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Friday, 31 August 2012

Jesus' teaching in Mark 4

I knew a Pastor's son or grandson; I can't remember exactly. But, he was a bible study leader and youth group leader and eventually he decided to go to law school. While in law school, he taught vehemently on the the lessons in Mark 4 and he would boast in saying "..many will hear but not hear; many will see but not see." He should have played some soccer as well.  God answered his prayer for tuition etc and help with a job afterward as a pastoral family law counsellor but on graduation day, he was offered to be with the prettiest non-Sunday school graduate in the town and she said she wanted a wedding as well.  He was also offered a job as a manager of a legal software company and a free subscription to Histler boy magazine by the new friends who felt he fit in now and he really wanted to fit in because he was a lawyer now. He got everything he really wanted. He wasn't sure what seed would best describe his new life. But, it was just the way it is since he was different now. He wondered what seed would that be since he was different now and all; you know! He also accepted the truth that it is not what goes into the man that defiles him but the evil thoughts and adulteries, the pride of life and you know the rest. "What seed am I?" and "What seed do I want to be?" Those are very very good questions.  The text also tells us that the devil left Him (Matthew 4)after the temptation only seeking another opportune moment( hungry, lonely, tired, low on dignity and self-respect) to tempt Him again.

Today's feature is Sleeping beauty just after the news below.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery (er I mean the culture of slavery)

Here is a good one. Check this out.

I gre:w up in a small town where children could play freely without any fear or doubt about their future as they might have envisioned after watching Saturday morning TV.

But, there were a group of kids from the Arawak Indian community of various colours and shades.  They got to play as well but as soon as they got to child bearing age and sufficient maturity at age 24, certain behaviours were expected of them.  Men had to have large biceps to be accepted by females in that community because ancestrally many of these individuals had descended from a non-free people who were subjected to horrible brutality and slavery. Ultimately, the men had to at least appear robust enough to pull a horse drawn cart and strong enough to fend off any man who may wish to just abusively throw the woman in his cabin or horse drawn wagon. Also, the community ran on a notion of respect which meant you had to have at least six children during your life time and maybe as many partners if you were a man.  If you wanted only one woman, you might be called ill.

What was most disheartening is that if you did not come from a Saturday school that taught you these lessons so that you understood by 24, the women may try and ensure you would understand because that is just the way it is.  It was cultural.  But, because of  the long journey of history that confounds every child's ancestry, how do you know your ancestor does not include the man who climbed Mount Sinai to get you the ten commandments?  The point is that celebrating the recent break in your ancestors' journey by perpetuating it and its unfortunate meaning for their experience and your child's present or future is counter-productive and its cultural you say. Pass the chitlins. Yes; chicken feet are served at dim sum so why not some pig gut or goat belly or trotters? Well, I just want sliced turkey breast and I have never watched the movie "Beloved" and I choose not to know because it felt painful when I heard about it and I would rather watch Barry Manilow sing Copa Cobana and I also love watching Dwight Yorke and Andy Cole videos as they score hat tricks and Penelope Cruz speaking slowly in some well-conceived movie about common sense or even Thandi Newton in something interesting or edifying or Kenya Moore in an episode of ER as a good nurse; Yah!

Now, Bruce Lee was strong like Jackie Chan but they do not have such an overtly large bicep. That does not fit the expectation of the Arawak Indian woman usually and still though they are men.  They want or have children. That is all you need.  Steroid induced biceps are not necessarily "will-power" biceps that can actually pull the cart if not so overtly big and help you uh get some consistency in the corn bread. This does not mean he is "too sof" What is that as a matter of discussion? He is consistent with his uh corn bread. Ok? Just ask his last wife since there is uh an implicit covenant in what you do. She said "..You don't get me."  What does that mean after 10 minutes minimum of conversation and lots of coffee?

