So, in the Ottoman occupation of Palestine, the scientists and anthropologists from Europe were offered some genetic evidence of the Babylonian Kings such as Nebuchadnezzar and some of his satraps. They decided to test its accuracy in the school population since they believed there should be an emotional reaction in the dna living in a grown adult when interacting with Israeli children related to Jacob. Esau had children as Jacob also had children. It would seem Esau also became a nation or more than one nation and may have a need to remind Jacob of something genetically. Research showed that when the Israeli children attained a high grade of some kind, one of the children incubated with the Babylonian dna would run after the Israeli child almost with a will or compulsion to kill and these children in either group were under 12 years old. Do you have any compulsion to run after anyone? It happened more than once. It seems that the dna was brought by certain scientists to certain colonies; British colonies. Palestine also became a British colony eventually. If you speak to some of the individuals who were raised in these colonies, they say they have a compulsion toward certain individuals although the homes in which they were raised reflected both dna and these individuals also carried both dna but they have a compulsion to hold on to certain people and are willing to spend more than $40000.00 usd to thwart these individuals who are trying to get on their merry way in life and career as a social worker, engineer or musician. They were willing to spend the money to have authority over someone's life. This compulsion might have gone away with habitual forgiveness but some people do not believe habitual forgiveness will work. But, it does not mean you let a thieving, conniving ex high school friend threatens to molest your children some day, burn out another vehicle clutch, who takes your door mat, floor rugs and old magazines he never bother to buy as a sign of his association to you. Forgiveness will work and you could save a lot of compulsive conspiratorial spending and criminal behavior. Some people with the compulsion say they need to have authority. Everything, every rule, every solider, every government must submit to their desire to have influence over one person's life. They really need to have authority and went on to say that they wanted to tell the person something about their dna or ancestry but were afraid to just approach them as a missionary, ask them to touch a spoon, book or bible tract and then tell them whatever they wish to communicate. But, they say they need to have authority. It would have been cheaper than $40,000.00 usd.
Some of these people may appear white today but some of these whitish people with a predilection for dance and drumming identify a black mother who was part Asian(possibly Chinese). Some of the people appear Indian. Some of the people appear fully Black or Blackish. Some of the people appear Germanic. It is dna and it appears that dna carries emotion and attitude but it is not an excuse even though it is dna. Zombie viruses(known as adeno viruses) carry dna. But, it is not an excuse. You could identify your drunk father and barn burner's primordial emotions in your more gutteral thinking at 12 years old and if you choose anger toward him, you will become just like him. You seem to only shoot the Black people in Louisiana who are willing to shake your hand and not just say good morning to you only. Luke Skywalker also had learn how to undo such patterning with avoiding anger and hate towards his Black and abusive father in becoming a Jedi. He had a Black voice(James Earl Jones) but looked Whitish when revealed in spirit; a 7' angry Creole like Captain Black Beard who practiced black heebee jeebee on people when he found their lack of reverence in his version of faith disturbing. Darth Vader was an abusive barn burner who took revenge into his own hands due to a rumor that black people robbed and shot his mother when it was his own brother or the creole white neighbor next door. Do you see what these people are trying to tell you in one of the largest movie franchises in history? Oprah, Springer, Montel and Donahue told you also. There may have been another dna project to turn angelic songstresses with Mahalia Jackson dna into non-accidental menaces to society by putting Mahalia dna in $1.99 "on sale" name brand tampons in certain areas with a "littlest whorehouse of Nevada" dna. Those angelic singing black mother figures would end up having less spiritual and social authority as they sung gospel rifts instead of unities while knocking boots with ten different people ten times a week. Why is she perennially single with soo much maternal capability? She could be single for the barn burners who refuse to forgive themselves unless they are on their deathbed and who resent people who believe in peace only because they have defined themselves as living social conflict. Lyndon Baines Johnson outlined his own insights into America in his memoirs. America from his experience is living violence. There is a solution, however, to avoiding the most idiotic emotional patterning as if your ten toes and ten fingers have no other purpose other than being a pimper's paradise. It is the evidence of our ancient history, this dna, and maybe Esau's mother who was also Jacob's mother knew the prophecy on Abraham's seed and wanted to ensure that Jacob would be tested. She might have been a daughter of Abraham through Keturah or from Ishmael's line. In any event, people should save their $40000.00 or more usd. They or the family could pick up a phone, tell them they are blocking everything(I block you...I block you..I block you) and you have to work for them so that they could get something out of the $40,000.00. But, there is a reason for the word phenomena. It is genetic evidence of the word of God and this dna seems to need a lot of attention with the anger for authority. This dna could have been preserved in some ancient urine and it is probably quite diseased. In honoring a King like Nebuchadnezzar, the people probably kept everything he had; including his toe clippings.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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