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Friday, 11 November 2016

An Over Abundance of seeking attention in the Authority: Skyyfall was a critique.

An Over Abundance of seeking attention in the Authority. 

Skyfall  was a critique of Ms.Clinson's term as Secretary of State.  In the movie, "M" decides to tell one of her field agents to take a shot when the shot is  not clear.  Usually, you would not risk an agent's life and take such drastic measures in the absence of absolute clarity.  Bond is allowed to return to his position although he barely gets through the usual tests for field readiness but ultimately, his acceptance is an apology and a recognition for the  many lives he saved and his many years of service.  Why should be made redundant due to some kind of wild, crazy, unchaste and unbridled need to seek attention?  Some people have taken Bond's treatment is a motif for favor; that they should have unconditional acceptance as mailmen who drop the packages in the sewer and who still hope for unconditional acceptance and promotion as they are fatherless children with some presumed right to expect some sense of compensation and unconditional love from this employer; that it is all about playing a game in the job and taking out the competition.  As such, there would be no team work.  This is not the understanding of the audience who are also usually fans of the English Rugby and football team. Do you know anyone like that? They seem to be really from another culture; not English but NOLBE( They speak No Other Language But English).  Hitler knew NOLBE+G.    So, you have one white part Arawak older  English accented lady with the authority giving instructions to a darker Arawak English accented lady about shooting an English speaking gentle bloke with Germanic Polish Arawak dna from Guyana.
He was born in Guyana. You should check it out. It's quite nice actually; really it is.

by Warren Lyon with a contribution from John Smith.

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