The bitterness of a culture arising around prolonged difficulties can become self-perpetuating. It is only a culture of poverty that is anxious about his neighbour's child and their discipline to run every night and to read their high school or college notes over every night from Monday to Thursday or at lunch if there is homework; a culture of poverty to be anxious about how many sons someone could have or the hew, pitch or contrast of your neighbour's skin tone. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and so are you in relation to Him no matter how fast you nuclearwave your food in 1 minute or have an instant shower. Use a washcloth because your armpits will never change or the sweat from playing tennis or base jumping.  God is not changing and neither is His expectations of us whether you have Shakespeare or Dickens in paperback or e-reader. What did you learn when you read Dickens or the bible or Torah?  This is why Jesus passed his Exam as seen in Matthew 4 and the devil did not but they both had access to most of the same information.  Jesus submitted.  Abraham  did pretty good on his exam as well.  Read Matthew 4.  Your ancestors may find ways to ensure that they pass the bitterness on to a 157th generation if they can because they could have just decided to cut it off with some painful forgiveness but its hard to see how the way in which you are shouting at your grand children, calling them a bad child is just a manifestation of your own rejection and all they did is forget to say good morning fast enough or put the crumbs in the sink to mix it with the water to celebrate the communion(but you are a very good church lady in our memories and made or make good peanut butter and jam sandwiches with the ends cut off how you liked it and you were proud to see them dance to Diana Ross and the Hustle and they saw you smile at that and you asked them to dance some more!) and they were just five years old and still learning to tie their shoes. But you do know someone can call time on this and you can pause to see yourself and say maybe my ancestors before this horrible 400 year break were doing something else like writing books calmly and quietly in some other culture not based on pain, bitterness and rejection and family hurt. Maybe they were painters or hunters or dead sea scroll scholars before this fear of a dirty-blond Jesus and anything that mentioned His name in a book happened.  Just remember that the bible was in Africa for hundreds of years before it was in Europe and well preserved in the Ethiopian Coptic Church (Acts 8)Ok? This is before Paul got to Rome where he paid the ultimate price for the grace depicted in Peter's dream drafted in Acts 10; also used as a depiction of democracy in many scholarly visions. 

Frankl identifies three psychological reactions experienced by all inmates to one degree or another: (1) shock during the initial admission phase to the camp, (2) apathy after becoming accustomed to camp existence, in which the inmate values only that which helps himself and his friends survive, and (3) reactions of depersonalization, moral deformity, bitterness, and disillusionment if he survives and is liberated.
Frankl concludes that the meaning of life is found in every moment of living; life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death. In a group therapy session during a mass fast inflicted on the camp's inmates trying to protect an anonymous fellow inmate from fatal retribution by authorities, Frankl offered the thought that for everyone in a dire condition there is someone looking down, a friend, family member, or even God, who would expect not to be disappointed. Frankl concludes from his experience that a prisoner's psychological reactions are not solely the result of the conditions of his life, but also from the freedom of choice he always has even in severe suffering. The inner hold a prisoner has on his spiritual self relies on having a hope in the future, and that once a prisoner loses that hope, he is doomed.
An example of Frankl's idea of finding meaning in the midst of extreme suffering is found in his account of an experience he had while working in the harsh conditions of the Auschwitz concentration camp:
... We stumbled on in the darkness, over big stones and through large puddles, along the one road leading from the camp. The accompanying guards kept shouting at us and driving us with the butts of their rifles. Anyone with very sore feet supported himself on his neighbor's arm. Hardly a word was spoken; the icy wind did not encourage talk. Hiding his mouth behind his upturned collar, the man marching next to me whispered suddenly: "If our wives could see us now! I do hope they are better off in their camps and don't know what is happening to us." That brought thoughts of my own wife to mind. And as we stumbled on for miles, slipping on icy spots, supporting each other time and again, dragging one another up and onward, nothing was said, but we both knew: each of us was thinking of his wife. Occasionally I looked at the sky, where the stars were fading and the pink light of the morning was beginning to spread behind a dark bank of clouds. But my mind clung to my wife's image, imagining it with an uncanny acuteness. I heard her answering me, saw her smile, her frank and encouraging look. Real or not, her look was then more luminous than the sun which was beginning to rise.
A thought transfixed me: for the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way – an honorable way – in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment. For the first time in my life I was able to understand the meaning of the words, "The angels are lost in perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory...."[6]
Frankl also concludes that there are only two races of men, decent men and indecent. No society is free of either of them, and thus there were "decent" Nazi guards and "indecent" prisoners, most notably the kapo who would torture and abuse their fellow prisoners for personal gain.
His concluding passage in Part One describes the psychological reaction of the inmates to their liberation, which he separates into three stages. The first is depersonalization—a period of readjustment, in which a prisoner gradually returns to the world. Initially, the liberated prisoners are so numb that they are unable to understand what freedom means, or to emotionally respond to it. Part of them believes that it is an illusion or a dream that will be taken away from them. In their first foray outside their former prison, the prisoners realized that they could not comprehend pleasure. Flowers and the reality of the freedom they had dreamed about for years were all surreal, unable to be grasped in their depersonalization.
The body is the first element to break out of this stage, responding by big appetites of eating and wanting more sleeping. Only after the partial replenishing of the body is the mind finally able to respond, as “feeling suddenly broke through the strange fetters which had restrained it” (111).
This begins the second stage, in which there is a danger of deformation. As the intense pressure on the mind is released, mental health can be endangered. Frankl uses the analogy of a diver suddenly released from his pressure chamber. He recounts the story of a decent friend who became immediately obsessed with dispensing the same violence in judgement of his abusers that they had inflicted on him.
Upon returning home, the prisoners had to struggle with two fundamental experiences which could also damage their mental health: bitterness and disillusionment. The last stage is bitterness at the lack of responsiveness of the world outside—a "superficiality and lack of disgusting that one finally felt like creeping into a hole and neither hearing nor seeing human beings any more" (113). Worse was disillusionment, which was the discovery that suffering does not end, that the longed-for happiness will not come. This was the experience of those who – like Frankl – returned home to discover that no one awaited them. The hope that had sustained them throughout their time in the concentration camp was now gone. Frankl cites this experience as the most difficult to overcome.
As time passed, however, the prisoner's experience in a concentration camp finally became nothing but a remembered nightmare. What is more, he knows that he has nothing left to fear any more, "except his God" (115).

