So, I saw someone who looked like school friend named Luke at the University of Toronto.. He was wearing an Astronaut's uniform although it is late for Halloween. I Said, "Hey Luke?" and he said....."I am not supposed to be." But, maybe I was mistaken. I think he was just an actor hired to promote a new movie. He also said, there are no real "white" people left in the world, the people who designed Santa Claus and who started a ministry of love and truth who believed strongly in bringing English bibles to Africa. This is evident since everybody is taking photos of people who are reading bible verses with apple phones and calling them "bum" while they say "who do you think you are trying to be; !@#!$ Jesus Christ? It's quite shocking actually. I asked for the guy's name and he said something like "Aaahgay". I think it is an Ancient Assyrian kind of name that translates to "angry bum castrated at two years old who cannot hear that there needs to be one rule for all. one rule to bind them; one rule for all, one royal law to salve them." I like this Assyrian name; Maran Msheekha (Lord Jesus). It seems the Ancient Israelite's, after the essays on the mount, decided to just spit on him and call him a bum. I think Aaahgay, who ever he is, is looking for the proof that there is a Jesus or that the word of good is true. He is the only proof he needs. When you say it is written, he says "But...but....why did...why do you have to love anyone or help anyone?" The answer in the form of a question is "why does anyone have to love you when you are a !@#!@$ ass?" But, everyone is an ass or skins every now and again as we seek to live by a royal law out of a belief for mutual safety in that we treat others as we wish to be treated and love our neighbors as we wish to be loved our selves since...there is nothing else. I know you don't really believe anything but you know it's wrong if someone in McDonald's just throws you to the ground and beats on your head for 8 hours or breaks your vehicle's power window...twice and cuts your tires. Are you not an ASS? You want someone to shoot and oyu have no father since you want to hold on to a post-grad student to feel lie you have a father figure and you are 70 years old. Maybe you want to say the kid down the road is an Ass for believing in his soccer coach's assurances that if he works hard, he will score a goal. They will probably only recruit real Christian or the equivalent, you know what means, who don't want to watch sex for the android projects since nobody wants a killer robot who will lie to you about the GPS search result and misguide you off a cliff to see who you really are and whether you will loose your faith as your vehicle falls into the ocean. Do you know any humans who spend all of their energy hoping that someone will loose their joy and their faith due to his or her provocation?
Is this your second coming? According to Hebrews 9, He does not need to die again since it would amount to nullifying the perfect sacrifice on the cross more than 2000 years ago.
Is either of these men your second coming? Did you know the audiences in Israel called Jesus bad names after receiving a blessing in his sermon on the mount? He had to withdraw from them in those polemic times with a Babylonian dna and diaspora intermingled with the soul and dna of the Ancient Israeli people under an Assyrian occupier with a Roman military presence. Some Assyrians certainly and truly believed. He said the people were like a city set on a hill; light to the world; the salt of the earth. In this photo, neither men are the second coming but certainly the second coming does not have to die but maybe he will be forsaken by all of his friends and family after he says " is written according to Mathew 5 or Matthew 19" during a bible study in a church building. You don't need his blood since you have the miracle of transubstantiation and his writings, ideas or photos are not soo special since they are based on common sense. You could create anything you believe or you only want the things that he puts together or the music he writes or the eggs he boils? Start a blog page that is called "Telephone Channel" or "Smart Phone" or "motorworks channel" . You seem to want his flesh. How many people do you have working with you? What offences have you committed?
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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