth is that the actors or politicians are needed to motivate and rally the people to pray for family values in light of lewd, effeminate television and music videos. To maintain legitimacy in a purportedly democratic society( democracy is starting to become a bad word though to some and I am not sure why), the equation is simple. The democratic vote and the actors (aka politicians) are cogs in a wheel. The wheel comes along and is deciding policy; policy that is allowing for censorless airwaves and other vitiations of our usual expectations of habeas corpus rights, intellectual property rights and civil liberties.  They are hog tying society and civil liberties on a $70000.00 salary with pension and soon it will not matter whether you are moca enough to avoid having your civil liberties hog tied. Moca is not going to be good enough in this direction. You could take your clothes off but never get home; not like the 70's and 80's but you might not get home except but in an urn after the rainbow swastika people have their ways with you while you are semi- conscious on rohypnol. Your bible is in your handbag in addition to the list of high school friends that you are trying to kill with your whorish authority simply because you chose whore and they chose post-secondary education.  The rainbow people include those who got a little weak on Viagra since it kills your organs and they are afraid of being rejected if they can't be fully function like DATA.  Viagra sterilizes you. Read the online encyclopedia article.  The wheel is possibly a shadow government some where that can take over the role and power of the elected authority and administration according to the experience of Robert McNamara as Secretary Of Defence; so he said. Troops were in Vietnam before he could have any input on the issue and he wasn't sure who decided it or why was decided. I think he said it might have been a State Department but I would have to watch his documentary again.   He was rather tearful about it everything. It was very, very emotional.

Lincoln's assassination was the South's version of Guerilla warfare and the last word or the first word in the newly divided(divided socially and educationally) but United States of America. Kennedy's assassination is evidence of the fact that he did not honor the people who put him the position as a cog; the people who were duty bound to keep him there for eight years with Cuba being converted to a protectorate. It is asinine to think that Russia was going to launch a nuclear attack from Cuba. They could have used a more surgical nuclear sub with nuclear wardheads(see slbms since the 1950's) or a minute man ICBM since both sides had operational units since 1959.  Actors follow the script. They do not tell the directors what to do unless they are a director  of the company themselves. So, maybe we can still have the joy of a free and fair election before the families and powers in the stratosphere that constitute the wheel turn on their "cruise control"  to drive the world to peace, Armageddon or to the happy, stable medium of quiet, unseen conflicts called a cold war so the big boys can get their  giz energy out and use their new technological toys.   This way, domestically and internationally, you can promote the U.S. and Western democracies yourselves as the best alternative to communism or totalitarianism.  They tell you that a bi-polar world is more stable than a multi-polar world.  Have a dog fight with mach 10 fighter jets or two but  Captain America does not need a civil war. CNN is now headquartered in Brussels apparently where black people have lived in peace and speaking French from birth for more than 20 generations.  Tu n'a comprend pas?  They also sell Starbucks and Gap and coca cola.  Who could ask for anything more?   We never understood why southern trees kept bearing strange fruit after World War II. We are not really sure  what happened but she has a point! This is prime time.  They can also also watch  smart bomb replays on their smart phones right after the "naked dating" re-runs.   But, no one  really asked to  see this nonsense on tv.  What about a humanizing, socially unifying, "smart phone generation" version of  Mary Tyler Moore?  Please use smart bombs armed with Ikea house paint and nothing else for the cold war Bourne Supremacy games. Bring Marie back to life and the  district attorney  chick who died in Batman the  "dud" knight.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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