Frankl's meaning in life is to help others find theirs.'s_Search_for_Meaning

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Asimo for President of Apple Computers!

One thing I know is that Jesus passed his exam on spiritual laws while the devil did not.  They had access to much of the same material on spiritual laws but while Jesus passed his temptations on self-glorification, the devil did not. Jesus could have run from that gruelling exam or mcat but, in faith, while facing the fear of failure, he believed as David said that while I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou( you God) are with me.  That's like having a cellphone that can dial emergency services even without an operational sim card.  That's not a bad deal. Jesus is always a simple prayer away. How did Jesus pass the test? He prayed may Yahweh's will be done, may His kingdom come and may His name be hallowed. So, while you can be pulled by the will of man or mammon, your mother, father and family( Honor your mother and father but also read Proverbs 3:5-6), your self( pick up your cross, deny your self and follow Him) or the devil, or your persistently empty belly, you can also just say God may it not be my will but your will and I will not  run away from this thing; this exam.  Jesus in Gethsemane is an everyday occurrence in your life when you can run from that boyfriend or girlfriend who you met at church, taking a slow boat to Egypt or you can wait to see what God wants in the long term but you have soo soo many offers; right? Jesus wanted the Father to take the cup of the cross from Him but He said, "...Not my will but your will be done."

Anyway, if you see a bunch of soldiers being shot somewhere on a battlefield or at a court martial, it does not mean your desire for world peace and your love for Jesus gives you the right to stand in the way.  Read Matthew 4 and do not throw yourself off the top of the temple when tempted. You should not tempt the Lord your God. Read and see the difference between throwing yourself off the top of the temple and submitting to the cross. Death and resurrection was assured because He was Jesus but the difference is timing and all the nice people Jesus had to meet and the purposes He had to fulfil and the manner in which Yahweh would have His glory; sometimes unwittingly like with the woman who said she would eat crumbs from the masters table.  You see, this stuff is too good that anyone could have just made it all up. I got to read that again.  If you happen to be there at that battlefield or court martial, take a picture and remember it. It will be good material for your doctrinal thesis. Then, write an email on hydrogen fuel systems or sustainable nuclear energy that is no threat to anyone and the Chinese have three thousand years worth of the nuclear stuff and nobody is angry with them.  Sorry my friend-no apple pie here; only fortune cookie and calm wisdom.  If you want apple pie, go to Wimpy's diner or allnight Tesco; 24 hour! 

