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Thursday, 31 March 2016

The ten commandments as evidence of natural law and the expectation of basic human rights.

No one is really going to argue about the 10 commandments since it gives everyone a sense of safety for the basic factors of life that everyone may wish to enjoy. They might argue with the command concerning the worship of God but not the commands concerning the respect of property and family for all citizens.   They could argue about the application of this respect also. But, as the 10 commandments seek a guarantee for family safety and respect for property most people believe in and accept the God who made these commandments His decree and law.   It seems that Jesus' life has much more to do with who had the authority to decide who lives or dies on a given day in that territory. Jesus was known for bringing people back to life, healing the sick and teaching the Pikuach Nefesh; the lesson that teaches you the purpose of the law is to save life and any law, including Sabbath law, can be broken to save life.  You could just carry a bible and thank God for the ten commandments while you love your neighbor as you love yourself.  It's royal.  It's automatic.We know what happened to you.  But, for those who are thinking or worried about winning or loosing if someone around them can explain what constitutes the primary colors, it's okay now.  As an Assyrian descendant born in the year 1954 or 2000, your family mixed their dna with some other people so that they might be equal; just in case.  Then they molested you for the authority since you may not be related so that they might be equal, just in case, as they say they are doing it for the father in the basement of the church hall in front of 30 witnesses. It's going to be okay now.    So what we have learned is that there was a promise in someone's notebook that he and his descendants would be on the seat of the throne forevermore.  That would involve a corollary promise that there is a kingdom and a territory forevermore. But, it seems that with Yeshua, the Kingdom became much more powerful like Obi Wan Ken-obi and could then be found in the realm of the spirit  only as it appeared on coins and court shields forevermore as evidenced in latin where it says A mari usque ad mare quoting Psalms 72. The territory itself fell into foreign occupation for many years and did not find  resurrection as a political entity in the form of a state until 1948.  This dominion is, however, just what people are dying to maintain and they seem to be willing to die in very great numbers in horrible conditions with gas and rats and horrible diseases in trenches every soo many years because of the dehumanizing stylized image produced by camera and movies since 1900 and sold to us all day. The intention of the dominion is not to dehumanize but to maintain a critical balance with habeus corpus laws in deciding who will live or die on any given day.  Ask Thomas Hobbes. The dominion is not absolute power except but to preserve the dominion and the spirit of the kingdom that gives it the authority. The spirit of the kingdom is in the law of Moses. Everybody is invited to this peace because it works regardless of complexion, income and ancestry. It trumps all other incessant, self-glorifying  motives and intentions to trump, especially little people trying to buy their first motorcycle, in human socio-economic and political life to show power, glory and authority.  We learn that the kingdom and the seat of the throne is a promise of a territory but it seems there came a time when control of the territory fell into other hands who had no interest in fulfilling any biblical promise per se. We presume God did have an interest.   Is it that the Assyrian Herod is a secret descendant of David? We do not want to believe this because of his ruthlessness concerning any promised birth.  He was too concerned, murderously so,  about the stead of his authority and must have been extraneous to real legitimacy. If he believed he was legitimate as a son of Israel or David    or as an heir by faith to the promises of Abraham, hunting a child and breaking the ten commandments would not have been necessary.  You would understand your authority comes from the Empire of Rome and there is nothing for you to worry about and that God himself may have wanted one king and one kingdom in God's will.  You would see yourself as falling into the role for God's purposes with the accordant desires and intentions for the people.    Herod was a political appointment where Pompey turned his own might into right and power into legitimacy. This does not seem to be the method  Prophet Nathan chose in identifying the new anointed King.  Nathan did not choose height, hair, foot size , skin tone, hat tricks, highest x-box or playstation score or appearance.  What did God say to Nathan? What did God say concerning His kingdom of Jerusalem. He said He is sovereign over the territory and the glorious history of that land that has seen many battles, many Kings but only one Spirit giving a resounding testimony of God's intentions concerning human life. It is precious.  It seems that a divided Kingdom was never God's intention with a Kingdom of Israel and Judah but one Kingdom of Israel and a unified territory as a house divided cannot stand.  You could set up as many Kingdoms as you want but the division with two kingdoms was the opening for foreign rule and occupation. The foreign occupation brought a unified territory under a foreign appointed King. Jesus did say He was the King of Israel; not Judah. Maintaining an emotional expectation for a King to come for Judah only is maintaining an opening for division in any people who look to the land of Israel as their spiritual home land. Maintaining an emotional division with the expectation that a King will come from the tribe of Judah only seems to have brought a certain answer into play and history is the evidence.  God does not want a divided house but a unified house that will stand.  But for the divided kingdom, would there have been any foreign occupation of Israel or the killing of the prophets? It is easy to believe that unity has its own answer.      

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