New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Tuesday, 21 August 2012
The Image
I spend soo little time with my image that I just use Dial or Dove soap for men and there is also the new Nivea line for men and the Irish Spring line for men and the list goes on for uh Men. Some men just use water and an electric shaver with some bar of soap for the shower; sexy. Great! The image has been with us for a very long time and God warns against graven idols or images. I love TV though and movies since 1911. Dr. Diesel happened to die that year as well just after witnessing the first movies at the Paris World Fair. The issue is that we might put the idol before the creator or the created thing before the creator and then if we spend so much time watching the images which may also contain images of ourselves, we might start to love ourselves just too much and become a little uh vain. In the last days men would become lovers of self, we are told. This love of self is the antithesis of God's purpose if it is not the self-love that helps us to love others regardless of colour, creed, religion and ancestry. What was all that praying and head shaking about and all that killing in God's name for this cross or that reich when everybody is sitting down to Aunt Jemima serving pancakes at the country fair circa 1861-1874? She even nursed a few white generals on her paps. Now, men had a purpose and the purpose was to be good stewards of the earth. Even if you are not running a farm or wildlife preserve, we should keep this most humbling purpose and responsibilty in mind in everything we might get ourselves involved in with all that reading with glasses on and coffee in hand at the global cafe. The issue is that if I moved from that rural environment where I could at least see some farm animals, I might not remember that good purpose so often but now I am so plugged into watching people in alleged reality tv shows and other shows that I can forget that good purpose. You might argue that the shows and the media could reflect that good purpose and our collective concerns for the same; maybe so. There is nothing to worry about then or I might forget with their assistance and start to just love myself and images of myself and others or what I am told to aspire to just a little too much maybe. I was happily married man from Eastern Europe one day and then we moved to Dayton Ohio with the big highways. My wife and I took the subway back home but I could never do anything fast enough to make her feel good while living in Dayton. I was told by her to do it this way because she read that article or she knows someone here who has a way and a used Toyota wasn't going to be enough it seems. You know what I mean. We did learn to shop at TJ Maxx where everything eventually becomes a $10.00 value. She filed for separation because we were seen in our container (vehicle) too often and the glaring eyes of disapproval were too much it seems. It was just a 2008 Camry but she married a Newer vehicle from Nissan Max something or other or maybe Benz of some kind. I don't remember. I did have new socks and she had new stockings and her favourite song was vanity, vanity-all is vanity. She applied to be a garbage woman at $60,000.00 although she was a lawyer. Public Servant defenders made about the same amount as a garbage man with five mandatory legal aid files and an additional sum on hourly rate on legal aid for other files. In our country, public servant defenders made money on legal aid only at just slightly higher hourly rates but their bills were summarily cut in half ( the temptation to keep files open was tremendous in light of the obvious answers for a withdrawal of charges, failing to vehemently defend their clients according to their oaths and conduct rules). If they did not point out the obvious( law exam-spot the obvious issue or fail it regardless of color ) and opted to milk the file to pay for the stuff and the student loans etc-people could get upset because this is not a law exam with Green farmer at Whiteacre and we hate unsafe convictions. Its in the cases-lawyers coveted and would almost kill and shew away other lawyers, scrounging for such clients with these certificates and would make sure they had their due from society that demanded they have the newest and the best-accountants can wear shirts three months old while lawyers could only wear shirts one month old or suffer being looked at with disdain as if there was not enough money. Its in a case called Robertson v. Son -1807) while doctors billed what they wanted with little questioning whether they saw the patient or not. You just swiped the card and signed the waiting list but sometimes you were never seen and if you came back the next day because they were too busy, they would swipe the card again. I learned quite quickly because I thought lawyers wrote the legislation that paid garbage men, doctors and the lawyers as well; right?
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