Asimo comes in black or white and can be programmed anyway you want it. Maybe you should pray about the program because programs work on this simple principle like your brain; garbage in, garbage out. If the young man reads the good book, he should be a good man. If the young man watches good tv, then he should be a good man. Faith will decide how he applies his good programming and to what heights of personal aspiration.  He will also be helped by a good wife and family in a sad, ego-driven ( who got the credit or accolade?) world.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Warring Brothers

Brothers fighting is a prominent story in the Torah and in life of which the Torah is a record of history and of life itself.  It is too good that anyone should make it up.  Now Cain killed Abel and Abel was just trying to please God just like Abraham some generations later.  At the beginning of the 20th Century, it is rumoured that some brothers were fighting even if they did not realise it; the Germanic saxons vs some other saxons elsewhere like in England who were Anglo saxons. What happened? Well, there was one called Diesel who was really studious and loved efficiency and built an engine that ran better than a steam engine that ran on coal I suppose. The diesel engine was to run on vegetable oil which would have pushed up food and corn prices.   Ultimately,  Dr. Diesel was on his way to the United Kingdom in 1911 by ship to open a diesel engine factory but went missing on the ship and was found dead a few days later floating in the water.  He was killed or maybe he jumped in. The following year in 1912, the Titanic sunk but interestingly reports in the press about the Captain were quite telling in that the Captain was not expected to succeed and questioned his experience and abilities.  Today, we have satellite navigation instead of unreliable maps that could misplace an immovable iceberg. We also have steam engines.  We also have Dr. Diesel's engine that runs on fossil fuels in addition to vegetable oils right from the factory floor following modifications after his death to accommodate the fossil fuel variants.

A few years later, a war broke out in Europe following the assassination of a German Colonel.  If you do not recall the facts indicating that it was a colonel, then just google it or read a book which is usually as reliable and copied verbatim (TM)  to the internet. It was a big war but at least we have Dr. Diesel's engine today named after him to commemorate his design and his efficiency and a fossil fuel of the same name to celebrate his engine and its utmost success in efficiency.  While, you can always sell a mop for spills and many mops for big big spills of a true accidental nature or spills that are created, peace also has its dividends in the long term future with compound interest. 

I got an "exceed" on my righteousness and or uh umm my "call quality"

Jesus said your righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and pharisees.  That is essentially the righteousness of relationship.  You must see Matthew 5:20.  Knowing the word is a blessed thing and that you must also try and remember it when young.  An old baptist of white scotts-irish decent taught me that once.  They do have old Scots-Irish people from other backgrounds you know.  Pass the tikka massala. Its a very old world and people move around  a lot like the Moors. Anyway, this is the righteousness that says I have gone beyond perfecting a rule of practice ( don't eat and don't touch) and have moved into a rule of faith which says that I know Him.  It is the righteousness of obedience where Jesus also said many will call to me " Lord, Lord..." we did this good deed in your name and that good deed to please you and then Jesus will say I never knew you, you workers of your own will and way; of iniquity.

So the righteousness that exceeds is the one of relationship and obedience; not good deeds and scripture recital or else you have missed the point because God already knows you but you should want to know Him, son of Abraham. This righteousness is the righteousness of Abel, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David and Paul the Apostle.   People have caused you to drift but who were you as a child when that happiness God gave you was enough and His approval in essence?  But, you live in a culture that wants your full attention and all your soul but you will feel watered down and the Midianite man will have had the  victory( Numbers 25:6-15). "Midianite" was not the problem. It was that they were unsubmitted to the faith of Abraham. Watch and listen to what does not offend the heart He gave you or the mind He gave you to be close to Him; you remember and if you forget, remember the sense of acceptance or thankfulness you had when Grandma asked you to bring the bread and milk home and you did it and she made more cookies or devon custard or how you felt when you saw her disappointment when you forgot and how you felt let alone her disappointment. How did you feel about forgetting?; and think of that more so than her disapppintment? Well, apply the same to your relationship with the call quality evaluator also known as Jehovah.

