So, if you are an architect who actually studied architecture, you build buildings according to certain rules that ensure the end user's safety. The corollary to this is that society is also built on rules. The purpose of the rules is to also ensure the end user's safety. Without these rules, society is less safe and secure, The attitude that says the rules will be ignored when the subject beneficiary of the law is a person who some consider to be abuse-able yet who is a citizen, will not be tolerated. There are children and grand children involved. The Brit Milah is a civilizational corner stone based on respect for rules as evidenced in society and in its architecture. It constitutes a civilizational bench mark in terms of its heraldic, preservative purpose. It is much like the brilliant ruins of Greece and Ancient Rome. Britain is not threatened in Europe It is supported in the evident wisdom that led to the formation of the European union. There is legislative breadth and space for creative expression. If immigrants or refugees show up in a shipping container, process them in the country where they arrive and then fund them in a part of Europe that has more willingness, space and need for immediate economic stimulus and funding under EU legislation. Those refugees are EU refugees. Maybe Romania will take them and then the refugees will be turned into workers on public assistance to build scooters and Mopeds or work in coffee packing plants or light bulb manufacturing. Maybe they will manufacture skis or small Skoda or small MG platforms based on the VW rabbit or Scirocco. Maybe they will build Opel platforms. You need people for consumption. But, you don't want to pay anyone. You send the jobs to Asia and the companies pay them enough to achieve sustained growth as the Asian Tigers. The workers live any where they want. The landlords are thankful. The banks are thankful. Maybe they live in the new worker's public housing estates furnished with Ikea. But, they have enough to shop at the big Asian Mall to enjoy Burberry and Hersheys and buy a small Honda Fit and maybe a Jaguar built in India or they will thank about it. You hire the people who act the part, speak the part and look the part but they need to know an equation or two to solve for X.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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