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Friday, 31 August 2012

Jesus' teaching in Mark 4

I knew a Pastor's son or grandson; I can't remember exactly. But, he was a bible study leader and youth group leader and eventually he decided to go to law school. While in law school, he taught vehemently on the the lessons in Mark 4 and he would boast in saying "..many will hear but not hear; many will see but not see." He should have played some soccer as well.  God answered his prayer for tuition etc and help with a job afterward as a pastoral family law counsellor but on graduation day, he was offered to be with the prettiest non-Sunday school graduate in the town and she said she wanted a wedding as well.  He was also offered a job as a manager of a legal software company and a free subscription to Histler boy magazine by the new friends who felt he fit in now and he really wanted to fit in because he was a lawyer now. He got everything he really wanted. He wasn't sure what seed would best describe his new life. But, it was just the way it is since he was different now. He wondered what seed would that be since he was different now and all; you know! He also accepted the truth that it is not what goes into the man that defiles him but the evil thoughts and adulteries, the pride of life and you know the rest. "What seed am I?" and "What seed do I want to be?" Those are very very good questions.  The text also tells us that the devil left Him (Matthew 4)after the temptation only seeking another opportune moment( hungry, lonely, tired, low on dignity and self-respect) to tempt Him again.

Today's feature is Sleeping beauty just after the news below.

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