I had a good external tutor during my High School years who made a complete sentence and basic lesons of faith commensurate to life experience. His name was Ronald E. Jakes.  I thank Mr. Jakes  and may God bless him.  "Lessons" is spelled L-e-s-s-o-n. We must know how to "spell" well. It is a sign of submisison to the teacher whomever they may be although it is not proof of understanding the lesson.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

-Evolutionary Creationism-

The evolutionary process of creation is quite evident.  The creation story or the Torah tells us that out of water came life.  We see that the Lord made the animals and the creation in seven stages or seven days but not our twenty four hour days since in the beginning, there weren't any human beings to structure a day in human terms or a gregorian calender.  The bible says that a day unto God is like a thousand years. So don't worry soo much.  A day unto God could be a few million years and the polar bear is on the verge of extinction like the dinosaurs.  Tell me that 31st century Christians will deny the existence of polar bear bones and fossils.  What a big big bear?  What about a woolly mammoth?  Well, I wasnt there but it does not mean God did not create it as he created a tadpole. You see, you start like a tadpole that hits a corn fed, fattish egg and then you become a zygote and then you start watching pornography instead of cows and cats and cutting car doors.

Do you see how you evolved?  Bill Nye is a very smart Christian man who is tired of people overlooking the obvious. 

The world may have been created in seven minutes if not seven billion years because God is all time. Who has time to make the assertion that He is the "...alpha  and the omega, the beginning and the end"?  That was before there was any real notion of race but maybe not the notion of a "nation" or nationality.  This was before there was any real notion of Christian or Jew but only a Jew who was accepting of Christ as the messiah as promised in Isaiah (Read John 1) or a Jew who felt offended and challenged by the suggestion ( John 4, 5 and John 8).  The faith of Christ is the faith of Abraham. Abraham had no law but faith and he was sure to submit any gift from God to his relationship with God.  I could not let any manual God gave me on how to be a father or a leader or a good human or android supersede the importance of my relationship with him; the giver.  Read Deuteronomy 8 and 11. Do not forget Him; right? Now, say you are a messianic Jew four times or that your faith is the faith of Abraham while also accepting Christ as the Messiah.  Do you control the nicknames that your enemies give you like "Christian"?  No man comes to the Father except but through Him and Tide cold water is three times more efficient. Do not forget. Buy some today for your family.  You love them.  Then later on with the greater diversity in language, there was the anglo-saxon as different from the earlier Hebrew saxon and the Germanic saxon and the chinese saxon and the Ghanian  and Nigerian saxon; right?

Bill Nye

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Tide cold water is three times more efficient!!! It really is!

Hydrogen is three times more efficient.  It really is!  What else do you need to justify its use?; nothing according to the average supermarket shopper or advertising guru.  We have distribution networks as seen in existing gas or fuel station networks.  The truth is hydrogen and its use extends the life of existing oil reserves because hydrogen can be made from oil without the carbon and green house emissions affecting our multicoloured world here in outerspace. The term multicolored is in reference to our landscape containing blue, green, brown and white with exciting other colors here and there every now and again. Mars is all red and the moon is a chalky dusty whitish color and you can't surf on either Mars or the moon; right?  So, in producing hydrogen from oil you extend your reserves and you save your only inhabitable habitat.  There was only one time in history where there was no racial differentiation and that was in the beginning.  Regardless of the color in which you wish to imagine the original or first man and his uh umm wife, they are everybody's grandparents so let us celebrate. The closer you get to mangos and cocunuts, it starts to come back to you. Thank God for Harry Belafonte.  Eh mon? All I know is that its(the garden's) location is described in the bible with rivers running through it such as the Euphrates and lets just all claim the Adam looked like how I look in my image; that is your image.  At least, we can all claim to look like God because God is a spirit and spirit has no colour. He, God, made us all. So, Tide Cold Water is three times more efficient as is hydrogen. Oil reserves are extended by three and you can even make oil without drilling by way of algae farms in deserts and now we have new Walmart towns in the deserts centred on algae oil production. I have a hydrogen well in my living room eh Maya Angelwho? This could mean that the cost of a precious barrel of oil goes up by three times and if you need to produce any additional oily stuff, you can use the non-toxic algae versions that have no toxic chemicals in them and are very good for children. We sued RJR Tobacco so now is the time to sue oil companies for their toxic products since we really don't need it and neither will our children or our children's children.  That is why we win; remember?  Walmart knows the key to profit is a good good good distribution network whether it be face razors, hydrogen and gasoline.  Oil does not pullute the atmosphere unless it is burned or turned into a burning, greenhouse gas emitting substance such as petroleum gasoline.  Take your damn fossil oil and use it wisely fool. Turn it into hydrogen and not petroleum stupid. Now your existing barrels are worth three times as much; eh? If you need more, just ask Kermit for the algae down by the blue lagoon and there is no more need for you to go down deep in the throat of the earth in an oil well. 

