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Saturday, 3 September 2016

There is a "king" psychology that has occupied the Brit Milah in more modern times so that your children will act like Gangstas and Playas in their mid 40's without social ostracism.

There is a "king" psychology that has occupied the Brit Milah in more modern times so that your children will act like Gangstas and Playas in their mid 40's without social ostracism.  It may have occupied it during an Assyrian occupation when Herod was willing to kill anyone who was born as the king.  The people in his administration would have taken Yeshua's Yamaka and would have given it to Herod if they could have as Herod was the White(1), JW, Baptist or the Assyrian version instead of the Hebrew Aramaic version.  Those people rejected their existing acceptance as potentially actual children of Abraham to covet the call on Yeshua.   Could you have a societal schism or civil war that breaks civil unity over arguments of denominational  authority or biblical exegetical authority?  It could be but lets worry for now about the King psychology that leads individuals into a trap since they cannot be a king killing other people for shoes for very long. That is a true bum in the end with no balls and no children. The psychology has entered from more foreign lands that were impressed or settled by one branch of the  Brit Milah or another( French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Dutch) with a system of administration.
The psychology that every man is a King with the right to take what he wants from his neighbor is foreign to the Brit Milah.  This psychology is celebrated by their women but sometimes in the more violent expressions that amount to communal terrorism in the Brit Milah; not communal cooperation.  The answer is that not every local football team member is a King that shall seek King status by suppressing the humble joy of another member of the team living in his own King status quietly with his one wife who realizes the realm of his kingdom is limited to the thankfulness in his own four walls and the buying power God has given him and his to enjoy it with a newer 26-60 inch television every 7 years and a nice all inclusive vacation with his family.  That king will not loose his king status with criminal damage, break and enter or assault charges in the vain attempt to expand his king like feelings or his territory.  Do you know any equatorial old 60 year old man running around your city in the Brit Milah, urinating in public and damaging peoples property in the name of expanding his territory and he is sort of still learning how to read the street signs in English?   Is he a King or terrorist since being a King in your life with your Queen should not mean that you are going to loose your family damaging someone else's 2332 square foot King pad; 2332 square feet!! Doesn't that make you a king with the right to damage your neighbor's vehicle when your neighbor lived in a home like that most of his life in neighborhoods with homes like that and who went to a school in Northern Colorado or North Chicago?  

(1) White is defined as someone who is decidedly part Black but is afraid to admit it and lives in continual internal conflict and turmoil that sometimes boils over into continual expressions of identity struggles, self destruction and outbursts of overt racism to prove their whiteness.  It would be easier to remember really white or people of various lighter complexions with decided identities (French, From Provence, From South America, Spanish, Dutch) must have black spouses quite a lot lovingly and confidently so only to produce in 2 to 3 generations  of spontaneous loving and copulating some 1/4 black or 1/8 black white murderous self hating idiotic grand or great grand children if they don't read a damn encyclopedia long enough to realize the Egyptians were Black along with Moses and Noah.  

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