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Friday, 9 September 2016

You are a 1/4 African Inca from the West Indies.  You want to ensure that you have greater success than your relatives in the after life with the God of Egypt. Ramses may not have feared the Egyptian God but Akhenaten worshiped and followed His voice. They both recognized such a God and so did the Incas who we now call Arawak when they thanked the great God who saved them when they went adrift off the coast of South America and called upon Him that He would save them that they would find dry land.  It is in the ancient drawings of the Inca( now known as Arawaks) in the West Indies.   The God of Egypt is now certainly recognized by all Egyptians.   He is Allah. He is Adonai. He is the same God recognized in different languages.   The God you wish to please only can remind you of the goals of your Whiter or Darker Inca cousins in the West Indies in their closed family network.  Their goal is to buy a hotel and they decided to ensure that there was at least one doctor or lawyer for every ten family members.  Why should any other family help you.  If you hurt a family member closest to you by not doing for them what you would hope they would do for you, what is achieved and to whose benefit will it be achieved today or in the after life?        

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