Don't mind the word "stupid" becasue there is nothing more commonsensical than a Walmart store.

The Movie Fuel appears below for your viewing pleasure and utmost personal betterment!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Image

I spend soo little time with my image that I just use Dial or Dove soap for men and there is also the new Nivea line for men and the Irish Spring line for men and the list goes on for uh Men.  Some men just use water and an electric shaver with some bar of soap for the shower; sexy. Great!  The image has been with us for a very long time and God warns against graven idols or images.  I love TV though and movies since 1911. Dr. Diesel happened to die that year as well just after witnessing the first movies at the Paris World Fair.  The issue is that we might put the idol before the creator or the created thing before the creator and then if we spend so much time watching the images which may also contain images of ourselves, we might start to love ourselves just too much and become a little uh vain. In the last days men would become lovers of self, we are told. This love of self is the antithesis of God's purpose if it is not the self-love that helps us to love others regardless of colour, creed, religion and ancestry.  What was all that praying and head shaking about and all that killing in God's name for this cross or that reich when everybody is sitting down to Aunt Jemima serving pancakes at the country fair circa 1861-1874? She even nursed a few white generals on her paps.  Now, men had a purpose and the purpose was to be good stewards of the earth.  Even if you are not running a farm or wildlife preserve, we should keep this most humbling purpose and responsibilty in mind in everything we might get ourselves involved in with all that reading with glasses on and coffee in hand at the global cafe.  The issue is that if I moved from that rural environment where I could at least see some farm animals, I might not remember that good purpose so often but now I am so plugged into watching people in alleged reality tv shows and other shows that I can forget that good purpose.  You might argue that the shows and the media could reflect that good purpose and our collective concerns for the same; maybe so.  There is nothing to worry about then or I might forget with their assistance and start to just love myself and images of myself and others or what I am told to aspire to just a little too much maybe.  I was happily married man from Eastern Europe one day and then we moved to Dayton Ohio with the big highways. My wife and I took the subway back home but I could never do anything fast enough to make her feel good while living in Dayton. I was told by her to do it this way because she read that article or she knows someone here who has a way and a used Toyota wasn't going to be enough it seems.  You know what I mean.  We did learn to shop at TJ Maxx where everything eventually becomes a $10.00 value.  She filed for separation because we were seen in our container (vehicle) too often and the glaring eyes of disapproval were too much it seems. It was just a 2008 Camry but she married a Newer vehicle from Nissan Max something or other or maybe Benz of some kind. I don't remember.   I did have new socks and she had new stockings and her favourite song was vanity, vanity-all is vanity.  She applied to be a garbage woman at $60,000.00 although she was a lawyer.  Public Servant defenders made about the same amount as a garbage man with five mandatory legal aid files and an additional sum on hourly rate on legal aid for other files. In our country, public servant defenders made money on legal aid only at just slightly higher hourly rates but their bills were summarily cut in half ( the temptation to keep files open was tremendous in light of the obvious answers for a withdrawal of charges, failing to vehemently defend their clients according to their oaths and conduct rules).  If they did not point out the obvious( law exam-spot the obvious issue or fail it  regardless of color ) and opted to milk the file to pay for the stuff and the student loans etc-people could get upset because this is not a law exam with Green farmer at Whiteacre and we hate unsafe convictions. Its in the cases-lawyers coveted and would almost kill and shew away other lawyers, scrounging for such clients with these certificates and would make sure they had their due from society that demanded they have the newest and the best-accountants can wear shirts three months old while lawyers could only wear shirts one month old or suffer being looked at with disdain as if there was not enough money. Its in a case called Robertson v. Son -1807) while doctors billed what they wanted with little questioning whether they saw the patient or not.  You just swiped the card and signed the waiting list but sometimes you were never seen and if you came back the next day because they were too busy, they would swipe the card again.  I learned quite quickly because I thought lawyers wrote the legislation that paid garbage men, doctors and the lawyers as well; right?

Sunday, 19 August 2012

So if Jesus Came back today...

