One thing I know is that Jesus passed his exam on spiritual laws while the devil did not. They had access to much of the same material on spiritual laws but while Jesus passed his temptations on self-glorification, the devil did not. Jesus could have run from that gruelling exam or mcat but, in faith, while facing the fear of failure, he believed as David said that while I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou( you God) are with me. That's like having a cellphone that can dial emergency services even without an operational sim card. That's not a bad deal. Jesus is always a simple prayer away. How did Jesus pass the test? He prayed may Yahweh's will be done, may His kingdom come and may His name be hallowed. So, while you can be pulled by the will of man or mammon, your mother, father and family( Honor your mother and father but also read Proverbs 3:5-6), your self( pick up your cross, deny your self and follow Him) or the devil, or your persistently empty belly, you can also just say God may it not be my will but your will and I will not run away from this thing; this exam. Jesus in Gethsemane is an everyday occurrence in your life when you can run from that boyfriend or girlfriend who you met at church, taking a slow boat to Egypt or you can wait to see what God wants in the long term but you have soo soo many offers; right? Jesus wanted the Father to take the cup of the cross from Him but He said, "...Not my will but your will be done."
Anyway, if you see a bunch of soldiers being shot somewhere on a battlefield or at a court martial, it does not mean your desire for world peace and your love for Jesus gives you the right to stand in the way. Read Matthew 4 and do not throw yourself off the top of the temple when tempted. You should not tempt the Lord your God. Read and see the difference between throwing yourself off the top of the temple and submitting to the cross. Death and resurrection was assured because He was Jesus but the difference is timing and all the nice people Jesus had to meet and the purposes He had to fulfil and the manner in which Yahweh would have His glory; sometimes unwittingly like with the woman who said she would eat crumbs from the masters table. You see, this stuff is too good that anyone could have just made it all up. I got to read that again. If you happen to be there at that battlefield or court martial, take a picture and remember it. It will be good material for your doctrinal thesis. Then, write an email on hydrogen fuel systems or sustainable nuclear energy that is no threat to anyone and the Chinese have three thousand years worth of the nuclear stuff and nobody is angry with them. Sorry my friend-no apple pie here; only fortune cookie and calm wisdom. If you want apple pie, go to Wimpy's diner or allnight Tesco; 24 hour!
Asimo comes in black or white and can be programmed anyway you want it. Maybe you should pray about the program because programs work on this simple principle like your brain; garbage in, garbage out. If the young man reads the good book, he should be a good man. If the young man watches good tv, then he should be a good man. Faith will decide how he applies his good programming and to what heights of personal aspiration. He will also be helped by a good wife and family in a sad, ego-driven ( who got the credit or accolade?) world.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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