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Monday, 4 April 2016

History Since 1911 and the popular folk tales to help you understand the emotions.

There is a certain history since 1911 and the popular folk tales to help you understand the emotions. It could be that a distant heir of Louis the 16th became an oil tycoon with certain West Indian ancestry. He decided that his nation in America or the Americas was good with oil and oil production while certain other nations were very quick with the application of new technologies and vehicle design. One casualty of his insight may have been a Diesel and his premature death. The oil tycoon was already getting quite old by 1911 so he found a way to extend his life force artificially to ensure his vision and will for the future. But, he needed a fundamental agreement with the engineers or those who were likely to drive the technology of the future forward and maintain control of it. Much of this was suggested in the "Pinky and The Brain" and the "Futuro" cartoons. He may still be the official CEO of a corporation, hoping to get his swimming legs back via an Assimo machine. But, this could not really be factual although it seems to be a continuing theme of much science fiction such as 2001: a Space Odyssey and also the Matrix when you recall the old man in the system control room.

The folk tale became the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. Soron is the tycoon on artificial life support. Saruman is a German dictator and every God fearing Christian who does not know why there is caustic soda in his Wimpy's coffee is Gandalf the Grey; soon to be white. The other half of the population is a hobbit and that is about it. The goons slapped on the head with the white hand of Saruman were unusual genetic creatures who were called the S.S. and were possibly genetically derived from the most resilient and almost soulless dna. They always called family minded individuals gay and those who wanted civil society were called soft. But, where are all of these loose strands of dna today in the world's population in the year 2014 or 2017? Some of these people are women with unusual desires to strangle certain types of people or to eat them.

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