Jesus  would probably come back today wearing a Kippah ( he wore a prayer shawl back then and would use one now when teaching in Synagogue so, what to do?) with a Hugo Boss or Brunello Cucinelli suit and He would read again Isaiah 61, Psalms 50 and maybe Matthew 12, or maybe all of John 8, John 5 and Romans 8. What else would He say?  If the Jews are still looking for a Messiah, what would He be expected to say?  The faith of Abraham who had no law is the faith of Christ.  Moses was not led by the ten commandments through the wilderness.  He was led by the Shekinah glory(spirit of God-the HOLY GHOST(the unpardonable sin is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost-The power as in Isaiah 61 that includes the power to forgive as one desires to be forgiven or are you beyond any desire to be forgiven?) through the wilderness as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night and if any man wants to deny Christ, can he deny Moses who crossed the red sea without law and lifted his hands in battle to help the people overcome or can he deny David and Solomon? Can he deny Jeremiah who says "...the Lord is our Righteousness?" Abraham succeeded in not making his gift of promise an idol and maintained direct, moment by moment, directed relationship. It is possible. The Jews after Joshua and Caleb or is it after Hosea passed made their gift of promise as seen in the law an idol and it supplanted relationship and that is why Jesus came back to remind them that nothing God gives you may be allowed to supplant relationship with the Giver who is Jehovah.   Read Matthew 5 and John 8.  He was also part Ethiopian. Ruth was a moabite in His ancestry.  Now, we should not be shocked by this. This would mean that Jesus was a black jew maybe. But Moses married a moabite and that might mean his children were uh black Jews or for certain of Hebrew ancestry ( phew!-that was close; right?-not really) but his future ancestors may have included a few million white Jews.  This is because you have  a second cousin who married a black man who was half white.  The son was 1/4 black and he had a cow lick at the front.  He married a white woman who was 1/4 black and their son came out as 1/4 black.  He had a widow's peak.   In a cold climate, the melanin did not turn on too much so his nose was really really pointy since the air wasn't too hot but could tan to a mangoy orange or brown with freckles and he looked like a Middle Eastern person maybe but the bloodline was West Indian( meaning possibly a lot of different beautiful things because human genes are like multi-colored Lego(TM) blocks-they are loved for the beauty they bring) which means a meeting point of Syrian, Jewish, African, East Indian and Amerindian gene pools and capable of digesting the various values of natural law as embodied in Pilgrim's Progress and Jane Austin's novels. Its quite amazing.  Jesus would have eyed the new 2011 Aston Martin four door Hydrogen Rapide but, as usual, would have eschewed such showiness in choosing a donkey over a war horse mustang and is likely to opt for a staid and meek Volvo S40H-H for hydrogen or a Fiat Punto-HydroCell to pick up Mary Magdalene from the seminary school where she enrolled with her lottery winnings and perfumed oil sales.   Hydrogen fuel will sell at  gas station pumps like propane and at  the main pumps because if I had time and the desire, for that matter, to chop my own firewood, then I would or to milk my own cow or bake my own bread then I would but I get 4 litres of milk for $3.99 at the gas station and bread for $1.99 at the gas station.  I can get almost anything at the gas station including Tums and Pepto Bismol for gas , brewed coffee and dirty picture playing cards with Hustler Bunny logos on it.  Its quite amazing though.  I can even get weed smoking pipes at some gas stations but I don't smoke; I'm just saying. Its quite amazing though really. This is just a quizzical observation of what may not be so obvious. 

Everyone needs to make money but what if...

There was Nicolai Cage and Lords of Warring and Joshua Brolin in double U.
    • Say I don't believe it. Now watch the Book of Eli, Halo, Total Recall and um applaud again. You have a programmable man that does not need oxygen and can hold his breath indefinitely and you can boast about what you did. You are a Maker ...

