Re-distributive capitalism is about finding an equilibrium where there is a minimum guarantee of health and well being for everyone with minimum universal health and dental care in addition to an income that satisfies an actuarial equilibrium based on the reality of producers needing consumers to enable profit so that the company can benefit from the increased changes in technology that bring efficiency to the productive process. But, efficiency via efficient production with new technology is not profit and nor is it sales. If the economy is not hiring or enabling every able bodied and viable high school graduate regardless of post secondary training up to the age of at least 65 as a consumer and customer, then it is under performing. The reality is that machines say men do not have to work. They can sit on the veranda and drink lemonade. When everyone is drinking lemonade with no need to work since machines can drive, sow, talk and fly planes, humans will still have to perform the social function of consumption to keep profit margins up. An equilibrium/ sustainability wage that enables the economy to remain resilient in light of competition amongst various producers will help the rich get richer but only faster. If you want workers for your company, you can give them an incentive wage above the equilibrium/sustainability wage that will ensure a certain quality of work at the coffee shop or on the assembly line if you still have one that involves human beings, the retail store or at the gym where the incentive wage will lead certain consumers who are also workers to aspire to certain luxury goods such as Bugatti and leisure pursuits that would evade them as just valuable consumers only. Consumers who are not yet workers may be able to afford a used citroen or Chevy but not a Bugatti. The government provides the equilibrium/sustainability wage($30,000.00-$40,000.00) and the basic health and dental care( one teeth cleaning a year on universal health care) that saves the producer company from spending on certain health benefits if they are to provide them to the worker at all. They can still obtain tax write offs by pursuing more R and D instead of spending the revenue on employee benefits. The economy provides the incentive salary to the worker and the government provides the equilibrium/sustainability salary. The population does not grow any faster but at least there will be less gdp drain with high school graduates fleeing an economy that is not sustaining its output of viable workers every four years. There are a billion new workers in America every four years who graduate from the American high schools who are not required to spend any more time knowing their faculties as they save for the tuition. I mean your intuition. For some, intuition is the only proof of intelligence. Unfortunately, the discipline to respect a syllabus that is available 8 months in advance of the exam while preparing for the final written assessment has its own proof of intelligence that demonstrates the ability to be humble as you take instruction and respect another individual's understanding of the subject as it may be. Nomenclature should not defeat the common sense that brings wealth. The name of certain economic and social theories just bring conflict when the intention may have been bountiful profit that, if heeded, would have enabled certain economies to avoid downturns. In the end, gumby was taught not to raise a cow or grind wheat on the farm to bake bread but to work at a bread factory and shop at a supermarket. In this socio-economic upheaval as the world shifted away from agrarian households that grew their own food, "it"ism would have helped while consumer goods production and the incessant commercial advertising and competition would always stay in private control while "it" ist infrastructure jobs could have been part of the public government works if need be until you could put every former farmer, his grown children and his wife into a hotel, auto assembly line or a resort job so that the whole world will understand the supermarket; rimshee! Some people have parents who don't know what to do with their children after they graduate since, as parents, they suffer from an ancestral self doubt about position and authority and possibly really don't know anything else other than to work against their own children to maintain their culturally conditioned and fragile sense of masculine adult identity. The rich who get richer do not do this. Why orphan your son after he graduates with a B or higher average from three different schools? Redistributive capitalism brings all of the pain, death, suffering of many generations to answer as those generations watched a great nomenclature and ego battle evade common sense.
Warren Lyon.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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