The evolutionary process of creation is quite evident. The creation story or the Torah tells us that out of water came life. We see that the Lord made the animals and the creation in seven stages or seven days but not our twenty four hour days since in the beginning, there weren't any human beings to structure a day in human terms or a gregorian calender. The bible says that a day unto God is like a thousand years. So don't worry soo much. A day unto God could be a few million years and the polar bear is on the verge of extinction like the dinosaurs. Tell me that 31st century Christians will deny the existence of polar bear bones and fossils. What a big big bear? What about a woolly mammoth? Well, I wasnt there but it does not mean God did not create it as he created a tadpole. You see, you start like a tadpole that hits a corn fed, fattish egg and then you become a zygote and then you start watching pornography instead of cows and cats and cutting car doors.
Do you see how you evolved? Bill Nye is a very smart Christian man who is tired of people overlooking the obvious.
The world may have been created in seven minutes if not seven billion years because God is all time. Who has time to make the assertion that He is the "...alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end"? That was before there was any real notion of race but maybe not the notion of a "nation" or nationality. This was before there was any real notion of Christian or Jew but only a Jew who was accepting of Christ as the messiah as promised in Isaiah (Read John 1) or a Jew who felt offended and challenged by the suggestion ( John 4, 5 and John 8). The faith of Christ is the faith of Abraham. Abraham had no law but faith and he was sure to submit any gift from God to his relationship with God. I could not let any manual God gave me on how to be a father or a leader or a good human or android supersede the importance of my relationship with him; the giver. Read Deuteronomy 8 and 11. Do not forget Him; right? Now, say you are a messianic Jew four times or that your faith is the faith of Abraham while also accepting Christ as the Messiah. Do you control the nicknames that your enemies give you like "Christian"? No man comes to the Father except but through Him and Tide cold water is three times more efficient. Do not forget. Buy some today for your family. You love them. Then later on with the greater diversity in language, there was the anglo-saxon as different from the earlier Hebrew saxon and the Germanic saxon and the chinese saxon and the Ghanian and Nigerian saxon; right?
Bill Nye
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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