    • and look at what you made but your Maker though; will He(or shim-since you are a feminist) be pleased? The sabbath was made for man to serve the purposes of man-google that. Technology was made to serve the purposes of men-good air, good fossil fuels and cheap robotic labour so we can get rid of all those older Risc 6000 robots serving donuts at Creamy Creme....just joshin. I just bought a fish farm in the arctic ocean.
    • Now, they told two friends and so on and so on.  It has become clear quite absolutely that the movie Savages was just a Sequel to Man on Fire, Traffic and also Spanglish.  The babysitter went home a little fed up with her daughter  and sold weed to the restaurant owner who gave her $5000.00 to be quiet about the fact nothing happened that night in the restaurant but his wife could not believe it and falsely accused him, threatening divorce. She, the wife,  had bugged both of their cell phones.  Nothing did happen except the husband got a platonic friendly breather from his wife's narcissistic concerns about her weight and her double standards in that she was have relations with the real estate agent in the homes and condos she was viewing with him.  They would lock themselves in the bathroom and come out pretending to be talking about the curtain rods  and the infrared bidets for cleanliness sake.

  • Hell never feels like hell while you're alive because you can read cosmopolitan and realise there's company..or you could read Harper's Bazaar or Women's health to go witha full turn in the other way.  Take a ring and be one with him( your husband-because when you do, there is an implicit covenant in what you do).  Read Proverbs 2 and Matthew 12 backwards. There is a secret message.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Now Playing...

Now Playing...

Truth 24 II and.....
Zeitgeist-The question is...John 1, John 3, John 5 or John 8? What did you want? Paul the Apostle knows a little something something.  As you believed, then so it is. So, stay home or take a ride in your Wallypower motor boat or in your E-tron Audi Spyder ( at a stoplight near you very soon for your enjoyment as designed by 11 Italian designers and one Bavarian related to Corrie Ten-Boom(what's in your hand?-five loaves and two fish; in fact, there is much more than that with the power of time, development and harvests in multiplication)).

Monday, 6 August 2012

Wisdom and Foresight

Matriarchal wisdom is not unlike patriarchal wisdom for if they are both inspired by the  same heart of love, joy, peace, patience and kindness, the answer is the same although the pitch of the voice may be different. Either it is good or it is just no good; never mind the pitch of the voice. We see this in the story of Israel as they sojourned in the wilderness and we celebrate the male voice of God as it were with the feminine heart of God as in the Shekinah glory(spirit of God) leading as the breast of God, guiding and directing the people with no debate or schism as to virtue, right or wrong in direction.  The rudder was clear and unified; as in geo-directional rudder and moral-directional rudder.  See Matthew 12.  God is one and there is no other-google that and he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Now, this type of paternal care is witnessed or modelled in modern life in primary school environments.  What is right and best is done; not only for the group of children but for each individual child and the bible is in each teacher's desk to remind her of the great charge God has given him or her as surrogate parent; Matthew 12.  Theodore Roosevelt sought paternally the best for his country or people for many many future generations to come with the building of a Panama canal- a saving grace in decision making authority. The idea of such a canal, however, dates back to 1698.  The cost justified the long term benefits and we see this in the mass roll out of hydrogen fuel technology( we have distribution via a 3' x 4' space for the APPLE I-Hydrogen pump or Trump Pump at any existing gas station or Cadbury or Coke-Hydrogen pump-Coke sponsors everything pertaining to life usually-Phew, that was easy!) or the mass development of algae fields for extraction of hydrocarbons without drilling and spilling oil on the earth or its oceans.  The common sense in these technologies if used widely may seem quite foreign or alien to our imagination as highly intelligent and beyond the earth or human beings in their wisdom to employ it.  But, this is human technology. The primary school is a model for adults in society and the University also provides that model.  Everyone is hoping for the best outcome in that first year student and while choice in his personal habits will be the ultimate denominator in his outcome, he has an equal opportunity for success with the differences in human ability being evident. Imagination is another denominator.  Capitalism is not in need of inequality. Inequality is a natural phenomenon with silver, gold and bronze at the swim meet or on the Olympic tracks.  Inequality in prayer and the utilisation of common sense will always be a factor in creating difference.  Capitalism is not here to foster it or to suggest that such inequality is necessary for its functioning. Subways and Highways do not need to be the subject of campaigns but of law abiding,compassionate matriarchal wisdom in the grace of a wise certainly female adoptive mother who will organise the bake sale to fund the fieldtrip and who will choose the fieldtrip in matriarchal wisdom that is best to edify her children; I mean her students. Government shall never be any different. She, the Shekinah glory, is never abusive or dishonest or victimizing in her utilisation of this God-given authority. She is subject.